Useful Hi Daddy. Don't panic - it's me Joe... only you can call me Jojo now I'm like this. Shhhhhh, let me explain and don't worry, you aren't going to get into trouble. Mom is out - she's at a friends and won't be back for hours and this isn't some sort of set-up. I can imagine right now you're wondering what the fuck is going on, but you can stop looking around for a camera - this really isn't a joke, I really am your step-son Joe. Look just sit down for a moment and I'll explain properly. I know you've hated it since I moved back home Daddy. When you married my Mom I was at university studying chemistry and therefore you never really needed to get used to having me in your life. When I dropped out and came home in my third year, it must have been a shock. I could see you were trying to make an effort for my Mom's sake - but it must have been hard suddenly having a moody drop-out hanging around the house. My presence here h...