Taking a ride

Jack had been the only member of his friendship group who had been a little worried about the strange taxi that pulled over to pick him and his friends up from the library. The RWI taxi company wasn't one he had ever heard of and the vehicle looked kind of weird. Jack and his friends had all been working late on a university project and needed to get back home, so Steve had flagged down the first vehicle that passed... a large funny shaped bus-taxi.  The front of the bus was arranged like a regular taxi, but the back of it was all blacked out and inside there was a sort of walk in wardrobe with seats, racks of clothes and even a makeup area.

"What the hell is this?" asked Steve to the driver as James, Richard and Jack all climbed inside.

"Oh... we're 'Roll With It Taxis'.  A lot of women are in a rush to get ready on a night out, so we installed a preparation area.  Girls can get ready in the back of the taxi and borrow our clothes and makeup to prepare for a night of hot clubbing.  It costs extra but it's sure worth it."

"Sounds... interesting," laughed James, "but as you can see - we're not girls."

"Sure, but money is money right?" smiled the driver.  "Besides... I bet a bunch of geeks like you have never seen real slutty girl clothes up close before have you?  The back is stocked full of hot thongs, high-heel shoes and tiny skirts.  Why don't you fella's take a look?"

Jack declined, but the others climbed into the back and began looking through the clothing.  The driver switched on a pink light so they could see and the three friends were bathed in a lurid neon glow as they curiously looked through the expensive lingerie and makeup before them.

"Wow, I can't believe girls really wear these things," laughed Richard as he picked up a tiny string thong.  "They do feel kinda nice though.  Check out this sequined dress!  It's super cute!  Do all girls wear these kinds of things?"

"Not every girl - but the kind of rich, spoiled, party sluts we pick up do.  Actually, quite a lot of our customers are quite demure at first, but once they start to change into the clothes... they get into character and they never turn back, even once they take them off..."

"Sounds kinky," mused Steve as he examined a mascara brush and a lipstick.  "How do girls use all this stuff?  I bet this makes them look super hot."

"Why don't you find out?" purred the driver. "You can try some of this stuff on if you like.  In fact, why don't you all slip into some dresses and try on the makeup?"

Jack snorted in derision, "What the hell are you talking about... guys have you heard this...?  Guys?"

Jack was looking at his friends in amazement.  They all seemed to be excitedly looking through the racks and pulling down clothes.  "Hey, what are you all doing?"

"Finding some stuff to wear," laughed Steve, "Come on and join us Jack."

"But those are girls clothes!  They won't even fit you."

"The driver said it's okay - don't be such a killjoy.  We may never get another chance like this.  A chance to try on such slutty clothes... come on it's fun!"

Something was very wrong with his friends.  They were talking fast and high pitched and they began to giggle excitedly as they made little piles of clothes and stripped off their shirts.  They seemed to see nothing weird or strange about putting on girls clothes in a weird taxi.  It was like they were under some sort of spell or something.  "Guys, you're scaring me... stop it!"

"Last chance to get in the back and party with the girls," smirked the driver as he pushed a button and the doors locked. But Jack was too cowardly to join them.  He only turned and watched in horror as his friends began to put on the girls clothes... and they began to change!

Steve wiggled into a tiny white dress with a frilly front.  As he did so, his torso seemed to shrink and contract, and as he slid his feet into a pair of strappy blue heels, his toenails turned pink and his leg hair retracted.  Pulling on a blonde wig, it seemed to writhe and root into his head, and he tossed it back like it was real hair and began applying makeup.

Richard was excitedly pulling on the black sequined dress he had coveted earlier.  The bra cups were huge at first, but rapidly they were swelling up with tanned flesh, as a pair of large, firm breasts pushed out of his once manly chest.  He sighed happily as his hips cracked out and he grew shorter and thinner.

Excited moans and giggles filled the air as the boys Adams apples retracted and bones cracked and shifted.  James was purring as he pulled on a strappy gold top that left most of his now flat and smooth midriff bare.  The mini-skirt barely covered his ass and an expensive diamond flashed in his pierced belly button as he ran long nails over his skin and cooed in pleasure.

"Oh fuck yeah, these clothes are like sooooo hawt," giggled Stevie as she smacked her lips together and applied a thicker layer of pink gloss.  "I'm sooooo gonna get laid in the club tonight."

"Yeah, we are totally fricking sexy," laughed Jamie, "hey Rikki can I borrow that mascara, it is sooooo cute."

Jack watched as the final few transformations occurred to his former friends and Stevie, Jamie and Rikki sat down back in the front of the taxi, glued to their glittery new mobile phones.  They smelt of sex and flowers and each of them looked like a horny glamour princess ready to party.

"Hey... who's this loser?" suddenly asked Stevie noticing Jack as if it were for the first time.  As she said it, his head seemed to throb and suddenly Jack wondered why he was in a taxi with the three bitchiest girls from university. 

"Get the fuck out of here dweeb," laughed Rikki popping open a bottle of champagne as the taxi pulled over and unceremoniously dumped him out.  "Driver, take us to the club... we need to find some hot boys to fuck."

The driver laughed as he drove away - three more slutty bitches created for the enjoyment of the world.  They would never remember their old lives and in sheer minutes, neither would Jack remember they were ever his friends.

"You should have got in the back Jack," laughed the driver... "too bad.  But I'm sure your friends will enjoy their new hot lives without you."

As he adjusted the mirror and saw that Rikki had the bottle of champagne now up her skirt and the other two were making out and fingering each other - he had to admit, this new intake sure were a wild bunch!



  1. I love your RWI series!! THis is a super hot addition to it! Poor Jack should've just gotten in the back. Hopefully he gets another chance later or finds some other RWI product. My only question is are the girls headed to a RWI Club or just a normal club?


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