

Even though Abi was only a few months older than Nikki - her bestie often joked, "You're like a Mom to me!"

Nikki's real Mom had died when she was young and she and her dad Michael had been left to fend for themselves. Nikki had been searching for a mother figure all her life and in a strange way she'd found it in Abi.

Abi was mature, sensible, organised and caring. She looked out for Nikki and inspired her with love and affection. She had to admit she often did feel a maternal affection towards Nikki and even more... she had a massive crush on Michael her friends Dad.

There was just something so... hot... about an older man. Michael had a great body and he was wealthy, mature and sexy. Of course he would never consider dating someone his daughters age so Abi knew it was just a fantasy.

Until the girls found the game of course.

Nikki and Abi volunteered at a charity shop at the weekends and it would often be very quiet. After an hour of chatting they got so bored that they began looking through some of the items. That's when Nikki found 'Role-With-It.'

Laughing the girls looked through the game. You had to pick a card and then dress up and act like the character on it. Other players scored you on your performance.

Giggling, Nikki shuffled the deck and Abi took a card. "Step-Mom," she laughed delightedly, "hah - it's like this game read my mind! Well there are plenty of clothes to choose in here... let's play."

Abi wandered over to a rack of dresses hanging by the window. She smiled happily as she saw a cute spotty dress, the sort of thing a home maker in the 50's might have worn. She was about to reach for it when she noticed a tight black leather dress hanging next to it.

Abi hesitated. The spotty dress was cute and fit with her idea of motherhood, but there was something dangerous and exciting about the leather dress. Michael wouldn't be able to resist a woman wearing something like that. It would make her look so... so fucking powerful. Maybe she should try it... after all, this was only a silly game to pass the time.

To her surprise Abi found herself reaching out to take the dress. It felt good in her hands, shiny and eager to be worn. But she wasn't done shopping yet...

Walking to the shoe rack - Abi's eyes were immediately drawn to a pair of tight black knee high boots. They were wickedly heeled and would look AMAZING with her new dress. Ignoring the other shoes she gathered them up too and headed to the dressing room.

Nikki watched uneasily. Abi had a strange feverish look to her. Her usually kind eyes shone with a weird lustful fire and her fingers were already tugging at her own clothing as if she were desperate to rip it off and get into something better.

The clothes Abi had picked out didn't look very motherly. Well... evil step-mom maybe.

Disappearing into the changing room, Nikki heard the rustling of clothes... maybe even a tearing sound. It almost sounded like Abi was ripping off her old clothes in her eagerness to wear the new items.

She heard the creak of tight leather, the zipping of boots and a moan of evil satisfaction.

"Ohhhhh fuck yesssss."

"Abi? Are you okay in there?"

The curtain was suddenly thrown back and out stormed Abi with a disdainful sneer on her face wearing her new outfit.

"I'm good - in fact I'm fucking perfect actually."

Nikki backed away in fear as Abi emerged into the light.

The new clothing squeezed her body in ways she had never seen before. Abi now seemed to have wider hips and larger tits. Her posture was more ultra-feminine with hands on a cocked hip and her whole body language screamed 'fierce'.

Her face now wore a hot sneer and her eyes seemed to flash with wicked glee as she studied herself with satisfaction in the mirror.

"Mmmmh these clothes make me feel so fucking good. Now I just have to start acting like the role too."

She spun on her heels and advanced on Nikki. "I guess that makes me your step-mom. Your clearly more attractive than you step-mom."

"Abi... something is wrong, we have to stop playing..."

Nikki gasped in fear as she watched blonde roots suddenly begin to spread and flow through her friends once brown hair. Long lashes grew heavy with mascara and slutty nails shot out of every finger.

Abi's bust got even bigger and she started to age and mature.

"Stop playing? I'm only just getting started 'dear'. Being your stepmom means I get to be a spoiled rich bitch and fuck your delicious Daddy. I love it!"

"No Abi - this isn't you... this isn't the kind of Mom you want to be... fight it!"

But Abi wasn't listening anymore. She was orgasming, her eyes rolling back in her head, as her tits pumped full of plastic and she aged into a viscious thirty year old gold-digger.

"No Nikki. Mommy likes what she has become. Mmmmh I feel like such a fucking evil bitch and I LOVE it. This is so much better than being some kind wallflower. Haha - now I get your Daddy's big cock and I finally can free myself of your parasitic presence."

Nikki sobbed tears rolling from her eyes as Abi stood over her with a gloating expression.

"All those years you moped around after me because your pathetic Mommy was dead. Eughhhh the years I've wasted looking after you... well I'm finally free."

"Now call me Mommy. Let reality become what it always should have been. Forget about your friend and let me replace her."

"Noooooo," sobbed Nikki as she tried to fight the fog growing in her head. "Please nooo!"

"Fucking say it... you little bitch."

"No Mommy, I... ohhh what have I done!"

As Nikki spoke the words and accepted Abi in her new form, reality locked and with a cry of triumph Abi threw back her head and laughed...


Abi felt good.

She always felt good, but right now she felt super good.

Her husband had just spent an hour fucking her in every position she'd demanded and now she had an appointment at the nail bar to look forward to.

Dressed in designer clothes, her massive tits creaked in their barely contained leather prison as she glanced contemptously at her pathetic miserable step-daughter Nikki who was busy scrubbing the floor of the kitchen where Abi had squirted earlier.

"Make sure you don't miss a spot this time you little bitch. You're fucking useless."

Abi smiled. The girl needed bringing in-line. It was good that she had such a perfect role-model in Abi to aspire to.

Not that she ever could. Abi was perfect of course...


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