Gum Shoe


Cody always had his head stuck in a book - usually a detective novel.  He loved tales of sleuthing and detecting, it was always a thrill to him. Whether it be Sherlock Holmes or Lew Archer, he found the world of the private investigator compelling and he considered himself a bit of an amateur detective to boot.  Cody wasn't exactly popular at school, the other kids thought he was a bit weird - but a few of them had cottoned on that he was quite good at sleuthing and so he had gotten a bit of a reputation for being useful if you needed to find something out.

Cody was walking off the premises one night when an older woman called him over with a *pssst*. Intrigued he walked over and saw that it was a young woman in her twenties with a sour look to her face and the bruised eyes of jealous disappointment he had seen in people whose lives didn't work out like they wanted.

"Hey kid, they tell me you're a super sleuth.  I need you to do a job for me and I'll pay you well for it," she conspiratorially whispered.  There was a sort of mad, desperate look to the woman and her intensity was a bit off-putting.  Part of Cody was curious, but another part was screaming at him to run.

"Hey lady, I don't know who you are - but I'm just a kid and I don't want any trouble."

The woman grabbed his shoulders in a sudden vice like grip. "Listen you little brat - you're gonna do exactly as I say and help me. I've spent years planning on getting that magic gum back, and I'm not going to stop until I have it again."

"What magic gum, what are you talking about?"

"Have you heard of Lorrie Saunders?" spat the woman.

Cody nodded.  Of course he had heard of Lorrie Saunders.  Super-model, former playgirl bunny and married to a rich actor... she was the school's most famous alumni.

"My name is Janine Finch.  That little bitch Lorrie used to be my best-friend.  We both came to this school you see.  One day we got given a pack of magic chewing gum by a witch... it's a long story - and when we chewed it, it turned us into beautiful popular slutty girls.  We were super hot and attractive - reality changed to make us like we were always that way, but that little wench tricked me.  She wanted the gum and to be alpha bitch all for herself.  She hid the packet somewhere on the premises and swallowed her bit sealing her transformation into a slut permanently.  She tricked me into spitting my bit out and I turned back to normal.  Ever since I've been stuck like this whilst she has gone on to live the life that should have been mine.  I've spent years searching the school trying to find where she hid the gum, but I keep getting caught and I'm banned from the premises.  If they catch me again, they'll lock me up for sure.  I need you to find that gum for me, I'll pay you a thousand dollars!"

Cody twisted and broke free of the woman.  Her story was insane, yet there was a frightening intensity to it that made him wonder if she was actually somehow telling the truth... or certainly a version of something that she really believed.  "Ummmm, look I can't promise anything lady - but I'll have a look and see if I can find it.  For a thousand dollars I guess that is fair.   I gotta run, see you soon!"

Cody ran home and safe in his room he began to turn over the strange encounter. It sounded mad - yet part of him was now interested and before he knew it, he was on his computer googling Lorrie Saunders, especially her early history.   The next day at school, he began questioning the teachers and the janitors who had been at the school a long time.  They remembered Lorrie of course -- and her friend Janine.

According to the staff, Lorrie had been famous for holding court around the water fountain.  She and her alpha bitches had always been hanging around there, teasing the boys and running the school.  Cody decided to go have a look.  The water fountain was pretty old and hadn't been adjusted in years.  He waited till it was quiet and then went to work investigating it.  When he found a loose screw on the unit, he twisted it and the side panel opened to reveal a tiny compartment full of contraband.  There was an old packet of cigarettes, a small hip flask of whisky... and... a packet of weird gum.  It wasn't branded and was in a plain white wrapper.  The box it was in said "Lorrie's gum... no touching," in a girl's handwriting.

Pocketing the gum excitedly, Cody replaced the panel and made his way into a nearby empty classroom to check he had found the right stuff.  "Wow, I found it... this must be the gum Janine is after.  Or at least - maybe it is?  How do I know?  That bitch is crazy, she thinks this is magic gum.  If I give her this and it doesn't do anything, she might freak out and do something mad.  Maybe... maybe I should see what happens if I chew it?

The thought was strangely exciting, and looking around to check no one was watching he took a seat at the back of the classroom and unwrapping the gum, popped it into his mouth and began to chew. The gum tasted sweet and minty, there was a strange flavour he couldn't quite describe... and as he chewed his body began to tingle and he found himself feeling strangely aroused and naughty.

"Ooooh, what's happening?  Is this stuff for real?" he gasped, feeling very peculiar indeed!  Cody giggled as he chewed the gum and the horny sensation throbbing through his body got better and better. He began to shrink and his hair started to grow.  His hands started to roam his transforming body and he gasped as his bones cracked and popped and his clothing began to change. "Oh my gosh... the gum really is magic," he moaned as his shirt popped open and his trousers turned into a short plaid mini-skirt... rising up his legs.

Cody's hands went between his thighs, his dick was retracting and on his exposed chest, two perfect breasts were swelling out.  His body hair was retracting and with every chew of the gum, he became girlier and girlier - his features becoming prettier and more suggestive.

Cody's head tingled and he twirled his hair like some dumb teenage bimbo as his personality changed to match his new body.  This was so frickin fun, who would have thought being a girl would feel so good?

"Like... no wonder that sad old bitch Janine wanted the gum," giggled Cody, "being a hot girl feels like totally awesome!"

Stretching her gum out and rubbing her pussy, Cody purred in satisfaction as she finished transforming into the new her.  She felt amazing and her soft pink lips curled into a mischievous smile as she felt her eager pussy get wet.  "I feel totes amazing, I am sooooo fucking hot and popular now, this is soooooo cool!"

Cody had been totally transformed by the magic gum.  She was now the most popular girl in school and a total slut to boot.  She liked makeup, clothes, shoes and boys... and her old life as a teenage detective seemed so boring and drab in comparison to the new her.

Popping the gum back into her mouth, Cody tucked it up into the corner of her mouth and smiled.  "That stupid bitch Janine must be kidding if she thinks I'm ever gonna give her this stuff, even for a thousand dollars.  Now I get to be the new Lorrie Saunders round here.  I'm gonna be just like her, but become even more famous.  Maybe I'll be like a porn star or something... I'll do anything to be rich and famous."

Rolling the gum to the front of her mouth, Cody chewed it a few more times and then with a slutty giggle swallowed it with a satisfied gulp.  There... no changing back into that boring boy now.  She was going to enjoy being the new super slut round here.  Now it was time to find some boys to fuck. She couldn't wait to get her new pussy stretched out good and the best way to wash down that chewing gum was with a nice big load of hot cum.

Cody's detective days were definitively over, but her slutty days... they were just beginning.



  1. I love it. Sad to see that your tumblr is now deactivated

  2. Evie! great to see you are still making caps! Keep it up! I saw that you deactivated your tumblr (or tumblr are bigger jerks than I thought) So i'll make sure to bookmark this page!

  3. Hi, i was backing up all tg blogs from tumblr before they go away, I'm uploading them right now in a blog.

    I have all your old stories.

    Senes you have a blog do you want

    1. The backup folders.
    2. Up load your old stories in my blog.
    3. You have backup and you will update this blog

    Note : I'm a big fan i hope this blog becomes popular

  4. May as well.


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