The New Business Model


It was just over a year since young Louisa had fully ousted her wicked Auntie Melissa from control of the family business and sent the evil bitch into exile abroad.  With the help of her husband Max, (who helpfully was an accountant) - she had found enough evidence of illegal accounting and corruption to force Aunt Melissa's resignation and take back control of the company - her birthright...

For over a hundred years Louisa's family had been running "Hyde Enterprise",  a major retail company around the world and they had been doing pretty well, even with the increased competition from the internet. But after Louisa's father and mother had died in a tragic accident - she had been forced to watch as her Auntie took control of the company and perverted it into something evil.

Aunt Melissa had been a kindly and sensible woman at first, but then the power seemed to go to her head.  Over-night she underwent a radical transformation, turning from a sensible business woman into a power hungry sociopath.  Who knows how much of the family fortune she must have spent on plastic surgery, or how they had managed to do such a good job on her formerly plain body - but the busty voluptuous vixen who now called herself Melissa was a sex bomb on legs.  Her formerly flat chest was now massive and her big tits hung proudly on her chest.  Her once kindly face was now wicked and slutty and her fingernails were manicured claws.  She almost looked like a new woman and some whispered that the real Melissa was dead and this was an impostor who had taken her place. Some people said that this new woman had only appeared after Melissa had disappeared into the family archives one evening... the next day the new Melissa had taken her place.  It was all highly suspicious.

Auntie Melissa - CEO of Hyde enterprise

Melissa had swiftly transformed Hyde Enterprise into an evil conglomeration - buying shares and options in arms dealing companies, unethical drug research providers and numerous porn websites.  Under her guidance the wealth of the company had tripled and she had become the most powerful business woman in the world - rich beyond avarice and with a debauched life-style that made all others envious.  Melissa seemed to love her slutty body and wicked new mind and she corrupted others around her - sleeping with married men and dragging everyone around her down to her level.  If it hadn't been for Louisa stopping her - goodness knows what further evil she would have done.

But getting rid of Auntie Melissa hadn't made life any easier for Louisa.  For all her wickedness, Melissa had been a natural leader and a genius businesswoman and without her manipulative hand, the company had gotten into trouble.  Louisa was starting to panic as the company stock tumbled and the company crashed.  She knew the shareholders would fire her if she didn't do something, so she chartered a company plane and flew to the luxurious mansion she had forced her Auntie to retire to.  She would have to see if she could persuade her Aunt to assist her... it was risky, but Melissa's generous retirement relied on the company continuing to succeed and Louisa was sure she could convince Melissa to help.

Arriving at the mansion, Louisa was surprised to learn that her Auntie had moved out and bought a much smaller house in the nearby village.  She had kept that quiet!  Heading down into the town, Louisa knocked on the door and blinked in shock as a familiar face she had almost forgotten opened the door.  "Oh my, Louisa.. I hoped I wouldn't see you for some time yet - I'm still recovering and I didn't want to burden you with my story yet..."

Melissa as she used to be... and was again.

Louisa was too shocked to speak.  She was now looking directly at a woman that looked exactly like her Auntie as she used to be.  The big titted bitch she had hated and feared for the last few years had reverted back into her kind and sensible Aunt.  How could this be?  Had Melissa somehow reversed the plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures she had undergone? Surely that wasn't possible!

Melissa invited her in and Louisa sat down unsteadily as her Aunt tried to explain everything.  It was confusing at first, but as the story began to make sense, Lousia realised the true horror of the last few years was worse than she could have imagined.

"My darling niece, I'm so sorry about all the horrible and evil things I did when I was... when I was... her.   She made us do the most wicked acts and I'm so ashamed.  Worst of all - I loved it, every minute of being her was amazing."

"Auntie, I don't understand - what is happening here?"

"Louisa... there is a terrible family secret that you must confront.  Our ancestor who started the company was a kind scientist who invented an Elixir that unlocked his evil side.  It was his evil alter-ego that started our company and his notes were all locked in the family archive.  I used them to create the Elixir myself and turn myself into that bitch you helped bring down.  I... I only did it because I didn't have what it took to run the company.  Now you understand how difficult it is - we were struggling so badly, so I felt I had no choice but to transform myself. I was hoping a more aggressive and dominant me would fix things.  But then I got so addicted to being bad, I couldn't stop.  I became such a whore... such a bad bitch, it was so delicious, but I know it was wrong."

"But this is awful Aunt Melissa, why didn't you tell me the truth?" asked a shocked Louisa.

"I was ashamed... plus I needed time to kick the habit.  My plan was to get clean, then come see you when I was better. You see, when you banished me here, I was still that evil bitch but without the Elixir I had no way to stay as her.  One vial lasts a few days, and when you kicked me out of the company, I didn't have time to retrieve my supply. The instructions and all the Elixir I had made, were in my secret safe in the executive office.  The vials and the instructions are still there, locked in the safe. The code is 0224.  Please Louisa, you must return to company headquarters and destroy all the vials and the instructions to make more... we must stop our evil family secret ever hurting anyone else again.  Now please go, I can't help you any further and even thinking about all this is making me want to turn back into that bitch.  I need to be alone, PLEASE!"

Louisa demurred and left her Auntie alone - heading swiftly back to the airport to fly home.  All the time her head was whirling.  Everything made sense now, her Aunties strange transformation into an evil bitch and everything that had happened since.  There was only one problem... it didn't solve the companies problem.

"Without Evil Melissa, nobody knows how to run the company to make it successful," whimpered Lousia.  "I need to see Max, he'll know what we should do."

When she got back home, Louisa immediately took a cab over to company headquarters.   Max joined her there and she filled him in on everything as they went to the executive office and located Melissa's secret safe.  Sure enough, the code unlocked it and Louisa removed several vials of Elixir and the instructions to make more.

"Now we can destroy this evil stuff," muttered Louisa as she looked at the innocent looking pink goop in the vial.

"Wait... maybe we shouldn't be too hasty," murmured Max - a strange look in his eyes as he watched Louisa tilt the pink liquid around its vial.  "True - it's evil, but it also turned your aunt into the most successful businesswoman in the world.  Maybe... maybe we could use it just one or two times to help us."

"What are you talking about?  This stuff corrupts anyone who use it, we can't ever make use of it..." gasped Louisa, the hair on the back of her neck standing up in horror as she listened to her husband against her better judgement.

"Darling - things are worse than you know.  I've been hiding how badly the company is doing.  The bottom line is you are not a strong leader - you don't have business sense.  Unless we do something, the company is going to collapse.  This Elixir could be just what we need.  If you drink it, you'll become more powerful than even your aunt was."

"Max - I can't believe this, you're insane... I'm taking these things to the furnace and we'll have no more of this wicked talk."

"Wait!  If you won't use it, let me take some to your aunt, we'll turn her back into her old self and use her knowledge to rebuild our company."  Walking over, Max tried to grab the vial from Louisa but she resisted and in their struggle it smashed.  Pink liquid sprayed over Louisa and she gasped as it absorbed instantly into her skin.

"Ugghhhh, Max... what have you... ahhhhh done!?!"

Max backed away in horror as his wife doubled over and moaned.  She shuddered and gasped, transforming just like her Auntie once had right before his eyes.

"Mmmmmh, ohhhh yesssss, it feels amazing. Ahhhh, my body is getting hotter... I must get these clothes... off!"

Ripping off her clothing, Louisa moaned as her formerly ordinary body rippled and transformed.  An erotic fire surged through her and she shivered with pure pleasure as the Elixir went to work.  "Oh yes Max, it feels so amazing, I feel like such a BITCH!  I love it!"  Bones popped and cracked as her hips widened and she began to become hotter and hornier... she felt so wicked...

The new Louisa - loving her new body...

Max backed away as his wife gave into her new lusts. She eagerly thrust out her chest and laughed in delight as her formerly pathetic boobs began to swell and grow.  They swelled into massive tits, and she giggled appreciatively as she grabbed them and saw her husbands eyes drawn magnetically onto her chest.  Louisa's brunette hair lightened and turned blonde as her features became sexier and more sexual, her pink wet lips now perfect for sucking cock as she batted her long lashes at her gibbering husband.

"Oh Max, I love what I have become... I have never felt so alive," laughed Louisa as she stretched her new form and felt her ass push out to complete her physical transformation.  Hormones and adrenaline raced round her body as she laughed madly at the power she now felt.  Her mind raced with wicked possibilities and it had by now warped and transformed too, her formerly pleasant personality becoming shallow, vain and wicked.  She no longer cared about anyone's feelings other than her own.  It felt so good to be a bitch and all she wanted was sex, money and power.

 "Mmmmmh, now this is more like it Max - with this body and mind, I'll grow the company to new heights.  I am your new Goddess..."

"Louisa... I'm so sorry I didn't mean to..."

"Don't apologise Max, you helped to free me.  I would never have taken the Elixir without you spilling it on me.  Now I'm never going to stop taking it."

"But wait... surely once you've rebuilt the company, you'll turn back to normal?"

"Hahaha, you dumb fool.  Why would I go back to being that drippy little whiner, when I can be this way instead?  Besides, you don't want me to turn back do you?  Let me show you the benefit of being with the new me..."

Max gasped as Louisa advanced hungrily upon him.  Pushing him down she began to tug at his fly, "I used to be so shy, but now I know its best just to take what I want... and right now, I want your cock."

Max groaned as his assertive new wife lowered her mouth to his dick and with a wet pop, slid it between her horny pink lips.  Louisa wasn't normally keen on blowjobs, but now she seemed to love it... moaning and getting turned on herself as she sucked.  He had never felt such pleasure as this, his wife was now a sexual animal and his cock felt so good in her mouth.

Watching Louisa's blonde head bobbing up and down, Max had no idea of the wicked evil thoughts already coursing through her mind.  Once she'd got Max fully on board with her being a slut she would begin rebuilding the company just as her Auntie had planned.   Max would help her cook the books and with criminal and immoral revenue streams pouring in she would become rich and powerful just like Melissa had once been.

Louisa understood now.  The Elixir had unlocked her wicked side and it felt so good.   She wanted to laugh with glee at how wicked she felt - as long as she remembered to drink a vial of Elixir every few days she could stay this way forever.

It didn't take Max long to cum in his beautiful wife's mouth, and all over her tits.  He had to admit Louisa did look good this way.  She seemed so dominant and strong now, he wanted to obey her almost without question.  She seemed delighted with the cum dripping down her body, she was so different to the old her.

"Max darling... that was lovely but we have lots of work to do.  Tomorrow we move to a new business model - one guaranteed to help me become the most powerful bitch in the world of business.  Go home and begin preparing the business documents, I will join you soon - I just have a few things to finish off in the office..."

Watching Max leave, Louisa smirked. She no longer felt anything for him but contempt... he was just a poor man, he existed only to be manipulated and controlled by her now.

No... that's our husband, we love him.  We have to stop this.

"We love only ourselves now my pet," hissed Louisa to herself as she heard her old voice in her mind.  "Once we've fucked all the men we always wanted to sleep with, you won't even feel a jot of guilt.  All that matters is our own pleasure and power.  We deserve to have everything, and we will have it."

Opening her laptop, Louisa began looking for new outfits and makeup.  Tomorrow she would arrive at this office as a new super bitch... tomorrow her reign of terror would begin.  She couldn't wait to begin the New Business Model... it was going to be amazing...



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amazing! Awesome choice coming here too:D

  3. Will you make attribute theft stories here on blogspot or power transfer ones?:)


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