
I had always enjoyed playing Dungeons and Dragons with my two mates Kristian and Johnny.  We would meet regularly to play whenever we could - taking turns at each others houses and spending long hours through the day and into the evening role-playing until someone's parents chucked us out.

Today we were playing at Kristian's house - which was great, as his parents were the most easy going and usually left us alone to do what we wanted.  As it was a Saturday, his folks were both out somewhere, leaving the three of us alone to get on with some adventuring undisturbed.  We hadn't played for a while, but today the conditions were finally perfect and I was looking forward to a productive day of immersive role-play.

Kristian's bedroom was a temple to heavy metal and it was pretty dark and dingy - it was the perfect place to adventure.  He was a total metal-head, with long black hair, pale skin and he was always dressed in black.  Johnny by contrast was the quietest and blandest looking of the three of us.  He was diminutive and small and preferred to blend into the background. Odd as they might be, I liked my two friends just how they were - we fit together as a group really well.

We'd set up everything we needed and got all the manuals ready.  At last we were ready to get going, but before we began to play - it turned out Kristian had a surprise for us.

"Guys, before we start - I have to show you these dice I found," he grinned as he pulled out a black velvet drawstring bag and reaching in pulled out a set of beautiful dice.  "I was in the charity shop and I saw these and thought they would be perfect for us to game with"  He held out his full hands to reveal a set of dice of different shapes and values.   They were all the various kinds that role-players like us would recognise and they looked shimmery and kind of almost magical.

Whilst I and Kristian looked at the dice with interest, Johnny had noticed something was still in the dice bag.  Reaching in he pulled out a folded piece of battered card and opening it up frowned at a strange hand-drawn table and set of instructions.  The table consisted of various numbers linked to a particular dice, with descriptive adjectives next to each one... for instance "5 - Narcissist."  The instructions simply said - "Choose your gender and roll the dice to re-roll your character.  BEWARE. You can only re-roll once, and all changes are permanent.  You may adjust three of the dice after rolling, or if you want - adjust three dice to affect another player."

Kristian raised an eyebrow in bemusement as he looked at the card Johnny had found.  "Weird, I didn't spot that earlier.  Hey - these don't sound like normal D&D characteristics at all.  9 - Slut/stud. What the hell is up with these?  It's kind of intriguing though isn't it?"

It was obvious that some of the characteristics were for a male character and others for a female,  depending on which gender you were rolling for. Shaking the dice in his hand, Kristian grinned at us.  "Wanna see what kind of characteristics this thing would make my character have? I'm curious... I'm gonna roll for my female character. "  Before we could agree or demure, he tossed the dice and they clattered over the table as they came to rest.

"So... looks like I got... spoiled, vain, horny, princess, busty, bitch, popular, slut.  Wow... what a combo!" laughed Kristian.  "I'm lucky I don't have to play that kind of character, she sounds like trouble!"

He reached out to grab the dice and put them back in the bag... but then he hesitated. "Ummmm, guys... guys I feel kinda funny, is it me or is the room spinning?"

Me and Johnny looked at each other in surprise.  Everything seemed normal to us.  Then I felt it... a slight static on my arms making my hair stand up.  The dice on the table seemed to be glowing and there was an unearthly hum in the air.  The room around us seemed charged suddenly and there was a horrible feeling of build up as if something was about to explode.

Suddenly Kristian gasped and with an inarticulate moan, threw his head back.  He leapt back from the table and began to shake.  Me and Johnny backed away in fear as our friend actually rose off his feet, hovering in mid air and spinning.

"Ohhhhh fuck, I feel sooooooo weird... I... I... I ugggghhhhh, ohhhh FUCKKKKKK HELLLLLP MEEEEEE!"

Pink lightning crackled around Kristian and there was a growing whine like the build up of a bomb.  Static blasted through the air and Johnny and I screamed and dived for cover as a nova of pink energy erupted out of our hovering friend and bathed everything in the room in its power.  The shock wave spread out, rapidly engulfing the town, the district, and finally the entire planet and beyond as reality itself warped and changed under the assault of the magic dice.  Picking ourselves up, the residue of the pink discharge still crackling over everything, we watched in amazement as real magic took place in front of us and our friend transformed before our very eyes.

Kristian's heavy metal black clothing disintegrated into nothingness.  He spun naked - still floating in the air, and began to groan and gasp as his body began to alter.  His lanky black hair began to lighten and take on volume as it became bright blonde.  His sullen pale face became rosy and full of life as lips swelled into a mischevious pout and his brown eyes turned bewitching blue.  Kristian's hands went to his chest and he moaned as the flesh there began to swell and grow.  A huge pair of perfect, rounded breasts filled his hands as the dick between his legs retracted to leave the soft pink lips of a tight pussy and his bum swelled out to give him the curves of a hot teenage slut.

Kristian's room was changing.  The dark dinginess was fading as the walls turned lavender pink, and the bedsheets became blue satin.   A print of Audrey Hepburn appeared on the wall, replacing his Mega-Death poster, as dressers full of lingerie and cabinets packed full of girls clothes filled every available space.

The hot slut in front of us, floated down to the carpet... giggling as her feet touched the floor.  She was shorter than before, with soft skin and delicious curves that made both I and Johnny gulp with lust.  Stretching her perfect, hairless body she purred happily as new clothing formed around her body... tight blue jeans and a sky blue top that barely contained her massive breasts.  Makeup and jewellery appeared on her body as her fingernails lengthened into a hot French manicure and the transformation fully completed.  Kristian had been reborn... he was no longer a man and it seemed that whatever had transformed him, had also transformed his entire life.

"Hello boys," giggled the bitch in front of us in a naughty so-cal voice, "Mmmmh, I feel so good, what a throw of the dice.  Ooooh, you can call me Kyra by the way, pleased to like meet you both."

"Oh my God, Kristian - are you okay?" stammered Johnny.

"Like, I already told you - my name is Kyra," laughed the hot blonde girl as she touched up her new body.  "I'm every inch the spoiled, vain, horny, princess, busty, bitchy, popular, slut that the dice just made me.  I still remember being that loser Kristian, but this is sooooooo much better."

Grabbing her top with her manicured hands, Kyra pulled it up and over her head in one smooth motion and giggled as she grabbed her freshly freed tits and squeezed them together lovingly.  "Wow, I have such big tits, this is sooooo cool.  I'm a pretty popular princess now, just look how gorgeous I am.  All the boys are gonna love me, and all the girls will wanna be me.  This is dreamy..."

It was clear that whatever magic had changed Kristian physically had also warped him mentally.  The dice had altered his personality and he was now every inch the naughty, spoiled bitch that he had rolled for.   It was clear to both of us that this slut was the antithesis of who our friend used to be - I had a really bad feeling about this, but I was also kind of jealous.  Part of me wished it was me who had rolled the dice and become so fucking hot.

"Kristian, use your three dice changes to try and go back to normal," suddenly suggested Johnny  and I groaned as the evil bitches face suddenly lit up with a malevolent smile.   Why had the idiot reminded her of that.

"Ohhh thanks Johnny, I'd like totally forgotten.  Thing is baby, I like my roll just how it came out.  I do think though that I'd like to change three things about you."

Grabbing the card from Johnny, Kyra greedily scanned the table and smiled as she saw the attributes she wanted to give Johnny.  "Give Johnny a no.4, a no.9 and a no.18 please magic dice," she giggled.

"What have you done?" I asked in horror as Johnny groaned and began to rise from the ground.

"Oh... I just decided to give Johnny a big-dick, muscles and an alpha-male personality," she grinned. "Think of it as make your own boyfriend... I can't wait to get my hands on him."

Blue lightning crackled round Johnny and with a roar he was transformed, the explosion knocking me into a corner as the dice transformed him just as they had Kristian.  My two former best-friends were now completely unrecognisable, and neither seemed to remember I was in the room as the well hung stud, who moments ago had been my friend, grinned at Kyra and she began fumbling at his crotch.

"Thanks Kyra," grinned Johnny as she pulled his new nine inch dick out and began to slobber on it and rub it between her big tits.  "I feel like a real man now."

"I'm glad," giggled Kyra as she tickled his balls and licked the tip of his cock,  "I need a real man to fuck me and I am sooooo horny right now.  Give it to me baby."

"What about him?" asked Johnny, tilting his head in my direction.

"Let him watch if he wants," grinned Kyra.

I should have left, but I couldn't take my eyes off the sight of my two former friends fucking like pornstars on Kyra's new satin sheets.  She moaned and gasped in ultimate pleasure as Johnny fucked her tight pussy and watching it slide deeper and deeper into her wet slit, I couldn't work out if I was more jealous of Johnny or Kristian.  My own cock was rock hard and I had to jerk it as Kyra's tits jiggled enticingly and Johnny made her cum repeatedly.

Both my friends had been corrupted by the power of the dice and they had left nothing for me.   I felt like such a total loser and I couldn't even get to the dice myself as Kyra had put the bag behind her and I sensed she wasn't about to let anyone else have a go.

It ended like a porn-film - Johnny pulling suddenly out of Kyra and she getting obediently to her knees so he could spray his sticky load all over her pretty face and tits.  As his cum dripped down her perfect face and body, Kyra looked at me and I saw that all trace of my former friend was gone.  The wicked slut looking at me was just a bad girl now and she was enjoying my humiliation and discomfort.  But at least it was over now.  I was ready to leave at last and I was never going to go near these two again.  I began heading for the door...

"Leaving us so soon? Johnny baby - take the dice and lets pick three new characteristics for our former friend here.  How about tiny dick, sissy, submissive?"

I whimpered as she pushed the bag into Johnny's hand and he grinned cruelly. 

It looks like I never was going to get that relaxing day of role-play after all...



  1. This is the best One yet since you came back to blogspot! Sooooo hot! great work!

    I loved the use of the dice, and thought you were going towards a roll-with-it type of story. But this turned out just as well! Good job!

  2. Very hot, Babe. In fine form and as devious as ever. Would be interesting to make a sequel where the friend finally gets a hold of the dice. So many places to take it.

    1. That would be indeed interesting...

  3. Love to see your updates. Games Mistress series was hot which this reminds me of.

  4. Love it Evie! She's right I do wish I was her !

  5. Wish this was a longer lore drawn out story with multiple chapters


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