Top Down Approach (Redux)

First published September 13th, 2016

Striding down the main hospital corridor, Lindsay grinned triumphantly and high-fived her ward-sister Dawn, as she headed towards Head Office. The slender brunette had never felt so euphoric.  Today - completely unexpectedly, they had all heard the news that the Hospital Manager, Mr Richter was willing to concede all the Nurses demands and fire the hated and feared Head-Nurse Cathy.

It had taken a concerted campaign of threatened legal action, union activity, and ultimately the influence of her uncle the local politician to get any traction - but finally the hospital trust had bowed to the pressure.  Wanting to avoid yet another scandal in the newspapers, they had made the cold, but rational decision to fire their most effective Head-Nurse - despite her amazing track record for productivity and discipline.

As the driving force behind the resistance, Lindsay had been ordered to report to Head-Office for the final arrangements to be agreed and knocking on the managers door, her mind briefly flashed through the whole strange chain of events that had led to this point and she shook her head in disbelief.

When she had first arrived at the hospital a year ago, Lindsay had been amazed at how efficient and smooth everything was running.  She had never seen a place where everyone was so busy and so productive. But she had soon learned that this focus came at a cost. The Head-Nurse got these results because she was an unstoppable psycho bitch who everyone was terrified of. To put it lightly, Nurse Cathy was pure evil and she had a power over others...

Maybe it was those big tits of hers.  She made every other woman feel so inferior, so pathetic.  The longer you stared at those perfect rounded globes, the more you wanted to obey her, to be subservient and worship her.  Women would leave wishing they had tits like that… wanting to be like Nurse Cathy.  You would do anything to please her, accept any abuse she gave you… it was almost magical.

Lindsay had once watched Cathy shove a particularly troublesome young nurses face deep into her cleavage.  The young woman had struggled for a moment, then relaxed and started to moan.  By the end of the process she had emerged from those huge boobs a new woman. The former fiery nurses eyes shone with pathetic devotion and from that moment she had been the most loyal servant of Cathy on the whole ward. Lindsay had no intention of ending up like that, so she had fought back.

It had taken every ounce of Lindsay's not inconsiderable will-power, to defeat Cathy.  Lindsay had filed complaint after complaint with the management and even started to free the other nurses from their apathy.  Cathy had tried to stop her, but Lindsay managed to resist.  Part of her longed to simply obey those beautiful tits and do as she was commanded like the others, but that part wasn't strong enough to get what it wanted.  On several occasions Cathy had come perilously close to shoving her hypnotic tits into Lindsay’s face and dominating her like the other nurses...  but Lindsay had managed to get away. She shuddered to think what might have happened if she hadn't... once those soft rounded breasts were next to your head, the instinct to suckle and obey would be too much for any one to stand - male or female.

Despite everything thrown at her by the hospital and Cathy's lawyers  - eventually Lindsay's hard work paid off and the Head-Nurse was finally asked to leave.  Now, everyday felt like an amazing victory for Lindsay and she was pleased she had been able to do something to help everyone out. 

She waited impatiently at the mangers door, till finally she was asked inside.

“Come in,  ahhhhhh Nurse Lindsay, do take a seat.”

Lindsay scowled involuntarily at her boss as she entered. Mr Richter was a thin, bloodless man with a tight smile and dark, penetrating eyes.  There was always a look of slight contempt and veiled amusement on his face, now especially more so. Lindsay had always found him creepy and wasn't keen on being alone with him.  She hated that Head-Nurse Cathy had been so slavishly devoted to Richter and would do whatever he asked.  She hadn't forgotten that much of the evil that bitch had done, had actually been his idea in order to punish the Nurses for whatever minor infractions he believed them guilty of.

Richter's dark eyes met hers unblinking for a moment and Lindsay looked away in embarrassment.  Desperate to look elsewhere, she glanced around the room and she saw to her surprise that Nurse Cathy’s nurses uniform was hanging from a rack by the door.  The tight pink latex looked more like something a porn star would wear than a Head Nurse and her eyes followed the cut, admiring the way it was clearly designed to maximise Cathy’s already huge cleavage.  Like every other woman in the hospital, though she hated to admit it, she was kind of jealous of Cathy’s impossibly hot body and huge tits.

“Ahhhh, as you can see Nurse Cathy has already left us.  I had her pack her bags and leave this morning.  She was quite upset, especially as I had to take back the special uniform I made for her when she started here.  It is a rather special uniform, in fact there is nothing else like it in the world.  I had to make some very special deals and arrangements to be gifted the uniform.  It's priceless, unique and I don’t intend to waste it by letting it gather dust here.”

Lindsay blinked in astonishment.  This wasn't exactly what she had expected to hear when she was summoned here.  Why was Richter telling her all this?

“When I started here twenty years ago, the wards were in chaos.  Laziness and ineptitude were everywhere, particularly amongst the young nurses.  The worst of them was a young and naive girl named Cathy.  An underdeveloped scrawny little goody two-shoes who couldn’t stand up to anyone.  But I saw the potential in her, just as I see the potential in you Lindsay.”

Lindsay gawped, surely he couldn’t be talking about the supremely confident and big breasted Nurse Cathy? A scrawny girl lacking in confidence, it was ridiculous. Was he trying to make her feel sorry for getting the bitch fired?

“Nurse Cathy served me well, no one could resist her.  Except you.  You showed me that she was getting weak, that there are still those with the power to resist her and bring chaos to my hospital.  This I cannot tolerate..."

“Mr Richter, what the hell are you talking about?”

“Simple my dear.  I’m making you Head Nurse and giving you all the power that Cathy had.  I want you to get those rebellious nurses you’ve riled up under control, especially that friend of yours Dawn.  I will have order in my hospital again.  You will make things run even more efficiently than Cathy did, you've impressed me.  Now go and put on your uniform, it's yours now and I think you'll like how it feels to wear it and be chief bitch!”

Lindsay laughed.  Was this loser trying to buy her off by dangling the carrot of Head-Nurse in front of her face? “Ewwww, no way. Keep dreaming Mr Richter, just wait till my uncle hears about this!  You’re completely insane!”

Standing up Lindsay turned round to leave and was therefore completely unprepared when Mr Richter suddenly stood up and shoved her hard in the back.  She staggered forward across the room to crash into the clothing rail, Nurse Cathy’s uniform falling down onto her as she went down in a pile of arms and legs.

At once the uniform came alive and eagerly leapt onto her skinny body.  Lindsay screamed as it wrapped around her, fighting helplessly as buttons burst open so it could engulf her and wrap tightly around her body.  The buttons resealed, each one tightening with a slight creak and Lindsay moaned as each one trapped her deeper and deeper inside the luxurious pinkness. Her hips flared out with a crack and her hair began to lighten and turn blonde.  Her low-key makeup started to thicken as her regular nurses uniform dissolved away and Nurse Cathy’s uniform hugged her bare skin deliciously.

“Nooooooo! I have to get this off,” she moaned, trying to rip the uniform from her changing body and failing as it just snapped back into place to fit her better and better.  “Ooooooh fuck, my tits… ahhhhh it feels so good, noooo I have to fight it!”

Lindsay moaned, a sexual groan of pure frantic lust, and thrust her chest out as with a swelling pulse of power her tiny tits started to grow.  They swelled up, bigger and bigger, causing the latex to creak as they spilled out under her chin and she groaned like a wanton whore.  Her innocent face became icily sexy as cold brown eyes fluttered sexily and her fingernails lengthened into sexy purple claws.  Evil dripped into her soul and filled her up.  It felt so fucking good.

Mr Richter laughed as he watched Lindsay succumb to her uniform, just as innocent little Cathy had all these years ago.  Lindsay would make a fine replacement for Cathy. “Yes, it feels good doesn't it?  Just think as 'Head-Nurse Lindsay', you’ll have a higher salary, higher status and the power to make others do whatever you wish.  One little look at your tits and they will do anything to please you.  There’s an evil bitch inside you Lindsay, just let her out and let her do what she does best.  These other Nurses are nothing compared to you, the power is yours now.”

Lindsay wanted to refuse, she wanted to say no, but it all felt so good.  Her big new tits made her feel like such an Alpha Bitch and she smirked at the thought of how jealous everyone else would be.  Why shouldn’t she use this power? After all, she’d be a much better Head Nurse than Cathy ever was.  And all those hot doctors and their big cocks, they would be all hers to play with.  She could have everything she ever wanted, she could indulge every whim and have everything just the way she wanted it.

Seeing that Lindsay was wavering, Richter decided to push her over the edge.“Of course, if you really are going to refuse, I can invite Nurse Dawn in and put the uniform on her instead.”

Lindsay’s eyes flashed open in fear as a sudden vision of Dawn wearing the uniform and laughing as her big bitch tits swelled up filled her mind.  In the vision Dawn forced Lindsay’s head between her legs to lick her tight new pussy and Lindsay almost felt the uniform start to shift on her body, as if it already wanted to go to Dawn.

“NO!  No Mr Richter, I’ll do whatever you need.  I want to be Head Nurse, I love what you’ve turned me into.  Let me fulfil your plan, I’ll be an evil bitch if you give me this power.”  Lindsay sighed in relief as she felt the uniform settle on her and her transformation fully completed itself.  Standing up she adjusted her cleavage so it was fully on show and she vainly admired herself in the mirror.

Lindsay stared at herself and smiled.  She was a soulless evil bitch now and she had never felt so alive.  All the power was hers now and she loved it!  She sighed happily and giggled as she jiggled her massive hypnotic boobies.  "Mmmmh, I can't wait to shove Dawn's face in here and make her my little bitch."

“Excellent Head-Nurse," grinned Richter.  "Now, get out there and get those nurses back to work.”

Pushing open the door to the office, Lindsay strode confidently out and smiled maliciously at the assembled Nurses who were waiting outside.  She laughed as the blood drained from their faces and she placed a manicured hand on her latex hip.  “Get back to work you maggots, obey your new Head Nurse and everything will be fine.  I’m in control now and Cathy is gone, all you need to do is obey me instead.”

One by one the Nurses slunk away, she would meet with them all individually later and ensure their full compliance.  Only one remained… Dawn, with a look of defiance in her face.

“Oh my God Lindsay, what has that bastard done to you?  No… what are you… mmmmppphhhhh.”
Dawn helplessly groaned as Lindsay strode across and shoved the young nurses face deep into her tits.  Lindsay giggled as she felt Dawn’s face buried deep in her soft, bouncy cleavage and a pleasant tingling filled her boobs as they sucked the resistance out of her former friend.

“I have a special job for you my little slut.  I’m feeling so fucking horny now I’m Head Bitch and I know you want to please me.”

Releasing Dawn before she suffocated in her giant boobs, Lindsay grinned at the look of complete obedience on her former friends face and sitting back on a hospital trolley she raised her pink latex uniform up to reveal her perfect glistening pussy.  As Dawn went to work, licking and sucking the hot new bitches throbbing clit, the new evil whore turned over her plans in her mind and realised just how much she was going to enjoy this.

If they all thought Nurse Cathy was bad, wait till they saw how she handled things round here...



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