Spoiled by Marie

Ash had always felt ashamed of his families incredible wealth, power and celebrity connections.  It didn't seem fair that they had so much, when so many people were suffering in the world. His father was an influential record producer and he had worked with some of the most famous artists in the world, becoming fantastically rich in the process. Celebrities were always visiting their home and wanting to party.  His mother meanwhile was an ex super-model with her own fashion, perfume and make-up range.  She was one of the most talked about fashion designers in the world.  They were by any definition a 'celebrity power couple.'

Growing up in such circumstances, Ash had obviously been subjected to the most privileged upbringing possible, but somehow it hadn't gone to his head.  Against all expectations, Ash was shy, studious and serious.  He wanted to be a writer and go to university... he wasn't interested in his families money... he wanted to earn something for himself.  Unlike his flamboyant parents, he lived like some modest hermit, refusing to take handouts from his parents and volunteering at the homeless shelter at the weekends.  He also wasn't interested in dating anyone who only wanted him for his money, much to the disappointment of various gold-digging girls who kept trying to sink their hooks into him.

Now Ash was eighteen and nearly off to University, he couldn't wait to be free from the shackles of his rich upbringing.  School recently had been awkward... there was a clique of rich popular girls in his class that had been giving him odd looks and wherever he went, he seemed to see Marie, their bitchy leader watching him.

One day Ash was walking down a corridor when the entire group of bitchy girls appeared at either end blocking his way.  Marie smirked as she advanced towards him, drinking something from a vial and throwing the empty glass to one side carelessly.  Dropping her designer handbag to the floor, she stepped up towards him, blocking his path. "Excuse me, I want to get past," he muttered as she examined him with a hand on her cocked hip and grinned insolently at him as the other girls giggled to see him so uncomfortable.

"Awwww, poor baby.  You're so fucking pathetic aren't you?  I've been watching you for weeks now, and it makes me sick to see such talent wasted. With all your money you could have anything you wanted.   My parents are well-off, but your life is even better than mine.  With your families celebrity connections you could be famous, in a different league to all of us.  Fact is, if I was you I wouldn't waste such power.  I'd be a rich powerful celebrity bitch, and these sluts would all be in my entourage."

Moving closer, Marie's eyes burned with lustful envy and desire.  Ash shivered as he looked into them, she was clearly completely mad and he had only just realised it!

"Having your life would make me complete... that's why I paid some dumb witch to brew me a potion that will let me steal your life.  That's right Ash, the liquid I just drank will let me absorb you into me and steal your identity.  I'll become the female version of you, and all your money and status will be mine!  Prepare to become part of me."

Ash gasped as Marie thrust her arm against his chest and to his horror it passed inside him.  He groaned falling to his knees, her arm still in him up to the elbow as she laughed manically, and he felt his life force and very essence being sucked into her.  Grabbing her arm, he tried to pull it out, but it was welded as if it were cement and Marie just giggled to see him try to pull himself free.

"Once I'm inside you, you can never get me out until I've absorbed every part of you, fool! Oooooh, don't worry baby, it won't be long. Yes, yes!  I can feel it happening, I'm turning into you!  Soon I'll be the spoiled bitchy daughter of your cunt Mom and your asshole Dad.  I'll be the all-powerful slut I've always dreamed of being!  YES, it feels so fucking good, oh shit I'm gonna cum already!"

Marie's dark hair was lightening to be blonde and her features were becoming more attractive as she transformed.  Her mouth was opened in a moan of ecstasy as Ash was absorbed into her.  The energy flow was definitely one way and Ash could feel himself getting weaker and weaker by the second.  "Noooo," he groaned and with a surge of resolve forced himself to his feet. 

The surprised Marie gasped as Ash shifted his grip on her arm.  She'd said he couldn't pull her out, but maybe he could turn the tables on her?  Stepping forward and pulling, Ash sucked more of Marie into himself and she shrieked as her entire arm was pulled into him, dragging them within inches of each other.

"No, NOOOO! What are you doing?  This isn't supposed to happen! Stop it!"

But Ash couldn't stop.  He could feel his strength returning as Marie went inside him and with a Herculean groan he stepped forward and grabbing her waist pulled Marie fully into his body.  

"Noooooooooooo!  It wasn't supposed to be this way AHHHHHHHHH!"

With a sucking slurp, Marie was pulled into Ash, screaming as she vanished inside him.  Their leader gone,  Marie's entourage screamed and ran as he groaned and staggered against the wall, weary but unbeaten.  "Ohhhh shit, what did that crazy bitch almost do to me?"  Feeling his strength return, Ash staggered upright and groaned as his body suddenly itched and burned.  "Uuugghh, wh... what's happening?" he groaned.  Ash felt so strange, but so nice... whatever was happening was kind of hot.  He looked down at his hands and saw he now had long black nails and his body was getting thinner and more tanned.  He felt... good, and he purred as long blonde hair tickled his neck and he felt a delicious sense of superiority fill him.

 "Oooooh, fuck that feels amazing," gasped Ash as he gripped himself and moaned in ecstasy. He could feel Marie's evil bitchiness growing inside him, it was so strong and so delicious and his body was absorbing it all.  Her femininity was so addictive, her desire to be a slutty alpha-bitch was becoming his desire.  Makeup, fashion, money and boys... makeup, fashion, money and boys...  his mind was melting under an onslaught of bitchiness.

"Yes, this feels so good... I want to become a girl, make me into a hot bitch..!  AHHHH OH YES!"

Stretching happily, Ash shivered in delight as his hips pushed out with a crack and his body hair fully retracted.   His lips parted in a soft semi-permanent pout as thick slutty makeup covered his features and he fluttered long bitchy lashes delightedly. "Ohmigosh, fuck yeah, this feels totes amazing," moaned Ash his voice breaking and rising in pitch as bones cracked and he felt his dick retract.  His trousers fused into a skirt as his chest itched and two perky tits swelled up to give him the curves of a total bitch.  He was all girl now...

Ashley-Marie purred as the changes slowed down and she completed her transformation into a slut.  Laughing she adjusted her posture and played with her hair, reaching down to lift up the discarded hand-bag in the corridor and take out her phone.

"Everything that was yours is mine now Marie," giggled Ashley-Marie.  "No one will even remember you.  I'm the spoiled super-bitch with the popular entourage now.  I'm the Alpah-Bitch."

Strutting off down the corridor, Ashley-Marie grinned as she saw the convertible parked outside. "Mmmh, like time to hit the mall, find the rest of the girls and have some fun shopping."

With her new body and mind, Ashley-Marie was the perfect little celebrity slut.  The merger had altered reality so that it was as if Marie had never existed and Ashley-Marie had always been a girl.  The new fashionista now had an Instagram following of millions and was lusted after by boys everywhere.  She was a wild cock-sucking party slut who enjoyed big dick and luxury, cheating constantly on her boyfriends and acting like a dumb spoiled bitch.

Finally, Ashley-Marie's parents had a daughter willing to spend their money and live a luxurious life-style of total pleasure.  

What a lucky little slut she was...


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