Curfew Pt II

Please read Pt I first: 

Looking at himself in his bedroom mirror, Jack pulled and stretched at his face... inspected his fingernails, even played with his hair.  There was nothing to indicate anything weird had ever happened to that ordinary face.   Yet only a night ago, he had genuinely believed that he had transformed into a beautiful girl.  Now, in the cold light of day, he was starting to think he was delusional.  Looking back at the experience, he had begun to wonder if his transformation into Jade had all been some massive fantasy or mental break-down... 

"No, damn it, I really was a girl... I became Jade," he whispered to himself. It HAD been real, he was sure of it... Sarah's mother Bree had cast a spell to turn any boy who entered her house into a girl, a magically imposed curfew to prevent her daughter from having sex.  As a result, he had transformed into Jade, rapidly succumbing to his new alter-ego's hot personality and sex drive.  Ironically he and Sarah had made love that very night, he guessed Bree's plan didn't work that well after all.

Truth was, it had been a wonderful experience. He had enjoyed becoming Jade more than he could admit.  It had felt so good to be soft and sexy, to wear makeup and lingerie.  He shivered in delight as he remembered how good it had felt to touch Sarah's body and have his own breasts and pussy stroked.  He had felt so close to her, so alike.  He had wanted for a moment to be her girlfriend forever... to stay female and beautiful for evermore.  But upon leaving her home the next day he had returned to normal.  Now he couldn't stop thinking about becoming female again and as he thought about it again he felt his dick getting hard...


His thoughts broken by the ring of the door bell, Jack casually walked down to the front-door and opened it to find a package on the door-step.  A plain brown cardboard box with a card attached sat in front of him.  Curious he picked up the card and read it.

"Dear Jack.  A gift, from Bree.  Enjoy xxx."

Jack gulped.  So Sarah's wicked mother, the Dark Witch knew he had been at her house and had left him a gift.  Shivering he picked up the box and went straight up to his room.  Tearing open the cardboard flaps, Jack's mouth dropped open as he beheld the contents.  A big, thick, pink fleshy dildo sat in the bottom of the box.  It was a girls sex-toy, a massive rubber cock and a tube of lube sat next to it in the box.

"Why the hell would Sarah's Mom give me this?" he gasped.  What the hell was he supposed to do with this disgusting thing?  His eyes boggled at the size of it... did girls really use these things to masturbate?  A sick curiosity overtook him and an urge to have a closer look overcame his revulsion. Wow... how would that even fit inside a pussy? Reaching down tentatively he touched the massive rubber cock, and as his fingers closed around the dildo he felt a strange tingle running down his arm.  He recognised the sensation at once... it was the same feeling he'd had the night before when he turned into Jade.  As he watched, the fingernails on his hands grew out, becoming white French-tips.  He was turning again... Bree must have enchanted the dildo with the same magic as in Sarah's room.  By holding the dildo he was becoming Jade again. 

Dropping the pink cock quickly back into the box, Jack felt the tingling sensation recede and as he watched, his fingernails went back to their normal shape and size.  It seemed like the transformation was only temporary so long as he held the enchanted dong.  Standing up, he paced around his room, why had Sarah's Mom sent him this thing?  He could only think of one reason... she wanted him to turn back into Jade.  But why?

Pushing the box under his bed, Jack lay on top of the sheets and lay there with his hand over his eyes.  He had to try and think straight... he knew he should ring Sarah and warn her that her Mother was up to something...

Or you could just turn back into Jade... enjoy playing with your slutty body and getting off as a girl.

Jack felt his dick get hard at the thought of grabbing the dildo and transforming.  It would feel so good to become female again and make himself cum.  No one would ever know... surely just doing it once couldn't hurt?  Having the dildo gave him an opportunity almost too tempting to ignore. Presumably the effects would wear off and he could switch between Jack/Jade whenever he liked.  The thought of being able to become her as and when he liked was very tempting.  

Why don't you just transform into a girl and have some fun?   Are you really not going to take this opportunity?  Sarah will never know...

Jack's dick was rock hard... he couldn't control himself anymore.  Sliding his hand under the bed, he grabbed the dildo and shivered as he felt the power pulse down his arm. "Uuggghhhhhh, yesss make me into Jade, make me into a girl," moaned Jack as his bones popped and cracked and his voice rose. His dick retracted into a tight pussy and his breasts pushed out.  His clothing was already transforming into a skirt and blouse as makeup began to coat his face and he reverted back into Jade.  This time the changes were spreading further than just him, the room around him transforming as Bree's magic made it as if he had always been a hot girl.  The dildo in his hand throbbed as he was overcome by the pleasure of his transformation and he gasped and moaned in ecstasy.  Soft black hair fell around his shoulders and his breasts pushed out and the former boy became a sexy girl.  Mmmmmh, everything felt so soft... so good.  Why couldn't Jack feel this amazing all the time?

"Ohhhh wow," breathed Jade as the changes stopped and she realised she was fully a woman again.  "Yessss, this feels so good... mmmmhhhh, I'm sooooo fucking horny,"  The transformation she had undergone had left her super-horny and the dildo no longer looked scary to her, but incredibly inviting.  She felt her pussy getting wet at the thought of trying it inside her... this was going to feel sooooo good.

"Fuck, I need to get off," groaned Jade.  "I'm so fucking horny."  Grabbing the lube from the box, she squeezed it all over the cock and rubbed it in.  "Shit, this is fucking hot..."

Positioning the dildo between her legs Jade tentatively rubbed the rubber against her pussy lips and moaned at the wonderful sensation.   "Ohhh fuck, that feels sooooo good."  Pushing down, she sighed as she felt the strange sensation of the rubber sliding inside her body and deep into her pussy.  Her mouth dropped open automatically and she gave out a slutty grunt as she began to work the dildo in and out of her slit, going deeper each time and gasping at how amazing it felt.

"Fucccccckkkk, girls are soooooo lucky," moaned Jade.  "This feels amazing!"  In... out... in... out deeper and deeper the dildo went as she rubbed her breasts and touched herself, moaning and gasping as she got closer and closer to orgasm.  Then it happened... she began to cum and her moans intensified as she began to buck and thrash, cumming so good.

"Ohhhhh fuck that was amazing,"  sighed Jade dreamily giggling as she played with her hair and dropping the dildo next to her body.  She lay there for several minutes until... slowly she began to transform back into Jack.  Once he was back to normal, using his duvet, Jack took the dildo and dropped it back into the box.

"Damn, that was amazing," he grinned.  "I can't wait to do that again."

Mmmmmmh, yes and that won't be long if I have anything to say about it...

For the next week Jack used the dildo again and again to turn into Jade.  Every opportunity he got alone he took it out of the box and moaned as he felt himself become her.  Every time he changed, the sex seemed better.  He fucked himself again and again and again... being a slut felt so good.  He was addicted to being Jade.  He didn't tell anyone, not even Sarah about what was happening to him.  All that mattered was the pleasure.

Then one day the dildo stopped working...

Jack sat in his bedroom gripping the rubber cock with his hand... but nothing happened.  "Damn it, why aren't you working?" he groaned in frustration, tears in his eyes.  "Come on!  Change me!"  

But nothing happened and several hours later it became clear to Jack that whatever magic powered the transformation had run out.  He tried to put it out of his mind, but as the hours went past he began to experience what could only be described as 'cold turkey'.  He couldn't stop thinking about being a girl and how much he wanted to be Jade.  His body broke into a cold sweat and he paced his room uncomfortably, tugging at his clothing and groaning in frustration.

"Damn it, I need it so badly," he groaned.  "I love being a girl, nothing feels as good as when I cum as Jade.  Damn that bitch Bree, she must have known this would happen... she wanted me to get hooked on being a girl.  I have to see her, I have to make her transform me again."

Jack knew that Bree was at home but Sarah was out with friends, so he decided to go around and demand she recharge the dildo.  Putting it into his backpack, he nervously left the house and headed over to Sarah's.   Arriving at her house Jack felt his heart in his mouth as he knocked on the door and prepared to meet Bree for the very first time.

Opening the door, Bree smirked as she beheld Jack on the doorstep.

"Ahhhh, I wondered how long it would take you to come here once the magic wore off the present I sent you.  What do you want young man?"

"Please... I... I need you to recharge the dildo, I want to be Jade again,"  pleaded Jack, all his earlier confidence and bravado destroyed by finally meeting the dark witch herself.

"Well of course my dear.  You're addicted to being a girl now aren't you... how delicious.  Mmmmh, well  I'd be more than happy to help you, provided you agree to my terms."

"Please anything... what are your terms?"

"Well unfortunately, my dear daughter Sarah has refused to allow me to train her as a Dark Witch.  The little bitch could be the most powerful witch our family has ever known, but she refuses to unleash the dark power within her.  So I will need a new apprentice to take her place... a new bitch to corrupt and turn into the next Dark Witch around here.  Soooo, if you agree to obey me in every way... in fact bind your soul to me... I will transform you into Jade and teach you to be a witch. Whenever I command it, you will come here as Jade to train in the dark arts and during the rest of the time you can be Jack... or Jade as you choose.  Deal?"

Jack hesitated.  He couldn't believe that Bree was making him this offer.  "You want me to become a witch?  Like an evil witch?"

"Oh yes, you'll make quite the delicious little bitch.  You almost remind me a little of how I was when I was a young woman.  Of course, I would prefer my own daughter embraced the power, but since she won't, you're the best alternative I have seen.  I refuse to let my line of witches end due to that girls stubbornness.  Don't worry, she'll never even find out that I'm training you, and by the time she does you really won't care anymore."

"If I refuse?"

"Then you'll never be a girl again.  You think the cold turkey you're experiencing is bad now.  A few weeks without a pussy and you'll be so desperate to transform again you'll come begging here on your hands and knees.  You're a hungry little slut, I can feel it in you... that's why I knew the dildo would corrupt you.  Fight it if you want Jack... but Jade is inside you and she's hungry to be free.  Give her what she wants."

"Fine... you're right. Your damn dildo has ruined me," growled Jack. "I need it too badly now. I accept your terms, make me into Jade if you want, I don't care anymore. So what happens now?"

"Excellent.  Now we complete the soul binding and make it so that you are enslaved to my will.  Under my direction I'll help you become the bitch you are destined to be.  But first, lets get you out of that boring male body.  Time to shine... Jade."

Jack gasped as his body throbbed and tingled and the transformation into Jade happened again, only this time faster and more powerfully than he had ever known before. In moments, he was her again - dressed in a cute plaid skirt and pink cardigan.  Jade was back!

"Oh wow," groaned Jade as her head spun, and Bree commanded her to enter the house.  The Dark Witches eyes sparkled with glee as she made Jade speak the words of binding and began enslaving the girl to her will.  Jade was the perfect vessel for corruption... hungry for sex and power and desperate to stay female.  She could very well make the perfect apprentice.

And if the new girl didn't work out... well... Bree still had plans for her daughter, one way or the other.  But first, it was time for Jade's education to begin...



  1. MisTress Evie, please send that magic dildo to me...

  2. Hey! ;)
    Will you continue the series from tumblr? I don't remember the title of the series, but first part was about a guys that started to play some game and the game changed one of them into woman that was supposed to give them some challanges. She changed one of the guys to a slut and ordered him to live this new life for some time. It was something like that. I really wish to see other parts of this, it seemed to be really good serie ;)

    1. That name of the Series I believe you're thinking of is 'The Games Mistress'

      I've been wondering if Evie would ever continue the series on to see what happens to the other players.

    2. Ummmmm, I do wanna finish it one day - I'm waiting till I have a substantial amount of time to do it properly. X

  3. LOVE this series. I cant wait to see what happens next.

  4. Some old staff from various authors

  5. Eagerly awaiting part 3... Sarah must be enlightened

  6. Replies
    1. Nope... but if you want to suggest a possible story I might do it anyway.

  7. A really nice continuation of the story! I like how he doesn´t want it but is so needy that he can´t refuse :D
    I still hope, that Sarah is much more wicked, than it seems (i left a comment on that under the first part) but it seems like the story is almost finished, so i´m curious, how this will continue


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