Putting her foot in it (For Zoey Starz)

Abigail really wanted to help her Mom out so badly. When her Dad had died six years ago, her Mom had taken such good care of her and she wanted to pay her back by supporting her however she could. The thing was - the only area her Mom was struggling in was the dating scene and Abigail wasn't sure how to help. Denise had begun dating this really hot guy, Tom - who owned a big house and had lots of nice things. Tom's wife had divorced and left him several years and he was rich, handsome and strong. He seemed perfect for Denise, but Abigail's Mom was out of practice and wasn't dressing up sexily enough to bag the guy. She'd forgotten how to use her feminine charms and Abigail could see Tom was losing interest fast. If her Mom wasn't quick, some other woman would steal him away. "I've got to sex my Mom up a bit," she whispered urgently to herself as she browsed the web. "Maybe if I buy her some new lingerie from this sex website it w...