Bitchy Download

The real Aubrey Jones would never have demeaned herself with mere baby-sitting, but that didn't mean that Jake Jones wasn't prepared to take advantage of a morphing device to become his sister and impersonate her.  Being a teenage-genius was all well and good, but he was seriously broke at the moment and the only job in the town that seemed available for someone his age was babysitting.  Unfortunately, none of the small-town Mom's trusted a boy - so he had decided to use his vast intellect and some plans he discovered online, to construct a device to scan his sisters mind and body.  The device could then be used to become an exact physical copy of Aubrey, allowing him to moonlight as a babysitter whenever the opportunity arose.

Jake was curious as to whether his scanner would actually pick up anything from Aubrey's mind.  He sometimes wondered if there was anything going on at all in there.  He wouldn't call Aubrey dumb - maybe ditzy or oblivious was a better word.  She didn't care about anything but herself.  She was vain, slutty, cruel and self-absorbed to the point of serious narcissism.  If she wasn't so pretty and so worshipped by men, she would probably struggle in life - but as she could bend any guy round her little finger, she had it made.  Babysitting wasn't something that would ever cross her mind, but Jake was looking forward to trying it.

His chance soon came.  Aubrey's friends were having a girls weekend away and she was out of town with them.  He used an online site to submit Aubrey's CV and credentials and he soon had a babysitting gig booked for the Saturday night.  Mr Blackwell's wife was on a business visit and he had tickets for the opera booked.  He wanted someone to stay in with his young son for the evening.  Bobby usually went to bed super early, so it was more a case of just staying in the house... easy money!

Jake examined the settings on his device. He could tailor the mental and physical changes however he chose.  Rather than go full out, he decided to test them slowly to make sure it worked.  Gulping nervously he activated a control to give him Aubrey's body size.  The device glowed and his entire body tingled.  He gasped as electric fire ran through him and he felt himself actually shrink and get smaller.  Even though Aubrey was older than him, she was tiny - only 4'11" and she only weighed about 100lbs.  It felt so strange as his waist shrunk in and his hips snapped out, inside his body - his bones actually changed and shifted too with a popping sound.

Walking to the mirror Jake couldn't get over how weird he looked... happy that the device worked he pushed more buttons to give him Aubrey's attributes.  "How about some hair?" he laughed, shivering as his own short brown hair turned blonde at the roots and crept down his head. "Now to get rid of all this male body hair..." His body hair retracted, leaving him with Aubrey's smooth legs and arms.  He now looked like some weird, slightly girly version of himself. 

"Okay... time for the big changes," he sighed.  He pushed the button for the full transformation and groaned as his body burned and he was transformed into his beautiful, slutty sister.  Jake's innocent features changed as his lips swelled out into Aubrey's permanent pout and his lashes lengthened.  His face became rounder and prettier - the eyebrows thinning and sculpting themselves to give him Aubrey's angelic, yet highly sexual expression.

His usually short fingernails lengthened and glossed as Aubrey's expensive manicure was replicated and his hands became tiny.  The Adam's apple on his neck sucked in and his vocal cords tightened up to give him his sisters high pitched and slightly bimboesque voice. 

"Oooh, this feels really weird," groaned Jake as his skin tingled and tickled and his usually flat manly ass pushed and swelled out into a cute bubble butt.  He almost looked exactly like Aubrey now, but there was one very important change still left.  Technically Jake was still male... but that was about to change as inside his body, his reproductive organs adjusted themselves and he began to become a girl.

Jake groaned as an erotic fire burned in his body and his slutty sisters pretty little titties began to expand.  Having been flat chested all his life, it felt so strange to feel a weight growing on his chest and to see the flesh growing and swelling out. Aubrey's tits were a C cup, and for someone who had never had breasts that seemed big enough as he cupped them and groaned.  How did girls stand having these super-sensitive things on their chests, always on show?  Maybe it was because he wasn't used to them, but the nipples were super hard and he couldn't believe how amazing it felt to touch them.

It made his dick hard... or it would have done if that wasn't suddenly shrinking.  Jake felt a moment of panic as his penis suddenly went completely numb, and then he looked down to realise it had gone!  Instead, he had a girls pussy now.  Aubrey's was really pink and pretty - tight and enticing, for all the boys to enjoy. 

The physical transformation was complete - but there was one final button to press.  The device could also morph Jake's clothes, and give him the exact physical appearance that Aubrey possessed when he scanned her.  It meant he wouldn't have to do her hair, makeup or choose an outfit, so he pressed it.

Aubrey's scanned outfit was an impossibly tight pair of daisy duke hot-pants - a pink thong riding right up his ass crack, white converses and no bra - just a stringy purple top.  Makeup shimmered over Jake's features, turning his already pretty face into that of a Goddess with dark mascaraed 'come fuck-me' eyes, glossy pink lips and perfect foundation.

"Wow, I feel amazing," laughed Jake as he spun around in his sisters tiny and incredibly light body.  He felt so perky and bouncy and fit it was crazy.  Walking to the mirror, he could hardly believe it was him.  Here he was in his eighteen year old sisters super hot body.  No one would ever suspect he wasn't Aubrey... well... except for how he was acting.

Looking at the mental controls, Jake hesitated.  Seeing as Mr Blackwell had never met Aubrey, it didn't seem necessary to download any of her knowledge or personality. There seemed to be something a little dangerous about that to him.  It was probably best not to try.

Grabbing one of Aubrey's spare purses, Jake slipped his mobile phone into an old glittery pink cover of hers to make it look more feminine, crammed some random makeup and stuff inside to make it look genuinely like a girls and put Aubrey's spare car keys into the bag.

It wasn't until he was in Aubrey's car that he suddenly realised his first problem.  He couldn't drive!  Aubrey had learned as soon as she was able, but he hadn't started his lessons yet and he had no other way of getting to the Blackwell's, which was the other side of town.

He tried ringing for a taxi and considered booking an Uber, but then he remembered he could simply download the knowledge from his device to give him Aubrey's driving skills.  Cancelling the taxi he nervously looked at the device and pushed a button.


It felt like having a bucket of ice thrown over your head, and for a moment Jake was really dizzy. 

"Like, woah what a fucking rush," he giggled as his senses returned.  "Hey, like why am I like talking like this?" he whined in a bratty voice as he tried to remember how he normally talked.  "Like OMG, I must have fucked up and given myself Aubrey's mannerisms.  Shit, I need to know how to drive, not like how to talk like a spoiled brat.  Hehe, it does like sound kinda hot though," he purred, unable to stop himself talking like a dumb Barbie girl. 

Jake shifted in his seat and flicked back his sexy blonde hair with his long nails just like Aubrey did. He suddenly realised his posture had changed and he was holding himself with a spoiled, feminine gait just like his sister.  Not only had his voice mannerisms changed, but all his other mannerisms too.

"Like this is totally kewl," he giggled again, "oh but I still don't like know how to drive.  Lets try another button."

Pushing another button, Jake gasped as a sudden million memories smashed through his head.  A jumble of thousands of images and thoughts pulsed through his mind and he shook physically, squeezing his eyes shut and moaning as Aubrey's entire life flashed through his head. 

"OHHHHH EMMMM GEEEE," squealed Jake - as his own life was pushed to the periphery of his mind and Aubrey's current problems and obsessions dominated his thoughts.  He had all of her knowledge and memories now, so driving the car wouldn't be a problem, but married to his own personality and drives it was causing a conflict in his mind. Aubrey's personal problems were now pressing on his mind and he suddenly couldn't stop thinking about how that bitch Linda had dared to call him a slag, or how cute that boy was in the college class that he really wanted to fuck.

The thought of sex sparked a thousand other memories, from Aubrey's first clumsy blowjob... to the sophisticated sex moves she now employed after many years of experimentation and experience with dozens of partners... both male and female.  "Euuugghhhh," retched Jake as memories of sucking cock and getting fucked filled his mind from Aubrey's various sexual conquests.  His eyes widened and he felt sick at all the things his sister had done, including a threesome with two guys...  and the time she'd ridden a guy with a butt plug in whilst licking out his girlfriends pussy.  Ooooh what a slut she was!  The memory of guys cocks going into his ass and his pussy and his mouth were so real, that he could barely stand it.  Desperately he jabbed another button...


Jake's nausea receded as Aubrey's personality flowed into him, changing his own self perceptions and desires.  His sexual orientation switched to hers as did his view of himself.  He shivered happily as her narcissistic personality type took control and he began to wonder what he had been freaking out about moments before.

"Like, Jake... why were you being such a loser.  Hehe, sucking cock and fucking guys is where it's at. I am a fucking hot slut after all, mmmmmh, in fact if I didn't have this dumb babysitting job booked, I'd be out looking for some dick, right now!"

Pouting - Jake started the car and revelled in the feeling of knowing how to drive and being Aubrey.  Now he was her, mentally and physically, he felt so awesome and as he drove to Mr Blackwell's he began to experience a strange shift of self in his mind.

As Jake drove he was thinking less and less of himself as Jake the boy, and more and more of herself as Aubrey the girl.  Of course, this Aubrey knew she wasn't the original... but that hardly mattered as she felt more and more comfortable in her body with her new memories.

Maybe it had been a mistake to activate the personality, but new-Aubrey didn't really feel minded to turn it back now.  She was enjoying being a hot slut and the older sister for a change.

Arriving at Mr Blackwell's house, Aubrey realised she was nearly thirty minutes early.  Bored, she knocked on the door anyway and when there was no answer trotted to the side of the house, where she found Mr Blackwell in a dressing gown inside his kitchen listening to loud opera and unable to hear her.

"Shit, you gave me a shock," he gasped as Audrey appeared giggling at the window and he finally spotted her.  "Sorry - I'm still getting ready to go, you're early. So YOU'RE my baby-sitter?" he asked as he checked out the slutty eighteen year old blonde who was smirking sexily at him, "Wow, you sure are... umm... I mean.  So, I already put Bobby to bed, all you have to do is stay in the house and keep an eye on things till I get back about twelve.  Please, let me show you in and around the place."

For her part Aubrey's eyes had lit up when she saw her employer.  She'd imagined Mr Blackwell would be some boring opera loving drip, but he was a real Alpha-male... strong, muscled and handsome.  She brushed past him as she entered and deliberately pushed her soft teenage ass into his crotch.

"Please, let me show you around," grinned Mr Blackwell as Aubrey batted her eyelashes at him and gave him doe eyes. "My wife is a very busy woman so I take care of the house, most of the decoration choices are mine.  She's often away for months at a time, it can get very lonely for me."

"Awwww, that sucks Mr Blackwell," purred Aubrey as she looked up at him innocently.  "If I were your wife, I'd be home all the time... I'd wanna spend as much time as possible with my husband, especially if he was as hot as you are."

"Well, that's ummm, nice of... ahhh," stuttered Mr Blackwell.  "Please... call me Jason, by the way," he grinned.  "Would you like to see the master bedroom?"

"Ooooh, you bet Jason," giggled Aubrey happily as they went inside.

"Hey what are you doing?" gasped Jason as Aubrey suddenly grabbed his dressing gown and ripped it off his back.  Naked except for his boxers he spun round as she put her hand on his chest and pushed him towards the bed.

"Oh come on Jason," she laughed, "We both know you aren't gonna waste time at the Opera tonight. Instead we're gonna stay in and you're going to fuck me all night.  I'm gonna ride your big married cock with my tight teenage pussy and make you cum in ways your wife never could manage."

Jake/Aubrey was out of control by now.  Whatever remained of her masculine personality had been overwhelmed by her new body.  She was for all intents and purposes an almost perfect copy of the real Audrey and the slutty bitch was horny for some married cock.

Jason wasn't exactly going to say no to a hot eighteen year old bitch in heat, and he only put up a half-hearted effort as she pushed him onto the bed and ripped down his underwear.  Aubrey moaned happily as she saw Jason's big dick and pounced on it, slipping it between her pink lips and beginning to suck.

"Ohhhh fuck, my bitch of a wife never sucks my dick," smiled Jason "that feels amazing."

Aubrey wondered what Jason would say if she told him his was the first dick she had technically ever really sucked.  Sure, she had memories of the real Aubrey doing this, but she was really Jake.  It seemed a moot point as she got into what she was doing and began bobbing her pretty head up and down on his dick.

The rest of the night was a blur of fucking, grinding, slapping, choking and cumming.  They fucked like rabbits for hours, Aubrey bouncing her tight pussy on her lovers big dick as they explored each others bodies and revelled in their taboo liaison.

Finally, hours after her arrival, covered in cum and sore in every hole - Aubrey uncoupled for the last time from Mr Blackwell who stood in a daze.  He had never had sex like this; it had been mind-blowing.  "Ohhh fucking hell Aubrey, that was amazing."

Looking down at his cum oozing out of her cunt, Aubrey smiled.  She loved riding guys bare-back and feeling it drip out of her.  She was such a slut.  She'd have to remember to take her morning after pill again... or maybe this time she wouldn't.  The thought of getting knocked up and stealing Mr Blackwell for herself was kind of hot.

"That was fun baby, but I gotta roll.  It's nearly 1AM.  I assume you're gonna pay me overtime for my services?"

"What... you want me to pay you?" stuttered Mr Blackwell, "But I thought..."

"Hey Jason," grinned Aubrey dangerously, "Sure I wanted to ride you - but a girls gotta eat and I was here to babysit tonight.  I think you ought to quadruple my pay and give me what I want, otherwise maybe your wife will find out about our little liaison. "

"No! NO!  It's fine, I'll pay you," panicked Jason running to his wallet and giving Aubrey everything inside it.  "I'll pay you extra.  There's $3000 in there, keep it and please don't tell my wife about this."

Aubrey grinned as she counted her money and then licking the cum from her fingers and pussy, began putting her panties back on.  "Sure thing Mr Blackwell, thanks for the tip."

Leaving the house feeling cummy and satisfied, Audrey smiled.  $3000 for basically fucking some guy in his own home and blackmailing him?  She could get used to this.  Getting into her car she looked at the device in her handbag and grinned.  The thought of going back to Jake was soooooo unappealing.  Luckily, the device now contained his mental and physical blueprint.  A few tweaks to override the safeties and this could be used to turn the real Aubrey into Jake, leaving her free to take over Aubrey's hot life.

Putting her money into her handbag, Aubrey smiled.  She'd make sure the new Jake was too dumb to ever build another device or even realise what had happened.  From this point forward the new Aubrey was going to be both hot and clever and she couldn't wait to have more fun... look out real Aubrey, your sister was definitely out to get you!



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