Over-cumming Nurse Kagney

My Dad's health had recently gotten really poor - he was really rich, but now constantly affected by a crippling disease that left him bed-bound and unable to leave hospital.  The Doctors were clueless, and the only person who had ever been able to help him had been the wicked nurse that had possibly given him the disease in the first place - Nurse Kagney.  At first she'd claimed to be helping him with muscle pain, but as his health rapidly went downhill she had become his private carer and had been on the verge of convincing him to alter his will, when I found out about her evil.  In the end, I had to fire her because she was planning to seduce my Dad and steal the family wealth.

My girlfriend Kirsty thought her control of him and the unknown disease she had given him was entirely psychological and that my Dad had only responded to Nurse Kagney because the evil bitch had somehow programmed him to respond to her curvaceous body and sexy commands.  I had hoped driving her away might save him, but now my Dad's health was worse than ever and in his fever he was constantly calling out for Kagney and moaning for her.  If he didn't get to see her soon, he might even die.

I'd been talking a lot about it with my girlfriend and Kirsty had come round after school one night looking thoughtful. As we hung out in my room, she suddenly asked me something weird.  "The other day - didn't you say you still had one of Nurse Kagney's outfits around here?"

I nodded.  When I'd driven her out of the house, where she had been privately caring for my father, she'd abandoned some of her clothes and makeup.  I hadn't had time to get rid of it yet.  "Yeah, the bitch left some things here, why?"

Kirsty smiled shyly at me.  "I kinda might have a magic medallion that will let me transform into Nurse Kagney.  All I have to do is wear it and put on some of her clothes and it will make me into an exact copy of her.  The transformation gives you the persons memories and thoughts, so I'd be able to work out what she did to control your Dad and hopefully reverse it."

"Wow, is it dangerous?"

"I don't know - I've never really tried it before.  My family have been guarding the medallion for a long time, we're not really meant to use it, but this is kind of an emergency I guess.  Part of me has wanted to try becoming someone else for a while, but I needed a real crisis to justify trying it.  I think this qualifies - your Dad might die if we don't do something."

Kirsty seemed sure this would help, but I wasn't sure about this.  Something in my head told me this wasn't a good move, but Kirsty insisted, so I went and found the abandoned nurses uniform Nurse Kagney had left here.  Picking up the sexy material, I carried it to my bedroom where I found Kirsty had stripped out of her school uniform.  She blushed as I handed over the uniform and she slipped the medallion around her neck.

"Here goes nothing..."

I watched as Kirsty began to clamber into the uniform. It was much too big for her tiny body, especially at the front, where Nurse Kagney's enormous tits had once stretched the material to the limit.  She shivered as she pulled it up over her body and groaned.

"Ohhh wow, my body is tingling, I think it's working."

Grabbing the uniform, Kirsty pulled it over her own body and as I watched - there was definitely a change happening.  Kirsty's body seemed to be changing size and shape to fit the uniform and she was ageing, getting older as she grunted and pulled the uniform up over her tits.  

"Ahhhh my breasts are getting bigger," she gasped - her voice showing some delight as Nurse Kagney's bigger tits began to grown on her slender chest.

"Ohhhhh my head," groaned Kirsty as she dug her fingers into her blonde hair which was taking on volume and getting curlier as thick red makeup coated my sweet girlfriends lips and her face began to transform.  Her uniform tightened up and her own white tights began to shimmer and turn red, as the magic altered the rest of her appearance to give her Kagney's slutty body.

"My head feels sooooo good, I can feel all her thoughts and memories and oooooh fuck she's such an evil bitch, ohhhh my God... how could anyone act this way, it... ahhhh... it feels so naughty!"

Kirsty was moaning and grabbing her body, massaging her bigger breasts as her ass pushed out and the familiar features of Nurse Kagney finished moulding on her face.  There was now nothing left physically of my cute girlfriend, the slutty bitch in front of me looked head and shoulders exactly like Nurse Kagney.

"Ohh fuck, she's so hot and slutty GOD I love how this feels," groaned Kirsty orgasmically. "Yes YES!  Make me into her, finish my transformation, I feel so GOOD!"

My girlfriends eyes rolled up into her head, and when they came back down they were no longer her own. They looked exactly like Nurse Kagney's.

"Mmmmmh, how do I look baby?" purred Kirsty as she finished transforming and whatever was happening in her head seemed to settle down.  Without waiting for an answer, she twirled around and inspected her body with obvious glee. "I feel A-MAZE-ING," she giggled acting completely differently to normal as she strode confidently towards me and sat on my knee.  "Do you like the new me?"

I coughed nervously.  "Kirsty, you're acting a little weird... I..."

"KAGNEY," snapped the woman on my knee.  "You better get used to calling me that because that's who I am now."

"You mean you don't want me giving away your..."

"No you idiot... I mean I AM Kagney.  That dumb slut of a girlfriend of yours didn't realise the medallion transforms EVERYTHING.  I have Kagney's memories, her thoughts AND her personality.  I've overriden Kirsty completely.  Haha, I mean - I still have her memories and know I used to be her, but she's gone baby.  Well, unless I choose to use the medallion on her clothing and turn back into her. Haha, and why would I do that?"

"Kirsty, stop it - you're scaring me!  This is crazy, besides... the real Nuse Kagney won't like it when she discovers you are impersonating her."

"That's until I use the medallion on the 'real' Nurse Kagney and turn her into some weak and pathetic fool.  Then I can steal her life completely.  Haha, no I'm never going back to being your idiot girlfriend... this is sooooo much better."

"Aren't you forgetting something?  I can stop you," I shouted.

"Sure you can... but soon you won't want to.  I'm going to enslave you and make you serve me.  Then together we'll finish off your Daddy and I'll take all his money."

Sliding to her knees, Kagney popped open her dress and whipping out my cock, slid it between her massive tits.

"You see, I learned how to use my body to emplant hypnotic controls in men.  Just keep looking at my big titties and everything will feel sooooooo much better soon.  Give your soul to Nurse Kagney and you'll feel much better."

"Noooo," I groaned, but it felt too good as she began to jerk my cock with her massive soft breasts and I felt myself falling under her control.

"Yesssss, watch my bouncy tits.  Obey my flesh, become my slave.  Forget all about Kirsty.  You will believe I have always been Kagney, and you are my devoted slave. You love me and wish only to serve me.  Give in and I'll let you fuck me."

Up and down, up and down went my dick in between her tits and as I felt my soul being drained away and my memories of Kirsty fade - I knew she had won. Nurse Kagney was too strong and there was no way to overcome her anymore.  All I could do now was serve my Mistress and enjoy being her sex slave.



  1. Hawt stuff! Happy Christmas, Evie!

  2. I love it!!! Hopefully Kagney needs a sexy assistant in the future that could be filled by whoever she has handy...


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