Cliquey Chloe

Chloe Mitchell couldn't believe her parents were forcing her to go to an all-boys school.  She didn't know what strings her rich and powerful father must have pulled in order to make her the first ever female pupil, but it was frustrating beyond belief.  Sure... being the centre of attention and surrounded by cute boys would be hot - but what was going to happen to the bitchy empire she had spent years creating?  

Chloe was currently Queen Bee of her High-School and Head-Cheerleader. She loved having other girls to hang out with and boss around.  She found being surrounded by other spoiled bitches enhanced her own beauty and made her feel like a Princess.  She loved going shopping with her besties, competing with them on Instagram and chatting long into the night with them.  She was a terrible influence on other girls and at her worst when she was let loose with them.  It had earned her the nick-name Cliquey Chloe.  But now she was going to be a bitch without a clique,  just as her parents intended.

"We're sick of the complaints about how you influence other peoples daughters,  Chloe.  You need to knuckle down and do some work.  We're sending you to your new school so you have no girls to bitchify and ruin, and that's FINAL!"

Chloe usually got what she wanted from her Mother or Father EXCEPT when they spoke to her like that.  Then she knew their minds were made up.  She was stuck going to an all-boys school, her time as a Queen Bee was over.  Or... was it?

As Chloe surfed the web the weekend before going to her new school, she found herself imagining the strangest things.  What if... what if there was a way to make the boys at school into bitches - to create a new clique of sluts?  It sounded crazy, but through some rather unorthodox searches she had found herself directed to the lesser well known parts of the internet - and she found a web page for an intriguing online store. Her pussy got wet as she found herself surfing the website on the dark web and realising that it seemed to offer her everything she could dream of.  One product in particular caught her attention.

"Bitchification Gel Nails.  Once applied these nails will allow you to infect others with your bitchiness. Simply dig your nails into your victim and watch as they are corrupted and transformed by your power.  The effects are permanent and alter reality appropriately.  Now with next-day delivery."

Chloe's pussy was soaking wet and her hand was in her panties as she clicked 'buy'.  The thought of digging her nails into some wretched boy and watching him transform into a beautiful slutty girl was so hot.   Her perfect pink lips curved into a horny smile as Cliquey Chloe imagined the coterie of girls she could create with such power.

She barely slept that night such was her excitement and next day she rushed to the door to collect her parcel.  She'd ordered four sets of the nails, just in case and they had all arrived just as she wanted. In her bedroom, her hands trembling with excitement, she carefully applied the nails - smirking as she watched her set of claws develop fingernail by fingernail.  "Ooooh, so pretty... and wicked," she giggled flexing her fingers and feeling the urge to try out her new power.  "Mmmh, patience Chloe.  Tomorrow you get to have some real fun..."

Chloe's first day at her new school would have been such a drag if she hadn't been so excited about what she was going to do.  As she was shown around the school, giggling as the boys checked out their hot new class-mate, her eyes hungrily roved for her first victim.  Her nails were almost itching and her heart was beating fast as she completed her tour and thanked the two boys who had shown her around.

It wasn't long before lessons were due to start, so Chloe drifted back up to the school library where she'd seen some pupils had come in early to do a bit of catching up before the start of the day.  Humming a tune under her breath, Chloe's eyes widened and fixed on the back of the room where a cute boy in glasses was sitting all by himself.  Swaying over she sat down opposite him and grinned as he looked up.

"Oh... hi... you errr, you must be the new girl everyone is talking about.  I don't think our school has ever had a female student before.  It's kind of weird."

"Hi - I'm Chloe, and if you ask me, they should let more female students in here. We could make this place a lot more fun and there are so many hot boys to play with."

"Oh, errr, right.  I'm Cassidy by the way."

"Cassidy?  Isn't that a girls name?"

"Well, it's kind of unisex," blushed the boy.  "My Dad was a big fan of westerns, he named me after Butch Cassidy.  I really don't like it that much... I've never felt it suited me."

"I think it will suit you just fine, once I make a few adjustments..." giggled Chloe as she moved closer.  "Who exactly is your Dad?"

"Oh he directs films.  I guess he's kind of famous.  It's annoying though, I hate this celebrity obsessed culture we live in and he's always bringing back these vain, shallow celebs back to our house.  We've even got Jason Leland staying with us at the moment, he's a total douchebag."

Chloe felt her breathing intensify.  Jason Leland was soooooo hot.  He was a big name Hollywood actor and absolutely fit as fuck.  She couldn't believe this quiet little nerd was the son of a Hollywood Director.  He could be having so much fun going to A-List parties and living it up as a socialite... instead he was a boring boy.  She had to help him.

Looking around to check they were alone, Chloe slid in next to Cassidy and pulling his sleeve up wrapped her hand around his arm. "Mmmmh, don't worry big boy - I'll help you embrace the spoiled lifestyle you deserve."

"Hey, what the hell are you doing, I... HEY OUCH!" he gasped as Chloe viciously dug her nails into his flesh.

Chloe focused, willing her bitchiness and sluttiness to spread and corrupt the pathetic nerd next to her.  Her nails tingled and to her delight the skin next to her nails began to change and become softer as a wave of bitchification spread out from her hand and she pumped her hotness into Cassidy.  He moaned helplessly, weak and under her control as she reshaped his body and mind. "Don't try to fight it, give in and become a bitch..." she hissed, "soon you'll feel much better as my new bff."

Cassidy's body doubled in on itself as he got smaller and thinner.  His bones cracked and his features became softer and more delicate as his eyebrows thinned and his lips took on a soft pout. "Oooooh, fuck... what are you doing to me, it ahhhh feels so good," moaned Cassidy helplessly as Chloe's power overwhelmed him and he luxuriated in the wonderful feeling.

"I'm pumping you full of girly bitchiness.  Can you feel it overwhelming you? Soon you'll be a hot, shallow slut just like me.  The first of my bff's.  No one will even remember you were ever a boy, they'll believe that this school has accepted two female students and you'll be a slut forever."

Cassidy groaned as his clothing morphed and transformed into a cute skirt and knee socks.  His hair got longer and his face prettier as more and more bitchiness flowed into him through the nails in his arm.  His chest began to swell up and his voice broke as his Adam's apple retracted and his dick began to shrink. "Mmmmh, you're going to love having a tight little pussy just like me.  Soon you'll crave cock and be a bitchy little flirt."

A soft perfume rose from Cassidy's skin as he ripped off his glasses and his body-hair vanished.  Two firm perky tits dropped into place on his chest - encased in a lace bra and a grey top as his pussy opened up and his hips cracked out fully to give him everything a girl needed.

"You're physically all girl now hurry up bitch - destroy that boy and lets have some fun," giggled Chloe madly as she watched the last traces of male Cassidy fade.  "Let your new personality take over.  You're a giggling, slutty, teasing little bitch.  You are all about being ultra-feminine and sexy.  Yes!  That's it... you're a hot, spoiled, pretty little bitch now... just like me!"

"OH FUCK YES," moaned Cassidy as she shook in pleasure and her new soft pink lips curved into a naughty smile.  Makeup shimmered over her features and her voice took on a bratty twang as she giggled and opened soft brown eyes with a mischievous twinkle in them.   "Oooh, like that's sooooo much better.  Thanks babe, I LOVE the new me!"

The corruption completed, Chloe pulled her hand away and the slightly red marks on Cassidy's arm almost instantly faded.  Cassidy opened her handbag and pulled out a mirror, squealing excitedly as she checked out her new appearance.  "Oh, I'm like soooooo pretty now!  Thanks hun!"  The two friends hugged and giggling complimented each other on their outfits.  Chloe sighed happily.  She felt better already for having another girl around and with every new bitch she added to her clique, the more like her old Queen Bee self she would no doubt feel.

Cassidy was now Chloe's new best-friend.  Bitchy, gossipy and fashion obsessed... her Hollywood connections meant she could get them access to celebrities and exclusive parties.  She was the first of Chloe's new Clique.  She would serve a vital position as Chloe's number two and most loyal friend. Of course, that meant that a lot of the time she'd get dumped all over by Chloe, but in turn she would get to boss others around too.

"Hey girl, did you say Jason Leland was staying at your house?" giggled Chloe as Cassidy played with her hair and admired herself vainly.

"Yeah, he just broke up with that bitch that was all over the news.  He's all alone at my house right now."

"Hmmmm, fancy skipping school today?" laughed Chloe. "I think we should go see if Jason is up for some fun.  I've always wanted to fuck a celebrity."

"But it's your first day... they'll notice you're gone," gasped Cassidy.  "We're the only two girls in the place, it's not like we don't stand out."

"Haha, don't worry - I have an idea.  There will be plenty of girls here soon and we're gonna rule them all.  I know how we can make it so that we'll be able to do whatever we like in this place, including bunking off whenever we like. Follow me."

Walking to the door of the Principals office hand in hand with her new friend, Chloe smirked as she knocked on the door and a voice told her to enter.  The two girls swayed inside to find Principal Swan checking his morning emails.  He always allowed pupils to see him if he had time, and he was actually pleased to meet Chloe, his newest addition.

"Ah, you must be Chloe Mitchell!  I was going to introduce myself to you later today once you'd settled in, but I'm glad to see you are so keen.  I see you've met the schools only other female student - I'm pleased that Cassidy will finally have another girl to keep her company.  It must be hard being the only girl around here."

The Principal frowned slightly as he spoke.  It was weird... but he almost felt like something had changed recently.  Since when had he had two female students?  But no - of course Cassidy was one of them.  She'd been here for years. Hadn't she?  He couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong, but then he decided he must just be tired this morning.

"I'm so pleased to have you.  Although as a boys school we have held a historically consistent position that female students be separated from our boys for educational reasons, we feel that some small feminine influence can only bring benefit to the school.  Welcome along."

"Nice to meet you Principal Swan.  I'm glad you recognise the role we female students can play here, and don't worry - soon there will be plenty more girls attending.  In fact you're going to help us do it," giggled Chloe as she approached his desk.

"But this is a boys school young lady.  We only allowed you and Cassidy to attend due to your Fathers influential connections.  I'm not willing to approve any further female students."

Chloe giggled as she slid closer and put her arm out to touch the Principal's wrist.  "Oh, not yet you're not... but soon you'll understand. Soon you'll be a big fan of girls like us."

"Young lady, remove your hand from me right now, this is most inappropriate I will have to... OW!"

The Principal gasped as Chloe dug her fingers into his hand and grinned manically.  He looked up to where Cassidy was smirking and shivered as a delicious tingle ran up his arm and into his body.  

"Wow Chloe, it looks so hawt, yeah make him into a bitch like us... pump him full of your bitchiness."

"Noooooo!" groaned the Principal trying to resist as Chloe's teenage bitchiness pulsed into him, corrupting his body and soul and making his skin itch and shift.  He gasped as his chest burned and his clothing began to alter and change on his body.  He was becoming a woman!

"Agghhhh, he's strong," gasped Chloe as she found the principal to be a more powerful opponent than Cassidy had been.  "Quick, there's another set of nails in my bag... put them on."

Cassidy grabbed Chloe's bag and pulled out another set of the bitchification nails.  She quickly and efficiently glued them to her fingers... they were much quicker to do than regular nails - their magic nature making them slot and bond to her fingers in mere instants.

In his chair, Principal Swan was moaning and gasping as his voice went up and down in pitch.  His chest was swelling, then retracting as the corruption pulsing into him struggled to overcome his intrinsic stubborn nature.  Chloe was panting, her face locked in concentration as she worked to bitchify her opponent - she just needed a little more power. 

Coming up behind the Principal and jabbing her new nails into his shoulders, Cassidy laughed as she added her own bitchy energy to her friends - overwhelming his weak masculinity and corrupting him into an evil slut just like them.

"NOOOOOOO!" he screamed as he lost the battle and the two girls laughed with glee and giggled in unison.

"Yeah, take it all bitch,"

"Be a slut, you know you want to..."

The Principal was doomed and he wasn't even fighting anymore because it felt too good. Soft blonde hair burst from his bald head and two massive breasts swelled up on his chest as his boring clothing transformed into a tight blouse and slutty black leather skirt. 

Swan giggled as he stretched and transformed, his skin softening and expensive makeup covering his now beautiful features. "Ohhh yes girls, I love it!  Fill me right up!" moaned the Principal as his bones cracked and changed and his ass swelled out - his personality altering to fit his new body.

Ms Swan purred in satisfaction as her two favourite students... the girls she regarded almost as daughters, finished pumping her full of bitchy energy and her whole outlook on life changed. She was now an evil forty year old MILF with a penchant for domination and a passion for transforming weak boys into slutty girls.  She was a total bitch.

"Ahhhhh, I feel so much better now Chloe... you and Cassidy truly have set me free.  Now I understand... women are superior to men and the more girls we can create here, the better. Yes! I am going to transform this into a mixed sex school - and we'll ensure the women are on top of course.  You will of course be the Queen Bee of our little clique here.  We'll ensure that all the hot dumb boys stay male and we turn all the clever ones into your gang of sluts.  It's a perfect control system... why didn't I see it before."

Chloe grinned as she tossed Ms Swan a pair of the magic nails to try on.  "Why don't you try these on for size then Miss?  Then you can make anyone you like into a girl.  Bring the boys to your office and turn them into girls like us."

"Ahhhh, thank you Chloe.  You're such a clever girl.  I can't wait to corrupt some boys into lovely girls like my two favourite sluts.  Mmmmh, this is going to be fun. Now in the meantime was there anything else you wanted?"

"Yeah, can me and Cassidy have the day off to go out on a little school trip?"

Ms Swan smiled benevolently.  "Of course my dears, I'll indicate you are off-site on an educational visit.  Do whatever you wish."

As they left her office, Chloe giggled to hear Ms Swan asking for the office to send Mr Jones the hot PE teacher down to see her.  Rumours were that Mr Jones had a big dick and was fucking half the hot-moms at school.  It looked like Ms Swan wanted to try out the rumours for herself.  Just imagining the former prim Principal on his knees sucking dick or wanking off a cock with those big new tits of his was making Chloe horny.

Her work completed at school Cliquey Chloe was ready to move onto the next stage of her plan. "Come on Cassidy.  I'm desperate to meet Jason Leland.  I've always wanted to try seducing and fucking a real celebrity.  This is gonna be soooooo much fun."  Cassidy nodded and the two of them set out on their way.  Sauntering out of the school gates unchallenged, the two girls hailed an Uber and using Cassidy's Dad's credit card to pay - headed off for her mansion home in the hills.

"So Chloe, when are we gonna make more girls to join our clique?" asked Cassidy as they headed up.

"Patience Cass, we're not in any rush.  Besides, I'm sure Ms Swan is probably busy right now digging her nails into boring boys and making them like us.  Our clique is gonna grow and grow."

"Chloe - I feel really horny and I wanna fuck a guy so badly right now, but I keep thinking that I used to be a guy... and I have all these thoughts and memories that don't seem right.  Maybe this isn't such a..."

Sick of listening to her friend doubting herself, Chloe dug her nails into Cassidy's arm and blasted her with more bitchy energy.  The girl moaned and writhed as Chloe's powerful personality and slutty desires overwhelmed any inhibitions or worries she had.  "Cass, you're gonna be fine.  Lets burn out all those male memories and make sure you're a total whore for big cock."

Pulling her nails out of her friend, Chloe smiled proudly as Cass sat up and a dumb, spoiled look came over her face.  There would be no more complaining from her now.

Pulling up at the luxurious mansion house that Cassidy's family called home - the two girls went up the drive and let themselves in.   Cassidy's Dad was out on a film shoot and he had left Jason Leland the run of the place.  Nobody knew the celeb was here yet and so he didn't have to worry about Paparazzi.

Sauntering around the house in just a towel as everyone was out, Jason was gobsmacked as the door suddenly opened and Cassidy and Chloe entered.  He went bright red and tried to cover himself up as the two girls looked at him knowingly and Chloe whispered something in her friends ear.

"Hey Jason, we're bunking off school - you better not tell my Dad.  This is my friend Chloe."

Jason tried to recover his composure as the two little bitches circled him.

"Oh right - no I won't say anything," he coughed, painfully aware of how hot the two girls were looking.

"Good," giggled Chloe as she played with her hair and smiled at Jason.  "You know I'm a big fan of yours.  I've seen lots of your films.  I've always wondered something though... how big is your cock?"

As she spoke Chloe circled the house and before he could stop her, she whipped his towel away revealing his stiffening manhood.

"Shit... girls.. this is crazy, what are you doing?" he moaned as Chloe pushed Cassidy down and her bff eagerly obeyed.  Holding Cassidy's hair, she pushed the eager girls head onto Jason's dick and he moaned as she engulfed it and began to suck and slurp.

"She's a good cocksucker isn't she... her Dad need never know, provided you fuck us both good.  Otherwise I'll have to tell him you put your dick in her mouth."

Jason knew the two bitches had trapped him, but he didn't really care anymore.  He wasn't about to turn down the chance to fuck these super hot sluts.  As the wicked bff's began to kiss and touch him all over, he gave himself to them and did everything that Chloe whispered in his ear.  She was quite some bitch.

"Fuck my slutty best friend in her tight little cunt," groaned Chloe loving watching Jason's big dick pounding her friend as she rubbed and helped Cassidy get off.

"Oh fuck Chloe, it feels amazing... he's so good, you have to try this."

"Don't worry, I will... but why don't you cum first babe?  Go on... cream his cock and then I'll have my go.  Mmmmmh, this so fucking hawt, we're such bad girls."

Cassidy moaned and squealed as Jason brought her to orgasm and she trembled in joy as Chloe rubbed her pussy and helped her to cum.  She felt a moment of loss as Jason pulled out of her, but it was time to watch Chloe have her turn.

But to her surprise, Chloe stuck her ass high up in the air.

"Your cock is dripping with that bitches pussy juice, it should be nice and wet.  Ram it up my ass, I love taking it from behind."

Chloe love anal sex and she was in heaven as Jason stretched her ass right out and slid his dick inside.  She gasped and moaned, it felt so fucking dirty and wrong.  Fucking a celeb and making him ass-fuck her was amazing.  This was gonna be a story she could tell for a very long time.

"Mmmmh, isn't being a fucking bitch so much fun?" she laughed turning her blonde head to look her bff right in the eye.  "After he's cum in my ass, you can lick it all off his dick... and taste my ass too.  I know you like that Cass."

As Cassidy watched Chloe getting pounded, she had to admit her friend looked hot.  There was a reason that Chloe was the Queen Bee, she was willing to go further than any other girl and she was so effortlessly nasty and hawt.  Being in her clique was sure fun - or at least it would be as they added more members.

"Mmmmmh, keep fucking me Jason, then cum all over me," moaned Chloe.  "I think you like having some horny girls around to play with don't you? Well don't worry - I have a big clique of friends and it's getting bigger all the time."

Chloe's first day at her new school had definitely been a success... and she was looking forward to further attendance in the weeks to come.

Cliquey Chloe was definitely going to get her crown back!


  1. Ooh Evie I didn't know you were capping again! Yay! Love this one and the concept of bitchification nails 🙂

  2. This is an awesome one, I love the concept, and the fact that it's super long makes it even more fun. Love it!

  3. This is a fun one! Hopefully they don't nail anyone by accident. Wonder what other products they might be able to get for fun.

  4. You're on such a hot streak, babe! Fantastic work!

  5. Great job Evie. The dark web has practically everything, to solve your problems. You just need to know where to look.

  6. Amazing story, so damn sexy.

  7. hot!! cd sara

  8. This one is great - I'd love to see more of Chloe making some more friends to join her clique. Maybe even a new girl who winds up becoming a rival...


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