The bitchonic man (For white-rose)

I awoke to pain and every part of me hurt.  My arms, my legs... my head.  It felt like someone had smashed my bones with a hammer and inserted hot white metal under my skin.  Groaning I forced open my gummy eyes to see the pensive face of my beautiful girlfriend Linda looking down at me.  She wasn't immediately aware I was conscious, and I could see she had her thinking face on.  She looked... troubled.

"L..Linda... where am I?"

Linda's face immediately turned to relief and then concern as she saw I was awake but in pain.  She lent close, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Alex... you were in an accident, but you're safe now... please don't try to move, I'll get the nurses."

Vague memory returned of falling.  I was being chased... chased by bullies.  I'd tried to escape through the old building on the edge of town, but the floor had given way... I'd fallen.  

Looking down my body, I could see wheels and pulleys holding my limbs in place.  An I.V was inserted into my arm and there were beeping machines monitoring my vitals.  My limbs were bound and all in a white cast - it didn't look good.
Linda returned with a nurse and a Doctor, and I felt the sweet relief of morphine washing into my body as they administered drugs.  "Linda, where is my foster carer?"

Linda blushed and I felt a rising tide of anger as I realised my so called carer had abandoned me yet again.  I'd never known my parents and I'd been fostered at a young age, but my carer didn't give a shit about me.  All I had was Linda.

"Don't worry.  You're hurt pretty bad, but we'll find a way through this," she urged, gripping my hand - about the only uninjured part of me and smiling.  "The bullies that were chasing you at least had the decency to ring the emergency services.  They are in a world of shit at school though. They are all going to be expelled."

"Not if I have anything to do with it," suddenly came a bratty smirking voice from the door and I gasped as I realised there was some sort of commotion going on and suddenly an army of people entering my ward. Nurses in private uniforms were surging into the room and unhooking me from the machinery, attaching new needles into my arms briskly and efficiently.  

"Melody?  What the fuck is going on?" spat Linda as she saw her hated enemy, the rich and super popular Melody standing with her arms crossed at the door.  The bitch was a multi-millionaire and her Father was a plastic surgeon and Doctor who had pioneered radical and experimental new techniques at his private clinic. It was her boyfriend Chuck who had chased me through the building and caused me to fall.  As always she was flanked by her two beta-bitches who giggled and obeyed her every command - Avery and Madison.  They were hot, but mean.

Melody smirked as she walked up to Linda and looked her up and down dismissively, "Well - I don't want Chuck to get expelled so I made a deal with the principal of the school.  I agreed to make sure that Alex got the best treatment possible to aid his recovery - and to ensure there is nothing you can do to stop me, I got Daddy to adopt Alex.  He's my brother now and my family own him... we're transferring him to Daddy's private clinic."

"You can't own a person, you can't do this," spat Linda in a rage. 

"Oh... we can and soon Alex will be a willing participant in all this.  You'll see.  Now restrain Linda and ensure she doesn't interfere."

Avery and Madison grabbed Linda and though she screamed and fought, it was hopeless.  Melody had paid off the hospital and fake paperwork had been completed. I was too weak to fight and I was rapidly losing consciousness as Melody's nurses pumped me full of drugs.  The last thing I saw was Linda fighting back tears and trying to reach me.

Darkness took me, but every now and then my consciousness would resurface.  Finally I began to come around.  I awoke, this time in less pain, to find I was in a pink, luxurious room filled with incredibly futuristic looking machinery.  Melody was sat by my side and she grinned as she saw I was coming around.

"Ahhhh good, I wanted to talk to you before we begin the procedure."

"Wh... what procedure?"

Melody purred happily as she stroked my head,  "Your body is badly damaged - but we can rebuild it... better... bitchier... hotter than it was before."

"What are you talking about?"

"Dear Alex, we're going to test an experimental procedure on you.   We're going to turn you into a girl.  My Father is only too happy to use you to test his theory.  Through a mixture of plastic surgery, DNA replacement using my own genome as the superior version, hypnosis and cranial implants and hormonal/chromosomal replacement - we can corrupt you into a spoiled, bitchy slut just like me.  I can't wait to make you into my naughty sister."

My eyes widened in horror as I realised what Melody was saying was true!  She laughed as she walked to a console and started to push buttons.  I tried to move, but my body was completely restrained as pink liquids began to gurgle and rush through tubes, the plasma rapidly rushing into my body and a series of robotic arms around me beginning to whir into action.

"The pink liquid entering your body contains my DNA.  It will infect and corrupt your own puny code, warping and transforming it to make you my sister.  The machines around you will rebuild you shattered body, mending bones and reinforcing and strengthening your physical form. You'll be stronger, faster and more powerful than any girl that is currently alive.  The electrodes about to enter your head will rewire your mind and implant the personality and memories I desire.  I based them on my own, with a few modifications."

I shuddered as the pink plasma flowed into my body and Melody's DNA began it's work.  My skin tingled and to my horror it felt good.  I could almost imagine her bitchy DNA spreading through my body like a virus, altering my gender... it was pointless trying to fight. 

Next electrodes attached to my head and I groaned as Melody's voice filled my mind.

"You are a bitch... you are a bitch... you are a bitch... you are a bitch..."

As she whispered into my head, memories and thoughts began to fill me up and I could feel my own memories being replaced and destroyed.  Needles inserted into my body, pumping me full of strange chemicals as the robotic arms lasered me and corrected the damage done in the accident.  I was being reborn and transformed.  I tried to hold on - but consciousness was fading again and I was falling into a deep well of feminine desires and corruption.  I felt my lips begin to move... "I am a bitch... I am a bitch... I am a bitch..."

"Yesssss, that's it... give in and become my sister.  I can't wait to see how you end up," giggled Melody as my eyes rolled up into my head and I passed out, aroused and excited.

My corruption was just beginning and when I awoke, I would be a new person...


I giggled as I opened my eyes and realised the procedure was over and I was now fully female.  I knew instantly... from my tiny toes, to my tight pussy, to my hot little breasts and my sexy blonde hair that I was no longer a boy.  I was now in a normal bedroom, lying in a comfortable and luxurious bed.  My blonde hair was all around me and I felt great.  

I had no idea how long I'd been here, but throwing back the cover I gazed at my feminine body in satisfaction.  Mmmmmh, this was much better.  I felt like such a fucking naughty bitch and leaping out of bed I walked to the mirror and admired myself vainly.  

"Ohhhh yeah, I'm so fucking hawt," I giggled as I drank in the sight of my perfect new form.   I smiled as I assessed my situation.  I knew that I was only the way I was because my sister Melody had corrupted me body and mind, but that didn't seem to matter as I admired the physical perfection of my new form.  All positive feelings towards my old life had been erased and thanks to my sister and my Daddy, I had everything a spoiled brat could ever want now.

I squealed excitedly as the door suddenly opened and Melody walked in with a smile on her face.  We hugged and she stroked my hair as she grinned at me happily.  "Oh Alex, you turned out even better than I could imagine.  Just so you know, Daddy got you a new birth-certificate and documents.  You'll need to start spelling your name Alix though - I thought it sounded hotter."

I nodded.  From now on I was Alix.

"Well, now you are finally up and about, we have so much to do together... but first I bought you a present.  Chuck still feels bad about what happened, so he wanted to come over here and make it up to you personally.  Enjoy..."

Melody strode out, and moments later Chuck entered sheepishly, naked... with his massive dick hanging out.  I grinned as he approached and I felt myself get wet. My sister was such a hottie for letting me share her boyfriend.

A few hours later after fucking each others brains out and getting his delicious cum all over me... I was finally done.  Chuck couldn't believe what a hot fuck I was, but then I was bionically enhanced and superior to him in every way.

Alix was here now and the world was never going to be the same again.



  1. Imagining what Alix is going to get to with Melody and when she meets back up with Linda!


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