
"Listen - it isn't my job to fight your battles for you little brother.  No one looked out for me when I was in your shoes -  you need to learn to stand up for yourself.  I've already told you that you need to fucking man up and take this bully on - otherwise you deserve to be treated like a little pussy."

Courtney was wearing her hot resting bitch face, as she lectured her little brother Tommy on exactly why she was going to give him absolutely no help with his bully Jason.  He had burst into her room moments ago, begging her for help and for her to do something. Of course it would have been easy for Courtney to do something if she wanted to - she was the Head cheerleader, most popular girl at school and by all  accounts, feared by everyone.  A few withering put-down's, rumours and bitchy comments and she could have destroyed Jason's reputation - ended any threat he might be to her little brother.

But the fact that Courtney wasn't prepared to put her own reputation on the line to help her brother spoke volumes about how selfish she was.  Jason was an up and coming football star, popular guy and the way she saw it - he had some justification on picking on Tommy.  After all - Tommy was a weak and pathetic nerd and Courtney's original suggestions that Tommy make himself more popular and get into sports had fallen on deaf ears.  Courtney didn't really understand why Tommy didn't just try to make himself the Alpha guy and beat Jason up.  Then he'd have hot girls like her falling over him.  She couldn't stand nerdy guys, she was a total superficial bitch through and through and found her brothers weakness kind of disgusting actually.

Courtney ran her manicured fingers through her sexy blonde hair and stretched her lithe tight young body on the bed impatiently.  She was really horny today and wanted to get off with the big dildo she had in her top drawer, but first she needed to get her loser brother out of here. He was always getting in her way and stopping her enjoying herself, sometimes she wished she was an only child.

"Look - I feel sorry  that you're getting bullied brother," she drawled in a bored voice, showing no emotion to support her statement, "but you're gonna have to deal with it. I'm not going to help you. Now fuck off, I have things to do - girly things and you're in my way." Her glance turned hungrily to her lingerie drawer and she impatiently waited for Tommy to leave.

Tommy felt hot bitter tears in his eyes as he stormed away.  His sister was such a bitch, he felt betrayed and angry.  Surely family was more important than this and a real sister would help him with his problems?  Courtney was such a selfish slut, she only cared about herself.  What was the point of having power and influence like she did if you weren't prepared to use it to help your friends and family?  He also hated the way she spoke down to him like he was an idiot. After all, she was only a year older than him, but she acted like she was so superior all the time.

He hesitated outside her door wondering if he should go back in and demand she reconsider?  He listened for a few moments at her door and frowned.  He could hear Courtney's heavy breathing mixed with little gasps and moans and a strange wet popping and squelching sound he had never heard before.  He almost went in, but a sixth sense told him it would be a bad idea - plus she would be unlikely to reconsider.  When Courtney made up her mind, she almost never changed it.  A black well of despair grew in Tommy's mind and he felt salty tears begin to run down his cheeks.

Tommy sat in his room and gave into his sorrow.  He cried and began to wail in abject despair.  What was he going to do now?  Courtney had been his only hope. Now he had nothing to look forward to except further bullying at the hands of Jason.  He cried and he cried and he cried, hot wet sobs escaping his lips and wracking his body.  He must have been wailing for over half an hour when suddenly the door flew open and a furious Courtney stormed into his room.

Courtney had been next door trying to masturbate since Tommy left, and she'd been enjoying toying her tight pussy with the large, firm, rubber dildo... but just as she was starting to get really wet and her orgasm was building she'd heard Tommy start to cry.  His pathetic sobbing and crying quickly ruined any chance she might have had of giving herself an orgasm and getting off. She had eventually screamed in frustration and thrown the dildo across the room in anger.  Her brother was always messing things up for her and she couldn't take anymore of his crying.

"For fucks sake - I can't stand anymore of this wailing and sobbing.  I can't believe what a crybaby you are.  If it will get you to shut the fuck up, then fine - I'll talk to Jason and get him to ease off you.  Jesus... just shut up will you?"

Tommy ran up and hugged his reluctant sister, repeating 'thank-you, thank-you, thank-you' and feeling a flush of brotherly love.  His sister might be a bitch, but she had come through for him in the end.  

"Eugh, that's enough, now get off me," complained Courtney pushing Tommy away with a slight look of disgust on her pretty face.  Shaking her head at how pathetic her brother was, she turned away and went back to her room a strange smile on her wicked lips.

"Ruin my fun will you Tommy? Oh I'll speak to Jason alright.  I'll tell him to bully the living shit out of you.  Maybe that will force you to finally man up - and if not - well it means you'll realise that I can be a real bitch when you fuck with me."

The thought of betraying her brother made Courtney feel horny again and she grinned as she locked her door and picked her dildo back up.  Lying on the bed, she gleefully spread her legs apart and marvelled at how wet she was getting at the thought of backstabbing her brother.  Mmmmh, this was a new and delicious kink, one she hadn't thought about before.

She began to fantasise about Jason beating Tommy up at her request and soon she was happily pumping the dildo in and out of her tight pussy as she got herself all worked up with her evil fantasy.  Making boys do whatever she wanted was one of her turn ons and it was really making her wet.  Her little brother needed to suffer - it was the only way he would learn to be a man.  If that also helped her get off and turned her on, who was she to argue?

Her pumping intensified as she began to fantasize about betraying other people, her boyfriends... her friends... her family.  She loved the power she had as Head Cheerleader and the thought of using it to satisfy her own selfish pleasure always made her horny.  Being a backstabber felt so fucking good.

"Ohhhhh fuck yes, the power is all mine and I love being a bitch," she cried squirting over the bed as she finally orgasmed - hard. 

"Ahhhh, that was great, mmmmh, I should fantasise about betraying Tommy more often.  Mmmmh, too bad little brother, but my needs have to come first.  You're toast..."


The next day Tommy went to school excited that this would be the last day Jason might ever try to bully him.  After today, once Courtney worked her magic - he need never worry about Jason again.  

The day went smoothly and at lunch-time he was walking in the hall when he saw Jason and his cronies approaching.  Looking around he noticed Courtney was hanging out with her girls by the lockers so he felt reassured that he was safe and didn't panic as Jason approached.

"Morning loser," laughed Jason tripping Tommy up and pushing him up against the wall.  He punched his victim hard in the stomach.  "Today I'm gonna give you an extra special work-over."

Tommy looked over at his sister and as her lips curved into a cruel smile, he knew he had been betrayed.  Courtney had stabbed him in the back and now Jason was going to be worse than ever.  He struggled and tried to fight as they dragged him outside and his sister watched him go with almost casual disinterest - but what no one knew was that her panties were already sopping...

Meanwhile, outside in the yard his attackers pushed Tommy into a quiet corner where no teachers could see and they began to beat and pound him.  Jason was particularly vicious, kicking Tommy hard and nearly breaking his leg, After a few minutes, the bullies laughing ran away leaving Tommy lying on the floor groaning in agony.  Jason smirked as he walked off.  "Till tomorrow loser."

Tommy lay on the ground groaning and the bitter tears of betrayal in his eyes.  The physical pain of the attack was actually nothing compared to the pain of his sisters betrayal.  He couldn't believe she had done this to him.

"Holy shit, they really have it in for you don't they?" said a soft, sympathetic voice and Tommy looked up to see an older girl with short blonde hair and a gentle smile watching him.  She reached down and helped him to his feet.  "You better report to the medical room."

The girl slid something cold into his hand.  "Listen - you look like you could use a little luck.  This is my lucky coin. Wish for something with it in your hand, and it will come true.  Just be careful what you wish for... and pass it on when you've used it."

Thanking the weird girl, and feeling strangely better Tommy hobbled off to get checked out... this was turning out to be a very strange day.


Back at home that night, Courtney was getting dressed after fingering herself to two incredible orgasms, when the door to her room opened and her brother limped in, his face a mask of anger.

"You fucking bitch, you betrayed me!"

Tommy was bruised and battered - Jason and his friends had obviously given him a good kicking and Courtney couldn't hide the smirk from her face as she looked him up and down.  The loser had his hand clenched tight around something, but she couldn't see what.  She felt her pussy get wet again... mmmmh, she would definitely masturbate over this later.

"Quit whining you little loser, it isn't that bad.  Now maybe you'll realise the only way you are going to deal with this problem is deal with it yourself."

"Oh yeah, and I suppose you'd deal with it so easily if you were me," snarled Tommy.  "You don't have a clue do you, you bitch?  You've always had it easy being so pretty and popular.  I wish our positions were reversed so you could understand just what a selfish bitch you've been to me and I could be the backstabbing bitch for a change."

As he spoke - time seemed to slow down and the room throbbed.  Tommy gasped as his body tingled and he felt it collapsing to the floor - but he was no longer in it.

Tommy was now a ghostly apparition - standing outside his own body.  The outline of his form glowed and looking around he could see time was moving in extreme slow-motion.  Courtney's face was twisting into an 'o' of shock and behind him his body was slowly falling.  

"What the hell?"  he gasped in a ghostly echo as a thin line of light suddenly extended from Courtney's body and attached to his ghostly form.  Like some strange tether, it thickened as it attached to him, and he began to feel an insistent tug, growing in strength towards his sisters body.

Tommy gasped in panic, and tried to pull the tether lose as it swelled into a thick rope of light and began to drag him towards Courtney.   Looking back, he saw a tether had emerged from his body and had snaked across to Courtney.  Suddenly her eyes rolled up in her head and her body began to fall in slow motion and he watched in amazement as her ghostly form was ripped out of her body too.

Her face was a mask of horror and she was screaming something, but he couldn't tell what, as she was dragged past him towards his body.  His own tether was sucking him rapidly towards his sisters body, and with a final powerful surge he was sucked inside.

Time seemed to speed up again, and Tommy grunted as he hit the floor.  His body felt lighter, more gymnastic and muscle-memory kicked in as he performed a perfect forward roll and sprang easily to his feet.  Blonde hair whipped around his head and perky tits bounced in the boob tube wrapped round his slender chest as he looked down in amazement and realised he was in his sisters body.

"NOOOOOOO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" screamed Courtney as she rose from the floor in his aching body and looked down at herself in horror.   

"Holy shit, my wish came true," giggled Tommy in Courtney's sexy voice as he looked down at himself.  "The magic wishing coin is real!  Guess I didn't think about my wish that carefully, but this is pretty cool!"

Opening her new masculine hand, Courtney saw the coin clenched tightly in her fist and she realised it must have something to do with what had happened.  A sudden hope flared in her chest.

"I wish I had my body back," she screamed desperately, but nothing happened.

"Hahaha, your body already had its wish - even though it wasn't you in it at the time, the coin is useless to you now," smirked Tommy.

Stretching his hot lithe body and admiring his sharp slutty nails, Tommy advanced on his sister and snatched the coin from her to slide it into his Daisy Dukes.  Her clothing felt so tight and weird on his body - but kinda nice.  The sensation of not having a dick was strangely pleasant, he wondered what her pussy would feel like to play with?  Something told him he would get a chance to find out soon.  

Turning to Courtney, he put his hands on his hips and laughed.  His head swam with power - it was intoxicating.  This was so cool!  "If you wanna swap back, you're gonna have to wait till I make the wish from inside your body," grinned Tommy.  "The more you piss me off - the longer that is gonna take, so you better do exactly what I say."

"I'm going to kill you!" screamed Courtney as she clenched her fists into balls.  

"No you aren't.  You wouldn't want to harm your own body would you?  Besides - I know how weedy my body is and I reckon I could take you in a fight.  These nails would really fucking hurt if I scratched you with themwouldn't they?  No - you aren't going to do anything to harm me."

"Then I'll tell everyone what you've done!"

"Are you for real?  They'll think you've gone nuts.  Besides... if you go too far don't forget I still have a wish.  That could be for us to swap back - or I could use it to wipe your memory and leave you trapped as me forever.  If you piss me off, I might get desperate."

A cold fear gripped Courtney as she realised that her brother could do ANYTHING with his wish and might not be making idle threats.  She felt a sick feeling in her stomach as she realised he had all the power and all the cards.  For the first time in her life she felt truly powerless.

"Come on Tommy - we both know you aren't cut out to be me.  You don't want to be a girl anymore than I want to to be a boy. Stop messing about and swap us back."

Tommy laughed.  "We aren't doing anything yet.  You're always bragging that if you were me you would sort out the bullies all by yourself... well go on then.  Lets see you deal with Jason. Once you get him off my back, I'll gladly swap back with you.  Now get the fuck out of MY room bitch.  Hurry up or I'll tell Mom you're bothering me."

Courtney wanted to cry - she couldn't believe this was happening.  She felt a cold sweat of panic as she was pushed out of her own room and Tommy locked the door behind her.

Alone at last, Tommy ripped off Courtney's clothes and lay down - spreading his legs wide.  He moaned and grinned happily as he touched his sisters hot body, he couldn't believe how soft her skin was and how good her tits felt when he touched them.

Moaning, he reached down to Courtney's shaved pussy.  Her clit was still puffy and sensitive from her earlier masturbation, but now it was Tommy's turn as he touched a pussy for the first time in his life.  The fact it was his own was just so amazingly hot and he felt himself get really turned on as he began to play with his sisters hot body.

"Ahhhh, this is amazing.  That bitch betrayed me, but now I'm her and my revenge is gonna be so much fun!"  Sighing he slid her fingers into her pussy and began to play with her clit.  He wasn't sure how he knew how to finger himself so well - maybe it was muscle memory kicking in again - Courtney sure knew how to get herself off and now so did he.  

"Ooooh, fuck this feels so GOOD," he moaned, tossing back his blonde head and sighing like a slut.  He urgently pumped his fingers in and out of his slit, spreading his flexible legs wide as he rode the pleasure and humped his fingers.  "Ohh shit, I'm CUMMMING!"  he cried, groaning and his face making an 'o' shape as he began to cum.  It felt good, so much better than when he jerked off his dick.  It was deeper, longer.... sexier and made his whole body feel alive.  No wonder his sister enjoyed playing with herself so much.

Spent, but still a little horny, Tommy lay back on the soft sheets and sighed contentedly.  He felt like a weight, or a burden had been lifted entirely from him since he became Courtney.  Some people might have been freaking out about hat had happened, but Tommy felt pretty calm about the whole situation.  After all, everything was under control. He had the coin so he could swap back whenever he liked.  The power was all in his court and there was nothing to stop him enjoying being a girl for a while.

"Mmmmmh, I need to teach that bitch a lesson before we swap back.  What's the best way to humiliate her and get my revenge?"


Courtney shifted uncomfortably in her brothers clothes as she walked through the school corridors feeling incredibly self-conscious and worried.  If she wanted to get her body back, she had to deal with Jason and despite her confident assertions to her brother, she was beginning to doubt whether she really could talk him round.

She felt... different as Tommy. Her body was now so weak and feeble and her once boundless confidence had ebbed slowly away to leave her feeling fragile.  Still - she wasn't about to give up and though she was sure Tommy would swap that back eventually, she had no intention of giving him any excuses to make the swap longer than she needed.

Then suddenly she saw Jason in the corridor and to her horror - he began to advance towards her.

Think... she had to think... but she was running out of time.

Then an idea so delicious and perfect hit her, that she knew she had found all the answers and outplayed Tommy.  Grinning she felt her confidence return as she saw the perfect strategy to get everything she wanted.

"Morning nerd," grinned Jason nastily as he approached - but he slowed down and frowned as he perceived there was something - different about Tommy today.  Maybe it was just the body posture, or something in the eyes, but for a moment he was distracted.

"Morning Jason," grinned Courtney, "I've been looking for you.  Listen - I know you hate me and everything, but I want to make a deal with you to get you off my back."

"Deal? Why the fuck should I make a deal with you?"

"Because if you do what I say - you will get to fuck my sister."

There... she'd said it and she hoped it was going to work.  Why hadn't she thought of it sooner?  Jason would definitely leave Tommy alone if he got to ride her hot body - and best of all it would force Tommy out.  There was no way after all he would ever want to fuck a boy, so it would put him in a position where he had no choice but to return her body - or risk making everything worse for himself.  She smiled at how clever she had been as Jason eyed her suspiciously.

"That sounds great, but your sister may not be so... enthusiastic."

"Oh, believe me - she'll do anything you ask and she'll do things that will make you cum harder than you have ever done so before."  

To be fair Jason was kind of hot and Courtney was already looking forward to the thought of getting her tight pussy crammed full of his big dick once she got her body back.  Hmmmm, even better - once Tommy made the wish, there would be nothing to stop her from backstabbing him again and going back on her promise.  Maybe she'd even ask Jason to do even more horrible things to Tommy.  The thought turned her on, but to her consternation she felt her new dick getting hard.

"Okay nerd, if you can come through with your sister - I'll leave you alone.  But I want a call from her tonight confirming everything.  Here's my number, pass it onto her.  If I don't get a call tonight, tomorrow you get double pain."

Leaving Courtney with his number, the bully stalked off.  Courtney's heart raced as she excitedly put the number in her pocket and ran to the boys toilets.  Tommy's dick was super hard now and she went into one of the cubicles and desperately began to jerk it off.

"I'm gonna be such a hot fucking slut again soon," she gasped, "and I'm gonna be even badder and meaner than before.  I'll teach that idiot brother of mine to mess with me. Mmmmh, I'm gonna suck so much dick and ride so much cock."

The thought of being a girl again caused Courtney to erupt, and she groaned as sticky cum flooded out over her hand.  "Fuck - that does feel good... no wonder guys like sex so much."

Blushing, she cleaned herself up and flushed the evidence away.  As fun as it was to jerk her brothers dick off, she wanted to get back into her hot young body again as quickly as possible.  She had Tommy by the balls now... figuratively and literally. 


Courtney got home to find her brother had been enjoying himself in her body.  He'd enjoyed school today, being the hot popular girl had been fun - and upon getting home, he'd had more fun dressing up in his sisters clothes, trying on her makeup and enjoying himself.

He looked disturbingly at home in her body as he paraded in front of her mirror and took selfies on her phone.  Damn it - she wished she'd put a PIN code on instead of her finger print, the little bastard had access to all of her secrets and contacts now.

"Enjoying yourself?" muttered Courtney through gritted teeth.

"Oh, you bet... how did it go with Jason?"

"Good. He's agreed to leave you alone.  Once I fuck him that is."

Tommy paused and turning his head looked at her with an unreadable expression.  "You mean, once I fuck him."

Courtney frowned, "Well - no... I mean... there's no way that you'd want to... in my body... I mean... you can't fuck a guy - you're a boy!" 

She floundered for words... almost speechless.

Tommy just grinned, "Do you really think I'm so stupid as to let you back-stab me again?  You aren't getting near this body until I can be confident Jason is going to leave me alone."

"But... you... are you really saying you're prepared to sleep with your bully?"

"Why not?  I've been having fun masturbating in your body and it feels good - a cock might feel even better.  Why wouldn't I take this chance to find out how it feels to be a slut like you?"

Courtney was speechless. She couldn't believe her brother was really saying he was prepared to have sex as her.

"And as you've been such a bitch and made my life so difficult, I want you to suffer.  So you're gonna sit in the room and watch us.  You're going to watch Jason fuck me - then I'll finally give you back your body."

Courtney shook her head in helpless horror, this isn't how things were supposed to go today.  "No!  No you can't do this!"

"I can," giggled Tommy already phoning Jason and smiling nastily at his sister.  "Hey Jason, it's Courtney.  My loser brother told me about the deal you made, and if you'll agree to leave the little fuck alone, I'll make all your dreams come true. Yeah - it's for real. Get your hot ass over here and lets do this, I'm ready right now for you.  Ohhhh, one thing... I want the little pussy to watch you fuck me.  I want him to see the consequences of his actions.  You down for that?  Excellent. See you soon baby."

Hanging up, Tommy turned to Courtney.  "Take a seat and get comfy, he'll be here soon."

"Please Tommy, swap back now... let me handle this - don't humiliate me like this," begged Courtney to her brother falling to her knees.

"Awwww," giggled Tommy loving the power switch, "It's too late Courtney.  I'm going to enjoy fucking my bully in MY hot new body.  Don't worry, you'll get this fantastic body back soon, but until then you'll do what I tell you.  When Jason arrives, you aren't to say a single word."

They didn't have to wait long for Jason to show up.  He climbed in through the window and grinned as he saw Tommy waiting for him and Courtney sitting on the bed.

"I can't believe this is for real... I thought this was a set-up or something."

"There's no set up baby," giggled Tommy as he walked over and slid his arms around Jason's strong neck. "I've been looking forward to this all day."  Courtney watched in disbelief as her brother leaned forward and kissed Jason deeply, seemingly enjoying it.

"What about him?" indicated Jason with a grin.

"Like I said, he's gonna watch it all, now sit on the bed and lets get those pants off."

Tommy grinned as Jason pulled off his pants and his bullies huge dick flopped out.  He had been in two minds whether to go through with this, but it was turning him on so much to have this influence over his bully and to see his sister suffer.

His new body also seemed to be affecting him.  Of course he would never have dreamed of sucking a dick when he was a boy, but Courtney's body seemed to have come with certain urges and memories and he felt his mouth and his pussy get wet as he saw the delicious cock awaiting him.  "Mmmmh that's a nice cock," purred Tommy sinking to his knees between his bullies legs and slipping Jason's cock into his mouth.

"Mmmmmmh, mmmhpppphhhh," groaned Tommy as he began to suck and slurp on Jason's dick, his enthusiasm growing as he gave himself to his new instincts.

"Hah, your sister is a total fucking slut," grinned Jason as he looked over to Courtney sitting angrily in the corner, "but she knows how to please a man and get what she wants. This feels amazing."

Jason allowed Tommy to suck his dick till it was nice and hard, her manicured hands pumping the shaft as he felt an orgasm build... but he didn't want to blow his load yet, so he commanded her to stop and climb on the bed.

"Ready to watch me fuck your sisters tight pussy Tommy?" he laughed as Courtney buried her face in her hands.  Never in a million years had she thought that her brother would do something like this.  Her only hope was to let this play out and hope Tommy finally swapped back afterwards. She was gonna kick his ass so much when this was all over.

"Spread your legs," grinned Jason and he knelt between Tommy's legs and began to lick his shaven pussy.  Tommy moaned, gasping in pleasure as Jason expertly tickled his clit and his pink folds moistened as he got wetter and wetter.  "Ohhh fuck, baby - that feels so good... ooooh shit, fuck me... please," groaned Tommy lost in lust.

Grinning - Jason positioned his fat cock outside Tommy's pussy and with a grunt of satisfaction pushed his throbbing dick into Tommy's tight teen body.

"Fuckkkkkk, you're tight," he gasped approvingly as Tommy squealed in pleasure.  "Mmmmh, you're the best fuck I've ever had."

Tommy groaned and gasped as Jason began to fuck him.  His tits bounced and he looked down to see his bullies cock pumping in and out of his body.  He loved how it felt.  "Oh yes Jason, fuck meeeee, fuck meeee in front of my loser little brother."

"Damn, you're my kind of girl Courtney," smiled Jason, "I like a bad girl like you."

Tommy didn't reply, he was too lost to pleasure as his bully pounded his new body.  Getting fucked as a girl was amazing and best of all, after this was done, his problems with Jason would be over forever.

He looked over and felt himself get wetter at the sight of the real Courtney's angry face.  That would teach the bitch to be a backstabbing slut.

"Let me on top, I wanna ride you..."

"Damn it," groaned Jason as Tommy mounted him and started to bounce up and down on his cock.  Her super tight pussy slid up and down his dick as she bounced on him with hot wet slaps and wet pops. Her tits jiggled and she moaned in ecstasy as she rode him like a horny rodeo girl.  Jason couldn't take much more...  "Ooooh, fuck baby... you're gonna make me cum... your pussy is so fucking tight and feels so good."  

"Hmmmm, don't cum yet baby - I have a special surprise for you."

Giggling, Tommy dismounted Jason and the bully watched in bemusement as Tommy scrambled across the bed and pulled a shiny looking coin out of the bedside drawer

"Mmmmmh - I finally know what my final wish should be." Tommy smiled and turned to Courtney who was looking at him with a tense expression on her face.

"What the fuck is going on?  I want to cum in you, get back on my dick" groaned Jason in frustration jerking his own cock to keep himself going.

"Oh don't worry - you're gonna cum in this pussy real soon," purred Tommy.  "I've loved being a slut, but I think I'll like being a bully more.  Now Courtney, you're going to get your body back - but be prepared to get stabbed in the back.  I still haven't had my full revenge on you yet."

Jason frowned, perplexed and confused... what the fuck was going on here?

"I wish Courtney was back in her body as my twisted little cumslut and I was Jason - leaving him trapped in my original body believing entirely that he is Tommy."

Tommy grinned as time slowed and he felt himself being tugged out of his body again.  He felt sad to leave Courtney's body - it had felt good to be a hot popular slut, but this was going to be so fucking cool.

He laughed in amusement as he watched Jason's spirit sucked screaming into his old body, whilst Courtney's relieved face shot past him and back into her original home.  With a blast of forward momentum, he flowed into Jason and Tommy laughed as he reached down and gripped his eight inch dick with his strong powerful hands and flexed his manly body.

"Oh fuck yeah, this feels great," he laughed looking at Courtney who was delightedly touching her body whilst Jason sat in the corner looking confused.  As far as Jason was concerned, he was now Tommy and always had been and the former bully was just a weak and scared nerd now. It made Tommy's new dick get hard to see his old self so pathetic and weak.

Looking at Courtney - Tommy grinned.  Jason's cock was still wet with her pussy juices and she looked at him in wonder.  He had left her all her memories so she knew it was him inside this body, but the wish had corrupted her to make her his helpless cumslut.  It was the perfect revenge...

"Say it," grinned Jason as he pumped his cock and it got bigger and bigger.  "You know what you want.  You know what you need.  I gave you your body back, but it's still mine... isn't it slut?"

"Yes, ooohhh ff...fuck me... I want your cum inside me so bad," moaned Courtney giving into her uncontrollable lust and spreading her legs wide for him.  "Ooooh stick your dick in me and fuck my brains out."

"You hear that 'Tommy'? Your sister is my slut now.  I'm going to have so much fun riding her every day - and you're going to watch everytime.  In fact... once I'm done filling her up, you can lick my cum out of her pussy out you little bitch."

Courtney moaned in joy as Tommy slammed his dick into her and he began to fuck her.  It felt so good to have his huge new dick deep inside her and her pussy fit it like a glove.

"YES, oh YES fuck meeeee, I love this!" she moaned.

"You fucking backstabbing whore, you evil little bitch... I'm gonna fuck you till you can't walk," grunted Tommy in obscene joy as he railed her hard.

"Yes!  I'm such a nasty slut... fuck me like you hate me!"

Tommy was in heaven as he rammed his thick new dick in and out of Courtney, hot wet slaps filling the air as he went balls deep and her eyes rolled back into her head.  He grinned as he caught sight of the coin and realised that now he could have yet another wish from inside Jason's body.

He sped up his thrusts and roared triumphantly as he exploded and Courtney wrapped her legs round his waist, moaning in joy as he pumped her full of his semen.  His dick seemed to pulse forever and the orgasm felt strong and powerful.  He loved his strong new body - what an upgrade.

Leaning down he whispered into Courtney's ear.  "I know you enjoyed that - we're going to have so much fun over the next week.  Eventually I might put things back to normal, but for the time being I have the power.  I still have another wish remember."

Pulling out of Courtney, Tommy grinned and flipped the coin in the air watching as it spun in the light.

"Oh... and don't ever try to backstab me again you bitch..."




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