Wicked Candles - A two-faced friend

There was something strangely familiar about the picture of the hot girl in the green top that Jack had found on his room-mates computer, but that just made it even sexier to use it to masturbate to.  Joe's computer was full of porn, and seeing as he always forgot to lock it and Jack's own PC was currently broken - Jack would often sneak into his friends room to jerk off when he got the chance.  It saved a lot of his mobile data that way, plus it was kind of exciting to do something so wrong.

Although Joe's computer was heaving with porn, there was something about this picture that had fascinated him.  It wasn't like there weren't nastier, dirtier pics on the computer - this one was actually quite tame - but there was something about this girl that was pushing his buttons. She seemed really familiar, and was incredibly sexy to him. Maybe she was a girl from their course, or someone Joe had met at University?  The fact this could actually be a girl he might actually get to meet just made him harder.  He wondered whether she knew her image was now being used to get him off, his cum all for her.

His cock in his hand, Jack stroked his dick, staring deep into the hauntingly familiar eyes of the cute little whore and drinking in her long sexy hair and mischievous pink lips.  This was his kind of girl - slim, feminine, tiny and clearly a massive fucking slut.  He could tell just by her makeup - her expression... she screamed 'fuck me' and he loved that.  "God, I'd give anything for one night with you," he hissed leaning close and beating his dick hard.  "I bet your pussy is so fucking tight and you're a real cock-tease."

The thought of the moaning girl underneath him, her legs spread wide as he pumped her tight pussy brought him quickly to the edge and moaning he began to cum. "Yessss, take it all you slut... you love my cum don't you?"

As sticky white cum flooded out over his hand, it was at that exact moment that Joe walked into the room.

"What the fuck are you doing dude? Oh Jesus, you're jerking off in my room?" gasped Joe in contemptuous disgust as Jack desperately tried to stop cumming but couldn't.  Big globs of cum erupted out of his cock and landed all over his chest and trousers.  The slutty girl had made him cum so hard, he had lost all control.

"Dude, you're an animal. Can't you just use your phone like everyone else or buy a magazine. I knew someone was sneaking into my room but I can't believe you've been jacking off in here.  That's sick man. Clean yourself up and get out of here."

Jack had never felt so humiliated and embarrassed in all his life.  He couldn't believe he had been caught and he felt physically sick that Joe had caught him.  Still he'd get over it.  Indeed Joe didn't seem too bothered, more pissed off...

Until he saw the photo of the girl that was.

"OH MY GOD!" hissed Joe in horror.  "You fucking sick bastard, you complete and utter piece of shit. How could you do this to me?"

Jack felt his heart race as he saw the look of absolute horror in his friends eyes.  What had he done? "Joe - I'm sorry I jerked off in here, I mean..."

"SHUT UP!" screamed Joe in cold fury. "It's not bad enough you come in here to jerk off... but you choose to do it to a picture of ME!"

Jack's heart stopped and for a second he thought he must have misheard.  But as Joe began to explain, a growing numb horror spread through his chest as he realised why the picture had looked so familiar.

"I was pissing about with one of those new gender change filters - I wanted to see what I would look like as a girl.  I thought it was funny, so I saved it to my computer.  You just jerked your dick off over a picture of me as a girl.  I can't believe this - you're sick!"

"Joe - wait!  I didn't know," blustered Jack as he realised he had masturbated to his friends picture without even realising it. 

"Get out of my room and leave me the fuck alone you dirty bastard!"

Jack turned and fled... he had really screwed up this time.


It wasn't unusual for University housemates to fall out, so no-one asked why Jack and Joe weren't talking.  For the next few days they studiously ignored each other and if they had to interact, they did it as politely as possible. They went to University, attended lectures and although they did speak several times - neither of them had the balls to bring up what had happened.  In the best traditions of emotionally crippled men, they decided to just pretend it had never happened.

But Jack couldn't forget it had happened and worse - he couldn't forget female Joe.  The picture haunted his dreams and he got hard every time he thought of her.  Before long he was trying to jerk off to the memory of the photo.  In a way - knowing it was Joe just made it hotter.  He tried to imagine a parallel universe where Joe had been born a girl and was a total slut.  He imagined her as a hot college girl with no morals, a teasing whore who got whatever she wanted. In his mind Jojo had been born.

He needed to see Jojo again - he needed to jerk off to her.  Luckily - although he didn't have access to the picture Joe had made, he did have hundreds of pictures of Joe and all he had to do was put them through a filter.  He could make more of Jojo and have her all to himself.  Joe wouldn't even know!

They came out hotter than he could have hoped.  He groaned and moaned, cumming and jerking his cock for hours as he transformed picture after picture of his boring friend Joe into Jojo - his dream slut and jerked off his tribute for her.

Jojo was everything that Joe wasn't.  She was spoiled, pretty, manipulative, fun and hot.  She was the dream girl he could never have, the bitch that made him jerk his life away minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour.  He wished Joe had been born a girl, he wished Jojo was real.  Soon his room was full of sticky wads of tissue paper and his cock was sore from his constant jerking off for his new imaginary queen. 

Jack's PC was fixed by now - and he had mostly been using it to jerk off, make photos of Jojo and visit porn websites.  It was whilst he was on one of the websites that he was directed to a link to a set of 'Magic Candles'.  Interested he clicked on them and began to read.

"Wicked Candles.  These powerful candles can be used to cast a reality changing spell that will alter your world forever.  Simply burn a photograph in the enchanted flames and you will become the person you selected.  Your old life will cease to exist and you will assume the identity of your new form.  Postage and packaging not included."

Jack's heart raced as he read the description.  If the magic was real - the candles could be used to make Jojo real!  If he could convince Joe to become his alter-ego, all of his dreams could finally come true.  He clicked 'buy' and grinned.  Next day delivery meant he wouldn't have long to wait.  Now he just needed to talk Joe round.

He grabbed his cock and moaned as he came hard - imagining all the slutty things Jojo would do to his body once he helped her become real...


Pulling his headphones off, Joe scowled and looked in annoyance at Jack as his former friend knocked on the door and then sheepishly entered the bedroom.  It was the first time he had been in Joe's room since the 'incident' and the other boy wasn't exactly ecstatic to see him.

"What the fuck do you want?" snarled Joe as Jack placed a neat brown paper package down on the bed and smiled awkwardly at his friend.  "Look, I fucked up big time, but I bought you something - a peace offering if you like."

Grabbing the package, Joe unwrapped it and looked in confusion at the plain wax candle in the packet.   "Ummmm, is this a joke, because I'm not finding it very funny."

"Joe - have you ever wanted to know how it feels to be a girl?  You must be curious or you wouldn't have put your face through the filter."

Joe bristled, instantly defensive. "Dude, you're nuts.   Millions of people put their face through that app every day. It's just a trend. It doesn't mean anything."

"Yeah, but it means the thought has definitely crossed your mind at some point.  You already know you'd have been a really hot girl.  You must have speculated about what kind of person you'd have been if you'd been born female.  Imagine if I could offer you the chance - imagine if you could actually become Jojo."

"Jojo?  Fucking hell man, I thought you'd come here to apologise.  Now I realise why you've been acting weird recently.  You're still thinking about that picture aren't you?  You can't let it go!  You've even given my female half a name.  You've lost it man - I should kick your ass!"

"Wait" yelled Jack, putting his hands out defensively and then purring in placation towards his friend, "just hear me out.  Let me tell you about the candle.  Look I admit it - I'm hot for the photos of you as a girl.  They've been driving me nuts, I can't stop thinking about female you.  I'd do anything to meet her in person, to get it out of my system."

Joe leapt to his feet, his face red.  He was sick of this now, "What the hell are you talking about you lunatic, SHE ISN'T REAL!"

"But she could be!" gasped Jack.  "Listen, this candle is magic.  Burn a photo of Jojo in the flames and you'll become her... get her life... everything."

"Oh really.  'Magic candle'.  You've been smoking magic mushrooms by the sounds of it."

"Please - it's real but you won't know unless you try it."

"And why the fuck would I want to try it?  Why would I want to become 'Jojo' anyway?"

"Curiosity?  I know deep down you're as curious as me to find out what it's like to be a college girl.  Listen - it's only temporary.  All you have to do is burn the rest of the candle down and you go back to normal.  It's not like you have to stay as her for ever or anything."

"But I already told you, I'm not curious," snarled Joe.

"Fine then - I'll pay you.  I'll pay off your student debt if you do it."

"What.  You can't afford to do that!"

"Yes I can - I have savings, big savings from my family.  Become Jojo and I'll pay your loans off."
Joe hesitated.  "Listen man, you've totally lost it but if it will make you happy - we'll try this magic candle.  But I want all my first year tuition paid off if it works and if it doesn't work, I still want $1000.  Deal?"

Jack's heart raced and his cock twitched with excitement.  "Oh yes, deal! I'll do anything for you to become her... anything."

"Fine then - what do we do again?"

"Print off that photo of Jojo, light the candle and burn it. Then we'll see the magic happen."

Joe looked dubiously at Jack who had an intense expression on his face.  He couldn't believe he was going through with this madness, but for a guaranteed $1000 it seemed like a good investment.  Pulling up the feminine picture of himself, he shrugged and printed it off.  The quality wasn't amazing on his cheap inkjet printer, but he guessed that would be fine.  Putting the candle down on the table, he found some matches and lit it.  So far so good.

The candle burned like any regular candle burned.  A gentle, tapered flame flickered and the wax began to melt.  This was completely mad - Jack had lost his mind - there was no such thing as a 'magic candle'.  Sighing, Joe lifted the photo of Jojo up and pushed it into the flame.

The flame turned instantly pink and the photo took alight quickly, flames spreading across it in a rush - that carried no heat.  Joe still yelped as soothing pink flames rushed over his hands and the photo was snatched out of his hands - instantly disintegrating into a cloud of swirling pink dust and ash.  His mouth dropped open as the dust was sucked down and began to swirl around the candle - levitating around it and spinning around magically, motes of sparkling energy pulsing within the writhing pink mass.  The flame on the candle turned brighter pink and rose in height, illuminating the room in an eerie, yet somehow sexual glow.

"Holy shit - it really is magic," is all Joe had time to say before the spiralling pink cloud streamed towards him and engulfed his form.  Jack backed away in amazement as his friend was completely cocooned in the pulsing pink smoke, and cracks of bone and soft moans began to fill the air.  Strange sucking sounds and the rustle of clothing could just be heard under Joe's gasping pants of pleasure as a wonderful transformation occurred inside the cloud. 

"OHHHH YES IT FEELS AMAZING," screamed a voice - at first sounding like Joe's but rising into a hot bratty whine, like that of a cockteasing college girl. Inside the cloud Joe could feel things happening to his body and they all felt so good.

His body was shrinking and his ass was pushing out as his hair got longer and longer.  Every inch of hair on his body was retracting and so was his dick... retreating to suck between his legs and leave him with the soft wet slit of a fresh little slut.  Hot boobs pushed achingly out of his chest, the sensation as unusual as the strange, yet somehow familiar clothing that was coalescing around his body. 

Somehow Joe knew he was a 34C as he cupped his breasts and felt a bra snap around them... somehow he knew that pink was now his favourite colour and that his makeup was by Urban Decay and Rimmel. He knew that the feminine smell rising from his soft white skin was Pink Sugar by Aqoulina - and his mind raced as it filled with strange new feminine knowledge and understanding. 

Memories that couldn't possibly really be his flashed through his mind.  He had the same Mom and Dad, went to the same school and was even at the same University - but now he was studying Pyschology instead of Science.  Instead of being a nerd at school, he had been a popular girl - hanging out with Paige and Tori Taylor.  A lifetime of pretty girl privilege and sassy confidence throbbed through him causing him to gasp in pleasure as he felt a strange shift happen in his head like someone had thrown a switch.

Joe suddenly realised she wasn't thinking of herself as male anymore and even further, realised her name was Jojo... not Joe.  It was as if her world had been flipped completely upside down.  Lost in memories, she realised she was no longer as turned on by girls anymore, but was most definitely into boys.  Pleasant memories of her first time getting fingered by a hot boy when she had been on the cheerleading team filled her mind along with kissing him, and then eventually sucking his big cock.

More recently - pleasurable memories of nights out with her girls and the other members of her sorority flashed through her consciousness.  Images of huge cocks impaling her tight pussy and fucking her so good filled her mind as she flashed through vivid images of riding boys cowgirl and moaning like a slut as she fucked them good.  Ooooh, she was such a naughty girl.

Jojo giggled as her personality changed from serious to playful.  She was a fun loving slut now with the confidence of being a pretty white girl who knew how to get guys to do what she wanted.  Fashionable, pretty and flirty - she was everything Joe was not.

Her transformation fully completed itself as her sexy hair settled around her shoulders and her sweet pink lips curved into a mischievous smile. The pink cloud around her suddenly exploded outwards, rushing outward in an expanding ring.  Everything it touched and passed through it changed - a ripple spreading through reality.

Every photo, every memory, every thought of Joe was replaced by those of Jojo.  He was erased from history, replaced by his new alter-ego. The only person who remained immune was Jack - whose proximity to the candle had shielded him somewhat from the effect - and of course to some extent Jojo herself, who knew she had been Joe and had most of his memories and knowledge still ratting around her sexy head.

The room around them transformed as Joe was erased.  Jojo's dorm was now over at the sorority house with her sisters... there was no way she'd hang out in such a low-class place with a bunch of boys like this.   The room became someone else's and in seconds Joe's belongings and possessions had been completely replaced by another mans.  Joe... was no more.

But Jojo was now here to stay.

"Wow, what a rush," she giggled and Jack took in his first proper sight of her.

Jack stared at the object of his obsession in admiration. Jojo was even sexier in the flesh than he could have dreamed.  She was a vision of perfection, more alive and more vital than the girl in the photograph ever had been.  She was cute... beautiful... flirty. Everything he had ever wanted in a girl.  Her hair was a soft reddy brown and her eyes were bluey-grey.  Her smile was just perfection and her skin seemed impossibly soft and smooth.  She was ultra-feminine in a hot pink top and perfect makeup.  This was the girl for him alright. 

"Well Jack, I have to say - you weren't bullshitting me after all," giggled Jojo. "This thing worked a treat." She looked at the candle that had transformed her, it's wick burning still burning with a pink tinge.

"So once this burns down I go back to Joe?" she asked innocently.

"That's right," grinned Jack as Jojo reached over and blew the candle out with her pretty pink mouth. 

"I can always light it again later," she grinned sliding it into her handbag.

"Now then - we need to discuss how you're gonna pay all my tuition fees off - oh and you can totally buy me something to eat as well, I'm starving."


Jojo slid her cute pink hoodie on and picked up her handbag.  Her hand slid inside and automatically wrapped around her stylish and super girly mobile phone.  Whilst Jack ordered a pizza, she idly scrolled through her Whatsapp and social media accounts recognising the names of her girlfriends and messaging them to let them know she was okay and would be home soon so they could go out tonight.  She found it insane to think that five minutes ago these people hadn't even known who she was, now her life was meshed completely with theirs.  She knew that in some ways all of the memories she had were of a life she had never led up to this point. But for all intents and purposes it didn't really matter.

Jojo grinned as she ran her manicured hands over her sexy body.  This felt great.  She smirked as she looked at the candles in the bag.  She had no intention of using them again - Jojo was here to stay.  Looking over at Jack, she sighed.  What was she going to do about this loser?  She wanted to laugh - the little dweeb was clearly obsessed with her - but she had no intention of giving him what he clearly wanted... sex.  He wasn't her type.  She preferred a more... dominant well hung man than this needy loser.

"Damn it," cursed Jack.  "They say their delivery guy is run off his feet and we can't get pizza for at least an hour."

Jojo rolled her eyes in annoyance and her lips pouted her disapproval.  "Don't be so pathetic.  Go down to the pizza shop and pick one up then, I'm hungry."

"And leave you here?" asked Jack nervously. 

"I used to live here, remember.  I'll go sit outside on the decking area.  Don't worry - I'll be okay."

"But we need to talk," stuttered Jack nervously.

"About what exactly?" sneered Jojo as she suddenly rounded on him.  "What exactly do you think is going to happen here?  Do you think I'm suddenly going to become your girlfriend and suck your dick or something? Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I give my pussy away to every guy that comes by.  Listen - go get that fucking pizza and then we can talk. I'm getting cranky."

Jack nodded and grabbing his jacket, half walked - half ran to the door. "I'll be as quick as I can."

Jojo ignored him and made her way outdoors.  She scanned the garden quietly and was suddenly surprised to see a person she didn't recognise sitting on a chair.  A hot black guy was relaxing on his own and Jojo suddenly realised this was the replacement housemate that had taken Joe's room.  A smile spread across her pretty lips and she raised an eyebrow thirstily. Wow - this guy was hot.  She drank him in, examining his muscles and his body.  Now if Jack looked more like this - she might be interested.

Walking over she smiled shyly and he grinned as they made eye contact.

"Wow, hey - the guys didn't tell me we had a guest.  Who are you?" asked the boy, looking Jojo up and down approvingly.

"I'm Jojo... a friend of Jack's.  He didn't tell me about you.  You are?"

The boy grinned and leaned forward. "I'm called Angelo.  Pleased to meet you Jojo.  Are you here at University?"

"Oh yeah," giggled Jojo playing with her hair.  "I'm majoring in pyschology - though I do have other interests."

"Oh like what?" he asked with a sly grin on his face.

"Ohhhh... I like to have fun too," purred Jojo advancing sexily on him... "wanna see?"

*******        *******

Jack was excited.  All his dreams were coming true.  Jojo was now real and despite what she said, he was convinced her could help her to see that he deserved to be her boyfriend. He jogged and ran to the pizza shop, desperate to get back home and spend time with the object of his affection. He wanted Jojo so badly.

The pizza shop didn't take as long as he had feared, and he was soon heading back with a four cheese pizza.  Remembering he'd told Jojo to go into the yard, he decided to go in through the back garden gate.  It was to prove to be a fateful decision.

As he came around the back, Jack hesitated.  He could hear a weird coughing, choking sound coming from the back yard.  It sounded like a glugging, wet sound and his alarm was suddenly raised as he heard a girl groan like she was gagging on something.  Pushing his face close to the fence, Jack peered through a gap between the planks and looked into the garden.

His heart broke in an instant...

In the garden Jack could see Jojo on the outdoor sofa her body contorted into a flexible and sexy position.  She was gripping her feet with her head thrust forward and moaning happily.  But that wasn't what was so upsetting.  Directly in front of her, her cherry pink lips gripping it tightly, was a huge black cock. 

Jack's world collapsed as he watched the girl of his dreams worship that dick.  Spittle and saliva would occasionally drip from her moaning mouth as she took it deep and hard - getting face fucked so good by Angelo.

"Fuck baby, you're incredible at this," grinned Angelo as Jojo sucked him off better than any girl he had ever had before. She giggled appreciatively and her lips went concave as she increased her sucking and caused Angelo to moan helplessly.  This bitch was off the hook!

"Holy shit girl, I don't know how long I can hold it... you're incredible," he gasped - causing a pleased Jojo to just work even harder at trying to make him cum, her eyes sparkling with mischief.  On the other side of the fence, Jack felt his cock getting harder and harder.  He was heartbroken, but it was also really hot watching Jojo suck dick.  He had been masturbating to her photos and now watching her from behind a fence was actually pretty hot.

Looking around, Jack saw there was no one around, so he slid his cock out and began to jerk himself off as he watched Jojo slurp on Angelo's cock and suck his balls from time to time.  He imagined her hot, wet, pink mouth round his dick and jealously felt his cock get harder and harder.

Angelo was struggling now. He could feel that he was going to cum and there was nothing he could do to stop it as Jojo refused to stop sucking and indeed increased the bobbing of her head.  "OH fuck, I'm going to cum," he screamed as the pleasure became too much.

"Mmmppphhh, cum all over my face then," groaned Jojo as she stopped sucking and instead furiously began to pump his lubricated cock with her manicured hands.  She looked straight into his eyes and opened her mouth invitingly wide as she pumped and pumped and pumped.

"FUCK!" screamed Angelo as he began to cum, hot white spunk painting Jojo's pretty mouth.  It splashed over her chin and some of it went in her mouth, causing her lips to twist into a pleased smile.  Mmmmh, she loved cum,

On the other side of the fence Jack was cumming too, groaning as he spilled his seed into the bushes.  "Oh fuck," he moaned panting.  Watching Jojo suck cock for real was almost too much for him.  He wondered what it would be like to watch her get fucked.

"That was so hot," groaned Angelo sitting down on the sofa, his cock still semi-hard.  

"If we had more time, I'd ride you too," giggled Jojo, "I love your big dick.  I think we should hook up again.  We're only just getting started and we can have a lot of fun together."

Angelo grinned, "Sure baby... let me give you my number.  I'll take you out on a date if you like?"

"That would be nice," laughed Jojo, "although we seem to have skipped straight to the sex part.  Maybe you could come to mine and fuck me full of your cum, then we could go out on our date. It would be hot to feel it dripping out of me as we went somewhere."

"Holy fuck girl, you're a freak! I love it!"

Jojo purred happily, "I'm a total whore for black dick baby - I hate loser white boys... your housemate Jack is a prime example.  He's totally obsessed with me but I despise him." On the other side of the fence Jack listened as Jojo stabbed him in the back and trash talked him.  Maybe as Joe, they were friends, but it was clear listening to her speak as Jojo she hated him.  The weird thing was, it just made his dick hard. In some ways he didn't blame her.  Now that he thought about it, if he was as hot and as slutty as Jojo, why would he bother with a loser white boy like him?  It still hurt though.

Remembering the pizza, Jack picked it up and crept back round to the front. Deliberately making as much noise as he could, by the time he went through to the back it was to find Angelo and Jojo sitting innocently together talking.  She looked flushed and he scowled as he saw her lipstick was slightly smudged where she'd rubbed off Angelo's cum too quickly with a makeup wipe from her handbag. Other than that, there were no clues anything had happened.  What a slut.

Angelo couldn't stop grinning and Jack felt a stab of hatred towards the more attractive boy.  Jojo kept looking at the cocky black boy hungrily and smiling and Jack knew they were both imagining hooking up soon and getting that fat cock inside that tight pussy.  Her hands darting across her mobile phone as she communicated with her bitchy friends and made arrangements for her perfect life, Jojo looked up at Jack and smiled. "So where's the fucking pizza at?  Come on and lets eat!"

Angelo grinned and stood up. "I've got my own arrangements for dinner - it's been great meeting you Jojo, I might see you later."

She winked at him, "I'm not doing anything tonight and the girls are out. You can come round mine and I'll show you that thing I promised."

Angelo's grin nearly split his face in two. "I'll definitely see you later then."

Jack's scowl deepened as he watched Angelo leave.  What a fucking asshole!  He shovelled a piece of cool pizza into his mouth and started trying to work out what he was going to do.


They ate their pizza quietly, Jojo constantly playing on her phone.  Occasionally she'd laugh or giggle at something funny on social media, and to Jack's surprise she took several selfies as they ate. Eventually though they were both finally fully nourished and it was time to finally go inside and chat about what they were going to do. Jojo sat down quickly, looking at him expectantly and with a slightly naughty smile on her perfect face.

Jack could barely look at her because she was so hot, but he had to make her understand. "Listen. Things have already gotten out of hand.  I don't know what I was thinking, but it's time for Joe to come back.  Get out the candle and lets burn it down."

"Burn the candle out? Haha, you must be kidding!  I'm having so much fun as Jojo, you can forget it. Anyway, why the sudden rush?  I thought you wanted me to become your dream girl?"

"That was before I thought it through.  Joe was my friend, I can't just let you replace his life."

"I am Joe - and believe me, he wants this.  We both much prefer being Jojo.  Besides - we both know why you really want me to change back."

"Oh do we?"

"Sure we do, you're jealous."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "I don't know what you mean."

"I know you figured out we did something together.  You're not stupid and I half suspect you were watching me suck his dick from behind the fence.  That pizza was stone cold.  Did you enjoy the show?"

Jack blushed and spat, "How dare you try to make this about me!  I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you do.  You're a dirty pervert and even though you like to jerk your little dick off to me, it still kills you to know I don't want you.  The only reason you want Joe back is that you don't want me to fuck Angelo tonight do you?" she smirked.  "The thoughts of his hot black hands all over my body is really pissing you off isn't it. You a racist?"

"What?!? No of course not!"

"Then what's your fucking problem.  Why can't I ride him tonight?"

"Because... because... well just because..."

Standing up Jojo approached with a wicked gleam in her eye.  "Listen here you little loser.  When I was just some girl in a photo, you could jerk your loser dick all over me imagining me fucking you and imagine I'd be all yours.  But that's not how it works in real life. I have my own mind and my own sexual preferences, which you don't fit into.  We both know that a girl as hot as me would NEVER waste her time on a nerdy cuck like you.  Don't think because you helped me transform I owe you anything.  This is my body and my pussy and I'll fuck who I want. Got it? Hahah, you sad little boy, you're completely powerless. No one can stop me and I love it."

Jack recoiled from Jojo's forceful spiteful hiss and felt his fists clench. "Fuck you bitch, I can stop you anytime I like." Leaping to his feet he triumphantly grabbed her handbag and emptied it out, ready to grab the magic candle and burn it down forever.  But to his horror, the bag was completely empty.

"I already hid the candle you simp, whilst you went to get pizza" she giggled.  "I knew that you'd eventually try something like this!  It's tantalisingly close, but you'll never find it in time and I'll sneak back in a couple of days to collect it just to be safe."

Gathering up her stuff - including an extra large packet of condoms, a ton of makeup and a tiny vibrator, Jojo unashamedly replaced them in her bag and winked.  "Now I'm going to bounce.  I need to get back to my dorm and start getting ready for my hot date tonight.  If you're lucky... I may send you a few images to make you hard."

Jack watched Jojo leave with a sick feeling in his stomach, but also a huge erection at how hot and bitchy she was.  She really was his dream girl.  How had she had time to hide the candles? He had only left her alone for a couple of minutes and then she'd been with Angelo.

Screaming in frustration he kicked over the chair and then began desperately trying to search.


It was lucky that Jack's housemates were out as he'd almost completely trashed the house looking for the candle.  It had to be here somewhere.  Jojo thought she was so clever, but he'd been sure he could uncover it's hiding place if he just looked everywhere.

Jack had turned over chairs, tipped over sofas - ripped out drawers.  He'd torn down the curtains, kicked holes in certain walls and even pulled up floor boards.  Nothing.  He looked like a desperate madman, sweating, panicked and unhinged - but the thought of Jojo sliding onto Angelo's cock and moaning as she did so, just spurred him on everytime he faltered.

Then he paused.

Think!  He had to think! Jojo was a manipulative scheming bitch.  She knew full well he would be in a rage and she was counting on him not to think clearly.  Forcing himself to calm down he sat on the overturned sofa and thought.

She'd had the candle in her bag just after she transformed.  Then she'd come with him to the kitchen whilst he used his phone to order pizza.  Then she'd gone outside to the decking alone.  That seemed like the most likely time she could have hidden the candle.  Angelo had been chilling out and the decking was a large area.  Maybe she'd stashed it out there?

But he'd searched the decking thoroughly.  Walking outside he groaned at the overturned sofas, the smashed table - the ripped up planks of decking.  There was nothing here.


Forcing himself to calm down and think straight, Jack examined the decking as if for the first time. He looked at it carefully, examining the features.  Jojo was super smart - she would be counting on him being too dumb to work it out.  She would have hidden the candle somewhere so obvious he'd never find it.

Think! Think!  Hang on...?

Jack's heart raced as he looked at the walls of the house.  There were three electric lanterns attached to each wall that could be switched on at night.  Two worked fine, but one had been broken for ages - the boys too lazy to replace the bulb.  His mouth widened into a grin as he saw that the broken lantern now contained a single white candle.

Walking over he triumphantly reached inside and grabbed the candle.  "I've got you now bitch," he hissed in satisfaction as he turned and ran to his room.  Scrabbling through his drawers for matches, he grabbed a set and was about to light the candle when he paused.

What were his options here?  Burn down the candle and return his friend to normal seemed like the moral course of action.  But... there was another option.

It was obvious now that Jojo was never going to go with him.  Why would she?  He was pathetic.  But he felt his dick get so hard he thought he might die as he thought of the alternative.  What about if HE became Jojo?  He looked at the candle in his hand.  All he had to do was burn a picture of her and her delicious body and sexy life would be his.  It would be him going on a date with Angelo tonight instead of Joe.

Biting his lip - Jack wavered - but he knew... he knew exactly what he was going to do now.

*****        ****

Jojo was feeling so excited she could barely stand it.  Upon returning to her dorm, she'd showered and got changed... slipping into a sexy maroon body stocking and sliding a clingy skirt over her hips.  She wanted to look classy for her first night with Angelo - the super slutty outfits and sex-toys could come later in their relationship.

She smirked as she thought about Jack.  That dummy was probably trashing his house - he'd never spot where she'd hidden the candle.  Their garden was easy to break into, and tomorrow morning she'd take the candle somewhere and bury it - ensuring she could never turn back again. 

Hearing a knock on the door, she frowned.  Angelo was nearly thirty minutes early - she liked keenness in a boy, but that was silly.  Strutting to the door, she opened it and rolled her eyes in irritation as she saw Jack.

"Fuck off, I really don't want to see you ever again loser."  She was about to slam the door in his face to make her point, but he surprised her by suddenly snapping a picture of her on his phone and grinning jogging off  into a run instead.

"Enjoy your date, Jojo."

Jojo stood stunned for a moment, what the fuck?  Then suddenly a terrible fear gripped her.  What if?  What if he'd found the candle? Gasping in panic, she ran to the hallway kicking off her heels and crammed her feet into her trainers.  Then she left the house, sprinting as fast as she could towards her old home.

Jojo was super fit - she worked out every day and kept herself in shape, so she was barely out of breath by the time she got back to her old home - but she still wasn't fast enough to catch Jack who must have run like the devil was behind him.  Bursting in through the front door she was just in time to see Jack snatch the photo he had taken from the printer and with an evil grin thrust it into the candle flame.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Jojo as the paper lit up with pink flames.

Suddenly she was surrounded by pink smoke again - a cloud of it boiling off her body.  It surged away from her to rotate around the candle and as the last of it ripped away from her, her body changed and morphed back to Joe's. 

Joe groaned in agony and loss as he sank to his knees in pain, the loss of not being Jojo anymore almost too much to bear.  Jack laughed as the pink smoke began to stream towards him.

"Don't worry Joe, you're going to get to see Jojo again in a moment.  Only this time she's going to be me."

Holding his arms wide, Jack moaned in ecstasy as the pink smoke surrounded him and he felt his transformation begin.  This was even better than fucking Jojo - he was becoming her and soon her life would be his. 

Jack loved it as he felt his face push into the familiar features of the girl he was obsessed with. He felt her perfect ass swell out and her perky tits grow on his chest as his hair lengthened and his skin became soft.  Moaning he reached down to his pussy and felt his dick shrink to nothing as he touched himself.  It felt even better than he would have imagined possible to be a girl.  

Memories and thoughts filled his mind as all of Jojo's knowledge became his.  He laughed as he felt her personality take over his and gave himself fully to her.  "Yes make me into you," he moaned, letting go and allowing Jojo's desires to overwrite his.

The same clothes she had been wearing earlier materialised around her form, and Jack squirmed in delight at the feel of his female body in its bodysuit and skirt.

Jojo giggled as her new body finished transforming and the pink cloud blasted outwards to change reality.  Most things were the same - only Jack had been erased from history and now she had a twin brother.

Joe raised himself from his feet blinking and wondering what his sister Jojo was doing here. Unfortunately for him, his memories of the candle and the events of the day were badly damaged.  As he had transfered identities rather than just change, his memories of the events were confusing at best.  He had no idea that he used to be Jojo - or that she wasn't his twin sister.

"Sis?  What are you doing here?" he asked in confusion as Jojo blew out a weird looking candle and slid it into her handbag.  

"Oh, I just popped round to see if you were in, but I better bounce. I have a date."

Typical Jojo, no actual time for him. He shrugged. Growing up with a hot twin sister who looked like a female version of him had always been tough, especially as she was the popular and attractive one - but at least Joe would always have her there as part of his family - even if she could be a total bitch.  Everyone had been surprised when they had ended up going to the same University, but it wasn't as bad as Joe had thought it would be to have her around.

"Well - you better go home then.  Maybe next time we'll have time for a proper chat. Anyway enjoy your date sis, I'll see you soon."

Joe couldn't help but shake the feeling something weird had happened.  He had always been jealous of his sister, but today he felt really jealous... like it should be him living her hot life or something.  He shrugged again. That sort of thinking could drive a guy mad.


Taking another sip of the whisky Jojo had forced into his hand, Angelo gulped as the sexy vixen in front of him slid off her skirt and continued her sexy strip tease for him.  His cock was already rock hard - this chick was driving him crazy. 

Jojo purred as she felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter at the thought of fucking Angelo. He was sooooo hot.  She smiled, turning around dreamily and almost giggling hysterically at the thought that an hour ago she had been a man.  It felt like she had been Jojo all her life - this was who she was always meant to be.

"You want me now baby?" she grinned, walking slowly over and releasing the catches on her crotch.  Her bodysuit popped open and Angelo smiled as he saw her perfect pink pussy waiting eagerly for him below.  Standing in front of Angelo, Jojo peeled off the bodysuit till she stood naked in front of him. Tossing it to one side, she slapped her own ass and bending forward began to unbutton his trousers.

"Fuck Jojo, you're something else... you know that?"

She didn't reply, just smiled up at him sexily as she tugged his pants down and freed his dick.  She smiled as she saw it again, and remembered the taste and the feel of it from earlier today.  Fuck - crazy to think that was Joe - but now all those memories are mine. I'm Jojo now!

She was going to suck it again, but Angelo surprised her by suddenly grabbing her by her waist and with a grin moving her to the sofa.  Laying her down he knelt between her legs and she moaned as he began to lick her pussy.

"You already sucked my dick once today - it's time for you to get some. Then I'm gonna fuck your tight pussy - I love your mouth, but I want me some of that pink."

Jojo gasped in ecstasy as Angelo expertly ate her out, licking her clit with his tongue and making her wet.

"Ohhh baby, I love it," she whimpered.

Finally it was time.  Angelo decided Jojo was wet enough and standing up he took his powerful dick and pulling her by her legs so she was lined up right, he slowly pushed into her tight wet pussy. She moaned and gasped in ecstasy as her dreams came true and he began to fuck her with his enormous cock.

"Oh Angelo, yes fuck the shit out of me," she cried in pleasure - loving every thrust and pump of his powerful hips.  Grunting with satisfaction, Angelo picked up the pace and began to fuck her hard with deep long strokes... each one going further and further into her pussy.  The couch shook and with a clatter, Jojo's handbag fell to the floor - a candle rolling out to lie on the carpet. 

As the two lovers fucked like animals, Jojo looked at the candle with a giggle as she arched her back and began to cum.

"Oh fuck - I love being a wicked bitch!"



  1. Great story as usual !
    Maybe a part 2 where Joe manages to return as Jojo, and gives Jack a photo of Angelo ?

  2. Yay, you're back! And you've gifted us with another smoking hot story. Thanks!

    So, what happens if Joe and Jack each burn a photo of Jojo over the candle? Do they become twin Jojos? Or do they both get merged into one Jojo?


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