Bimbo Box

 BIMBO BOX by Evie Hyde 

"Dude, if you'd told me we were going to hold a big party and invite loads of girls... I would have brought some better party clothes," laughed Peter as he slapped his friend Luke on the back playfully.  "I totally fell for the bullshit you sold our parents about having a quiet weekend at your uncles house, now I feel like an idiot." 

"Me too," scowled Ali shaking his head.  "I'll never pull a girl looking like a slob in a tracksuit. You should have told us"

Ali rubbed at his stubbly chin wishing he'd also shaved. He glanced at the much taller and handsome Peter - his mate looked good in everything, so he probably wouldn't struggle - but Ali needed time to make himself look good before a party. Damn Luke for his secretive ways.

"Woah, relax guys," smirked Luke as he led his friends into the comfortable lakeside mansion, "All my uncles stuff is here... he's bound to have clothes we can use.  I had to fool you both so you didn't give the game away.  If your parents had seen you packing your party clothes, they would have known we were up to no good. Now lets get this place ready and check out our supplies, then we can start messaging the girls."

Luke knew his friends would quickly get over his deception.  He'd conceived his plan entirely in secret and it was exciting to feel it starting to come together.  The first step had been in discovering his Uncle wasn't making use of his exclusive luxury lakeside mansion this year.  Down by the water with its own small private beach - it had all the modern conveniences including hot tubs, an ultra-modern interior and several king-sized bedrooms.  A conservatory upgrade on the side of one building made it suitable for hosting gatherings, including sound proofed windows and a super high quality sound system.  There was even a bar built into one of the walls.

The mansion was far enough out of sight that one could easily hold a wild party - or even an orgy here and no one would ever know what had happened. There was plenty of room for people to park up through the private security gate and Luke's imagination had gone wild with the thought of how he could use the space now his Uncle wasn't.

It was getting to the end of summer and he knew people were desperate for a final blowout.  An invitation to an exclusive party in the lakes at a luxury mansion would be the social highlight of the year and would attract the hottest... and sluttiest girls.  Luke had only just lost his virginity earlier this year and he was desperate now to have more sex, it was all he could think about.  He knew this weekend was going to be wild.

He had fooled his parents and his Uncle into granting him and his friends the chance to stay here by being hard-working at school and making them feel he deserved a reward for all his hard-work.  He had sold them on the idea of he and his friends having a final summer break together before University - a boys only outdoor excursion with hill-walking, rambling and canoeing at its heart.  His deception had worked and his Uncle had given him permission to stay. Now it was party time.

"Woah, this place is amazing," laughed Peter as they walked round the house. "Your Uncle sure knows how to spend his money... this is gonna be amazing."  The mansion was indeed impressive.  Everything was expensive, polished and tasteful.  Everything looked good.  But it did bring back the problem of clothing - the boys were massively under-dressed and it stuck out more now they were in such sumptuous luxury.  

"I'm sure I saw a room full of clothes back there," pointed Luke towards the bedroom area. "My Uncle must have left stuff here, if you're lucky there may be something that fits.  I sneaked some nice clothes with me, so I'm gonna start getting this place ready.  Why don't you go see what there is?"

Peter and Ali nodded and headed off to investigate.  They made their way down a short corridor into a luxurious looking bedroom with several walk in wardrobes.  "Wow, there are tons of clothes here.  In fact - there are whole boxes."

Peter was looking at a series of crates stacked on top of each other inside one of the wardrobes.  Each box was crammed full of a different type of clothing and was labelled with a neat post-it note to indicate what category it fell under.  "Emo, biker, Stepford, stripper, sorority, bimbo... what the fuck is this?" puzzled Peter as he pulled out the box labelled 'Bimbo'.  The entire crate was full of slutty looking dresses, ridiculous shoes and makeup bags containing huge fake lashes and pink bimbo lipstick. 

"It looks like dressing up boxes full of cosplay stuff," muttered Ali.  "Wow, Luke's uncle must be a kinky bastard. He must invite girls back here to dress up in this stuff and then party with him.  I can only guess that he must have forgotten he had all this shit here.  Wow, just check out these bimbo clothes, fucking hell - you'd need gigantic tits to fill that pink dress up wouldn't you?"

Peter picked up the slutty pink neon dress Ali was indicating, which was open at the midriff and seemed made out of some super clingy material.  It was clearly designed for a woman with big boobs who liked attention... and in a way, that didn't make any sense to Peter.  "Yeah... maybe... but it is kind of weird. I mean, how would this fit onto a random girl you invited back here?  You couldn't guarantee you'd find a girl that fit this, and if you did... she'd probably already be a bimbo, so why would you need her to dress up like this? It doesn't make any sense."

"I don't know... what else is in here? These clothes look super-expensive."

Rummaging in the 'bimbo box', Ali pulled out a tight rose-gold mini-skirt and he held it up to the light. It was metallic and attractively caught the light.  He found himself imagining the kind of girl who would wear something like this and he found himself getting hard.  He looked over at Peter, who for some reason was now holding the pink dress against his body and running his hands over it - almost lovingly.

"Peter... are you okay," asked Ali realising he felt really dizzy and tired.  The journey here hadn't been that long, but maybe he hadn't noticed how weary he was in the excitement of coming to this exclusive mansion.   It was funny though, since Peter had taken that box down a few minutes ago he had started to feel weird and now Peter was definitely acting funny.  The way he was holding the dress almost made it look like he was sizing it up against his body. 

"Yeah," murmured Peter with a strange glazed look in his eyes. "I was just wondering what this dress would look like on me... "

"Wh... what did you say?" groaned Ali rubbing his temple as a fog seemed to come down over his mind making it hard to think.  Had his friend just said what he thought he had said?

"I said I was wondering what this dress would look like on a girl," frowned a confused Peter as he held the neon pink dress in front of him, suddenly suspicious.

"No... you said something about seeing what it looked like 'on' you," said Ali as his mind seemed to fill with cotton wool.  "It's funny because... I was just thinking the same about this cute mini-skirt."

"Wh... what are you talking about," gasped Peter, blushing red but bringing the dress back to his body.  "Are you serious?"

"Yeah... I... I think I want to try it on. I want to feel it on my body... I want to dress up as a girl."

Peter and Ali looked at each other in a mixture of shock, longing and embarrassment as the words seemed to be pulled out of Ali's mouth.  For a second neither of them said anything.  Then Peter spoke.

"Ali... something is wrong here, we need to get out of this room and get rid of these clothes."

But neither boy moved.

Ali was shaking and he saw that Peter was too.  Peter's hand had slipped to the zipper on the back of the neon dress and he was slowly undoing it, opening the dress and making it ready to wear.

"Nooooo, Peter... nooo," groaned Ali as he watched his friend slide the dress off the hanger.  "We... we have to fight this."

"I... I can't," groaned Peter as he clenched his hands and tried to stop them slipping down to his belt.  "Something is controlling me... I... I NEED to wear this dress and I can't stop myself.  I want this so badly."

"Luke... Luke, help us!" groaned Ali weakly as he tried to shout for help... but the boys had closed the bedroom door behind them and beside's Ali's cries were half-hearted at best. He felt unable to act or intervene in what was happening and he watched in fascination as Peter slid down his jeans and kicked them off.  Next Peter ripped off his t-shirt to reveal his well defined chest and then finally he tugged off each sock.  Now standing only in his boxers, to his embarrassment Ali could see that Peter had a huge erection... a raging hard-on and his boxers were tented massively at the front. 

"Peter, we have to fight it... these clothes... they're taking control of us.  We have to stop them," gasped Ali as he realised to his horror that his own hands were moving over his body to remove his clothing. "If we put these on, who knows what they will do to us!  We have to fight!"

"No Ali, we have to give in," giggled Peter suddenly... "this is going to feel sooooo good.  Who wants to be a stupid boy anyway?"

Ali looked at his friend in horror. Something weird had happened to Peter's voice.  It was higher pitched, girlier and it had adopted a slightly fake Valley-girl twang.  Peter had an insane grin on his face and his eyes were on fire with lust and desire as he began to climb into his pink dress.  "Oh and don't call me Peter anymore... from now on, you can refer to me as Peyton."

Peter.. Peyton.. whoever his friend was now becoming, moaned as he pulled the dress over his body and began to transform.  Bones cracked and shifted as Peter's once masculine body became softer and curvier allowing the dress to fit better.  His short neatly gelled hair, began to grow and lengthen in a dark wave down his back as his pectoral muscles vanished, but with a soft swelling push - two large firm boobs began to push out of his body.

"Ohhhh yes!" moaned Peyton in ecstasy as he reached behind him to tug the zip up and seal himself inside the dress. "Hurry up and put your clothing on babe, give in... it feels so wonderful."

Whatever magic was corrupting Peter was only a few steps ahead of Ali and now it was his turn to be fully influenced by the bimbo clothing.  The gold skirt shone in his hands and the soft light seemed to turn his brain to cheese.   Ali could almost feel his intelligence leaking out, his morals and inhibitions draining out of his body.  He realised he was becoming dumber... but more streetwise, less intelligent, but more manipulative. He was turning into a bimbo and it felt good.

Hehe, who needs brains when you can look good and suck big dick.  Luke's Uncle is like super rich - maybe he needs some new hot girlfriends?

Ali looked down at the gold skirt in front of him.  It looked so... appealing. A soft giggle escaped his lips and he realised his voice was higher.  He reached up with soft fingers, and purred as he realised his Adam's apple was completely gone.  His skin was tingling and he felt a dreamy horniness overcome him.

"Mmmmh, ohhh shit my tits are getting bigger and bigger... I love my big boobies," giggled Peyton as her dick sucked inside and her new pussy opened between her legs.  She was now fully female and she was streets ahead of her friend as her lashes grew longer and naughty tattoos began to appear on her fake, plastic body.  Every inch of Peyton was smooth and tempting... a white little bimbo fuckdoll with a big ass and massive tits.  Her dress began to creak as it filled up nicely, the gaps widening and the cleavage becoming obsecenely visible as her hemline rose and she looked more and more like a plastic whore.  She loved it.

"Like, hurry up babe... you need to dress for the party too.  You're like soooooo behind me, if you don't hurry, maybe you won't even get to be a bimbo, heheh!"

Ali felt a moment of panic.  What if Peyton was right and if he hesitated any longer whatever evil magic was affecting Peyton would wear off and leave her as the only bimbo.  He suddenly wanted to transform into a fake plastic slut too and now naked, except for his boxer shorts - he quickly stepped inside his skirt and began to pull it up his body.

"Ohhhh fuck," moaned Ali as a throb of ultimate corrupt pleasure pulsed through his body.  "Yeah, make me into a dumb slut too!"

"Yeah that's right bitch," grinned Peyton as she watched her friend begin to transform.  "How does it feel to become a young, dumb, cumslut Alison?"

Alison... like who is Alison?  Oh yeah, that's me...  giggled the new whore in her head as blonde hair tumbled around her ears and her ass pushed out.

Moans and groans filled the air and the smell of bimbo-perfume and hairspray filled the room.  Nails grew, silicone pumped into tits, asses pushed out and clothes tightened as the two former boys became ultra-feminine cocksucking sluts.  The two bimbos were dumb little vain whores now who only craved money and prestige and as they slipped into high heels and Alison chose a sparkly sequin top that barely contained her massive fake tits.

"Like I feel amaaaaazing," giggled Alison.  "This is sooooo much better than being a dumb boy."

"OMG, you are sooooo right," laughed Peyton.  "I hope that we're like totally stuck like this."

"Me too, but like what are we gonna tell people?  Ummmm, like my Mom and Dad are gonna be soooo mad that I'm like a slut now."

"Who cares what they think," purred Peyton. "Babe, have you seen how we look?  We'll just find like some guys to take care of us, if they're rich enough they can like fix anything for us."

"Oooooh, you're like soooo smart Peyton.  Hmmm, but like what about Luke?"

"Oh yeah, I like totally forgot about him," giggled Peyton as she vainly admired herself in the mirror. "We better show him what happened, maybe he knows more about these clothes."

Clopping out of the room in their massive high heels, the two giggling bimbos laughed and talked incessantly as they made their way to the living room.  "Like I'm sooooo horny right now,  I wish we had a big dick to suck..." moaned Alison as she smacked her pouting lips wetly together and felt herself salivate at the thought of Alpha cock.  "Me too babe," groaned Peyton as she pushed open the door and they walked in.

It was there that they found Luke - sitting in the living room waiting impatiently for his friends.  He didn't know what was taking them so long, but he suspected they were deliberately taking ages so he'd have to do all the work and put up all the party decorations and items.  He supposed it was their revenge for him not telling them his plans.

When the two bimbos swayed - Luke leapt to his feet in shock and immediately retreated against the bookcase.


"Like relax Luke, it's us," giggled Peyton as she smiled at the frightened boy...  "We changed into some clothes we found and hehehe, you can say it changed us a little.  Do you like the new us?"

"Holy shit! Is this a prank? Where are the real Peter and Ali," gibbered Luke as the two bimbos encircled him hungrily.

"Ohhhh those losers are gone, and there's just us now.  We're much better than them."

"Oh my God - I must be going mad or something!  I have to get out of here," groaned Luke turning to run to the door.  Sticking her foot out, Alison giggled as she tripped him up and he crashed into the corner.  Stalking towards him, the two bimbos giggled as they cornered their prey.

"Oh you aren't going anywhere silly little boy - we're horny and we want some cock.  Today is your lucky day, if there was a hotter guy here - we'd fuck him, but right now you'll have to do."

The two bimbos needed to get fucked, they were both dripping wet and horny.  Their new bodies had urges that they couldn't resist.  Luke would do for now - then eventually they could find some Daddy's to take care of them.

The two busty girls began to pull their clothing off, letting Luke drink in their bodies as they exposed themselves.  The girls were a little nervous.  Putting on the clothes had made them hot - might removing them turn them back into weak boys?  It was a risk they were willing to take, such was their need to fuck.

"Hehe, lets hope that we don't turn back - that would suck," giggled Alison as she freed her massive boobs and Peyton kicked off her dress.  Her body underneath was incredible, her boobs massive plastic and fake - the nipples pierced.  Her body was like a sex-dolls - tattooed, pampered and completely smooth - ready to get fucked.

"Well it doesn't look like we're gonna turn back," purred Peyton in delight.  "Now we can have some real fun."

Luke gazed at the two sexy whores who had replaced his friends.  He'd come here this weekend for sex, but the girls he knew were nothing like these two bimbos.  They were built purely for sex and pleasure and he couldn't help but imagine how hot it would be to fuck them.  His dick began to get hard.

"We won't make you pound us if you REALLY don't want to," giggled Peyton as she saw his swelling erection, "but something tells me you wanna be deep inside my tight, plastic body."

Luke gulped as the girls advanced on their hands and knees towards him, their massive tits swaying as they advanced.  Alison's hands began to tug his pants down whilst Peyton undid his belt to free his cock, which bounced out like it was on a powerful spring.

"Ooooh, your cock is bigger than I thought it would be," gloated Alison in joy as she wrapped a hand round his semi-flaccid dick and began to pump it bigger in her manicured hands.  "Show us what you've got Luke... get big and hard for us... if you can."

Luke groaned as the two whores pushed their pretty faces between his legs and working together began to lick and suck his cock.  He'd never had a blowjob like this before - two smooth plastic sex dolls licking and moaning as they sucked and worshipped his cock.

Alison's tongue skilfully curled round the tip of his cock as Peyton sucked on his balls.  Both girls never broke eye-contact once... like they had done this a million times, even though in reality it was the first time for both of them.

Wet slurps and gasps filled the air as Alison slid her hot pink lips tight round his cock, and her cheeks went concave as she began to suck.  She pushed her head down, his cock going deep down her throat - with no gag reflex to stop it.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" groaned Luke as she began to slide her lips up and down, taking his cock deeper and deeper and making him curl his toes in ecstasy.  Peyton giggled, sucking and fondling his balls - sending pulses of pleasure through his body.

"Oooh, this is too easy.  You fucking love us serving you don't you Luke?" she whispered sexily. "This is the kind of hot dirty sex you could only dream of. Don't cum though... don't cum or we'll have to find someone else to fuck and you'll never get to know how it feels to go further and further."

Luke scrabbled at the floor, gasping and moaning... desperate not to blow his load.  These bitches were driving him wild, but he wanted more and he knew that Peyton wasn't just teasing him.  Bimbo bitches like this would only keep fucking you if you could satisfy them in bed. He had to control his ejaculation or he'd lose this one chance.

Going up for air, Alison looked at her friend and shrugged... saliva dripping over her boobs. "I wish there was a real man here babe, this boy isn't gonna be enough to satisfy us.  Still, it's better than nothing." She latched back on and continued sucking.

As the girls sucked, crazy thoughts ran through Luke's head and he tried to make sense of them.  Something deep down told him this wasn't some dream - not only was it real, but this was Peter and Ali - transformed somehow by the clothing in his uncles house.  He wondered now whether he had been the one to be connned?  His Uncle had seemed so happy for him to use the mansion...

With a horrible feeling, he began to wonder if his uncle had wanted him to bring his friends here to find the clothes... wanted them to be transformed... but why?

"He's not going to last much longer," sighed Peyton in disappointment as Alison pulled her head off Luke's cock. "How pathetic."

"Let's see if he can make it through a titjob," she giggled grabbing his lubricated dick and sliding it between her massive plastic tits.  "Does it feel good to fuck your friend's big fake tits Luke?  Are you gonna cum all over them like a weak little boy?"

Luke groaned as Peyton began to cruelly squeeze and pump his dick with her perfect slutty tits, fully aware that she was driving him over the edge.  "Haha, what a fucking loser... he's not gonna last more than thirty seconds."

"I give him a minute," sneered Alison.  "Are you gonna cum for her bitch boy? I thought this would be fun, but you're just a disappointment. We need Alpha cock..."

"Ohhh shit, I'm gonna cum," moaned Luke... as Peyton let go of his cock and quickly stood back.  Without her to finish him off, his dick throbbed for a second and then a pathetic dribble of cum trickled out as his orgasm was ruined and the two girls laughed at him.

"You bitches," he cried... grabbing his dick and trying to pump it, but finding he'd lost the feeling.

"Haha, sorry Luke... but that's all you are getting," they giggled laughing and slapping their naked thighs in amusement at his suffering.

Suddenly there came a click and the sound of the door opening.  Confident, expensive footsteps filled the air as a figure entered the room and all was finally revealed.

"Now you girls have had your fun with my Nephew, are you ready for a real man?" suddenly came an amused resonant voice and all three of them turned to see Luke's handsome uncle standing in the doorway in an Armani suit and looking amused.

"Ahhhh, Luke - did you really think I didn't know what you were up to?  I knew you were coming here to party with your friends, but it just provided me with the opportunity I was looking for. My last fuck-bunnies finally deserted me, so I decided to make some more.  I knew your friends would make perfect hosts for the clothes. I just wasn't sure if you'd be corrupted too - and whether I wanted you to be. As much fun as it would have been to have a dumb, bimbo, niece - it looks like you resisted the temptation to look through the room at the back. Shame..."

Luke looked at his uncle in horror as the older man unzipped his fly and flopped out a massive cock. "The magic clothing I provided has turned your friends into a couple of complete bimbo sluts.  To be honest - I wasn't sure what box they would go for, but now I see them - I'm pleased they made this choice.  Peyton and Alison are going to become my little whores now and I'm going to pamper and spoil them."

"Isn't that what you want girls?  I'll make you both rich little sluts and treat you to the bimbo life-style you both crave.  All you have to do is what you do best. Come here and pleasure your new Daddy.  Luke - why don't you stay and watch... see how a real man takes charge of a pair of whores like this."

"Uncle - you're insane!  You can't just do this, what about their families?  What about ours?  I'll tell Mom and Dad about this!"

Luke's uncle laughed.  "Don't be so naive.  Money means I can do what I like.  Peter and Ali's parents will be well compensated for the silence and don't think I have't already corrupted your Mother and Father. Beside's Luke... if you be a goodboy and obey uncle too, maybe one day I'll let you go all the way and fuck them.  Only if they want to of course - which I doubt they will."

The two bimbos had spread themselves out invitingly in the meantime and walking over, Luke's uncle slid his fingers into Peyton's smooth pussy to check she was wet.  She moaned as he fingered her, then satisfied she was wet - he slid his massive dick into her plastic body and grinned as she howled in pleasure.

"Oh yes Daddy... oh it's so big... please fuck me!"

Alison grinned and hugged her friend as she watched Peyton getting a good dicking.  This was more like it.  Luke's Uncle was rich, handsome and powerful. He was much more suitable as their new Daddy than Luke was.  She felt happy that she would no longer have to make any difficult decisions.  Her new Daddy would take care of everything, leaving her to concentrate on the important stuff like looking pretty and making herself more fuckable. 

She glanced at Luke and giggled, feeling sorry for him.  The poor loser would never know how good it felt to be a naughty little whore now.  "Oh yeah Daddy, fuck her good," she encouraged... loving how Peyton's tits bounced as she got pumped.

In the corner Luke watched with tears in his eyes as his friends gave themselves to his uncle.  The worst thing was... he only felt jealous as he watched them getting pounded.  Listening to them moan and squeal as they embraced their new destiny made him wish he had been corrupted too.  

He watched as his Uncle switched to Alison's pussy, grabbing her legs and roughly pounding her with juddering thrusts whilst Peyton climbed on top of her friends face and rode it... Alison's tongue inside her as her big tits wobbled and she screamed like a porn star.

Hot wet slaps filled the air, the sounds of sex and the scent of sweat and cum filled the air.  Luke watched as his Uncle switched back to Peyton, his stamina seemingly endless... until both girls had orgasmed and were clearly satisfied.  Slamming into Peyton's plastic body, spread eagle as she drooled in pleasure... he decided he was nearly ready to blow.

"Please give us your cum," they begged... broken and loyal to him completely now.  He was the Alpha they both craved and all that remained was for him to mark them as his property.

"I'm going to cum all over your bimbo tits," he grinned.  "You sluts are my finest creations yet - you did well to choose this box, I think we will have a lot of fun together.  Now here it comes..."

Cum blasted out of his cock, coating the girls as they moaned in ecstasy. It glooped and dripped over Peyton's massive breasts as he shook and groaned, pumping his dick to squeeze every last drop out which the hungry sluts eagerly licked and lapped at.  They made obsequious sounds of pleasure as they lapped it up like hungry sex-kittens, clearly obssessed with the cum and enjoying how it made them feel.

"Ohhhh yes Daddy, your cum tastes so good," giggled Alison - cock-drunk and completely satisfied with what she had become.

"I know... and you're going to be getting plenty of it," he grinned.  "Now why don't you two hop into the hot-tub and clean up.  We may as well make a weekend of it - there's so much hot sex we can have together and I've always wanted to try a foursome."

"A foursome?" asked a confused Peyton looking at her new Daddy in wonder.

"Didn't you notice?  Luke slipped out of the room, and I know exactly where he has gone..."

For a second, Peyton looked at him with a dumb vapid look, then she began to giggle as she worked it out.  Soon all three of them were laughing and grinning... yes.. they all knew exactly where Luke was.


In the backroom Luke finished tearing off his clothing and he looked down at the bimbo box... the clothing inside seeming to call to him.  Without hesitation he reached inside and began to pull out items.  As he began to slip the feminine clothing on he had only one thought left in his corrupted mind.

Lucy really hoped that her Uncle was into incest... she couldn't wait to become his fuck-doll too...


Models - Alison Avery and Peyton Presley - Reality Kings


  1. Such an inventive and hot story. I know I wouldn't be able to resist the box one I knew what it could do...

  2. That was a super hot story! Kind of sad the party didn't go down and guests find the boxes and orgy ensues, but creating new sluts takes precedence. Hopefully we get to see more of these boxes in the future, maybe Lucy's Uncle has some rich friends who need some new fuck bunnies? (Plus he could always introduce her to one of his rich friends if he doesn't like incest)


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