The Magic Makeup Bag (Redux)

NOTE - This is a new and improved version of an old story from my Tumblr Days that I wrote in 2017. This improved rewrite of the story has to my mind superior narrative flow and a shift to it being a M2F story instead of F2F. Let me know your thoughts and I hope you enjoy.

The Magic Makeup Bag 

By Evie Hyde

It was just a normal day like any other at Windsor High. The corridors were full of pupils as the school entered its lunchtime period and friends chatted excitedly as they emerged from their lessons together. Half the day was done and it was time to eat - for many at school, this was the best time of the day. Teachers directed the flow, shouting at students to hurry up. It was organised chaos, but it had a kind of poetry to it.

Amongst the hustle and bustle of the crowded corridor - an unremarkable boy with short brown hair and glasses was making his way through the crowd, trying to fight his way to the door to the playground. Ash had not had an enjoyable morning and he just wanted to get outside and relax for a while. As he progressed in the bustling corridor, fighting his way to escape, his plans were dashed as a short and mischievous looking girl suddenly weaved through the thinning crowds to pop up next to him.

“Hey Ash, you gotta see my new makeup bag,” laughed Claire excitedly as she grabbed her friend's arm and dragged him away from the exit door, over to the girls toilets. He resisted for a moment, but her grip was powerful and she dragged him inexorably towards the door.

“Cut it out Claire, you know I’m not interested in all that girly stuff,” muttered Ash. “I already get enough stick from the other boys for hanging around so much with a girl, the last thing I need is for them to see me looking at a makeup bag.”

“Shut up, you LOVE girly stuff and just trust me, okay, you’ll love this,” giggled Claire as she hooked her arm through his and used it to tug him where she wanted. Ash swore under his breath as Claire guided him into the girls toilets.  Luckily, even though it was the start of lunch, there was no one inside and she quickly pulled him over to the sinks and the mirror.

“Are you crazy, if I get caught in here I’m dead,” he objected starting to try and pull himself out of Claire’s iron grip and back outside. “This is like that time you tried to sneak me into your birthday party when we were little by disguising me as a girl, all the other girls were furious when they found out.”  He still had nightmares about that. Their screams of anger and the thrashing he'd gotten off his parents later were still vivid in his mind... and yet... and yet it had felt so good to dress up as a girl all those years ago and it had definitely awakened something in him.

“Ohhhh but this is different,” grinned Claire as she pulled a sexy looking pink makeup bag out of her school bag. “This time you won’t get caught - believe me.  And I can guarantee that you’ll love this. Just put your hand on my new makeup bag and I will show you something amazing. Quickly, before someone comes!”

Ash frowned… what the hell was all this about? He and Claire had been friends since they were tiny, so he knew her pretty well, and right now she was acting super excited and weird. He was willing to go along with whatever mad plan she had this time, but he already had a bad feeling about this. Shrugging he placed his hand on the bag and Claire put her hand on top of his.

“Okay. Magic Makeup Bag, make us into hot, popular cheerleaders,” laughed Claire and Ash gasped as the bag sparkled and there was a sudden explosion of pink powder and makeup dust that engulfed the two of them. He coughed and spluttered as the magic dust whirled around them and coated his skin.  Everything went numb for a second and then the pink glittery powder quickly dissipated and Ash blinked in surprise. He felt different suddenly and it took him a moment to realise everything about himself had changed.

Ash’s normally short nails were now long and white French tipped. He could taste cherry lip gloss on his pouting mouth and his eyesight was framed by sexy, long black lashes. His glasses were gone and his sensible brown hair had turned bright blonde and was tickling his neck and shoulders. His teeth felt different - smaller, more even and perfect. His school uniform was gone and he was now dressed in a cheerleading outfit with a tiny skirt and a top that clung to his toned stomach. To his considerable horror, he could now feel tits on his chest and his dick was most definitely gone. His body felt softer, slimmer and smoother than it ever had before. 

His head whirling and almost unable to process what had happened he looked up at the bathroom mirror to see two sexy bitches looking back at him and he realised that Claire had transformed as well. She was now skinny and small with a cute button nose and mischievous green eyes.  Her hair was now gorgeously auburn and she looked like a little supermodel.  The hot blonde girl next to her with the dreamy blue eyes and a slutty face, was every teenage boy's wet dream. She had soft glossy lips and was slightly taller than Claire with a perfectly toned body.  She looked every inch like a spoilt bratty bitch.

Claire giggled excitedly and played with her new hair, “See isn’t this awesome? It’s a magic makeup bag. I found it at my grandmas house. If you put your hand on it and ask it to make you look a certain way, it transforms you. It isn't just physical either - it actually changes reality to make you into a new person and make everyone else think you've always been that way.”

"Th... this isn't possible," squeaked Ash as he gingerly ran his hands over his sexy cheerleaders outfit and looked at the girl in the mirror in shocked amazement. "I... I... holy shit, I'm a girl!"

Ash had a million questions about what had just happened, but at that exact moment he was rudely interrupted. The freshly transformed boy gasped as the door to the girls toilets suddenly flew open and three other cheerleaders walked in. He panicked, memories of the time he had been caught as a boy pretending to be a girl surging through his mind, as the other girls walked in and chatting - went to the mirrors to do their hair and makeup. Their leader, a tall, perfect looking blonde girl who looked like a Barbie doll and oozed slutty sex-appeal tossed her hair in the mirror and blew herself a kiss. She turned as she saw that Ash was staring at her.

Ash felt his heart hammering in his chest as he realised he was looking straight into the eyes of the most evil and bitchy girl in the school. Madison the head cheerleader had bullied and teased him for years and he was half expecting to be mocked and teased by her again, but the queasy feeling in his tummy began to fade as he realised she was looking at him in a friendly way. What the fuck?

“Hey Ashley… you okay hun?" asked Madison in a concerned voice as she walked up and hugged him like they were old friends. “You look freaked out. Is it because you heard about your ex Jordan and that bitch Emma Jones?”

As Madison began gossiping to them, Ash realised that the Head Cheerleader thought he was now a girl called Ashley and Claire was someone called Chloe. The makeup bag had actually made them into Cheerleaders… everyone was acting as if they were normally like this. This was... amazing. 'Ashley' the girl he was supposed to be had a backstory and everything. It was like he was suddenly living a different life.

Ash suddenly realised he had tuned out whilst Madison was talking to him. She appeared to be giving him advice, " if you're freaked out about Jordan, don't be. That loser will soon come to his senses and realise he should have stuck with you. That make you feel better babe?"

"Ummmm, yeah - thanks," squeaked Ash in an unfamiliar voice as his former bully, now friend went back to the mirror and finished her makeup.

"No problem babe," smiled Madison. "I look after everyone on my squad. Now... you girls coming to lunch with us?"

"Sure," grinned Claire. "Just give me and Ashley a moment to fix our makeup too and we'll see you there. Save us a seat on the popular table."

Madison grinned, "Okay. Catch you girls in a couple of minutes. Don't take too long - Casey is gonna tell us how her date with Davy went.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and then giggling - exited with her flunkies, leaving an amazed Ash and Claire behind.

With the other girls gone, Ash was finally free to examine his body again. His hands touched his breasts and one slipped inside his panties He gasped as he felt the strangeness of his flat front and smooth shaven mound. He was fully female, this was beyond anything he had ever experienced before!

“This can’t be real,” gasped ‘Ashley’ as she turned to 'Chloe.’ "I must be having a dream. In a second I'll wake up and realise I'm in bed. Otherwise magic is real and you just made me into a cheerleader."

“I did make you into a cheerleader. And like I keep telling you, it isn't just physical - try doing a handstand.”

Ash had a terrible sense of balance normally, but to his amazement he effortlessly performed a quick handstand. His body felt so much fitter and more agile. The move came easily to him, like he'd done it thousands of times before.

“Now try the splits.”

With contemptuous ease Ash spread his legs apart sank to the floor easily. “How did I do that?” he marvelled.

“Cool isn’t it? You can do anything that a cheerleader should be able to do now. It’s like we are in a world where we have always been popular pretty cheerleaders. If I hadn’t made you put your hand on the bag with mine you would still be normal and you’d have completely forgotten who I really was and think I had always been Chloe Simpson.”

"But this is incredible. With your makeup bag, we can become anyone we want to be," laughed Ash. "But it can turn us back to normal right? I don't wanna be a cheerleader for much longer."

"Of course it can change us back. We just have to put our hands on the bag and say 'Make us normal.’ We will go back to being Ash and Claire immediately. Come on, I'll show you."

Turning excitedly around, Claire pulled her friend over to the washbasin where they had first transformed, but the smile dropped from her lips as she saw the basin was now empty. "Oh shit… where’s the bag?” she gasped in horror. The two cheerleaders stared in shock where moments ago the makeup bag had been sitting. It was gone and until they got it back - they were stuck as naughty little cheerleaders.

"Oh my GOD! Either Madison or one of her flunkies must have picked it up," groaned Ash. "This is a catastrophe - we can't turn back!"

"Calm down," hissed Claire. "Don't worry, we just need to meet up with Madison and the girls and find out who took it. We'll get it back, don't panic."

Full of a confidence she didn't entirely feel, she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the door... as usual, taking the lead. They would find the bag again if it was the last thing she did...


As the rest of the school filed out of the premises, the various teams and after-school clubs that used the premises were now well in swing. On one corner of the field - the Windsor High Cheer-team was practising. Girls in cute uniforms were performing their moves under the careful eye of the Head Cheerleader and queen bitch, Madison. It was like poetry in motion.

“Hey girls, ready to shake those hot little booties?” giggled Madison to her cohort of smiling, super enthusiastic bimbo cheerleaders. They lived for this and so did she. She was in her element when she was bossing other girls around and moulding them to her desires. Her beautiful blue eyes scanned her team and again she noticed how Ashley was acting weird. That girl needed to get her shit together. Still - being cheated on by a guy was bound to shake anyone - but Ashley would bounce back.

Noticing the Head Cheerleader's gaze and feeling uncomfortably exposed, Ash smoothed down his uniform and turned to snap at his friend. “I can’t believe we are doing this," he hissed to Claire as they got into position and Madison began to drill them more thoroughly.

“Awww cheer up, this is kinda fun,” giggled 'Chloe' shaking her pom poms and kicking her sexy legs like a born cheerleader.

“We should be looking for that magic bag not wasting time with these bitches,” muttered Ash as he gripped Chloe’s waist and effortlessly lifted the tiny blonde into the air. “We need to find out who took it.”

“We asked all the girls and we did look for nearly an hour. There was no sign of it, so we just need to be patient and keep searching. But just be careful what you say, don’t forget you are one of these ‘bitches’ now. These girls are our squad sisters and its important we fit in with them. You don’t wanna be socially isolated do you? Whilst we're stuck like this, we need to ensure that things don't get worse for us. At least being trapped as hot popular girls isn't that bad so long as we stay in with the squad."

"Hah, maybe for you. This is probably a dream come true for you. I bet you're loving being hot and popular."

"Oh pleeeease, like you haven't secretly always wanted to be a girl 'Ashley'. Like you really think all those lame excuses about ME making you dress up as a girl is gonna wash? You and I both know you secretly get off on this shit."

"I don't know what you mean. What are you talking about?"

"When I was a little girl, you wanted to be just like me. It didn't take much to make you wanna come to my party with me as a girl. Growing up you've always hung around with me, even gone shopping with me at the mall for girly clothes. You clearly wish you'd been born a girl. Now you finally are one, maybe you should enjoy it a little?" smirked Claire.

"Shut up Claire! I didn't wanna be a stupid girl and your stupid magic bag has trapped me like this. You better be able to change me back!"

"Or what?"

"Or I'll..."

"HEY! Chloe and Ashley, start concentrating.  What's up with you two today?" suddenly bellowed Madison at them and they stopped arguing and focused back on the task at hand.

Seeing how upset her friend was, Claire softened. "Look, Ash - stop worrying about the bag, it will show up soon enough, there are only so many girls in school and we will find it. In the meantime you should enjoy yourself. This is a once in a life-time opportunity.”

Ash rolled his eyes. “By acting like a dumb, spoiled cheerleader? I normally hate girls like this.”

"Do you? Or is this turning you on? Maybe you should try be spoiled and dumb, you might like it. Maybe you'd even like to try kissing a boy... or fucking him. Isn't this what you've secretly dreamed of all these years?"

"THAT'S ENOUGH," screamed Ash suddenly throwing Claire down to the ground. "You're going too far as usual. I don't want this...!"

Hot tears running down his pretty cheeks, Ash turned and ran, leaving a smirking Claire lying on the field out of breath. The other cheerleaders looked nonplussed - but not massively shocked. It wouldn't be the first time two girls had fallen out and had a hissy fit during practice. Claire smiled as Madison walked over and helped her up.

For a moment they looked at each other levelly, then Madison smiled. "I hope this is part of your plan, Chloe... you said he would be easy to corrupt. I didn't loan you the power of the makeup bag for you to fail me."

"Oh don't worry babe, he will be become one of us... in fact he's already well on his way."

She smiled coldly and Madison smiled back.


Claire/Chloe would have felt bad for her friend, except she knew he wanted this anyway. If anyone should have been born a girl instead of a dumb boy - it was Ash. She couldn't wait to help him free his true-self.

If that meant she also got what she wanted? So be it...

Claire had always dreamed of being able to transform into another person and the magic makeup bag was the answer to all of her dreams. She couldn't believe Ash had fallen for that bullshit about finding the makeup bag at her grandmas house. The magic makeup bag was actually the secret weapon of the Windsor High cheer squad. For years they had used its power to ensure that only the hottest girls were on the squad. The truth was, she had already been recruited to the squad...

When Madison had approached her months ago with her evil plan and shown her the power of the bag, she had known what she had to do immediately. She couldn't say no... the temptation was too great. She wasn't exactly entirely sure why Madison needed to fill the ranks of her cheer squad with new members - other than some girls leaving or moving on. Madison refused to say where the makeup bag came from originally, but its power was undeniable.

The moment she'd first transformed into Chloe - she had known this was the start of getting what she had always wanted Those first few times she transformed, Ash had forgotten all about the old her - the bag making him believe she had always been a hot popular girl. She hadn't cared at first - revelling in her new slutty life. She'd finally lost her virginity and found she loved giving blowjobs. She'd discovered that she was a rich, spoiled bitch now and spent a whole weekend shopping and hanging out with the other girls. She had acclimatised incredibly quickly to her new status - and Madison and the others agreed she made a natural cheer bitch.

But over time she had started to miss her friend. Ash had been the only thing she missed about her old life, and she'd begged Madison to let him join the squad too. She had known he would never come willingly, she'd had to trick him - but now thanks to her manipulation, he was well on the way to becoming a girl forever. It had sucked that she had to become Claire again for a while to trick him... but now she need never turn back into that dumb nerd again. From this point forwards, she would think of herself only as Chloe.

“By the time I’m done you will be a hot cock sucking slut - just like the rest of us," she giggled. “I can’t wait to break you… what else are friends for but to totally corrupt their best friends…?“

The plan had been simple. Lure Ash to the girls washroom, transform him and then have Madison come in and distract Ash whilst they removed the makeup bag. Without it there was no means for him to return to normal. Now his corruption... could truly begin. She was looking forward to watching him succumb... just like she had.


In the locker room…Ash sat on a bench, his head in his hands, the hot tears running down his face failing to affect his expensive water proof mascara. Claire - Chloe… whatever she was called had created this mess and didn’t seem to be doing anything about it. What a bitch. If they didn’t find the bag they could get stuck like this forever. The thought horrified him… and also thrilled him a little. Imagine being trapped as a cheerleader - forced to adapt and become like them? For some reason it made his new pussy tingle and guiltily a little voice in his head asked if that would be so bad?

Ash had always kind of wanted to be a girl. He had been struggling with these feelings as he grew up and didn't know how to process them. Claire had been the only person he could confide in about it. It was funny... but he'd had fantasies like this - transformed into a girl and forced to live a new life. Now it had finally happened, his head was all messed up and he wasn't sure what he wanted anymore. He needed time to think. He needed time to really look and experience his new body. He needed to go somewhere safe.

Deciding to go home, Ash changed into the clothes he found in his locker - a pair of skin tight clingy blue jeans and a white top. He looked sexy as fuck and couldn't help but giggle and play with his amazing new hair a little. He flipped it with a natural gesture... as if he'd always had to deal with hair this long.

“God I look like such a dumb slut,” he pouted… but the truth was he was quite pleased with how hot he looked. Was this how it felt to be pretty? His hair was so long and sexy and when he smiled his teeth were a brilliant white. The girl in the mirror was absolutely gorgeous. Ash felt a little thrill of superiority, most girls would kill to look this amazing.

"Damn it - I have to get my shit together. I need to go home and think."

Poking his head out of the locker room door to check none of the other girls were around, Ash slipped out and practically ran to the school gates. His new toned body sure was fit and healthy... and stealthy. It didn't take too long to get to his house with his top of the range iphone clasped in his pretty hands. Ash’s mouth dropped open and he forgot to be pissed off as he arrived at his address.

"Holy shit!"

Ash was stunned as he saw the changes the magic makeup bag had wrought on his life. His parents medium sized house was gone, and a white walled gated compound with expensive cars now sat in its place. A huge private pool was built onto the side and there was a gigantic garden where his neighbours house used to be. Reality had changed and Ash's family had changed with it.

“Oh my God this is amazing,” he gasped… his face breaking into the sexy smile he had been fighting against for the last few hours as he walked up to the side door and realised he now knew the private code to get in.

Walking inside, his feet seemed to know the way as he passed into the house through a luxurious kitchen, then up the stairs. He had never been in this house before - yet guided by some instinct, he opened a door and stepped into a girls bedroom that was nearly three times the size of his old one. There was a huge walk in wardrobe packed with clothes, cheerleading trophies and pics of Ashley and Chloe everywhere. A huge vanity table covered in makeup and brushes dominated one wall, whilst fairy lights and a massive four poster with pink satin sheets completed the sexy boudoir appearance.

Jumping onto the huge bed, he gasped at the feel of the impossibly slinky sheets against his soft body. “Oh my Gawd, this is totally amazing,” he breathed. “It’s like a dream house. Too bad I have to be a stupid bitchy cheerleader to have it.”

This was like all of the dreams he used to have as a boy when he was jerking off imagining being a girl. He was pretty and popular and had a huge room full of sexy clothes and girls things. Going through the drawers he found sexy lingerie, nighties and even more cheerleading outfits. This was incredible.

Now totally alone, Ash knew that if he wanted he could have a little fun. The temptation to masturbate as a girl and find out what it felt like was one he had no intention of passing over. Deciding he may as well see what his blonde body was like whilst he was stuck like this he climbed onto the bed and pulled off his clothes.

Laying back, Ash looked down at his perfect body with its perky tits and began to get aroused. Sliding his hand down over his hot smooth flesh he began to gently rub his clit and finger himself - groaning as his fingers slipped inside. It felt good… really good. He began to rub more and more vigorously and soon he was furiously playing with his pretty pink pussy and feeling an orgasm build. His clit was throbbing as he writhed and gasped in pleasure. It had never felt this good to masturbate before!

“Ohhhh fuck, I’m a bad little cheerleader… I’m such a naughty slut…” he groaned, roleplaying with himself and finding it turned him on massively. Sluts like this… sluts like him… really did have the best sex lives. Ash screamed as he came hard and squirted over the bed. It felt amazing but even afterwards, he felt like he needed more.

“Ohhhh fuck… best orgasm ever. Maybe I should ring Chloe, I mean Claire and apologise. I was a bitch earlier… its not her fault this happened and I am sure we will get back to normal. She was right too… this isn't so bad!”

Picking up his iphone, Ash lay back in his beautiful room, in his beautiful body and for the first time began to consider whether he really wanted to change back yet anyway. Chloe... damn it, Claire was right. They'd definitely find the bag and in the meantime why not enjoy the change? He giggled as he scrolled through his screen and saw how many boys were blowing up his phone begging for a date. He was also quickly sucked into the bitchy banter in the girly message groups he was a part of.

A message from Chloe suddenly popped up. "You okay hun? I'm sorry about earlier."

"Yeah," sent back Ash. "I was just in shock. Ashley has a pretty fucking cool life, so it isn't as bad as I thought. I still think I should change back before I get too used to all this."

"K" sent back Chloe. "We can talk tomorrow babe."

Ash put down his phone and sighed with conflicting emotion. What a day!


Yawning in the chill morning air, Madison grinned as she saw Chloe waving at her and she walked over to her latest subordinate. Chloe hadn't been clear in her messages why she needed to meet her so early, but Madison hoped it was for a good reason - especially as the other girl had begged her to bring the all important magic makeup bag.

“What’s up girl? Why did we need to meet so early before school?”

Chloe grinned, “I have a plan and I need your help. I think Ash is coming round to being a girl, but we want more than that. We wanna make him a bitch. If you really want Ashley on the squad we need to unleash those bitchy instincts in him and make him succumb. So - I have a great idea. I thought you might like to disguise yourself as an emo girl and go hassle her? Then Ashley will snap and start acting like a real cheerleader, for sure.”

Madison shrugged. “Hmmmm, does sound kinda fun. I haven't used the bag in years.”

"Okay, I'll transform, wind her up and then turn back."

Madison reached into her bag and pulled out the makeup bag. Gripping it tight she said, "Make me an emo bitch."

The magic makeup bag shimmered and she was enveloped in a cloud of grungy purple makeup. When the magic dust settled the head cheerleader was gone and a sullen emo girl with dyed hair, tattoo and dark makeup was left.

“I feel weird, all my spark is gone” coughed ‘Madelyn’ as she turned to Chloe and brushed her purple hair out of her eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

“Course I am,” grinned Chloe. “Especially since you just fell for my plan to take control." She punched Madelyn hard in the stomach and grabbed the makeup bag off her.

“I can’t believe that worked! Ohhhh yes! Sorry Madison but its time for me to take my rightful place. I think you will be much happier as a depressed emo bitch whilst I deserve to have all the advantages you once enjoyed … the squad is about to become all mine.”

Gripping the bag firmly, her heart pounding and her pussy already wet Chloe whispered, “Make me into Head Cheerleader.”

The bag exploded with sparkling pink motes and Chloe moaned as she felt her body twist and morph to make her even more sexy. She was now the Alpha bitch and it felt soooo fucking good.

“Ohhhh fuck yes that feels good. Mmmmh I’m now the meanest, hottest slut on the squad,” she exulted.

Madelyn blinked at her in shock, then her vision went hazy. Both girls were struggling to remember the changes that had just happened, as reality shifted and each of them forgot they had ever been anything but Head cheerleader and a goth bitch. Madelyn staggered off in a daze, whilst Chloe gripped the makeup bag and grinned. The final part of her plan was yet to come. She was only making herself head of the squad temporarily... that honour was going to belong to someone else.


Ash woke up feeling better than he usually did in the mornings. His sexy girls body was clearly better suited to being an early riser - or maybe it had just been his ultra luxurious surroundings? Whatever the case, he felt full of energy. His body was on autopilot as he did all the things a girl would normally do in the morning, including wash and dry his hair - do his makeup and pick and put on his clothing for the day.

Wandering down into the kitchen - Ash was amazed to see his usually scruffy Dad was now in a business suit and looking incredibly trim. His Mom was busy in the kitchen making breakfast. They were sort of the same, but also different. The reality changes had made them a lot more successful, that was for sure. What he hadn't expected to see was Chloe sitting with a big grin on her face at the breakfast bar.

"Morning darling," grinned his Mom, "you look pretty today. Chloe is here to see you before school. I asked her if she wanted breakfast, but she skipped as usual."

Ash just nodded like an idiot as Chloe indicated they should go upstairs and he followed her back to his room.

"So, did you enjoy your night as a girl?" asked Chloe as she sat on his bed and giggled. "I bet you played with yourself all night."

"Maybe a little," grunted Ash. "Maybe this isn't so bad as I thought it would be."

"You love this," purred Chloe, "and you're going to love it even more when I make you Head Cheerleader."

"Whh... what? But you're head cheerleader?" stammered Ash, completely forgetting about Madison, whose transformation had written her out of the story.

"Yeah, but I don't want to be," she sighed. "I want to be someone else. I want to... fuck the Head Cheerleader."

The words hung in the air for a moment, then Ash laughed. "What?"

"Listen Ashley... the reason I'm trying so hard to help you come to terms with your desire to be a girl is... I know how it feels. All my life, I've wanted to be a man. I've wanted to have what you had, a dick. When I realised what the magic makeup bag could do, it all started to fall into place. I knew that I could help you become a girl and I would eventually be able to organise it so I could be a boy. I want to turn into a guy and be your boyfriend."

"But I want you to want this too. I don't want to make you into anything you don't want to be. That's why I've come here to offer you this choice."

Reaching into her satchel, Chloe pulled out the makeup bag and put it into Ash's hands. "You get to choose. Wish to be the rich, popular, slutty and hot Alpha-Girl of Windsor High and take your place as Head Cheerleader. Or wish to go back to Ash, and I'll find someone else to be my girl. You choose."

Ash looked down at the bag in his hand. He looked around his room. This was insane.

"Why didn't you ever tell me how you felt?" he asked Chloe.

"Why didn't you tell me? Isn't it true you always wanted to be a girl? This is our moment, with this bag we can finally fix things the way we want them to be. Do it... make yourself into a bitch. Say it and then I'll transform into your hot boyfriend. Give yourself fully to the transformation this time."

Ash's mouth went dry and he groaned as he gripped the bag. "Fine. I do want this, I'm sick of pretending anymore. Make me into the bitchy, spoiled, head cheerleader of Windsor High."

The bag exploded in a blast of pink glitter and Ashley moaned as she felt the transformation - more mental this time than physical, complete itself and leave her as the new Head cheerleader. Ash's spirit didn't try to resist as everything pure and good about himself was destroyed and replaced by spoiled, cruel, brattiness. Ashley giggled and moaned as her corruption completed itself. It felt good to be Head Cheerleader... really good.

"Ohhhhh, like why the fuck did I wanna resist this?" she purred, licking her cherry pink lips and stretching her lithe body on the bed. She felt so fucking good and she was glad she was rid of that life as that loser boy. She was all bitch now and she liked it. Tossing the makeup bag to Chloe she grinned naughtily. "Okay bitch, time for you to choose. Be my Beta-girl, or turn into my boyfriend. Either way - I win."

Chloe grinned and picking up the bag made her wish. "I want to be Ashley's hot boyfriend, the star quarterback. Make me into a fucking stud."

This time the makeup cloud was blue and Chloe coughed, her voice deepening as muscle spread across her body and she groaned as she felt a huge dick swelling between her legs. She growled at the feeling of power and exulted as her transformation gave her the body she had always secretly wanted. A mans body.

In moments the short cheerleader was gone and a handsome six-foot four man with strong muscles and a powerful body remained. Chad grinned and stretched his male body, intoxicated by how strong and masculine he felt. Now this was more like it!

Chad and Ashley looked at each other and laughed as the last few motes of makeup faded away. Then the smiles faded off their lips as their eyes lit with animal lust and the two of them leapt at each other to kiss and groan, Chad's hands all over Ashley's sexy body.

"Yes, fuck me...." she moaned, giving into her new female instincts as the powerful man laughed at pulled out his cock, which was big, thick and powerful. "Damn... I've wanted to do this for so long, I always wanted to know how this felt. I'm gonna love being Chad."

"And I'm gonna love being Ashley," giggled the new Queen of Windsor High. "But shut the fuck up and shove that cock into me, I am soooooo horny right now."

Accepting their new roles - with anyone who might get in their way removed, the new King and Queen began to fuck like animals. Ashley loved how good it felt to have a big strong dick inside her and Chad was in heaven as he pumped her incredible tight pussy.

For the next week they would fuck almost continuously, even doing it at school in the locker room. As the two biggest bullies at school, who was now going to stop them?

And as for the magic makeup bag - well - that was safely in Ashley's possession. After all, you never knew when new girls would be needed for the squad... but right now, she had other, bigger, harder things to keep her occupied and that was just how she liked it.


Model - "Ashley" - Lyra Law, Reality Kings & Various
            - "Madelyn" Romance, Burning Angel


  1. Loved it the first time and love it this time, I love the m2f and f2m aspect

  2. Great story. Would love to read the original.

  3. The original was one of my favorites, and I always hoped for a continuation or expansion. Great job with the rewrite! I'd also love to see more stories set in this universe.


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