The Serpents Kiss

This is a republish and slight improvement of an old story I originally published on my Tumblr, many years ago. I never finished the original and I think I had some sort of multi-part epic in mind.  I'm working on a few other stories right now, but this one has some features I like - so I reworked it a little, found some new pics and left it on a better cliff-hanger. I probably won't add more.

Prim, proper and strict, ageing Mother Mary had been sent on a dangerous mission by the Abbess of her priory. She was to recover a wicked relic called the ‘Serpent’s Kiss’ and bring it back to the abbey to be destroyed by the combined powers of the Holy Sisters.  The Serpent, took the form of a beautiful jewelled snake in the shape of a bracelet.  It had finally been tracked down by agents of the Church and it was now safely stored in a lead lined box in a nearby town, just waiting for collection.  

At sixty years of age and with a unshakeable faith and complete self confidence in her abilities, Mary had been chosen to collect the evil relic just as her young assistant Hannah had been chosen for her sweet and innocent nature.  Mary needed Hannah’s youth and strength if she was to succeed on the mission, but she disapproved of the young girls decision to take holy orders before experiencing anything of life. She worried that Hannah was too weak… too soft for such work, but her superiors disagreed. As a result she had treated the younger woman harshly at times, even physically punishing her to strengthen her against evil.

Their mission was vital and so far, all had gone well. The two of them had made their way to the nearby city, collected the box containing the evil item and now were hurrying back to catch the last train that departed just before midnight.

“Have you got the box secure?”  snapped Mary as Hannah clutched the sealed container and nodded obediently.   “Let’s hurry child, I want to be on the train as soon as possible.”

“But Mother Mary.  Shouldn’t we have stayed at the hotel as planned and left in the morning?  It’s dangerous at night.”

“Nonsense… follow me down this alleyway, I'm sure it’s a short-cut.”

Hannah wasn't too sure this was wise, but she didn't dare argue with the older woman. The two Nuns scurried down the back-street, the large box in Hannah’s arms obviously containing something valuable.  Neither noticed the two men blocking either end of the alleyway till it was too late.

“Well, well, well… what do we have here?” grinned a young thug brandishing a flick knife as he surveyed the two terrified Nuns.  "Hand over the box sisters and you don’t have to get hurt.“

"No, you don’t understand, you have to let us past” sobbed Hannah backing away and screaming as she bumped  into the rough looking man behind her.  He laughed and tried to tear the box from her arms, the young Nun putting up unexpected resistance. It clattered from between them as Hannah fell, bursting open so that the gold serpent inside rolled out and landed by sister Hannah’s outstretched arm.

In the dim light of the alley, Hannah could see her superior fighting with the other man. “Get off me you hooligan,” grunted Mary as he pushed her against the wall and brandished his knife in her face.  The old woman showed no external fear, but Hannah saw the glimmer of fear in her eyes. The men were going to kill Mary, then they would probably kill her!

Hannah felt terror rise in her mouth as she heard the other man advancing on her.  Reaching out she clutched the gold serpent in desperation, hoping to hide it. As she touched it, a sudden wild impulse to slip it over her arm came over her.

Quickly put me onsssss... I am the only thing that can sssssssave you and your sssssssuperior.

Hannah flexed her slender wrist and overwhelmed by panic, slid the snake eagerly… willingly down her arm. She gasped as it tightened possessively around her, wrapping sexily around her wrist with a tight grip. “OOOOOOOOOHHHHH, IT FEELS AMAZING!” she moaned writhing on the floor and causing everyone to stare transfixed at her as she began to dramatically transform.  

Hannah’s short cropped hair burst out in a blonde wave from under her habit as her flat chest swelled out and her short legs lengthened.  Her brown eyes turned dazzling emerald green as her Nun’s habit swirled around her becoming a black figure hugging backless  low cut dress.  A tattoo of a serpent appeared above her perfect ass, as black stiletto boots pushed her up and sexy make up shimmered across her face.  Perfect eyebrows rose in surprise as elegant white fingernails lengthened out like claws and her skin tanned slightly.  Rising to her feet the impossibly sexy bitch cupped her large D cup breasts and let out a soft moan as the two muggers stared at her in shock.

“What happened to me?” groaned Hannah.  She felt good… so very good, but there were bigger problems to deal with.  "Leave Mother Mary alone!“ she shrieked and to her surprise both the attackers stepped obediently back.  Their eyes were large and almost blank, it was as if they were hypnotised… under her control.

Make them your ssssssssslaves Mistress…. make them suffer for what they did hissed a voice in her mind and Hannah moaned as thoughts of dominating and controlling the men suddenly flowed through her imagination. Remembering who she was she gained control and commanded, "Leave us… go far away and do something better with your lives.”

Without a word, both men turned and walked calmly away… still in a daze.   Mother Mary was staring at Hannah in stunned shock and her eyes dropped nervously to the bracelet on her wrist.  "Take that off please Hannah… quickly now.“

Hannah hesitated.  Don’t listen to the ssssssstupid old woman.  Leave me on just a little bit longer Mistress.  Aren’t you tired of being her sssssssslave?  Make her ssssssserve us, it will be ssssssso much fun.

Hannah groaned and gripping the bracelet tugged at it.  The delicious images flowing into her head were too tempting.  With a sob she pulled harder.  The snake didn’t want to come off.  Then with a disappointed hiss it slid free and she dropped it to the floor in front of her.

At once Hannah transformed back… her clothes and her body returning to normal in a matter of moments.

With a quick cautious movement, Mother Mary scooped up the bracelet and dropped it back into the box.  She slammed the lid shut with a sigh of relief and lent against the wall for support.  "What evil sorcery!  Thank goodness we are both safe.  I should have listened to you earlier my girl, I’m sorry.  It is far too dangerous here tonight.  Let us go back to the hotel and we will complete our mission safely in the morning.  We will say nothing of what happened.  As far as I’m concerned it never happened.”

Hannah nodded… but deep inside, she couldn’t stop thinking about the serpent… and whether she’d ever get to wear it again…


Mother Mary was tired and concerned.  The run in with the muggers had been a stupid mistake that she should have avoided. As a result, Sister Hannah had been exposed to the evil power of the ‘Serpents Kiss’ but luckily she didn’t appear to have been affected by her experience.  If anything she had proven her strength - Mother Mary was beginning to think there was hope for her yet. The young nun looked a little dazed and appeared embarrassed by what had happened, but otherwise seemed herself.  She clutched the lead box like her life depended on it and said nothing as they made their way into the hotel.

Whilst Mother Mary made arrangements for their train in the morning and contacted the Abbey, she sent Hannah upstairs to secure the box and prepare their room.  She hoped that the routine would help settle the young girls mind.

Making her way up in the lift, Hannah clutched the box and tried not to think about the golden snake within.  She couldn’t seem to get it out of her head, to stop thinking about how amazing it had felt on her arm.  She had felt so powerful, so sexual… so free.  Emotions and desires she’d long bottled up and tried to contain had been brought forward and she had struggled to let go.  Even now she toyed with thoughts of opening the box… just having a quick look at the serpents kiss… just to check it was still safely inside.

Pushing her temptations into her deepest subconcious, Hannah stepped out of the lift and walked down the corridor to their room.  As she approached their room, a young man stepped out of the room opposite and began making his way down the corridor.  He smiled at Hannah and she felt her heart race. He was incredibly handsome and dressed like a movie star in a black tux.  Forbidden fantasies seemed to swim through her mind and she felt her heart beat a little faster.

“Good evening sister,” he nodded politely and Hannah realised that to him she was asexual… a lowly nun.  She felt the burn of disappointment and then wondered why. She was a nun… she didn’t want to be approached by men… did she? Dear God, what was she thinking?  Everything had been so messed up since that damn snake had got onto her arm.

Her mind preoccupied by the young man, Hannah fumbled at the door and walking inside promptly slipped over.  The box went tumbling from her hands again and the golden snake rolled out.  Hannah cursed and then heard a polite cough behind her.

“Are you okay sister?  I was about to get into the lift and I saw you trip at the door.”

Hannah turned to see the concerned young man from earlier standing over her. He was tall, muscular, well built and handsome.  She felt her cheeks redden. “I’m sorry, I tripped over… I’m okay.”

“Let me help you up.  My name’s Michael by the way.  I’m just in the room opposite.  I was just going down to the lobby to get some ice. I’ve been at a company dinner tonight, just got back. Anyway, take care now.”

Hannah thanked him and slipped into her room.  How embarrassing.  

Why not ssssssssslip into his room and have some fun when he gets back from the lobby?  Hissed a voice in her mind and Hannah squealed and jumped to see the golden snake shining on the floor.

Put me on Mistresssssss and unleash my power.  I can feel the lusssst within you.  I can feel your potential.  You could be ssssssuch a bad, bad girl.  Let me help you…

“NO!  How are you in my head!  I’m not even wearing you anymore.”

We are linked now Mistresssss.  I live to ssssserve you.  To help you become better.  Put me on and releasssse your true sssself.

“I…. I… I mustn’t.  I can’t!  I don’t want your power.”

Ssssssuch a clumsy girl.  You don’t really believe you dropped the box again by accident?  You wanted to releasssse me.  You want to feel my kisssssss.  Hurry up before the other Nun comes and sssssstops us. Put me on!

Hannah moaned as the serpent seemed to shine and pulse, and her mind throbbed with wicked thoughts.  The serpent seemed to be offering her everything she had ever wanted but she had to resist.  She staggered away from it and trying to resist caught sight of her reflection in the mirror.  The most beautiful blonde girl she had ever seen looked back at her contemptuously with dazzling green eyes and smiled wickedly.

“Put the snake on bitch.  Unleash me, I want to get busy with that guy from opposite.  I’m sick of being a virgin, I want him to do things to me… I want to be a slut. Hurry up and become me.”

“No!  You’re not real… what the hell is happening to me!”

“I am you bitch.  I’m the real you inside that’s trying to break out.  I’m the whore you’re going to become and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.  You want this Hannah, you want to become a bad girl. It turns you on and makes you feel alive.  Forget about your vows, your beliefs… put on the snake, become me and lets have some fun.”

Hannah gasped as she felt something cold brush her foot.  She squealed in horror as she saw that the snake had come to life.  It flowed sinuously over her foot and up her leg.  "No… nooooooo, oooooohhhh, mmmmhhhh, yes YESSSS YESSSSS!“

The snake reached her arm and wrapped tightly around it and Hannah threw back her head with an unholy cry of lust and giggled like a mad whore as the power engulfed her.  "YES!  I LOVE IT!”

The same transformation as earlier occurred as the innocent young Nun transformed into an unholy temptress.  Blonde hair and big tits… green eyes and wicked pink lips.  Feeling her sexy new body and purring with pleasure, Hannah turned and threw open the door to her room.  And there… standing shocked and horrified in the corridor was Mother Mary…

"H...Hannah - what are you doing? NO! Take off the snake," she hissed in horror.

"Shut up you stupid old bitch," laughed Hannah. "And from now on you can call me Goddess."

Grabbing the older woman, Hannah hurled her to the floor. The snake on her arm burned with power and she laughed at how good it felt to treat Mary like shit.

Yesssssss Mistresssssss, now dominate her...

Mary groaned as her young apprentice lowered her crotch lewdly over her face and pushed her sweet, perfect pussy over her lips.

"Lick me out you old hag and make me cum. Give yourself to your new Goddess."

Mary moaned as Hannah ground her crotch over her face and she felt her willpower being drained out. The snake on her arm glowed as it absorbed Mary's strength, goodness and power... her will being drained out through Hannah and absorbed into the snake.

Yessssssss, sssssssuck it all out of her Mistresssssssss.

Part of Hannah knew she should fight the snake, but she was too busy enjoying cumming on Mary's face and becoming more powerful. The evil artefact was corrupting her into a bitch and she was loving every moment.

"Soon you'll be my slave Sister Mary - completely enslaved to my will. Then you're going to tell me all your secrets about your fellow Nuns. It's time for the order to have a new Mother superior and I think I'll be perfect."

"Yes Goddess," groaned Mother Mary as Hannah stood up and looked down at her with contempt. "I will obey you."

Sssssssshe is your ssssssslave now Mistressssssss. You are a true Goddessssssssss.

"I am - aren't I?" laughed Hannah as she admired the snake on her arm. "Fill me with your poison snake - keep corrupting me and making me bad, I love how this feels."

Hannah giggled as she sat on the bed and spread her legs wide. "Come here and worship me more slave." She closed her eyes and sighed happily as Mother Mary began to lap between her legs. This was perfection.

Goddess Hannah had begun her ascent - and who knew what the future held for her?

THE END (or the beginning?)


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