A lot can change in a week

A little re-write of a very popular story I wrote. M2F corruption and bitchification. Unusually written in the second person! Enjoy...

Everyone told you University would be the best time of your life. You couldn't wait to get away from your boring home town and finally escape the bitchy cliques at school and the small minded people that were constantly trying to put you down. University would be different, it would be better - merit and intelligence would be rewarded!  Or so you thought.

The reality was that University was as riddled with cliques and power struggles as any school and upon arriving you had realised it was just the same old bullshit. Thanks to the sororities and fraternal houses there were plenty of preening show-offs and hot girls eager to put you down.

Within days - all the girls in your dorm had joined the Gamma-Pi sorority and the pressure for you to join them too was intense. You nearly gave in... but then you met someone who gave you the strength and confidence to resist.

If it hadn't been for Calvin, you probably would have succumbed to the other girls, but luckily you started chatting at the library one day and from then on, you were inseparable. You hit it off straight away with the cute Computer Science student and within weeks you were dating - Calvin and you deeply in love.

It was Calvin that convinced you to do something about the Gamma-Pi's. You had told him about the way all the girls in your dorm seemed to have changed after joining and he persuaded you to investigate.

There was Charlotte - who now went by Lottie. She had been a shy little thing in Freshers week, but now was a loud and outgoing party girl, who was constantly bringing guys back to the dorm to bang.

Then there was Ellen, now called Ellie - who had first told you she was a vegan who liked doing charity work. She was now a spoiled bitch who spent all her time shopping and bunking off lectures - dressing like some basic bitch and flirting with guys.

In one way or another, every girl that joined the sorority, changed mentally and physically. Universally they all went from nice, normal, girls into mean spoiled bitches. Something was wrong. 

Aftet weeks of investigating, you learned the horrific truth. The sorority had been conducting illegal chemical experiments on their pledges, pumping them full of breast and beauty enhancing drugs that turned once normal girls into slutty supermodel bitches. Along with mental reprogramming, they had transformed every member into a beautiful and evil party slut as part of their plan to create a sorority of cruel and perfect young women. According to the files and emails Calvin managed to get hold of- they had wanted to turn you into one of them too, but had been frustrated by your unexpected resistance. Now though you could fight back further as Calvin had managed to get all the evidence you needed to prove what they were up to downloaded to his computer.

Calvin and you both agreed you would take the evidence to the University authorities tomorrow.  You spent the night with him in his dorm room and it seemed as you fell asleep that everything was going to be okay. As you both found yourselves feeling unusually drowsy you reflected that the pizza you'd shared had tasted good, but the delivery girl had seemed familiar... had that been Lottie?

You only realised something was wrong when you woke up the next morning to find yourself in the basement of the Gamma Pi sorority. Woozy headed you tried to move, but you had been chained and handcuffed to a chair. The girls must have drugged you both last night with that pizza and moved you to the sorority house whilst you were unconscious.

Opposite you, placed so you could watch was Calvin. He was handcuffed too, but he also had tubes and wires connected to his body and gurgling pink fluid was slowly being administered to his body. Electrodes at his temples crackled as a bitchy female voice behind you laughed.

“We have never used our drugs on a boy before, but we are confident the effects will be the same. It will take about a week for your boyfriend to become one of us. Just in time for him to vanish and delete the evidence. Without him, you have no case against us and we win. You’re here because we want you to watch as he becomes the sexy bitch you could have been…”

Calvin groaned and looked at your with determination in his eyes, “Don’t worry babe, I can resist - someone will find us, it will be okay. I love you.”

“Oh ‘Chloe’, don’t be so naive.  Soon you’ll be a hot, sorority girl and you won’t give a shit about this worthless bitch.  We’ll get you sorted with a hot guy and you’ll love wearing Prada, makeup and high heels. We’ve given you twice the normal dose to make sure you end up super feminine, I can’t wait to see what happens!”

Calvin moaned as the electrodes at his head sparked, generating pleasure when he thought of female, slutty things and administering pain when he tried to resist. “Never!  I’ll uuuuhhhh never become one of you…”  The girl just laughed and you felt your heart sink.  You had seen how they had corrupted the other girls, but maybe there was hope? Calvin was a boy and surely someone would come looking for you both?

Calvin tried so hard not to become Chloe, but in the end it was impossible for him to resist.  You had to watch day after day as your once loving boyfriend was moulded and corrupted by the sorority girls around you.  They had perfected their techniques and Calvin was no match for them as they moulded his body to a shape that pleased them 

First his body hair was removed and as the electrodes and drugs took full effect his strong male muscle wasted away, being replaced by toned female abs and the light musculature of a cheerleader. Calvin actually became smaller and more petite, curves developing in all the right places as the chemicals caused his body to restructure and consume itself for the great changes about to happen.

Accelerants in the drugs caused his head hair to grow unnaturally fast, and it took on a rich glossy shine as it became a warm, sexy, black.  His face became softer and rounded and after the girls applied a special drug laced beauty mask; it became the face of a sexy stranger.  Soft pouty lips now curved into a perpetual perky smile to reveal polished white teeth and you couldn’t believe how gorgeous and hot Calvin looked.

As the physical changes progressed apace, so did the mental. Despite his best efforts, Calvin's very brain patterns were being reshaped into those of a slut. It was so easy to fall into the way of thinking the girls wanted, such as talking in a high pitched slutty twang and using words like ‘like’ all the time. 

Goggles were placed over his eyes and he was forced to watch makeup tutorials, dating advice and trashy celeb shows almost permanently - retention drugs and electrodes making him addicted to all three.

Being Chloe felt good and the more Calvin accepted his new identity, the more pleasure the girls allowed. As his body changed, Calvin began to become excited by what was happening to him.  He was becoming hot, sexy and powerful. Why should he resist?

Soon the breast enhancement drugs were at work and you watched as hour by hour your boyfriend developed a rack you could only be jealous of.  He had soon surpassed your B Cup chest and you goggled at the busty beauty opposite you, now completely unrecognizable as your once innocent boyfriend. His ass swelled up too and every curve became perfect. The sorority weren't taking any chances - they were ultra feminising Calvin... making him even girlier and hotter than their usual members. 

And it was working. You felt a twinge of jealousy as you watched the smirking slut in front of you playing with her sex-toy body and revelling in her sluttiness as she eagerly begged the girls to pump her full of more drugs and corrupt her brain to the max.

"More... OMG I want MORE!" she howled in glee as her tits kept getting bigger and bigger and she completely ignored you in her self obsessed desire.

You passed out from the sheer horror and shock of it all and when you awoke you were alone in the basement and you were free. 

At first it felt like a trick, and staggering out of the sorority house, you ran to Calvin's dorm expecting to be stopped... but no one was around, and you were allowed to walk free.

You got there to find the room empty and all Calvin's clothes and things were missing. A neighbour  told you he had dropped unexpectedly out of university and gone missing. Back at your dorm you found all the backup evidence was gone. Hot tears dripped down your cheeks. The sorority had beaten you.  

That night you made your way to the bars and clubs you knew the Sorority liked to frequent.  You had to find Calvin and do something about all this madness.  You had to know he was okay.

That’s when you saw her.  Chloe was in the bar with the other sluts. Her big tits were barely contained in her green top and she smiled that infuriating slutty grin at you, her pretty white teeth flashing as all the boys in the room circled around her, wanting her so bad. 

You ran over hoping to see a glimmer of your loving boyfriend still inside. Perhaps the conditioning the sorority had put him through could be reversed?

“Like, do I know you bitch?” she grinned as you approached.  “Oh yeah, you’re that useless slut that refused to join our Sorority. Now do you mind? There are hot boys all over and you’re putting them off you drab little bitch.”

Calvin was dead and now Chloe was one of the girls.  You watched as she began to kiss and makeout with some dumb jock, his hands already on her perfect ass as she moaned and moved into him, grinding her pussy against his crotch through her tight black pants.  She was gonna get fucked good tonight.

Your hopes were crushed and you would never get Calvin back. The conditioning had made him into a completely evil sorority slut. Chloe clearly loved being a bad girl and she was too powerful to be displaced. 

Strange to think only a week before you had both been so happy, but then it was true what they said, a lot reallg could change in a week…



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