Last chance Salon

Marching up the expensive driveway of the newest mansion in town - Hannah grit her teeth and glowered at her hated rival Britney. The sounds of an exclusive party were coming from the pool in the back - but Britney was busy hanging out in front of the new super expensive Range Rover her parents had just bought her for her birthday. She was sipping a drink whilst chatting to her bitchy flunkies and luxuriating in being a spoiled uber-bitch.

The rich socialite looked amazing as always and she was flanked by Jenna and Ashley - Hannah's former best-friends.  The girls were dressed like teasing sluts in tight, ultra-feminine clothing and tons of makeup and their former kind personalities appeared to have been completely erased as they preened and giggled like a pair of spoiled dumb sluts that hung on Britney's every word. 

As Hannah approached, Ashley whispered something in Britney's ear and the mean girl smiled nastily, obviously amused by some insult just tossed Hannah's way. They deliberately ignored Hannah for a moment, then Britney looked at her with mock surprise. 

"Oh, hey girls, it's that loser that was once your best-friend. Wonder what she wants?" purred Britney - artfully ignoring Hannah and not even using her name.

"Like - maybe the fat nerdy bitch has like come to beg you to offer her an afternoon at your salon?" laughed Jenna.

"Is that it nerd?" smirked Britney, "have you come to beg me to transform you like I did all your friends? As its my birthday I may be generous and grant the request. This is your last chance though. Your last chance salon, you might say!"

Hannah shook her head with a grin. "Thanks, but no thanks bitch. I have no intention of ending up as one of your sluts. You may have peer pressured and seduced them all into letting you corrupt them into vain, selfish, brats - but you have no power over me. No... I just came to give you your birthday present."

She reached behind her back and pulled something out she had been concealing...

It was only six months since Britney had moved to the town and changed life forever.  She came because her Daddy ran a series of successful beauty salons and shops and was super-rich as a result. 

Britney had to move all the time whilst her Daddy opened new franchises all over the country, so the hot young bitch was used to being uprooted and moved.

The thing was, Britney never worried about making new friends as when she arrived in town she simply moulded the locals to her liking.  There was something evil about her Daddy's salons. Good girls went in and bad girls came out. One by one, Britney had cajoled, threatened or tricked Hannah's friends into going and each had been transformed to Britney's liking. 

Only Hannah had held out - disgusted by what she was seeing as her former church-going, kind, studious and happy friends became mean girls who danced to Britney's tune.

Ashley had gone from a shy and friendly young woman who enjoyed reading and writing her own fan fiction - into a horny blonde bitch who now loved sucking big cock and seducing guys away from their girlfriends.

Jenna meanwhile had turned from a supportive and positive young woman, into a bullying bitch who loved to make other girls cry and had by all accounts caused three teachers she didn't like at school to quit.

Whilst her friends seemed to enjoy the evil bad girls they had become Hannah had resisted. Britney had offered her the salon twice and had told her if she refused one more time - that would be it. She would stay as she was and never know the power of being a hot slut. 

But Hannah had never been one to submit to anyone and now she had come one last time to make it very clear she had no intention of ever accepting Britney's offer.

"A present for me?" laughed Britney, "what could you have that I could possibly ever want?"

She looked down at the small plastic bucket suddenly in Hannah's hands and screamed as, before she could react, the other girl tossed it to send out a splurge of black sticky tar all over her perfect hair and clothing.

"Take that you whore," laughed Hannah as she turned and fled. "Not so pretty now are you?"

"AGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Britney the most angry she had ever been in her life as the tar dripped down through her golden hair 
and she actually shook with rage. 

"YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD BITCH," she screamed as her guests came running and everyone gasped to see what had happened....

"YOU.... ARE... DEAD!"


It took hours to get the tar out of Britney's hair and it left her formerly blonde locks completely tattered and ruined. She glared into her bedroom mirror - her perfect white teeth grinding as she plotted and planned her revenge. It was going to be fun to totally destroy Hannah's life, but first she had to fix this damage. She summoned her Father at once.

"Daddy, I need an emergency makeover at the salon tomorrow..." she ordered. "I need the full Britney: Hair, nails, face... everything."

"Of course my Princess. Oh and do you want us to do anything to deal with the little brat who did this to you? I could get the police involved?"

"No... she's mine Daddy, leave her to me."

Britney would deal with Hannah in her own way... but she had no idea her enemy wasn't quite finished with her yet. 


Hannah knew that if the second part of her plan was going to work she would have to act fast. 

Britney was nothing if not predictably vain, and she would no doubt go straight to the salon the next day.  Hannah had no idea exactly how the evil makeovers were performed, but she had no intention of letting Britney recover her full beauty. 

She waited in the bushes by an external window next to the private room the salon had for the most exclusive customers. Inside she could see Britney led to a chair - luckily facing away from the window. The socialite was quickly seated and given herbal tea and an exfoliating face wrap to wear. 

The beautician left the room for a few minutes and Hannah took her chance. She slid quietly down through the window and crept up behind Britney. Clamping a rag with chloroform over her enemies mouth, she felt Britney thrash and panic - till she passed out.

"Now you're going to get a very different makeover," grinned Hannah. She peeled off Britney's face wrap and was about to get started when she heard footsteps slowly approach in the corridor. 

She had thought she would have more time, so panicking she ran to a broom cupboard, dragging Britney's body and luckily hearing the beautician was now chatting to someone just outside the door. She quickly shoved Britney unceremoniously inside and dashed to the chair.

Hamnah just had time to pull on a shroud, slap Britney's face wrap on and hope the beautician didn't immediately notice it was a different girl. She just needed a few minutes - the woman would not doubt leave again and she would be able to escape. 

Britney's face wrap tingled on her skin and it almost felt like it was tightening and clinging to her face. A delicious numbness seemed to spread into her skin from the mask and she involuntarily found herself relaxing as whatever chemicals were in the mask worked into her body.

The door opened and the beautician walked in. "Sorry for the delay Miss Britney, but we're ready to give you the full works now. Super bitchy just as you asked."

Hannah's heart was pounding, but the woman didn't seem to have noticed the swap as she began to lather Hannah's hair with some soft, sweet smelling shampoo.

"We'll make your hair even blonder and fuller than usual," smiled the woman. "I can't believe how messed up it is. It's like you've never been exposed to our patented hypno-shampoo before. That Hannah girl made a real mess didn't she?"

"H...hypno shampoo?" squeaked Hannah as the beautician gently lathered and stroked her hair in her expert hands. Each stroke sent shimmering strands of gold pulsing through her hair and as the beautician massaged her scalp the delicious numbness, similar to rhe mask increased.

"Of course Miss, how silly of me - I nearly forgot the tape."

She popped headphones into Hannnah's ears and a soothing melody immediately began. Then Britney's hot bitchy voice came over the music.

"Hello myself. This is my specially recorded hypno tape designed to reinforce all my favourite behaviours and make sure I don't get weak. Listen to my voice Britney and become the girl you long to be. A bad-ass bitch who gets everything she wants. You are Britney and you are better than anyone else. You are a Princess and you love being a spoiled brat..."

Hannah groaned as the insidious voice of her rival dripped poison honey into her ears and she arched her back as the headphones sent pulses of pleasure into her body.  She could still hear the beautician over some sort of intercom, her voice cutting through the repeating mantras every now and then.

Why did this all feel so good?

"Oooh are you ready for stage two already Miss?  You are fiesty today. I'll activate the program whilst I put your hair in rollers."

Hannah opened her mouth to tell the beautician to stop - this was going too far, but a wordless moan of pleasure is all that escaped her lips as the chair started to vibrate and she gasped as she felt electric shocks start to stimulate her ass and abs. 

"Hmmmm, according to this your biometrics are all over the place. I'll put it to maximum power and make sure it resets you to your normal body shape and size."

"Nooooo ooohhhh oooooooh" gasped Hannah as the machine intensified and she even felt the tingling in her pussy - making her slit tighter and her clit permanently more prone to arousal.

Her body was now firming and toning up to Britney's athletic perfect form. It felt kinda good.

"Oh, don't worry Miss, we'll arrange for those bigger implants you wanted to be put in using your Daddy's secret osmosis technology whilst we do your makeover. Your tits should fill up nicely as we work."

Hannah's small breasts tingled and she felt them start to inflate... pumping full of plastic as she got Britney's big fake tits bolted to her chest. She was going to look like such a slut. Why did that please her so much?

"You are Britney - you are a bitch," droned the voice in her ear and the girl in the chair suddenly realised she couldn't remember her real name. 

Then to her horror the womans fingers went to her face. The girl tried to object weakly as the beautician reached down to remove the facial wrap. She was about to be exposed as a fake!

"The facial relayering seems to have taken longer than usual - but you should be back to your usual beautiful self by now."

The girl stared in shock at the face... Britney's face... gazing back at her.

"You are Britney, you are a bitch."

"I'm beautiful," gasped Britney as she felt the name slide into her mind and finally stick. Her new lips curved into a slutty pout, "I'm better than everyone else."

Britney reached to her throat... the woman had also rubbed some cream in that had tightened her neck and after a slight cough, she realised her voice had changed to match that of the real Britney.

Wait? The real Britney? She WAS the real Britney. Wasn't she?

"Ohh fuck yes..." purred Britney as she relaxed into the chair and allowed the evil voice to tell her what a slutty bad bitch she was. "Yessssss, I'm Britney and I love it."

The beautician was entering the final phase now... doing Britney's nails, makeup and hair.  Britney moaned as the woman applied slutty acrylic nails to each finger and long fake lashes to her beautiful eyes. She felt like she was becoming a fucking Goddess and she loved it.

"Tut, tut... your fingers are a mess and for some reason your fingerprints aren't registering properly Miss... I'll do a DNA replace and put them back to normal."

Britney watched impassively as her very identity was altered to match that of her new body. She now had Britney's prints and as she was hooked up to an IV and pumped full or a retrovirus containing Britney's superior DNA - she would soon even be her on a genetic level.

"Yesssssss, make me into Britney," she hissed, pleased with the transformation to her formerly plain body. "I must become fully me."

The beautician obliged - making Britney hotter and hotter by doing her makeup, until not a single trace of the girl she had once been remained. Britney had been reborn.

"Leave me for a few minutes," purred Britney, "Come back when I command, I may have a special job for you."

Britney waited till the woman was gone and then strutted to the broomcloset. Opening it she gazed down with a cold sneer at her Doppleganger and then began to strip her out of her sexy clothes. 

It felt good to slide into the bitchy clothing... it fit perfectly and picking up her handbag, Britney pulled out her mobile phone and unlocked it with a press of her pretty finger. She greedily read through the messages, her pussy getting wet at the power she now had. 

"Yesssss, this is so much better than being a beta loser, I'm the Alpha girl now. Your perfect life is mine. I AM Britney and I love it."

Maneuvering the other Britney into the chair, she smiled nastily. "That weak good girl I used to be is gone... erased by this superior personality. It will take a while to get fully up to speed with your life and I'll need to be careful, but in a few months no one will ever know I was never you."

She bound and gagged the other her and placed a wet flannel over her victims face... then summoning the beautician she began to give her instructions.


Britney felt good as she walked away from the salon and towards her Range Rover.  Sliding inside, she ran her hands over the plush interior and felt her arousal kick up a notch as she realised all Britney's luxurious things were hers now.

Grabbing her phone she scrolled through the messages looking for someone to fuck. Her face lit up as she saw Britney and Chad from school had hooked up recently. He was a stud and she was sure he would be down for a booty call.

She was so horny, she had to play with her pussy as she drove - one hand in her daisy dukes as she fapped and revelled in the feeling of being her.

As she waited at a traffic light a call from Ashley came over the hands free and she grinned as she realised her friends were now her friends again... well... funkies at any rate. 

"Heya babe.... how was the makeover?" came Ashley's bitchy voice.

"Totally awesome, I feel like a new woman," grinned Britney.

"What about that little bitch Hannah? Are we gonna take care of her now?" asked Ashley eagerly.

"Oh her... don't worry, I already took care of her..." giggled Britney. "She's coming over to my house tonight and we'll have some fun with her. Bring your strap on." She cackled evilly as the light changed and with a whoop and one hand still pumping her pussy, Britney gunned her engine and drove into her new, slutty future.


Britney groaned as she came round and found she couldn't see, speak or move. For a moment she wondered if she were dead. Then she heard a voice directly in her ear. It was weird because it sounded like her own:

"You are Hannah. You can't remember who you used to be. You are submissive. You want to obey Britney... Britney is your owner, you want to serve her. You are Britney's loyal dog. You are Hannah..."

Britney tried to scream and break free - but soon she was sobbing instead as she felt fingers in her scalp and the delicious scent of hypno-shampoo. 

As her chair began to vibrate and she felt her body mass begin to change and a tingling on her face where the face wrap was already altering her features "Hannah" accepted her fate and began to wonder exactly what her new owner Britney had in store for her tonight. 

You are Hannah, you love it in the ass. You love being pissed on by Alpha girls... you are Hannah, you love being pegged. You are Hannah, you are aroused by humiliation... you enjoy smelling Alpha girl farts and love licking ass.

Thanks to the tape... she had a horrible feeling she knew what to expect... and horribly she was already looking forward to be dominated and kissing her Mistresses perfect asses.  

She had to admit. She couldn't have come up with a worse punishment herself... Britney was some bitch...




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