Step-Souled: Redux

Innocent young Penny will do anything to get rid of her evil Aunt Angelica who has home-wrecked her once happy family life and become her wicked Step-Mother; but Angelica isn't as easy to get rid of as the naïve girl believes.  

The model is Angel Wicky and this is a new version of an old story I wrote some years ago:

"Wake up Penny, we need to talk..."

Penny would never forget the night she woke up to find that her Aunt Angelica had begun destroying her life. She had been dreaming - turning in a restless uneasy sleep -but the cruel mocking tone of the voice and the creak of the bed as someone sat next to her immediately brought her to wakefulness. 

As Penny's eyes adjusted to the light she saw that Angelica was sitting on the end of her bed, the sensual scent of her voluptuous body filling the room.  Her aunts gigantic tits were barely contained within her straining top as she lent forward till they were nearly in Penny's face.  As usual her aunt was dressed like a slut - her curvaceous body barely contained by the tight clothing she was wearing. Penny hated and admired her at the same time.

Penny had barely known her aunt growing up. She understood that Angelica and her own Mother hadn't really gotten on as children and she'd had little contact with her till now. Angelica had been travelling for much of the last twenty years and the sexy MILF had only been back a few months. She had immediately begun flirting with her Father, who seemed flattered and drawn towards the beautiful bitch tempting him with her rounded curves and wicked attitude.

Angelica's eyes shone with amused pleasure and her lips were curved into a cruel smile as she leant down close to the girl and grinned.  "Your Mother has had a terrible accident. Someone forced her car off the road and she's in the hospital. Luckily I'm here to take care of you and your Father."

"What?  Why isn't he at the hospital?" gasped Penny as she jumped out of bed and put on her things. "I'll head there right away.  Bring Daddy as soon as you can. Will you make him come?"

Angelica grinned - "Oh don't worry dear, I'll make him cum...  now rush to your Mother."

Penny barely remembered the next hour.  She couldn't seem to find her Dad so hoping he would come later she jumped into a taxi and it drove her swiftly to the hospital. Her mind was racing with thoughts - how had this happened, who could have done such a thing?

They never would catch the driver who forced her Mum off the road, yet she was sure that night she had seen Angelica's car with a bashed front bumper parked in the road.  She would never find out as her Aunt's car went in for a service the next day and the vehicle was never seen again after that.

Penny would later wonder what had happened in those few hours before her Mother died. Her Dad should have been by his wife's side, yet he never appeared and neither did Angelica.  When she later screamed at him and asked him where he had been, he wouldn't answer but only gazed at Angelica as if for permission.  She shook her head slightly with a smirk and so he never answered.

Angelica... Angelica was soon all her Father seemed to care about.  She insisted on moving in to help her Dad with his grief and yet Penny didn't see much evidence of grief.  Instead within a few weeks her Dad announced that he and Angelica were now dating and he had all her Mother's things boxed up and put into storage so that Angelica had more room to move in.  Then soon after, to everyone's shock, he announced he was going to marry his new love. He and Angelica were to be married immediately - only a few months after his wife's death. It was unseemly, but he didn't appear to care.

At first Angelica pretended to be nice and kind to Penny, but as her control over Penny's Dad grew - her pretence of kindness faded away and soon she had begun to openly mock and bully Penny.  Penny's Daddy no longer seemed to care, he only had eyes for Angelica. The longer he spent with his new bride the crueller and more evil he seemed to become. It was like Angelica was making him into a bad person. He started to work out and become more domineering, success in his business growing as he put his wife's death behind him and embraced a new materialistic life with Angelica.

"I should have chosen Angelica long ago," he grinned as he got ready in the mirror and Penny spied on him from the door. "She has helped me become more powerful and successful than ever. I feel like a new man, a better man. I'm glad my wife died and Angelica has taken her place... she was born to be my wife... she is a Goddess."

Penny's world was falling in. She'd lost her Mother and now her Dad had betrayed her. Everything was going wrong and Angelica was the cause. 

Angelica of course was only too happy to rub Penny's face in her upcoming wedding and her power over her Daddy. Arrangements were swiftly made for their marriage and the night before the wedding she confronted Penny in order to bully her. "What's the matter Niece?" grinned Angelica as she showed off her diamond engagement ring to Penny, "Aren't you looking forward to having me as your Mommy? Tomorrow I become your Step-Mother. Do you recognise the ring?  It was hers - but now it's mine. "

Penny couldn't believe it as she recognised her own Mother's engagement ring.  Her Daddy had given Angelica that - what was wrong with him?!?

"That's right Penny," grinned Angelica, "your Daddy is mine now.  My bitch sister was always a weak fool, yet somehow she bagged a rich man and a perfect life.  Now everything that was hers is mine - including you."

"NO!" screamed Penny, "You'll never be my Mother."

"Fine then," laughed Angelica, "I'll just replace you. I'll turn your Father against you and make a new daughter that he will love more than you.  Your step-sister will take you place and your Daddy will be her devoted slave."

"NO! Why are you doing this?" screamed Penny as Angelica laughed like a psychotic bitch.

"I'm doing this because I enjoy it of course you dumb, little, slut.  There's nothing more satisfying than being a bitch and revelling in the evil power I possess. Do you know, I always despised my popular, more attractive sister - I wanted to be her so badly when we were little, but then I found something better.  A magic mirror that made me a fucking Goddess.  It's dark power consumed my soul and warped me into the woman I am today.  It corrupted me and bonded with me, making me immortal and all powerful. I had a lot of fun with my new body and powers - but I always knew I would return one day to destroy my sister and take over her life.  Now everything that was hers is mine and I LOVE it!"

"Magic mirror?  You're insane," sobbed Penny - then she screamed as Angelica's wicked claws dug into her hair and her Aunt dragged her up to her boudoir.  The room had once been her Mother's but it now looked more like some luxurious sex dungeon.  It was full of expensive clothes and makeup and the centre-piece was a magnificent mirror. Penny screamed in agony as her aunt effortlessly forced her to her knees before the gilded glass.  It shone with sinister power.

"Believe me now you little bitch?  How about a demonstration of my power? I know... would you like to see what I did with your Daddy the night your Mom died?"

The mirror suddenly rippled and Penny gasped as it transformed into a close up of an obscene scene.  She sobbed, unable to tear her eyes away as she watched Angelica and her Father fucking.  Her Dad had Angelica bent over her Mother's bed - her black dress hiked up as he pounded her big ass hard with hot wet slaps and moaned in lust. 

"Yessss, forget about my sister, you love being inside me more.  Your daughter is at the hospital, you don't need to go. Keep fucking me just like that... such a good boy..."

With a start Penny realised she really was watching the night her Mother died - this is where her Father had been, balls deep in Angelica's tempting body, fucking her hard.  She screamed as Angelica forced her face closer, then stopped her short with a wicked yank of her hair.

This close to the mirror, the scene seemed to burn itself into deeper into Penny's mind and she screamed as she fell into insensibility - watching her Father's big cock sliding in and out of her evil Aunt's dripping wet pussy.  Angelica's mocking laughter  was soon all she could hear as she collapsed into unconsciousness and knew no more.


Penny awoke in bed the next day to find she had missed the wedding.  Her Aunt was now her Step-Mom and there was nothing she could do about it as Angelica arrived home with her Daddy from the church and they proceeded up to her boudoir to consummate the wedding.

Angelica deliberately left the door ajar so the sounds of their rampant fucking would fill the house.  Penny sobbed in her room, as she listened to the whoreish moans of pleasure - wet slaps and pounding sounds filling the air as her Dad fucked the shit out of his new evil bride.

"Yessssss, pump all your cum into my hungry pussy baby - knock me up and put a baby in me.  I can't wait to have a child and replace that useless daughter of yours with my own offspring.  Soon my domination of this family will be complete.  Hahaha, perhaps Penny will even have an 'accident' like your stupid bitch of an ex-wife. Oooh, does that make you harder baby? Yes... fuck me deep and give yourself to evil, you'll love being my accomplice."

Penny sobbed even harder as she heard her Father grunt in lust, his loyalty entirely to his wicked wife.  His once innocent soul had been fully corrupted by Angelica and there was nothing she could do to save him.

Or was there?

Penny knew that Angelica had to be stopped. Whatever it took... even if it meant... murder! She wasn't a bad person, but if she didn't stop Angelica then more innocent people would suffer. She had to do something.  Luckily she knew where her Dad kept his gun and it was relatively easy to get it and creep upstairs one day whilst Angelica was busy in her boudoir. 

She took the weapon from the locked cabinet and her heart pounding Penny opened the door and saw that Angelica was standing with her back turned to her, looking into her magic mirror. 

Stifling a sob of desperation Penny squeezed the trigger and with a bang the gun recoiled, a bullet streaking out to strike Angelica directly in her back. Angelica did flinch, but that was about it. The bullet shattered, disintegrating instantly as the evil bitch whirled around and laughed with cruel glee.

"My my, you dumb little loser. A worthy effort, but I told you the mirror made me immortal. Physical weapons cannot hurt me - still... I admire your resolve - maybe you aren't quite as pathetic as I believed."

Striding rapidly over to her new step-daughter, Angelica easily knocked the gun out of Penny's hands and cruelly twisted the girl round. "Now it's my turn. Mirror... accept this sacrifice. Trap her within your depths forever and erase her from history."

Penny struggled as Angelica moved her close to the mirror. "Once I throw you into the mirror it will be as if you never existed. No one will remember you except me. You will be removed from the timeline and I'll have disposed of you perfectly. I should have thought of this before. Good bye Penny."

The surface of the mirror had become a roiling void of energy. Penny knew that if she should go into the mirror everything Angelica was saying was true. She would be written out of history and her cruel Step-Mom would have her ultimate victory. A feral strength born of panic grew within her and with a last desperate roar, Penny suddenly broke free of Angelica and with a surprised look on the bitches face, pushed her wicked Step-Mother towards the glass.  Angelica shrieked, taken by surprise and she collided with the mirror, all at once her body glowing and being sucked inside.

"NO!  NOOOO! NOT ME!" she screamed, but she was helpless to resist the dark powers she herself had summoned consumed her.  Her slutty body glowed and was sucked into the mirror, imprisoned for all eternity within her own cage as with a final agonised cry, she vanished.

Penny gasped in shock as the mirrors surface returned to normal and she realised with a start that she had somehow won.  Angelica had been defeated and she would no more threaten the innocent.  

Suddenly the world seemed to ripple and there was a blast of energy... Angelica was being written out of history and Penny was knocked unconscious as reality reset itself.


When Penny awoke... everything was back to normal and it was as if the events of the last six months had all been a bad dream.  She wept tears of joy as she went downstairs to find her Mother sitting with her father laughing.  No one even remembered Angelica and her Mom looked confused when Penny mentioned it. "I don't have a sister dear, you know I was always an only child."

Reality had rewritten itself so neatly that Penny began to gaslight her self and wonder if it had all been in her head. Only she remembered Angelica and if it weren't for the mirror in the bedroom - there would have been no evidence her Step Mom had ever existed.

Penny carefully took the mirror up to the attic and draped thick heavy dust clothes over it. Before she covered it, she looked into it and mocked Angelica.

"I don't know if you can hear me in there, but you lost. I got my family back and you'll be trapped forever in your own evil mirror. There's no way to escape. Too bad bitch."

With that she covered it fully and left without a second look back.

Penny had her Daddy and Mommy back and life was now good. For the next year she was able to move on with her life, doing well at school and getting her first boyfriend.

Daniel was a lovely guy, both cute and caring and Penny had never felt so loved. She and Dan spent nearly all their time together, him being a regular visitor to the house and getting on really well with her folks. He was handsome and funny, and always surprising her with little presents. He loved to spoil her and after her terrible experiences - she never took him, or her family for granted. Every opportunity had to be seized - life could change in a heartbeat. 

Another year passed and Penny barely remembered Angelica anymore. Her trauma with the evil slut who had nearly destroyed her life seemed like some weird dream. She and Daniel were so happy and they had just planned their first holiday together, she couldn't wait. As always Daniel had surprised her by saying they should go away together, just the two of them and that he had bought round-the-world tickets for them both. It was going to be the holiday of a lifetime - they just needed to pack!

It was years since she had been in the attic, but Penny needed some extra suitcases for the trip.  Climbing into the dusty space, Penny coughed and shone her torch around. She spotted the pile of suitcases, and walking towards it swore as she suddenly lost her balance and tripped on a loose plank. 

She staggered across the floor, grabbing onto the nearest object to try and stop her forward momentum.  Instead, she cursed, as rather than steady herself she accidentally slid a huge dustcloth free and her Aunt's mirror tumbled over to smash and crash on the floor into hundreds of shards.

For a moment she froze in horror- recognising the mirror and a thousand bad memories returning. Then to her horror a familiar evil laugh filled her mind and she cowered in fear as a pink mist rose from the shattered mirror and surged towards her.

"Hello Penny... open wide for Mommy."

Penny screamed - and as if on cue, her mouth dropped open as the pink mist flowed inside and surged into her body. She coughed and choked - doubling over in pain as the powerful spirit of her evil stepmother pushed and pulsed into her - invading her young body eagerly. "Ooooh good girl, barely any gag reflex. Now take Mommy deep inside you... yessssssssss."

The pain was gone and instead a delicious pleasure was filling her. The smoke tasted amazing, and before she could stop herself - Penny was actually trying to suck it all in. With great moaning glugs like she was trying to suck a big dick deeper and deeper, she wetly sucked it in till with a wet slurp and a pop, it all entered her body. Groaning, now, Penny tried to drag her aching body towards the hatch and call for help. Her Daddy was downstairs, but suddenly she couldn't seem to muster the energy or enthusiasm to call his name.

Pink energy crackled over her body and her skin felt electric as her nipples got hard and a growing wave of arousal surged through her body. She managed to crawl closer to the ladder but something was happening to her... both mental and physical.

Why call for help from Daddy? What could he do? He was weak. In fact, all men were weak... play-things and toys for a woman to enjoy. Penny's mouth curved into a wicked grin and she laughed, a low evil laugh. Why did she feel so fucking horny all of a sudden?

Yes - men were fools - why hadn't she seen it before? Her Daddy was so pathetic, just as pathetic as her boyfriend Daniel. She could make them do anything, all she had to do was fuck them like only she could fuck them. Yesss... using her sexual power over both men in her life would feel so good.

"No... that isn't right, these aren't my thoughts!" Penny groaned as her personality suddenly snapped back. Standing up unsteadily, she staggered over to the ladder and somehow managed to climb down. Her head was spinning and everything was happening so fast now. She needed help!

The first stomach cramp hit her as she reached the bottom and she threw back her head and gasped as her young body shook in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Pink energy roiled around her and she tore at her clothing in a horny frenzy. 

"Ugghhhh, I feel... ahhhhhh like.... ughhhhhh... like such a uuugggghhh BITCH!" she screamed, laughing insanely and throwing back her head with a whoop. 

Penny's skin became paler and her nails lengthened into evil claws as she wrapped them around the ladder to steady herself. She grinned as she looked at her new hands and imagined wrapping them round a thick juicy cock. She deserved nails like this, she was a bitch and she liked it. 

Stretching her transforming body, Penny smirked as bones popped and her hips pushed out. That was more like it... she had some proper curves now. She cocked her now wider, sexier hips and shook back her short hair with a bitchy gesture grinning as she felt a delicious metamorphosis spreading though her body.

"Yesssssss, I feel so bad and I like it," Penny giggled. "More... I want more." Laughing she ripped her restrictive  dress off - shuddering in pleasure as her small breasts began to swell and grow. "Bigger... mmmmh, I want them BIGGER!" she grinned. 

Penny's small beta-breasts inflated like they were being pumped up from the inside. They expanded and grew into two huge rounded orbs - bolted to her slender chest and the nipples erect with pleasure. She grabbed them and laughed with pleasure. "Yes MORE! Give it all to me!"

Penny started to age, her brunette hair turning blonde and lengthening at the roots as her features began to twist into a familiar pattern. It was obvious to her what she was becoming now - she was turning into Angelica - and she liked it.

"Ohhhh fuck, that bitch is inside me - turning me into her and I love it," purred Penny as she grabbed her swelling tits and moaned wetly. "I never knew it would feel this good to become her. Yes Stepmother, corrupt me into you and make me your host. We are becoming one! Give me your big tits and make me into an evil whore, I want to be you now - I WANT TO BE ANGELICA!"

Penny laughed madly as her tits swelled up bigger and bigger. Her hair now fell down her back in a golden wave and her body had curves it had never possessed before. It felt so good to be a hot, powerful MILF with massive tits. She laughed madly as she squeezed and rubbed her boobs, gloating at how sexy it made her feel. It was so good to shed her useless teenage body and become a true Goddess. Being her Stepmother felt so good, she should have embraced this corruption long ago.

Memories began to flood into Penny's mind, overwhelming her own as Angelica corrupted her completely into her. Memories of her wedding night, her Father's huge dick deep inside her slutty pussy as he fucked the shit out of her and her pierced nipples bounced up and down on her chest - made her feel so horny. It had been so satisfying to steal him from his boring wife, turning him into her slave. Now she was making his daughter into her willing host and returning to life - it was all so deliciously evil.

"Nooooo," gasped Penny suddenly regaining some control, "I... uggghhh have to ugghhhh fight her... I.... ohhhhh, who the fuck am I kidding? I LOVE THIS! Make me into Angelica... hahaha haha!"

Penny/Angelica laughed as she felt her full power returning and her necessary cheap clothes transforming into the expensive lingerie, makeup and fashionable clothing she preferred. Jewellery dripped from her body as sheer stockings encased her slutty legs and perfect makeup coated her slutty face

"Mmmmh, yes come to Mommy, give it all to me," she laughed jiggling her big tits happily as her reborn body completed itself and she fully became Angelica - feeling the last of Penny burn away in erotic fire.

The once innocent girl was completely gone, corrupted inside to out by the power of her Stepmother - Auntie Angelica was back and badder than ever.  Ripples of energy now pulsed out from the panting bitch and the rooms of the house began to change. The evil reality Angelica had created so long ago was returning - soon her sister would be dead again. Angelica grinned as she looked at the wedding ring on her finger... yesssss things were going back to how they should be.

"You stupid little bitch Penny," laughed Angelica. "You tried to destroy me, but now YOU ARE ME! This couldn't have worked out better if I had planned it. Now we are one and there is no one to stop me enslaving your Daddy forever."

Walking downstairs Angelica laughed as the soft furnishings and decorations around her changed. She walked into the living room and had time to enjoy the horrified expression on her sisters face as she faded from reality and her husband looked at her in shock... then lust.

"Lie on the sofa and get that big dick out," grinned Angelica. "I've missed your cock whilst I was trapped in my mirror."

Her husband eagerly obeyed and Angelica moaned as hiked her dress up and slid her tight wet cunt back onto it's rightful place on her husbands big cock. "Ahhhh that's it, your cock is back where it belongs... deep inside my Goddess pussy. Both it and you belong to me." 

It just made Angelica cum even harder as she began to ride her man, to know that in reality he was actually fucking his own daughters tight virgin pussy, corrupted into her own slutty body. Penny no longer existed except as part of Angelica now - their souls were as one... and that soul was as black as night. They both began to orgasm in unison as they bounced up and down on that delicious cock, bonding them together forever.

"Mmmmmh time to put that baby inside me at last my darling, fuck me full of your cum... ohhhh yes, your Angelica is back!" Her mind was already turning to all the bad things she was going to do to... she felt more powerful than ever. Consuming Penny's innocent soul and her youth had made her even stronger. She groaned happily as her husband began to cum deep inside her. Ohhhh it felt so good to be back.

Angelica was a Goddess again and with Penny gone - nothing could stop her this time... nothing! She began to cum... hard.


Daniel groaned as he turned restlessly in his sleep. He was having a strange dream again. A girl he didn't know, yet who seemed strangely familiar, was begging him for help. Each night she visited him and her pleas became stronger each time. Why did he feel like he knew her so well?

For the last few weeks Daniel had been feeling strangely down and depressed. It was like something bad had happened but he couldn't remember what it was. Then the dreams had started - growing in intensity each night.

"Daniel. It's me your love... Penny... or what is left of her. I've nearly been fully consumed by Angelica but with the last of my strength I'm making this connection through the love we once shared. Please help. I can use the last of my strength to give you the memories you need, but only you can save me. Help me."

And she reached out and touched him.

Daniel awoke with a scream - dripping with sweat as all the knowledge Penny's removal from reality had torn from him, returned.  He now remembered his girl and he knew exactly what had happened to her. 

"That evil bitch Angelica!  Don't worry Penny. I'll save you."

Granted knowledge by his former love, Daniel dressed swiftly and drove out to her house. He watched the place for a few hours till it was light and he saw Penny's father leave on an errand. Then using the old oak tree by the back of the house he shinnied up and prised open the attic window. 

The attic had been rearranged, careful lighting being installed and everything except the large mirror in the middle being removed. The frame stood tall and Daniel saw that someone had collected and arranged all the pieces of the smashed mirror in front of it - or those that were left.

The shattered shards had been replaced in the frame one by one and Daniel saw that they had painstakingly been put back like a giant jigsaw puzzle. As each piece was put back correctly it merged with the frame. Soon the mirror would be complete again. There were only a few shards left and the largest piece stood ready - just as Penny had told him it would. 

He reached down and picked it up.

"Ahhhhhhh, hello Daniel," purred Angelica as she suddenly emerged from the shadows behind him. "I sensed an intruder here - but I never expected it to be you. How curious."

Daniel lifted the shard, holding it like a dagger between them. He warily backed away as Angelica approached.  

"Hmmmmm, I assume from your fierce expression that you have somehow learned the truth. Somehow Penny is still reaching out to you isn't she? Well not for much longer - soon she will be me completely. Do you like my new body by the way Daniel? I'm Angelica now, and it feels so good. I love being an evil slut, just look at my perfect body."

She paused - stretching her arms wide and letting him drink in her corrupt perfection. He gazed at her huge breasts, her soft white flesh and wicked lips and he felt temptation.

"Would you like to fuck me Daniel?"

Angelica giggled and slid her dress from her body to reveal the glory of her soft, yielding flesh. He felt his cock begin to get hard as she looked into his eyes and he felt himself starting to fall under her spell.

"That's right Daniel, as Angelica I can give you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. I want you to bend my body over and fuck me hard - grabbing my big titties and burying your hatred and lust within me. Take me - become my lover, you won't regret it."

The temptation was terrible, but Daniel's love for Penny was just strong enough. With a yell of defiance, he gripped the mirror shard and he began to chant. 

Angelica raised a perfect eyebrow in amusement. "What are you doing you fool? The mirror serves only me - only I know the incantations to unlock its power. Soon it will be repaired and my power will swell once more."

The smile slid from her lips as the shard began to glow and the secret commands Penny had planted into Daniel's mind began to allow him to unlock its power. She began to feel a tug at her soul and a pink glow began to rise from her body.

Angelica knew what Daniel was trying to do and she sneered as she backed away -"This won't work you fool - your girlfriends body is mine - our souls are as one now... you can't remove me from her."

 "Then why are you so afraid?" laughed Daniel triumphantly, as he lunged forward and held up the shard so it blazed with power.  With a gasp, Angelica sank to her knees and screamed. Pink smoke began to flow out of her mouth as Penny's familiar features started to appear and her evil spirit was drawn back towards the mirror. 

Angelica grasped at the smoke bellowing from her mouth and tried to suck it back in. "Nooooo, I need it... don't leave me!"

She could feel herself being sucked from her corrupted host. For all her power - it was hopeless. Soon Angelica would be out of her host and a helpless spirit, ready to be destroyed.

But Daniel had underestimated his foe and she wasn't done yet. Realising she had lost control of Penny, Angelica switched tactics. She flowed out of her hosts body faster and created an explosion of energy that overwhelmed the shard and sent it flying from Daniel's hands. 

The stunned boys mouth dropped open, and that was the only chance Angelica needed as she flowed into his throat and forced herself down with great slutty sucking gloopy sounds. 

Angelica tasted good and Daniel began to suck. A delicious warmth filled him from the inside as she oozed down into his body. He had never had anything slide down his throat before and an image of a big cock sliding in and out between his lips filled his mind. It made him horny and he smiled sluttily as the last of Angelica slid into him with a wet pop.

Foolish boy - your weak male mind and pathetic body is sooooo easily corrupted. I'm going to make you into me. Prepare to become a Goddess!

Daniel tried to fight, but Angelica was strong and having practiced on Penny, she now knew how to corrupt a mind and shape a body to her liking. She began to transform her new host, exulting as she made his nails lengthen and his chest begin to grow. Daniel was going to like being a woman. 

Across from him, Penny had reverted back to normal now that Angelica had left her. As Penny's eyes flickered open, she cried in horror as she saw Daniel beginning to transform. She knew exactly what was happening to him and how good it felt. She felt bitter jealousy - being Angelica had felt so good and now the power was his instead. It wasn't fair!

"Ohhhhh, ohhhh Penny it feels so good!" groaned Daniel. "Run... you have to uuuuggghhh get out of here. I can't stop her making me into her, I WANT HER to do it! Yesssss, make me into Angelica, make me into a BITCH! Yesss, oh fuck, my dick is cumming and I'm becoming a Goddess."

The pleasure had already caused Daniel's dick to spurt for the last time as it was sucked between his legs and Angelica's tits erupted from his chest. 

Long blonde hair lashed wildly as pink lips curved into a slutty smile and cracks and pops of shifting bones heralded the re-re-birth of a Goddess. "YES OH YES! I love it," giggled Daniel as he stretched and transformed, becoming more evil and sluttier by the moment. "You stupid little bitch, the power is all mine now. I AM ANGELICA!”

Penny quivered in fear as she watched Daniel's clothing change and makeup cover his face. His kind face became slutty and cruel as his massive new tits finished swelling into his manicured hands and he squeezed them with unholy joy - shaking his round ass and giggling as stocking encased his legs. Being a horny MILF felt amazing. 

As Daniel's body posture changed to ape her Stepmother's Penny saw Daniel looked exactly like Angelica now and her corruption of his body and mind was clearly complete.

"Mmmmh, it feels good to be Angelica," laughed the new slut happily. "Too bad you aren't me anymore Penny. You're just in time to witness my final victory too."

With a wave of her hand Angelica sent the shards of the mirror rising into the air and they flew back into place. Pushing the master shard she still held in her hand back into place, she watched in satisfaction as her mirror was reborn.

"Two years you left me trapped Penny. Now I think its time for a taste of your own medicine." Angelica laughed insanely as a powerful wind picked up Penny and dragged her towards the mirror. She screamed in terror but it was hopeless as she was drawn into glass and her physical form consumed... her soul left forever behind the glass watching out.

"Don't worry Penny, we'll move the mirror back to my boudoir so you can watch me fuck your Father again and again - wishing you could be me again all the time."

With a last look of triumph Angelica turned around and headed to her bedroom. This time there really was no stopping her!  "Time to get pregnant and complete my domination of your feeble family.  I'll make sure my daughter grows up to be less of a loser than you were Penny. Hahahaha!"


EPILOGUE - Eighteen Years Later.

Madison always wondered what was so important about the mirror in her Mom's boudoir. She'd always been fascinated by the few glimpses she had gotten and she would sometimes dream about it.  She felt drawn to the mirror and a whispering voice seemed to haunt her dreams.  Unfortunately - Angelica wouldn't tell her naughty young daughter, promising to share the secret one day. Still Madison had never been one for patiently waiting so she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Bitchy, blonde and evil through and through - the manipulative Alpha girl had been well trained by her mother to become a vain, selfish controller of men and to bully to weaker girls. She loved her spoiled bad girl life and she had all the clothes, makeup and cock a hot little slut could wish for. But her curiosity was too great and so she had broken into her Mom's room one day to look for herself at the mirror.

It was funny - she could almost hear a whispering from the mirror. A soft seductive chant compelling her to draw closer. Enraptured Madison obeyed and placed her hand on the glass.  She groaned as she felt the cool glass and something evil and delicious flowing into her from the void beyond.

"Ooooooh that's so much better."

Penny opened her eyes and smirked as she looked down at her new body in obvious pleasure. Her bitchy young lips twisted into a sigh of satisfaction as she grabbed her tight little ass and absorbed Madison's memories and personality into herself.

The new Madison looked down at her busty chest and with a bitchy giggle stroked out her hot blonde hair. 

"Like... OMG - 18 years attuning myself to this little sluts body so she would one day become my vessel and still I had no idea it would feel this good. I AM Madison now."

She ran shivering hands over her horny body, already dreaming of the fucking she was going to give herself later. She was free at last... free after all this time and that bitch Angelica had no idea of what she had become.

"I'm your daughter now bitch, and I've had eighteen years to corrupt myself and become one with the mirror. It serves me now and you have no idea what you've created."

Laughing madly, Madison stalked off to her room to find some sex toys. First she would cum and then she would show Angelica how the new Goddess and Mistress of the mirror would have her revenge after eighteen years of plotting.

"Get ready bitch, because here I cum.... mmmmmmmmh."



  1. Oh wow, this is just perfect! 🤤
    Even better than the original/s!
    Far surpassed my expectations.
    Honestly, this is like an early Christmas present, for me. ❤️
    Definitely, unquestionably some of your best writing so far, IMO, and you knocked it up (if indeed it was my comment that inspired you) in a few days!
    Amazing as always.

    1. Also, “knocked it up” - fitting for this one. I’ll see myself out... 😂


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