A Permanent Post

 Another M2F Elixir Cap. The model is Amirah Adara from Team Skeet.

When you're two male chemists trying to sell feminine beauty products and keep your overheads on staffing down - it can put you in a tough position.  That's why Aaron and Daniel had agreed that one of them should use the Elixir to become female, until such time as the company was off the ground and they could hire a real woman.

The fact that they had access to the Elixir at all was a stroke of luck. Both scientists had left their previous jobs under a clandestine cloud and they had decided to bring their talents (and knowledge of illegal scientific experimentation) into the world of high-end beauty.  After all, what rich and powerful woman wouldn't appreciate perfume that gave her pheromonic control of her lovers - or lipstick that could could turn a man into a submissive slave with a single kiss?

Both men agreed it would be easier to sell their products if one of them could model them and they had a girl on the team, so they tossed a coin and Aaron lost.  He shrugged ruefully as they walked to the lab and he sat at a table with a vial of the pink Elixir in front of him.  "Well, I guess I always did wonder what it would feel like to be a woman, now I'll know. My girlfriend isn't going to find out about this though is she?"

Daniel gave him a reassuring grin. "No of course not. We'll ensure the doses are exact to ensure you only transform during work hours. We'll create a temporary post for your alter-ego and use our company privileges to get her an I.D. by listing her as an employee.  In a year or so when we've made some money and we can upscale, you just stop taking the Elixir and she vanishes.  No problem.  Now go ahead, it's perfectly safe."

Aaron gulped nervously.  "That's easy for you to say, you're not the one about to drink this stuff.  Oh well, here we go."  Raising the vial to his lips he tipped it back and gasped as he felt it slide down his throat with a warm, delicious, tingling sensation.

"How does it feel?" asked Daniel curiously.

"Mmmmh, really good... ooooh, I can feel my insides squirming slightly and my bones shifting.  My internal organs must be adjusting to give me a uterus and... ahhhh, my dick is throbbing - I think it's shrinking. It feels weird but kind of sexy... I... oooh fuck, I feel really really turned on Daniel." 

Daniel took a step back as his friend let out a soft liquid moan and his flesh rippled.  It obviously felt good because his eyes had rolled up into his head and he was almost unaware of his surroundings as he balled his hands into fists and bit his lip sexily.  "Ooooooh fuckkk yessss," he hissed his voice breaking and warbling as it varied between his usual cadence and a higher pitched more sultry intonation.  Aaron's stubbly chin became soft and smooth as his face became rounder and less angular - high cheekbones leading down to a soft pouty mouth which was currently curved in a smile of pleasure.

Aaron's short hair began to lengthen and grow at an incredible speed - it's length seeming even longer in proportion to his changing form as his overall body height and mass reduced from 6'2" to 5'3" and his weight halved to leave him toned and tiny.  His eyes looked bigger now too on his smaller face, more mysterious too as long lashes grew out and his eyebrows sculpted themselves on his face.

Aaron groaned as he arched his back and two small A-cup breasts pushed out of his chest.  Daniel had wondered how busty the new Aaron would be - evidently not that busty - and yet with his slim slender body, the boobs seemed perfectly proportioned and still deliciously female.

Rolling over, moaning and gasping in pleasure, as his now overlarge clothes dropped from his body - Daniel was more impressed to see Aaron's ass which was now deliciously toned and tempting. A soft tanned shimmer ran over his now velvety skin as with a final few pops and cracks the transformation completed itself and the female Aaron was born with a sensual feminine cry as if she had just orgasmed for the first time.  The new woman panted and gasped, her eyes still closed as she lay in the chair with a smile on her face.

"Aaron are you okay?" asked Daniel in concern.

Hypnotic brown eyes that could steal a mans soul flickered open and locked onto his and the soft pink lips parted in a hot little smirk.

"I'm wonderful... and... it's Erin now..."


Working with Erin proved to be more interesting than Daniel would have thought possible.  He had assumed that she would be like Aaron in practically every way, but the Elixir appeared to have changed her brain chemistry and once Aaron transformed, he acted... differently.  True - at first there was little divergence from her original personality, but as the days turned to weeks, then months... Daniel began to see rapidly increasing differences between the two of them.  It began to become hard to remember that they were the same person, he had begun to think of Erin as a separate persona.

It began with just small differences.  Aaron preferred tea - Erin loved coffee.  Aaron had always been awkward at conversation and hated small talk and gossip - whilst Erin was effortlessly conversational, and seemed to know everything about everyone.  At first Erin had been a little awkward with her new bodies shape and the routines of putting on makeup and women's clothing... yet it hadn't taken very long for her to get better and better at it, till within a month she looked as natural in a skirt and blouse as she had ever done in a suit. 

Erin told him she'd just watched plenty of Youtube makeup and fashion tutorials to get good and copied Aaron's girlfriends style as much as she could.  Luckily, Aaron's partner Sasha hadn't gotten suspicious of what was happening, though Aaron had told him a story about nearly getting caught out when he returned home wearing Erin's perfume and Sasha had gotten suspicious that he was cheating on her.  He'd managed to smooth it over by claiming it was one of the products they were working on and as the weeks had progressed he had become better at ensuring his life as Erin and his life as Aaron didn't collide.

Each morning Aaron would come to work early and go into a special room at their office.  It was effectively a changing room with a wardrobe of smart business woman clothes and a dresser for makeup.  He would transform into Erin, get changed into her clothes and do her makeup.  Then as Erin he'd begin his day.

Erin would work hard all day, making phone-calls, visiting clients - selling their products.  She would model and show off their effects to rich women and she was good at it.  As the weeks passed Erin began to realise she was far more organised, driven and effective than Aaron ever had been.  Under her guidance the business began to grow by leaps and bounds and Erin was soon the public face of ED-ltd. The money began to roll in.

Meanwhile Daniel was noticing more and more changes in his friend... well both his friends actually.  Erin had become increasingly confident in herself in the last month.  Her body language was now naturally feminine and she had a habit of standing disconcertingly close to him and putting her hands on his arms and shoulders.  He liked it when she did it and she made him feel - funny.  He began to find he couldn't stop watching her at work and he began to enjoy the little gestures she had - the way she would flick her hair over her shoulder, the sexy little smirks she'd give him from time-to-time - the way she bossed guys twice her age around when she was working and wanted to get what she wanted. 

Meanwhile Aaron seemed really listless and their friendship was straining.  Unlike Erin with her drive, determination and ruthlessness - Aaron just wanted to party and hang out with Sasha, or play computer games. He had abdicated all responsibility to the company to his female alter-ego, who frankly, was better at it than he had ever been.  In fact - in some ways Aaron seemed jealous of her.

"Just another month or so then I can be free of little Miss Perfect forever," he muttered darkly one evening. "We must have enough money by now, for me to stop being Erin."

Daniel felt a sudden wave of panic at the thought.  He'd forgotten that at some point Erin would cease to exist.  The thought made him feel sick.  Never see Erin again?  She was his friend, his business partner - and with a sudden lurch Daniel realised that in some ways he liked her better than he liked Aaron.  Erin was smart, pretty, efficient and fun.  He loved her company and the thought of never seeing her again was like a stab in the heart.  Still, it wasn't like Aaron didn't deserve to be free of her once he was ready.  That was the original plan.

"I thought you liked being Erin?" he asked innocently.

"Huh... yeah I did at first... but recently... I've been feeling weird.  I feel like she's getting too big in my head, like she's becoming more important than me and I don't like it.  And it's worrying.  I used to be able to remember what I had done whilst I was Erin, but recently... it's like a barrier went up in my head. I can't remember what I'm thinking whilst I'm her, I can't access her memories and thoughts.  I know she's doing it on purpose somehow and it worries me. She's up to something."

"You're just being paranoid," grinned Daniel.

"No I'm not.  She's up to something and I want to end it before it gets started.  Tomorrow after work, we need to talk. I'll explain then. Erin needs to close a big deal tomorrow and then... well... we'll see."

"Okay, see you tomorrow," said Daniel wondering what his friend wanted to discuss.  He supposed he would find out tomorrow.


Daniel walked into the office the next day to find Erin already working hard as usual.  She looked flawless... amazing and perfect in her clothing and makeup. He drew in a deep lungful of her sexy perfume as he approached - a sexy new brand by the smell - and felt his head tingle pleasantly.  Erin really was a delicious sight in her black heels and tight blue skirt... if she wasn't his transformed best-friend... well... it was best not to think about that.

Still it did raise a few interesting questions.  Aaron/Erin hadn't spoken much about the transformation, aside from its practical implications.  He wondered whether Erin had guys hitting on her - a sexy girl like her must do.  He wondered how she was handling it - and he also wondered whether Erin had gotten up to anything during any of her business trips.  She'd been in hotel rooms and away on her own several times.  He wondered whether she masturbated or touched herself?  The thought excited him, she must have done it - she must have made herself cum at least a few times.

He wondered what she thought about when she was masturbating.  Maybe she watched porn?  But what was her sexuality? Aaron and Erin seemed to have diverged now in so many ways.  Did Erin like girls... or was she into men now? 

He tried to wrench his thoughts back to the moment as he saw that Erin was smiling at him.  It was hard to concentrate with her around.  Her perfume seemed to be wrapping round him and his cock throbbed.  A desire to please Erin, to make her happy filled him.  She really was the most perfect women, she was beautiful, clever... sexy.  So much better than the loser Aaron.  He wanted to make Erin like him as much as he liked her... he would do ANYTHING to please her.

"Good morning Daniel," grinned Erin.  "We have a lot to do today, mainly because I see you and Aaron had a good chat last night.  That's why I'm having to accelerate my plans.  Since I started blocking our shared memories he's getting suspicious of what I'm doing.  The poor baby doesn't know how to shield his thoughts from me though, so I know he's planning to confront you tonight and demand that you let him stop using the Elixir. The only problem is Daniel, that doesn't suit me.  I've grown to... enjoy... being me.  I don't want to go back to being that sad little man anymore, not when I can be like this."

Daniel nodded along like an idiot as Erin approached closer and her scent overwhelmed him - making him shiver in lust and a desire to do anything he could to help this Goddess.  Of course they had to stop Aaron, it was an outrage that the fool would do anything to threaten Erin.  She needed to be protected at all costs.

Erin smiled and gently brushed her sexy fingers down his face.  "I knew you'd understand.  Particularly as I'm wearing a super-strong pheromonic perfume from our own line.  Powerful enough to drive a man mad with lust and make him want to do anything to please me.  Do you know what would please me Daniel? A Permanent Post.  You see I want you to sign the company and all its assets over to me.  I'll be your new boss and you can help me make our company the most successful one in the market. I'm so much better at this than you or that idiot Aaron.  Shall we sign the paperwork?"

 "N...nooo," groaned Aaron as his will resurfaced.  He had worked so hard to build this company, it was HIS.  He wasn't about to let some evil manipulative bitch take it from him.  Her scent was so powerful, it was making it impossible to think, but even with her control over him - signing over the entire company was a step too far.

"Wow, your will power is stronger than I thought.  Perhaps you need a little extra push," sighed Erin happily.  "That's okay, it will be more enjoyable for both of us this way Daniel."  She reached down to his belt and began to unbuckle his trousers, sinking to her knees as she did so.

"Do you know... since I became a woman I've actually sucked quite a few dicks.  You'd be amazed at the business deals I've closed in the last few months with just a few minutes of sucking.  I wasn't sure at first - but the more I became... me... the more I liked it, until I realised - I love cock.  The Elixir really is wonderful stuff, it turned me into such a dirty slut and I love it.  I've been hiding how much of a dirty whore I am from both you and Aaron, but it's so liberating to finally just be... myself.  No more nice girl, I can be the naughty bad little bitch I've become ALL the time now."

Daniel groaned as his cock flopped out and Erin smiled at it pleased. "Mmmh, this is going to be fun."  Without any hesitation she slid it in her mouth and began sucking.  "Mmmppphhhh." Daniel groaned in ecstasy.  With the perfume already making him horny, Erin's mouth was now tipping him over the edge and he was quickly lost in a world of pleasure. This was incredible.  

Erin took her time to suck him good... using her mouth to work the tip then taking it deep down her throat as she played with his balls.  Every now and then she would break off with a wet pop to speak some more to him... wear down his resistance.

"You know I'll run this company better than you ever could Daniel... you love me being in charge.  I'll keep you on in an advisory capacity and make sure you're well taken care of. Just look at my lips wrapped round your cock - you know you love me being a dirty slut for you."

She resumed her sucking.

"Ohhh and you're going to help me get rid of Aaron.  I don't know how much Elixir it's going to take to destroy him so I can steal his life - but as I will soon be running this company, I'm sure I can ensure we perform the adequate research to find out."

"Nooo, I can't let you... do that..." gasped Daniel, yet unable or unwilling to stop Erin leading him down the path of corruption with her sucking. 

"No, you're right baby..." purred Erin, "I am asking a lot from you and in return you deserve something more.  Why don't you fuck me right here?  Once you feel how tight and perfect my pussy is, you'll realise you only want to serve me from now on.  Oh and of course the scent I'm wearing is designed to combine with sex - if you fuck me, you'll imprint onto me and fall so helplessly in love with me you will be my slave till your dying breath,"

"Nooo," groaned Daniel as she lay on the sofa and spread her perfect legs wide.  Her pussy looked so perfect, like his cock was made to fit it as she beckoned.  

"Put it in me Daniel... become one with me... become complete.  You know it's going to feel so good.  Fuck me..."

Daniel knew if he put his cock inside Erin, he'd be lost forever.  He'd become her slave... her obsessive, ardent admirer and she would own him body and soul - but he was too horny and he wanted her too badly.

"Yessss, fuck me Daniel," she giggled as he positioned himself outside her slit and slowly pushed inside.  

"OH FUCK you're so tight, ahhhh it feels so good," gasped Daniel in delirium as he slid into her.  It felt like fucking liquid silk as she moaned happily and he sank balls deep into her perfection.  Using her legs for leverage he began to pound her and her eager receptive body took every thrust driving him into realms of sexual pleasure he never knew existed.

Daniel looked down into Erin's perfect brown eyes... those wicked all-knowing eyes, and he knew he would do anything for her now.  She was his Goddess and he needed to serve her. He slowed his rhythm and gazed passionately at her... adoringly.

"Mmmmh, will you sign the company over to me and give me that permanent post now Daniel?"

"Yes Goddess," he whispered.

"And will you help me take over Aaron's life completely?"

"Yes Goddess," he groaned.

"And will you give yourself to me and become my devoted servant?  Will you accept you inferiority to me and worship my feminine perfection?"

"Yessssss Godddessss..."

"Good boy... then in that case you can cum..."

Erin purred happily as he exploded inside her - his orgasm seeming to last forever.  He had no idea where all the cum was coming from, but he could feel it dripping out around his cock - blasting back out of her there was so much of it.

"Ooooh, messy boy," giggled Erin as he pulled out and she reached down pleased to rub her sticky slit. "I can see the depths of your devotion right here."

"Now bring those documents over to sign... oh and you can kneel down so I can rest them on your back. Mmmmmh, whilst you're down there actually you could clean up this mess you made whilst I prepare the deeds of ownership.  I'm about to become sole Director and CEO of this company."

Daniel knelt between his former friends legs, lapping her warm cummy pussy whilst she purred happily and prepared the paperwork.  She had won - of course she had won - and life was going to be so much more enjoyable now she never had to become that silly boy again.

She looked down at the obedient Daniel, wondering what she might do with her pet?  Humiliating him was fun, and he was a good lover - however... she still had a business to develop and needed efficient and effective staff.

"Tell me one last thing Daniel.  Would you like to consider a change of position within my new company? The job is for women only... but don't worry, we can fix that."

Laughing evilly as her mind filled with all the wicked possibilities she could now realise, Erin leant back and listened to the eager wet licking between her thighs with the greatest of satisfaction.




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