This sucks! - Suck Harder (Pt II)

This is a sequel to "This sucks" and won't make much sense without reading that first.


It was six weeks since Bailey's kind and innocent Mother Natasha had been corrupted into the wicked dominatrix Mistress Tasha, and the new uber-bitch was having a blast.  She'd used her new vacuum cleaner to drain and suck out the attributes of her work colleagues, friends and her daughters school-mates, making them all submissive and drab little drones.  Each infusion of power had also made her sexier - till now Tasha oozed an irresistible sexuality that made men and women weak before her. 

To her delight, she discovered she'd absorbed so much bitchy energy that no one could resist her.  One look at her, or one touch of her flesh and other people became her helpless slaves, desperate to please her.  Her morals and sense of right and wrong had been completely removed and she was now a cruel, manipulative bully that took whatever she wanted. For instance she'd moved into her bosses luxurious mansion after draining his wife and replacing the useless cow, bringing her pathetic daughter Bailey with her as a servant.  Now Bailey and the former wife had to wait on her hand and foot - life was beautiful.

Since being drained Bailey had felt no ability to resist her wicked mother, but as the weeks went on, she felt some semblance of resistance growing back within her.  To her surprise, Tasha never asked her the full details of where the modified vacuum cleaner had come from, and Bailey began to realise that Tasha was having too much fun to care.  The actual vacuum cleaner had been safely stored somewhere and it was weeks since Bailey had last seen it.  Tasha obviously knew it would be foolish to leave it anywhere where her daughter might get it, so there was little hope of using it against the super bitch.

But Tasha had made a mistake not asking her daughter for more details. The more she thought about it, the more Bailey began to realise that her Mother assumed the vacuum cleaner was one of a kind - but of course, Bailey knew where she could get another.  She need only go back to the repair shop and ask the weird old man inside to install another modification inside another hoover and she would be able to save her Mom.

Bailey made several attempts to leave the house and go to the repair shop, but firstly - she didn't have a hoover to bring, and secondly her Mother was watching like a hawk.  After several aborted attempts she became frustrated and realised she needed help.  That's when she thought of Jenna.

Jenna had been the original cause of all this.  The former bully was now a skinny, unpopular nerd with no idea of her former status.  Sucking someone's essence out seemed to leave them with no memory of their former life and in the greatest twist of fate ever, she and Bailey were now firm friends. 

Bailey decided to come clean with Jenna and beg the other girl for help.  She explained the whole situation to her new friend and Jenna was stunned to hear that she had once been the schools Alpha girl and a mean bitch to boot.

"You mean, you sucked all the badness out of me and it corrupted your Mom?" she asked nervously.

"In a nut-shell, yes," sighed Bailey, "I'm sorry Jenna - it was wrong of me to try and play God."

"That's okay, you meant well - I'm glad I'm not a horrible bitch anymore," Jenna smiled shyly. "If we can get the bitchiness out of your Mom, we can still put everything right."

"That's why I need your help," confessed Bailey.  "Please go to the repair shop and get the essence draining modification from the old man. Pleeeeease, you have to help me!"

Jenna thought it over and decided she would help her friend. That afternoon after they left school, Jenna headed home to get the family hoover and head to the shop.  She hugged Bailey and the two of them set off, Bailey's heart full of hope that soon she would have her Mom back...


It was later that evening that Bailey heard a soft tap on the window and knew her friend was here.  Sliding it open, she helped Jenna inside and together they heaved the vacuum cleaner  up into her bedroom. 

"Did it work?" asked Bailey breathlessly.

"Kind of," admitted Jenna showing her friend the weird wiring and switches now bolted onto the hoover.  "Only it wasn't an old guy, it was some young man - and he said he didn't know which modification you meant because his Dad was off, so he was going to give me this one which was even better."

"WHAT?" asked Bailey in horror, "We can't use this if we don't know what it does, it might do anything. What did he call it?"

"He said it was the 'Total Extraction' modification, whatever that means."

"Well maybe that will get all the corruption out of my Mom, this might be even better than I hoped.  Wait... did you hear something?"

Suddenly the door burst open with a high heeled kick, and with a smirk, Mistress Tasha strode into the room, her eyes drinking up the two frightened girls and an amused look crossing her perfect face.

"Well, well, well - did you really think you could sneak into MY house Jenna without me noticing?  What have you two stupid little bitches got there?"

"Why don't I show you?" shouted Bailey triumphantly as she flicked the switch and the hoover roared into life. 

Brandishing it like a weapon, straight into her Mom's face - Bailey grinned in triumph as she saw the look of horror on Tasha's face and the other woman groaned as with a hiss she shook and trembled.  Last time the hoover had sucked the bitchy energy out, streamers of pink light floating through the air to be captured by the machine - but this time something different was happening.

As she watched in growing horror, Bailey saw that her Mom was deflating - emptying, her skin becoming loose and baggy as it collapsed to the floor.  It was like the hoover was sucking out her life-force and animation, leaving only the skin behind - and with a clatter and a crumple, she emptied out entirely caving inwards till there was nothing left but a heap of skin and clothing on the floor.

Flicking it off, the hoover dropped from her numb fingers and Jenna and Bailey looked down in horror at all that remained of Natasha.  A sexy tanned skin, soft luscious hair and the clothes of a fucking bitch all in a neat little pile on the floor of the bedroom.

"OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE?" screamed Bailey in horror. "I killed my MOM!  I know she was evil, but I didn't want to kill her... what the hell is wrong with this thing?"

Jenna shook her head in a daze, "I'm... I... I don't know what to say Bailey.  I'm so sorry."

"No... there has to be a way to fix this, reverse this.  I know -  I'll run to the shop, see if I can get them to help.  You stay here and I'll be back as quick as I can."

Jenna nodded and helped Bailey put the hoover into a box.  Then she watched as her friend ran down the road towards the repair shop.

Feeling guilty about what had happened, Jenna returned to the bedroom and looked at the Natasha skin lying on the floor.  A terrible fascination and urge overtook her and reaching gingerly down she touched the flesh on the floor. It felt soft... smooth... still warm.  It felt like it was alive. Curious Jenna picked it up and lay it on the bed.  She had to admit, the body Tasha had created for herself by stealing from others was incredible.  The now deflated tits were massive, the skin tanned and sexy - the curves tight and perfect.  The bitchy but gorgeous face had long lashes and a perfect wave of gorgeous hair around it.  Shame it looked so creepy without anything behind it... just an empty face, like it was waiting to be filled.

Rolling the flesh over, Jenna admired the perfect ass on display - but then suddenly noticed that along the perfect flow of back flesh was what almost looked like a thin seam.  Reaching down, she realised it was possible to open the skin up - almost like a suit.  As he hands passed inside a shiver ran down her and a desire to slide her hands deeper grew.  She pushed her arm in and guided it into one of Tasha's empty appendages.  It slid inside with a pleasant feeling till she felt her fingers mesh into Tasha's.  Wearing the skin like a glove she held it up and marvelled at how real it looked.  She now had Tasha's slutty manicure and her hands looked so much sexier and delicious.  She had a sudden strange flashback to being in a nailbar having her nails done... and knew it was a memory from the old life that Bailey had taken from her.

Put it all on... slip inside... take back what was stolen from you.

Jenna gasped as she seemed to hear a teasing coaxing voice whispering in her ear.  It made her wet and made her want to obey... it sent wicked thrills through her soul.  She wanted a voice like that.

"Hello?  Who is there?"

Slide into me... take these breasts, this pussy... this body for your own.  You'll be even more evil and powerful than you were before.  It's time to upgrade Jenna.

Memories began to flash through Jenna's mind - a mingling of her old memories and ones that could only belong to Tasha.  The temptation to obey grew.  A cruel smile briefly flashed over her lips as she had a sudden image of Bailey, kneeling before her, eating out her Goddess pussy in punishment for trying to take away her power.  She smirked at the thought of the strap-on she was going to ram into the little slut later too.  

"N... nooo, these aren't my memories," she groaned banishing the disgusting... yet enticing images from her mind.

They soon will be... you are becoming evil again and you like it.  You're getting wet at the thought of the power. You want me to absorb you and make you into the new Mistress. Yesssss that's right - we'll be even more powerful together. Get inside and feel yourself become the bitch you want to be again.

Jenna groaned as her other hand seemed to be pulled inside the suit... she moaned as her clothing began to rip and tear as the suit slid over her flesh and consumed everything.  "Noooooo," she groaned as her hips were pulled forwards and she gasped as her crotch locked into the skin before her.  

It's almost too late - just give in.  Push into me Jenna - slide into me willingly and the corruption will be even more powerful.  Say it... say you want to become Mistress Jenna.

Jenna was shivering, her eyes rolling in unholy ecstsay as the suit eagerly sucked her inside.  She was already cumming at the incredible sensations of the evil body that was becoming hers, her mind overwhelmed with pleasure as the skin took control of her body and pumped her full of hormones and serotonin - helping to condition her to be evil. 

"Yesssssss, make me into Mistress Jenna," she hissed, her lips curving into a slutty pout.  "Fucking corrupt MEEEE!"  With a giggle she thrust herself with an obscene push of her hips deep into the suit - sliding her head deep into the face in front of her.  She squealed in joy as the huge breasts in front of her inflated and grew and with a sucking slurp the skin began to seal up around her and tighten.

Manicured claws flexed as Jenna moaned like she was being fucked and the skin melded with her body.  Her mind was broken and remade as her old personality was brought back - but enhanced with all the knowledge and skills Tasha had accumulated in the last few weeks.  Jenna was now the driving personality, but all that Bailey's evil Mommy had been, was now within the perfect super bitch.

Standing up Mistress Jenna gathered up the clothing from the floor and began to put it on.  She enjoyed how tight and clingy the delicious black clothing was - how much of it left so little to the imagination. When you had a perfect body like this, why not flaunt it?  

"Mmmmh, I feel so much better," she grinned admiring herself in a mirror.  "I'm back and I'm badder than ever... I'm the perfect meld of pure sexuality.  No one will stop me now.  Well, not once I deal with the only person who is a threat to me..."  

Bailey sobbed as she banged on the door of the repair shop - but they were clearly closed. Cursing she decided she had no choice but to return home. She and Jenna would have to work something out, she was glad her friend was here to support her.

Trudging back she opened the door and left the hoover in the hallway.

"Jenna?" she called out as she made her way upstairs.

The there was a clop of stiletto boot heels behind her and Bailey groaned in horror as she heard the sound of a hoover.

She felt herself begin to collapse...

Humming happily to herself Mistress Jenna gathered up the Bailey skin from the floor and neatly bundled it up into a box.

"Ohhhh don't worry my dear, maybe one day I'll find some poor fool to wear you.  In the meantime you can stay like this. I know... life sucks... hahaha haha."

Mistress Jenna moaned as she touched herself and thought of all the evil naughty stuff she could now do Bailey was out of the way.

It felt so good to be so fucking evil... and no one was going to stop her.



  1. You do a wonderful job at writing these stories. Thank you for all that you do.

  2. This was brilliant, I loved the description of Jenna putting the suit on. Just awesome.

  3. A perfect follow up to a wonderfully wicked story, thank you Evie

  4. Awesome story, bodysuit, check, corruption check. Yup typical awesome evie. A pleasure to read.


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