This sucks!


Bailey Johnson was having a shit day.  The eighteen year old college student should have been enjoying her weekend, but she had too much on her mind and she couldn't shake the despondency she felt today.  For someone so young, Bailey took life her little pretty seriously and she was constantly anxious about everything.  It had led to her adopting an almost constant frown and squint of worry that made her look like a startled rabbit.  Everything about Bailey lacked confidence, from her non-descript clothing and toned down makeup to her arms-folded body posture that screamed 'leave me alone'. She was a total wall-flower.

That, coupled with her humble background had led her to be bullied by the more popular, beautiful and rich Jenna Jones. Jenna was everything Bailey wasn't - self-assured, beautiful, outgoing and manipulative.  She had been victimising Bailey for years and was part of the reason Bailey wasn't enjoying her weekend.

The other reason was that her Mom had tasked her this weekend with a series of chores which involved cleaning the whole house from top to bottom.  They were trying to move house and her Mom had stressed how important it was that they stick to the cleaning schedule. Normally, that would have been easy, except now the vacuum cleaner had stopped working. Without it, she couldn't clean the house and her Mom would be upset when she got back.  Everything was going wrong and Bailey just felt like crying.

She bet Jenna didn't have problems like this in he life - that spoiled little bitch in her stupid designer clothes lived in some huge mansion and probably had servants to do everything for her.  By comparison, Bailey's life fucking sucked and the broken hoover felt like some metaphor for how she felt.  "Life sucks I guess," she muttered angrily. 

She glanced at her watch and stamped her feet in frustration. Her Mom would be pissed when she got home to find the hoover was broken, especially as Bailey had a feeling it was her own fault.  She should have picked up the larger pieces of rubbish she had lazily hoovered over, now one of them had clogged the mechanism.  She was about to give into despair, when she remembered there was a weird little repair shop open down the road. Maybe they could help.

The repair shop was a survivor from the time when small independent shops had still managed to thrive locally.  It was a tiny run down old shop-front squeezed between a laundrette and a pet-store.  The old wooden sign above the door was so grimy and weather-beaten it was impossible to read the name and the windows were dark and uninviting. Nethertheless, Bailey went inside with her vacuum cleaner, coughing nervously in the dark and stuffy air.

An old man in a pair of brown overalls, with hair so thin and white it was almost transparent and a pair of startlingly brilliant blue eyes shuffled out as she rang the bell on the counter.  He squinted at her through a pair of thick heavy set lenses and pushed his glasses up his nose as he regarded the hoover in front of him.

"Hi do you do repairs?" stammered Bailey nervously.

"Repairs, improvements, modifications - we do it all," he grinned proudly.  "Hmmmm, do you want me to modify this vacuum cleaner for you?  Are you looking for a attribute extractor for it?"

"A what?" asked Bailey in surprise as he started fussing over the machine.

"An attribute extractor - to suck physical and mental characteristics out of another person - it used to be my most popular upgrade."

"Ummm, no - I just wanted it repaired," squeaked Bailey nervously.

"Tell you what young lady," grinned the old man, "I'll fix this up AND throw in the upgrade for free.  Just give me a few minutes..."

Bailey watched in stunned silence whilst the old man swiftly began to modify her machine.  By the time she left the shop, it had been fitted with a whole load of weird wiring, switches and buttons and she stumbled home in a daze.  What had just happened?

She was relieved to find when she got home the cleaner worked better than new and within half an hour she had finished cleaning the house - but now with her chores done, she couldn't help but examine the new controls.  What the hell?  The crazy old guy really had added the 'Attribute extractor' functions to the hoover.  To her surprise when she experimentally pressed the button - it switched on without being plugged in... like it was running off a battery.

Walking to the window, Bailey gazed down the street and played with her hair - what a strange old shop.  Her gaze was suddenly drawn by a 'clip clop' of designer heels and a familiar bitchy drawl, and she gazed down to see Jenna Jones striding along with shopping bags hanging off her arms whilst she yacked to her stupid friends on her designer mobile phone.

A sudden impulse overcame Bailey and grabbing her hoover, she ran downstairs and opening her front door went out into the street.  Jenna was walking by, when she spotted her victim and decided to walk over to mock her.

"Hey loser, what the fuck are you doing out in the street with a hoover?  Have you totally lost your fucking mind?" laughed Jenna.

Bailey gazed enviously at Jenna.  The bitch looked amazing as always, slim, sexy and tanned.  Her perfect hair fell effortlessly around her beautiful shoulders as she proudly wore a designer shoulder less top so that her clothing clung sexily to her slender body.  Her perfect lips were pursed into a mocking pout and the smell of her expensive perfume seemed to follow her in a cloud.

"Maybe," laughed Bailey, "but you're about to lose something too..."

She didn't really know what she was doing, or really expect anything to happen - but she flicked the switch to 'extract' and putting on the hoover pointed it at Jenna.

The other girls eyes widened in surprise, then mocking laughter - then suddenly turned to fear.  "Hey... you freak, what the uuuuuuh hell are you doing to me?"

Both girls watched in amazement as a thin stream of pink mist began to rise out-of and from within Jenna.  As the hoover steadily sucked, it was drawn into the nozzle and Jenna groaned as more and more began to suck out of her.  As the essence was drawn out of Jenna - she began to change before Bailey's very eyes.

Jenna's clothes became cheaper and shabbier, her waist suddenly bulged out with chubby fat as her skin whitened and her teeth became uneven.  Her perfect glossy hair turned a boring dull brown and took on a straw like texture as spots and acne popped over her previously flawless skin.  Her soft round ass exploded into an unshapely derrier as her breasts shrunk down to leave her flat chested.  

The last of the pink essence was drawn out of Jenna and sucked into the cleaner, where it now flowed and pulsed inside the machine... trapped in the dust pan.  The former beauty queen, now an average looking nobody didn't scream or react to her sudden loss of status.  Instead she blinked in surprise and looked around confused.

"Ohhh hey Bailey, what am I doing at your house?  Did we have a Science project due?"

With a rush of adrenalin, Bailey realised that the machine must have sucked Jenna's memories, personality and physical attributes out of her, leaving her as a completely different person - a nobody. The essence of what had made Jenna so powerful - her wealth, her families status and her perfect genetics were now swirling as an unintelligent smoke within the hoover. 

"No Jenna - we don't have a project, I'll ummm, see you later," grinned Bailey as she took the hoover inside with her and laughed happily to herself.  "Holy shit, it worked - I don't have a bully anymore."


Bailey left the hoover in the hall, and grinning ran to her computer to check social media.  She wanted to see if the reality changes really had happened, and to her delight as she scrolled through all her accounts she saw that Jenna really was a nobody now.  The hoover had sucked out everything that made Jenna the bitch she was.


Bailey gasped as she suddenly heard her Mom's voice from the Hallway and she ran out to see what was wrong.

"Mom? OH MY GOD!"

Bailey's Mom Natasha, had come home and found the hoover in the Hallway.  The panicked girl saw at once that the roiling mass of pink energy trapped inside the hoover had managed to infect the machine and it had come to life.  Like some evil snake the tube had lashed around Natasha's neck and pulled her to the floor.  Her Mom was now trying to rip it off as the nozzle of the hoover tried to force its way into her mouth.

"Mom, don't open your mouth," screamed Bailey - but her Mom yelled in panic as she saw her daughter. 

"Bailey, get out of here, I don't know.... oooohhhhmmmppphhhh."

The tube slid into Natasha's mouth and pink light crackled as the switch on the machine went from 'suck' to 'pump'.  Bailey sobbed in horror as thick pink energy began to pump into her Mom's mouth, forcing its way into her body as the machine squeezed all the evil bitchy energy collected from Jenna into Natasha's innocent body.

"Mmmmppphhhh," groaned Natasha as she began to eagerly suck the energy. She had never tasted anything so delicious in all her life and she moaned happily as her breasts began to grow and her clothing started to change.

"NO MOM, don't swallow it!" screamed Bailey as Natasha began to change, her body corrupting as she was infected by the evil energy.  Natasha's formerly innocent clothing turned to black designer lingerie as stockings crept up her legs and designer lipstick coated her face.  She became more beautiful, her body tanning and her waist crunching in as she became a wicked, spoiled MILF.

Gloating red lips curved into a slutty smile as the hoover switched off and the tube popped out of her mouth with an obscene slurp.  Natasha stood up - stretching her Goddess body as she looked down at her weak daughter with contempt and laughed. 

"Ahhhh Bailey, such a delicious treat you left for me to experience when I came home.  I love how this energy has made me feel - I WANT MORE!"

Grabbing the hoover, Natasha turned it round to face her daughter and laughing hit the 'Extract' button.

"NO, MOM - what are you doing" screamed Bailey as the little beauty and femininity she did possess began to be sucked into the device.  

"I am not your 'Mom' anymore," laughed the evil bitch as she licked her lips and savoured the thought of the feast that was to come.  "I am Mistress Tasha now and I will use this device to drain women to fuel my own ascension. I will become a Goddess and you will all become drab little nobodies."

Bailey fell to her knees and watched as her own Mother turned the tube round and pumped her daughters essence into her body.  She grew younger and sexier, her breasts getting even bigger as she moaned in self-indulgent pleasure.

"Now you weak little bitch - you're going to invite all your friends round so Mommy can drain them.  Maybe once I feel sexy enough, I'll stop feasting on them all - but right now, I want to be hotter.  This is going to be sooooo much fun."

Sobbing as Goddess Tasha made her call her friends and lure them to the house, Bailey decided this really was the worst day of her life.  Her Mom was an evil bitch now, brimming with evil - and with the extractor in her possession no one would be able to stop her becoming even more evil.

This really sucked...



  1. Plz can you make a sequel to this story

  2. Great story love the boots. Hope to see a part two.

  3. Oh wow, if you do a sequel, can you make Bailey become a MILF, or at least older, if she succeeds in sucking Tasha’s newfound energy out..?

    Would love that!!

  4. Oh wow, if you do a sequel, can you make Bailey become a MILF, or at least older, if she succeeds in sucking Tasha’s newfound energy out..?

    Would love that!!

  5. Amazing story! loved the ending!

  6. Oh yeah!!! That's a evie story. It screams for a sequel or even a series! The ideas above would be perfect plot. ;-)


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