Bimbo-skins (quickie)

Zack had recently learned that his kind Uncle Colin and lovely Aunt Martha had been corrupted by a pair of evil bimbo skins. Compelled each night to put the skins on - as soon as the sun began to set - the delicious flesh would tighten over the moaning couple and encase them in pure bitchiness, transforming them into wicked bimbos till the end of the evening.

With the help of Hannah, the girl next door  - Zack had been able to work out his relatives were leaving the skins in an old abandoned house on the edge of town and he was hoping that if he stole the skins and prevented them being worn, their power over his relatives would be broken.

That evening just before dusk they got to the house before Colin or Martha could and Hannah dragged the fake-tanned, big-haired, plastic-boobed skins out of a cupboard. The flesh felt warm and alive somehow as Hannah pushed it into his arms. It stunk of slutty perfume and sex.

"Now what?  We hide them or something?"

"No... we should wear them," smiled Hannah suddenly, her eyes sparkling. "Come on put one on."

"What? Why?"

"Its our turn to be the evil fucking bimbos. I've wanted this since you told me what your relatives were doing. Come on Zack, you know you want to. It's getting dark and it will feel so good inside your new skin.I can't wait to be a bitch... join me."

Hannah began pulling on her skin, eagerly matching its arms and legs with her own. She snickered with laughter as there came a sudden furious banging on the front door and Zack heard Colin and Martha's wails and cries outside. 

"Our skins... give us our skins!" they screamed like addicts denied their lust.

"That door won't hold for long," laughed Hannah as she draped her soft, slutty skin over her body and sighed happily as it started to tighten. "If you don't transform quick - one of them will and you'll never get to be my bimbo sister."

The skin had seemed to be trying to get off Hannah at first and move towards the door, but as it sensed her smooth flesh it began to flow over her body and there was a scream outside as the connection between Martha and her skin was cut. Hannah was now the new host as the once innocent girl-next-door moaned and stuck out her big bimbo chest... the skin eagerly encasing her and pumping her boobs full of silicone. 

"Ooooh yesssss, it feels so fucking good. Put yours on Zack... quick."

The skin in his own hands began to writhe as it came to life and Zack yelled as he felt it trying to pull towards his uncle outside. It was desperate to its sister skin and get onto a body.

The room stunk of bitch as Hannah moaned like a whore and her voice changed becoming deeper and more sultry.  Pink injected lips pushed out into a permanent pout as her skin became orange and she shook back fake black hair.  A tight pink dress, bulging at the seams, wrapped round her body as her skin finished sealing and pink heels pushed the new cock-dumb bimbo-bitch up into the air.

Chantelle flexed her long nails and fluttered her spidery black lashes as she fixed Zack with a look of amused contempt. She giggled as the skin in his hands fought him and there was a sudden  heavy crash as the door of the house gave way and uncle Colin rushed inside.

"Like ummmmm, I told you, you should like ummmmm put it on quick," she laughed as Zack stumbled backwards and Colin advanced with a wild, mad, look and Zack fell over with a crash into the dark corners of the room...

"Whoops," purred Chantelle, playing with herself, as she saw a figure writhing in the darkness and heard her sister moaning as she claimed a host.  

"Mmmmh you go sis..." chuckled Chantelle...

Spraying herself with more slutty perfume Chantelle smiled as she listened to her sister Chardonnay complete her transformation and step out of the shadows. 

Adjusting her massive plastic tits, Chardonnay smirked as she blew on her nails and strutted into the room. Shaking out her fake dirty blonde hair, her slutty gold clothing threatening to rip open with every step she looked at her sister and cocked a hip. "Ready?"

"Mmmmh, you bet... I can't wait to get fucked tonight," purred Chantelle. "Oh oh, but before we go... like... just out of interest... which one are you?"

"Does it matter?" giggled Chardonnay. "I'm me now," she grinned, "and as long as we both have a host that's all that matters."

The two super bitches turned on their heels and clopped off for a night of big cocks and cum leaving an unconscious Martha lying by the front door and a shadowy groaning figure sobbing sorrowfully in the house....



  1. Love this - you really communicate the urgency and the desire of the skin suit. So sexy!

    1. Thank you! I love a good skin story

    2. I have a few bodysuit stories on my blog here:

      I'd love to know what you think of them if you fancied a read?

    3. I should have checked your stuff out much sooner - sorry! I'll go have a read and leave some comments. XXX

  2. Can you more bodysuit captions as I love the bimbo skins

  3. Love your skinsuit and bodysuit stories could you do more of them thank you


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