Coming out of her closet (Quickie)

Clara was excited to be heading home from her best-friends house. Molly's birthday party had been fun and she hadn't wanted to miss it - but she was desperate to get home so she could run up to her room and become Amber again. 

It was funny how addicted she'd become to assuming the body and life of her former tormentor, but since she'd tricked her bully Amber into wearing the 'Ring Of Adornment' and turning herself into an empty skin-suit... Clara hadn't been able to resist wearing the bully and assuming her identity on an increasingly regular basis.   

Amber now hung in Clara's closet - a skin just waiting to be filled. The ring was still on the finger - held in place by magic. It wouldn't drop off and if the ring was ever removed, Amber would return to normal - unless someone else was inside her of course, in which case they would get to be her for the rest of their life.

Now she had been cursed, all memories and existence of Amber were forgotten.  Her luxurious home was empty and her parents believed that they had chosen never to have children.  No one remembered the evil, cruel, bully - the only person who did was Clara.  

But when the skin was worn the effect was reversed.  Clara would get Amber's life - becoming the resident brat and spoiled bitch of the local community.  Her old existence as Clara would become a memory, with no evidence she had ever existed remaining. Amber had it all.  A hot boyfriend, a car, a room with a private bathroom and all the clothes, makeup, alcohol and fun she wanted.  Her parents were scared of their daughter and as Amber she could live out every wicked fantasy and depraved lust she'd never been able to enjoy as Clara.

Amber was basically distilled bitchy evil and Clara felt no guilt about what she had done to the bully. Amber had tormented her and her friends for years and when the chance came for revenge, she took it - knowing about the ring and it's powers after she found it in an old junk shop. Her original plan had simply been to turn Amber into a skin and leave her trapped until years later when she could return her to life. 

Then one night she'd got horny and hadn't been able to resist trying it on.  She'd wondered how it would feel to be Amber and once inside the delicious flesh - she had been corrupted into addiction. Inside the skin, Amber's feelings, memories and personality became your own allowing you to effortlessly impersonate the spoiled bitch.  Clara loved how it felt to become a confident, brat who could take whatever she wanted.  

As Amber, Clara had finally had sex... a lot of sex... and there was no better feeling than having Amber's big tits on her chest and her tight pussy between her legs, as she sucked off the hottest boys at school and rode their big hard cocks. She loved all the perks of being the hottest bully at school and saw it as payback that she was entitled to use Amber's life as Amber's former main victim.

Still - Clara wasn't so entirely immersed in Amber's wicked life that she didn't miss her old friends and family. She liked to take Amber off every now and then and spend time with those she cared about. It also stopped her from becoming too evil and bitchy as Amber.  She had tried to moderate the evil sluts most wicked personality traits and not bully other people as much.   

But it was getting harder to resist. It felt good to be a bully.


Getting home Clara ran up the stairs two at a time. She could hear her skin calling to her... demanding she transform. Soon she would be a hot bitch again and she was already wet at the thought of all the naughty things she would do tonight.

Bursting into her room she skidded to a stop in shock and panic as she saw her Mother standing with her arms folded and a stern look on her face. The closet was open and laid out on the bed was a slinky sexy skin suit... Amber....

"Just what have you been up to young lady?" scowled Shelly, Clara's Mum as she pointed at the skin, "and what the hell is this disgusting thing?"

The two women looked at each other and a pregnant silence hung between then. Clara's mind was racing and her body was aching with lust. This close to her skin, she could think of nothing else but tearing off her clothes and leaping into it. It made it hard to focus.

If she could get into her skin then reality would shift as she became Amber, Shelly would no longer be her Mom. Then she could take care of this situation. She just had to get the skin onto her body somehow.

She decided to attack...

"How DARE you go through my closet Mom, it's none of your business. Get out of my room!"

Shelly looked at her daughter defiantly, "Fine... if that's how you want it, but I'm taking this disgusting thing with me and I'm going to burn it. I don't know what it is but it looks wrong and wicked to me. It almost looks like a real human skin... where did you get such a horrible thing?"

Clara panicked, and her heart almost stopped. Her Mom couldn't destroy the skin.... she just COULDN'T!

"No... wait. I'll show you why I have it... let me just put it on and all will become clear."

Clara began to unbutton her blouse but Shelly was backing towards the door now holding the skin. "You wear this thing... how disgusting. Why would you do such a thing? I don't know what's happened to you Clara but this thing is clearly evil and its done something to your mind. I have to get rid of it."

"NOOOOO! Give me my skin you fucking bitch."

Clara leapt at her Mom her face a mask of hatred and the older woman screamed as her daughter pushed her back hard into her book case.  Tearing the skin out of Shelly's hands, Clara's face curled into an evil smile as she backed away and dangled the skin in front of her Mom.  Her fingers were already working hard at her buttons - tearing off her dweeby clothing as she slid out of her clothes and let her underwear drop to the floor.

"You want to see what this is?  I'll show you," she moaned - stepping naked into her skin and groaning as it eagerly latched onto her body. "I'll show you what a fucking bitch your daughter is becoming..."

Shelly whimpered in fear as her daughters usually kind features curled into a demonic grin and she shoved her arms deep into the skin.  It was alive - tightening and flowing over her body - corrupting her into someone else.

"You should have stayed out of my closet Mommy... now you're in deep shit. Ohhh fuck YES!"

Clara was moaning like a woman in heat as the suit flowed over her slender body.  Big tits latched onto her chest as tanned skin flowed over her own pale flesh and Amber's luxurious body began to seal around Clara.  Grabbing the bitchy face, Clara laughed as she pulled it over her own - loving the feeling of Amber's features taking over - just as her cruel and evil personality took root in her mind.  Blonde hair burrowed into her scalp as she stretched her body, wiggling Amber's manicured fingers as with a last few cracks and pops the skin tightened and Clara was consumed.

Purring like a cat, Amber reached up to her face and satisfied everything was in order, turned to look at Shelly with burning eyes.  The cute innocent girl was gone and only an evil blonde bitch remained.  Amber was beautiful, sexy and dripping with evil... she was everything Clara wasn't... no evidence remained that anything of Clara remained inside her new perfect shell.

"Hello bitch."

Shelly was gibbering, she couldn't believe what she was seeing... although... she suddenly wondered why they were standing in the box room.  Hadn't they been in a bedroom a moment before?

"Ohhhh don't worry Shelly, that's just the reality changes taking place," laughed Amber noting the confusion in her eyes, "You're lucky though - as you saw me transform you won't forget that you have a daughter who has become me - everyone else will though and no one will believe you if you try to tell anyone."

Walking forward, Amber giggled as she slid a hand around Shelly's throat and slammed her against the wall.  "You stupid bitch - you nearly ruined my plans.  I've been slowly corrupting your weak daughter into becoming me, and you nearly stopped it.  Luckily for me, this little escapade has pushed her over the edge.  She doesn't believe she can ever go back to normal and so she's decided to give me full control. You won't be seeing Clara ever again.

Laughing, Amber released Shelly and watched her sobbing on the floor.

"But don't worry Shelly - you can still be use.  I'm horny, and I've never been eaten out by a MILF before..."

It took a while to break Shelly, but to an expert like Amber - it was more of a fun little challenge.  Soon she had the dumb MILF eating out of her hand... well pussy more accurately. As the now submissive Shelly set out to worship her daughters replacement, there was a cold tinkle as Amber pulled off the magic ring on her finger and tossed it aside, ensuring she could never turn back.

She wouldn't be needing the ring anymore.




  1. Wow what a hot story evie. Hope to see more like this

    1. Thank you Neo - if I continue to write at least weekly then there's a good chance you will.

  2. hot story will you make one like that in future again

    1. Sure, provided I don't go the way of the Hollywood film industry. Sometimes I like to play with fresh ideas.

    2. could I pls if it's ok give suggestions for a sequel

    3. I have an awesome idea would it be ok with your permission to put it here


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