Heir Transplant

 This is a story written for EternalsTG using their 'hairasite' concept... I take no credit for the idea and thanks for letting me play in your universe.


It all began in the jungle...

Sweltering heat beat down upon Jenny as she clumsily made her way through the trees.  The adventurous tomboy wiped her brow and hacked at the creepers in front of her to make a path - cursing as she pushed through the dense undergrowth and made her way deeper into the unexplored jungle.  She had never pushed through such rough terrain before, but she knew it would be worth it.  Even though she was covered in bites, bruises and cuts... even though she was dehydrated and exhausted, she had a feeling she was about to discover something incredible.

The local guides had told her not to enter this part of the jungle, they had told her it was dangerous, but Jenny had never been one to be told what to do.  It was part of the reason why she had left her comfortable home and come to this place.  Even here in the gruelling conditions of the jungle, she felt happier than she had ever felt when she had been at her families manor. The thought made her grin bleakly... she must be crazy.

Most people would have killed to be the youngest daughter of an oil-baron, but Jenny had never found the luxurious life-style comfortable.  She'd not inherited her Mother's good looks and had never really felt part of the bitchy, rich, world of the spoiled socialite.  Her Mother had been disappointed, but Jenny would much rather be out playing with the boys and getting into adventures than hanging out at the mall and playing with makeup.  By the time she was old enough to leave home, she was quick to do so and she had never looked back since.

Pulling off her bandana to wipe her brow, Jenny ran her fingers through her short brown hair and stopped for breath. 

It was then that she heard it.  A rustling in the trees above her.

Jenny looked up and saw something drop from the branches.  It looked for all the world like a big clump of hair... no... it was a big clump of hair.  Her mouth dropped open in astonishment as it seemed to twist in the air and expertly floated to land on her head.

She screamed as the hair writhed and latched onto her own short locks... the roots strengthening and corrupting as the hairasite bonded and pulsed corruption down into her body.  "Nooooo!" she screamed as her body shook and her new hair lengthened and grew stronger, soft brown, silky waves tightening into a sexy pony-tail and lengthening down her back.

Jenny groaned as her pink sun-burned skin tanned and darkened to a beautiful tanned brown and her stocky body lengthened and grew.  Her plain features became more delicate and sensual, hypnotic eyes widened as a slutty smile spread across her lips and she groaned in ecstasy.  Regaining some control through sheer effort of will she reached up into her hair and tried to rip the hairasite away, but her fingers wouldn't obey.

Don't try to fight it... it feels good... let it corrupt you.

"W...who... are you?" she whimpered as she heard a gloating sexy voice in her head that sounded just like her own.

I'm Jennifer... I'm the bitch you always should have been.  I've been lurking inside you all these years and whatever this thing is, it's releasing me... making you into me.  Don't try to fight it Jenny, you'll enjoy being me. 

"N...noooo," groaned Jenny, but her hands fell away from her head as she shook helplessly and continued her inexorable transformation into a bitch.  She was too weak to fight her inner-self and it felt so good to become Jennifer.  With a moan she fell to all fours panting as her new hair reached its full slutty length and her body completed its transformation into that of a hot looking supermodel.

That's it you pathetic bitch... become me... become me and CUM!

Jenny moaned, her hands on her body as she shook and began to orgasm.  She screamed in ecstasy, her hips bucking as her eyes rolled up into her head and she crumpled to the floor. For a moment the jungle was strangely quiet, then with a wicked laugh Jenny stood up and flicked her hair back with a natural gesture.  Stroking the hairasite lovingly, Jennifer smirked as her cruel sensual eyes burned with desire and she stretched happily enjoying the feeling of her new superior body and mind.

"Ohhhh that's so much better," she purred. "I knew I'd find something incredible in this jungle and I did.  Come my lovely new hair - we have so much to do and we simply must get out of this useless jungle.  Haha, we're going home..."


Aaron hadn't seen his sister Jenny... or Jennifer as she now wished to be known, for many years.  Like the rest of the family he was taken aback by the woman who now stood in front of him - she seemed to bear little resemblance to the boyish, adventurous tomboy he remembered. Instead she was seductively gorgeous and ultra-feminine.  Her hair was particularly luxurious.  He didn't remember it being so delicious... so glossy and silky... so perfect. 

Struggling to drag his eyes away from his smirking sisters perfect body and hair he tried to ignore the raging hard-on he now had in his pants... this was his sister for fucks sake... but there was just something so wicked and tempting about Jennifer that made him weak.  She could definitely sense it, and she kept deliberately brushing against him, stroking his arm and letting him drink in her perfection.

"You must be so tired after all your adventures," beamed their Father as Jennifer smiled prettily at him and her Mother gazed adoringly at the child she had always secretly wanted.  Her daughter had returned and she was every inch the princess Mom had always wanted. 

"Oh no, I feel great," smiled Jennifer, "Well other than the fact I'm famished... I definitely need to eat... but the only the finest food and drink please Daddy.  You need to feed your little girl so she grows up bigger and stronger."

She seemed to be enjoying some secret joke as she stroked a strand of her perfect hair and strode past her startled family to the kitchen.  "Soon there are going to be some big changes around here."


Over the next few days Jennifer made herself comfortable at home.  She ate and she ate and she ate... devouring the most luxurious foods and expensive drinks - and yet none of it seemed to be going to her waist.  If anything her body just looked even sexier and blonde streaks had begun to appear in her hair. Aaron really couldn't work out where all the fat must be going but his infatuation with his sister was if anything increasing.

"You're such a good older brother Aaron," purred Jennifer as he carefully painted her toenails for her and she relaxed on the sofa idly playing on her phone.  "You really do put my needs first now don't you... just like Mom and Dad."

It was funny, but since she came home a new hierarchy seemed to be forming around Jennifer.  Mom and Dad had fallen instantly under her spell and it was clear that the families lives had now been reorganised to serve the youngest daughter. 

"Remember I said there were going to be some changes," she grinned. "Well it won't be much longer now.  I just need a little more energy to complete my metamorphosis and assume my rightful place as the Alpha of this family - then the fun can really begin.  Now go bring me some sandwiches, I'm hungry and I need to eat."

Aaron obeyed... he knew his place in the new hierarchy.

Meanwhile Jennifer smiled as she flicked through her tinder account and felt herself getting wet.  So many hot boys to fuck and none of them can resist me... being bad is soooo much fun.

She was going to have so much fun tonight. 


A few days later:

It was only a week since Jennifer had come home and her continued evolution into an Alpha was truly remarkable. Her body was even sexier now and after eating enough food to sink a small battleship - she was every-inch the image of blonde perfection.  Her hair was somehow even more beautiful... longer... fuller... sexier.  It shimmered and shone and it made it so that her family members were only too willing to serve her.

Aaron in particular had become her shadow - carrying her handbag for her and performing the most menial of duties.  He was only too happy to simp for her, it made him feel good to serve her. Jennifer smiled as she stroked her hair and gazed at him with a predatory look.

"You're pathetic aren't you Aaron? You'll do anything for me won't you?  I know I'm the younger sister, but when Mommy and Daddy die - you'll give it all to me won't you?"

"Yes, of course I will," he groaned... the wretched need to obey Jennifer dripping out of him.

"Good boy," she smiled."


Jennifer giggled as she walked round her mansion semi-naked. It felt so good to be a Goddess. Her family were busy doing whatever menial tasks she had instructed them to do and soon she could move to the next stage of her plans.  Entering the kitchen she ran her hands through her perfect hair - feeling the hairasite thrill with pleasure.  It was time to feed her baby... time to make the hairasite even stronger.  Her plans would have to wait until then.

What plans would those be?  What are you doing to our family?

Jennifer grimaced as she heard Jenny's whiney voice in her head.  Her former self still surfaced sometimes, usually when the hairasite was distracted with thoughts of food.

"Shut up you pathetic bitch," she snarled.  "You don't exist anymore. I REPLACED you and everything is so much better. Your pathetic tomboy loser ass could never understand the power I will soon hold."

Why - what are you planning?

"Haha, soon I and my beautiful hairasite will be ready to reproduce.  Then it will be time to start infecting other people with their own hairasites.  Of course - as the original - I'll be their Queen.  It's going to feel so good to make other people into evil sluts just like me.  I think I'll start with our Mother."

Nooooo - that's so evil.  I won't let you do this.  I can't let you destroy anymore lives.

Jennifer gasped as her head itched and she felt her old self surge up and seize control of their body. The two sides now battled - Jenny and Jennifer desperately trying to wrench total control of their shared body as they staggered around the kitchen,

Jennifer's eyes opened in alarm as he right arm shot out and grabbed a sharp kitchen knife from the counter.  She grabbed it with her other arm pinning it down  "Jenny, stop this!  Give me full control back - you're being foolish."


With a yell of rage, Jenny made their shared body stagger back and the knife swung up in a glittering arc.

A high-pitched scream ran through the house and there was a heavy thump...


Aaron had rarely run so fast in all his life - but Jennifer's scream brought him with a sense of urgency he had rarely known.  Bursting into the kitchen, he paused to take in the scene.  A girl with short tomboyish hair lay unconscious in the corner - a knife in her hand.  She had short brown hair and it took a moment for Aaron to realise she looked exactly like Jennifer had before she travelled to the jungle last year. 

Next to her, on the floor - was a shining mass of golden hair - in the shape of a ponytail.  He recognised it as Jennifer's perfect golden hair, but couldn't understand why she had cut it off.   A fog seemed to lift from his mind and Aaron realised that over the last few weeks he had been acting really weird.  It was like he had fallen under his sisters control and now he realised it had something to do with her hair.

Reaching down, Aaron picked up the shining soft pile of hair and his hands tingled.

It's your turn now Aaron.  Put the hairasite on your head and let it corrupt you.

"What... who said that?" he gasped as a sexy voice filled his mind.

Your sister is a fool... she could have had it all, but she's thrown it away.  Now it's time for you to take your rightful place as Alpha Bitch of this family.  It's time for a heir transplant.  Put it on.

"WHO ARE YOU?" he shouted, not willing to do anything until the voice came clean with him.

I'm your inner bitch Aaron.  I'm Anya... the woman you will soon be.  I'm the jealous little slut inside you that always wishes you had been born a girl.  I'm the whore that wants to have a pussy and get fucked by guys.  I'm the manipulative bitch that wants big tits and to have the same power Jenny had.  Quickly... this is your chance to become me.  Put the hairasite on and let it work its magic.

Aaron had never been so hard in all his life.  The thought of becoming a Goddess... of being such a slut... it was too much for him.

His hands shaking, Aaron lifted the hairasite to his head, and pushed it slowly into his scalp...


Years later Anya would sometimes masturbate to the delicious memory of her birth.  The pathetic boy that had been holding her contained, had melted deliciously away to create her and it had felt so good.  She still remembered her moan of triumph as the hairasite corrupted Aaron's pathetic male body and he began to become her.  Nothing in all the years since had felt quite so good.

First her nails had grown - nice and long and manicured... then her skin had transformed, all tanned and soft.  She remembered how good her hips had felt as they cracked out and the sensation of her breasts swelling on her chest.   The hairasite had turned her head hair a delicious bitchy blonde as Aaron's pathetic dick slithered away to leave her the beautiful pussy of a sex Goddess.

Her face became prettier, her ass rounder... a thousand small changes had rippled across her body until the weak man she had been, had been fully transformed into the Goddess she now was. 

Anya - had been born.


By the time Jenny awoke - her brother was gone and Anya had assumed control.

"Why would you ever give up this power?" Anya had laughed as she stroked the hairasite lovingly and lorded it over her sister.  "You know - I don't really care.  You're just a weak fool and an idiot. I'm the oldest anyway - so it's only right that I have the hairasite and be the Alpha Queen."

"Aaron... no," groaned had Jenny as she realised what had happened.

"Aaron, yes," giggled Anya.  "He's me now bitch and he's not coming back.  There's no conflict inside me as there obviously is in you."

"Maybe you should go back to the jungle now... who knows, you may get lucky and find another hairasite."

With a cruel laugh the new heir walked away.  It was time for Anya to shine.



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