No Angel

Sarah was walking home with her boyfriend Bobby, when he spotted the plastic angel decoration in a nearby bush. It looked like it was discarded from the top of a Christmas Tree, and peering into the foliage she could see the rusty brown needles of a pine tree... long dead now it was the height of summer and its owners had dumped it here. The angel was white and plastic - with long blonde hair, wings and a broken halo. It had a funny smirking expression, like it was laughing at them and Sarah was immediately creeped out. Sarah wanted to leave the angel where it was, but Bobby picked it up. "Poor thing, I'll rescue her and take her home for us to put on the tree next Christmas." He was about to tuck it into his pocket, when to his surprise the doll came alive and with a powerful thrust hurled itself onto Sarah. She screamed as it landed on her top and instantly began to melt into her chest... pooling out across her baggy white t-shirt and forming the word 'Angel'. ...