A face worse than death

Alex was pleased that his best-friend Jack had invited him to meet him at the tiny carpark up on the hill. This time of day there was almost no-one around and as Alex slid into his friends car and shut the door, he felt like he was in some sort of spy-film.

He was pleased Jack had finally invited him to meet up and discuss what they could do about the new girl Mallory. Since starting a month ago she had made everyone's lives hell. Things were so bad that Alex's friends were even having to take days off school, they were so traumatised by her bullying.

Jack had been off for the last three days alone... and it was good to see him looking well, if a little pale and a little anxious.

There was a *thunk* as Jack locked the doors and Alex looked a little surprised for a moment. His friend must be really nervous. He didn't know why, it wasn't like Mallory could do anything to stop them meeting up.

"Alex... thanks for coming," mumbled Jack. "Before we start though, there's something you have to see."

Jack reached down and to Alex's surprise when he came back up he was holding a thin, white, porcelain mask. The face was feminine... clearly very beautiful and it was frozen in a cold smile of sensual superiority. It seemed vaguely familiar to Alex somehow.

Jack lifted the mask up and pushed it against his face. Alex was stunned... not sure what to say... but his unease turned to shock as the mask suddenly began to melt and merge with his friends features.

Alex gasped as Jack convulsed and his body began to change. It was like watching a special effect from a movie... everything was happening at once.

Alex took in a dozen things at once. Jack's short hair was lengthening and turning blonde, his clothing was changing - tightening into more form fitting skimpier clothing. His friends shoes were growing wedge heels and gel nails were sprouting from his fingers. Jack's body shape was radically changing... a little shorter and smaller, but definitely curvier. His seat belt slid into the middle of his chest as two luscious mounds pushed out of his chest and his ass inflated.

All these changes took less than a few moments, yet it seemed to Alex that he was watching for ages. His friends face was now a mirror of the masks - only in soft tanned flesh - and Alex realised with horror why he recognised it as the eyes fluttered open and Mallory turned her head to look at him.

"Surpriseeeee," she giggled shaking her sexy blonde hair so it fell right around her shoulders.

Alex gibbered in shock, Mallory's perfume filing the car as she reached into her handbag and sprayed herself.

"That's better," she grinned turning to regard him with her cold, superior, bitchy eyes.

"J...Jack... you're Mallory?"

Mallory laughed, a tinkling musical sound of evil glee. "Oh yes... he's my slave-host, just like all your other friends are."


"Oh you dummy, why do you think your friends keep having days off school? Those are the days that they have become me. I like to have a lot of different hosts - in fact I'm going to add more to my stable. That's why you are here. I've been using Jack for the last three days, but now it's time to ride a new boy."

Mallory leaned closer, her perfect pink lips curving into a soft pout. "You're going to love being me Alex."

Before he could stop her, she leaned over and kissed him. Her soft sensual lips brushed against his - sending sparks of pleasure through his body as she pressed her face against his and it peeled off to stick lightly against his face.

Jack pulled back gasping for air as his body returned to normal - the white porcelain of the mask now settling gently on Alex's face.

Alex groaned as he felt the mask begin to sink into his face. Mallory was possessing him and if he didn't do something, soon he would become her.

He knew he should reach up and try to rip the flimsy porcelain away - but he couldn't seem to bring himself to do it as a warm flush of pleasure flooded his limbs and his lips curved into a smile to match the mask.

He could feel himself changing as the mask melted into his face. All the things he had seen happen to Jack were now happening to him - only this time he could feel them... and boy did it feel good.

His hair had never felt so silky and stylish as it slithered down his back in a golden wave and he had certainly never experienced the strange sensation of inch long gel nails. He looked at them in fascination, amazed at how tiny his hands now were... how feminine looking they had become.

His clothing was transforming. He shifted slightly as his loose boxer shorts tightened into a thong which rode up between his significantly rounder cheeks. His body cracked and he winced slightly at the sensation of his dick shrinking and his internal organs adjusting to give him the correct female plumbing.

More of his clothing was becoming girly - an exact copy of what Mallory had been wearing moments before, as he had the strange sensation of boobs on his chest and the taste of lipstick on his mouth.

The mask melted fully into his face and Mallory felt her head go fuzzy as the transformation completed itself and her bonding with yet another host was complete.

"Ah yes, I love my new host."

Stretching her lithe body and enjoying the feeling of being born once again in a virgin body she turned to regard Jack and giggled at his jealous expression.

"Awwwww don't worry honey, I still love you too. You'll get to be me again soon enough."

Mallory adjusted her hair and finding her handbag sprayed herself with her favourite perfume. "And there are advantages to someone else being me," she grinned as she leaned over and sliding her hands onto Jack's trousers felt the outline of his cock there.

"What are you doing?" he gasped as she unzipped him and pulled out his dick.

"You know exactly what I'm doing baby, you sucked enough cock when you were me... you know how much I enjoy it."

Jack groaned as Mallory bent over and slid her pink lips round his engorging dick. She loved feeling a man's cock getting bigger in her slutty mouth and the thought this was the first dick Alex's body would ever have sucked made it even more exciting.

She giggled as she slurped on his cock and directed her thoughts to Alex buried deep inside.

Are you enjoying sucking your friends dick? Do you like how it feels to be the girl and have total cock control?

Mallory opened her throat and took the cock deeper and deeper... her blonde head bobbing up and down as Jack gasped in ecstasy and groaned. This felt amazing...

Mallory was wet and she wanted more. She knew Alex was a virgin - and it was time to pop his cherry and make him into a true slut. Admittedly her body was always created post-fucked - but it still always felt like the first time when she fucked in a new host.

Sliding down her leggings and panties, she straddled Jack and guided his rock hard dick into her tight, pussy. They groaned in unison as she began to rock and bounce on him - the car suspension wobbling slightly as she did so.

How does it feel to have a cock inside you Alex? Good isn't it? Mmmmmh, you'll dream of how good this feels when I'm on another of my hosts.

Mallory grinned as she looked down at the weak and worshipful boy below her. His soul was already hers of course - Jack was such a good host - but the look of absolute worship in his eyes made her cut so good. She began to orgasm, squeezing her tits and moaning as she cummed hard.

Alex was a virgin no longer. She giggled and increased her bounces - deciding to reward Jack's loyalty the best way she could.

"Cum in me Jack. Give it all to your Mistress."

He groaned and she shivered in delight as she felt his warmth explode within her.

Her pussy full of cum and her domination of Alex's body assured - Mallory replaced her panties and leggings and slid into the passenger seat.

She reached up to touch her face and she sighed with delight. To be her was the most delicious feeling in the world. 

Alex was just another one of her slaves now... a silly boy bound to her will.

His enslavement had just begun...



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