Bath-bomb bitch

This story uses model Payton Ramolla - I just prefer the spelling Peyton... it sounds bitchier!

Bath-bomb bitch

It was one month since evil big-boobed, blonde Lauren had married her new rich husband Dan and taken over his family. 

Neither of his children liked her very much; which is why Toby was so incredulous when his twin brother Peter began running a bath and unwrapping one of their wicked Step-Mom's pink glittery bath-bombs to use.

Toby was the more studious of the two and had been at home reading whilst Peter played football at the park. His brother had returned home with the usual aches and pains and ready for his post-match soak. Recently Lauren had been watching him play and she had managed to convince him that she wasn't as bad as he thought. She even convinced him that she wanted to help him with his post-match routines.

Lauren had told Peter he deserved a special treat and she had given him one of her own special bath-bombs to use. She made them herself and said she wanted him to try this one out.

It now sat in his hand... sparkly, pink and somehow kind of bitchy. It was very much like Lauren. She was nearly half their Dad's age - a real girly girl and a vain and selfish bitch to boot.  How she had managed to seduce him they didn't understand, it was almost like she had used magic.

With a suspicious gesture Peter tossed the pink bomb into the warm water.  It immediately fizzed and bubbled... turning the water bright pink and glittery. A delicious feminine smell filled the bathroom and sparks and motes of pink light seemed to swim in the water.

A glowing pink haze rose just above the water-line and the hissing of the bomb almost sounded like the giggles and whispers of hot girls gossiping and mocking boys behind their manicured hands. The water seemed to call out to him.

Toby looked suspiciously at the water.  "Peter please don't get into that," urged Toby as the hairs on the back of his neck rose. "There's something terribly wrong here. Something bad is going to happen. Please."

Peter looked at him and nodded. "You're right something isn't right here."

"Oh Peter, don't be so silly," purred a sexy voice as Lauren entered the bathroom to join the boys. "It may be a little girly looking, but I made it especially for you. Just bend over and take a closer look for a moment."

Toby watched in horror as his brother bent over the tub and with a wicked little laugh Lauren pushed him in. Peter gasped as his brother slipped into the water, shivering and moaning as he sank into the pink liquid.

"What are you doing you crazy bitch?" screamed Toby as she laughed and blocked him from the tub. 

"It's too late Toby... my bath-bomb is going to turn your pathetic brother into such a hot little bitch... a bad girl, just like her Mommy."

Toby sobbed in frustration as Lauren held him back from his brother and the hissing pink water bubbled in the tub.

"Oh my God, this feels amazing. The water is tingling my skin... I feel so alive," groaned Peter as his clothes dissolved and the pink liquid soaked into his body. He was in heaven.

"That's it baby... let Mommy's special bath bomb burn away all that silly masculinity. Let it replace it with pink girly dreams... become just like Mommy."

The water began to hiss more extremely and Toby backed away in fear as Peter cried out in ecstasy and his hands slipped down from the tubs sides into the water. The opaque pink liquid bubbled and strange pops filled the air as Toby heard his brother gasp and laugh in pleasure.

"Yes... oh yes, I feel like I'm being reborn... I feel so good. Yessss I want it so much. Oh yes Mommy... make me just like you."

Peter moaned as his chest swelled and his body hair dissolved in the pink water. His body shape was changing, curves popping out as he became slender and sensual.

"Go all the way baby, soon you won't even remember being a boy," laughed Lauren as she watched with delight.

A misty pink haze filled the room making it almost impossible to see and with a delighted moan Peter sank fully into the water... his head sliding beneath the water line as he submerged himself fully in the bath.

Water slopped in the tub for a few moments and the water hissed even more vigorously. Then with a bursting gasp of air a figure rose out of the water... pink liquid cascading down her slender body.

"Mmmmmh, oh yes Mommy that's so much better."

The voice was soft and melodious, sexy and confident. It was also the voice of a girl and as the pink haze began to disperse Toby beheld a feminine figure standing up in the bath confidently, one hand cocked on her hip. 

Long wet blonde hair dripped with pink water as the figure reached out to grab a towel and with a natural movement tied up her hair. Soft pink lips curved into an amused smile as deep blue eyes gazed mysteriously at the astonished boy in front of them and water dripped down the nymph like body of a beautiful girl with shapely breasts, a perfectly toned body and a neatly trimmed pussy.

"What's the matter nerd? Never seen a girl take a bath before," grinned the girl as she grabbed another towel and covered her tempting teen body. "Ugh you're such a pervert... spying on your own sister."

Toby didn't know what to say. He couldn't decide if this was a dream, a hallucination or he had just gone insane.  

Lauren clapped her hands delightedly and pulled the plug, letting the pink water drain away. Helping her daughter out of the tub, she hugged her and giggled. "Did you enjoy your bath dear? Come with Mommy and we'll fix up your hair and makeup. You're going to be such a spoiled princess Peyton..."

Both women left the room without a single look back at Toby.

Toby was now living in hell. His twin brother - the person he cared for most in the world was gone and he was left with an evil new half-sister. Peyton.

Peyton was such a fucking bitch. She had her Mom's blonde hair and amazing looks... but also her Mom's spoiled attitude.  She seemed to either have no memories of being Peter... or else she was reusing to acknowledge he had ever existed.

"Isn't your sister pretty?" laughed Lauren as Peyton paraded herself in a new pink bikini.  Lauren had used the time whilst Peyton was getting her nails done and her ears and belly-button pierced to throw all of Peter's clothes out and change his room to be a girls.

She had lavished Peyton with gifts of makeup, clothes... even sex toys. Last night Toby had been tormented as he listened to the buzzing of Peyton's magic wand as she moaned and masturbated her new sexy body. It made him feel sick.

"Ugh, what a nerd," scoffed Peyton as she walked past Toby to go and sunbathe - blanking him entirely.

"No she isn't pretty... she's fucking evil. Bring back my brother you bitch!" raged Toby.

"Haha, the magic is permanent you fool. My bath-bomb has completely erased your weak brother and allowed Peyton to take control. She's not going anywhere."

"My Dad will stop you! You can't just erase someone from existence!"

Lauren  laughed, so amused at her evil plan that tears actually came to her eyes. "Oh you little fool. Of COURSE you can. The magic of the bath bomb has softened reality. You'll find everyone has conveniniently forgotten about Peter. Funny... but no one objected when I applied for a fresh copy of Peyton's birth certificate, driving license and school records. It's as if they appeared... by magic!"

"But I still remember Peter," sobbed Toby. 

"Of course you do... you were his twin and you were there when he transformed. Plus I want you to remember. I corrupted him partly to break you. I always wanted a daughter and now I have one, but destroying your life is just the icing on the cake."

Lauren walked away laughing whilst Toby grit his teeth. Perhaps if he could somehow awaken Peter - help him remember who he really was - the spell could be broken.

He walked over to Peyton who was sunbathing in her bikini.

"Ummm Peyton. Please can we talk?"

She ignored him, blanking him completely as he coughed. "Peyton please, you have to remember who you really are. I know Peter is still in there somewhere."

Peyton pulled a face and with a scowl she slipped some ear buds in and began listening to music. Toby ground his teeth as he realised he wasn't going to get anywhere this way. Peter was not inside this bitch... or if he was, he was buried really deep.

It was a couple of weeks since Peter had transformed and things had gone from bad to worse.

Peyton was dating Justin Jones. 

Justin had once been the twins biggest bully - but now that no one seemed to remember Peter and he was dating Peyton, he reserved all his bullying for Toby alone.

It was sickening watch Peyton French-kissing the arrogant bully, or holding his hand... or... as Toby sometimes heard from the wet slurps and giggles from the room next door... sucking his dick.

Dating the bully had brought other problems too. It had catapulted Peyton's status at school and she was now the defacto Alpha girl of the whole place.  Now everyone was desperate to please her and she was wielding that power like a total bitch.

She delighted in getting her underlings to pick on Toby and she had made it quite clear he was to be treated like a social Pariah. She was ruining his life.

His hatred for Peyton had swelled and Toby had given up any hope that Peter was still inside the blonde smirking bitch his step-mom had created. 

But the game wasn't over yet. If a bath bomb had started all this... maybe a bath bomb could fix it?

If he could find a bath-bomb to reverse the effects and could trick Peyton into climbing into a bath... maybe he could bring Peter back?

It was worth a shot...

It took Toby another few weeks to learn where Lauren hid her box of Bath salts and the bath bombs she had already created.  In the box he found another pink ball identical to the one that created Peyton and next to it a blue ball with silver specks in it. Maybe it was a reversal boy bomb - just in case she ever needed to turn Peyton back.  He hoped so... he hoped so, so much.

Peyton had been hanging out with her friends and needed to freshen up before another big date with Justin. It was the perfect chance to try the bomb.

Toby sabotaged the shower head - ensuring it was broken and he heard an irritated Peyton swearing as she realised she would have to run a bath instead. 

He waited until he heard the taps switch off and a splash in the bathroom - then running in grinned at the surprised looking Peyton sitting in the tub as he hurled the blue ball inside.

"NOOOOOO!" she screamed as the water hissed and fizzed violently and she coughed and wretched as her beautiful body began to change.

She tried to leap out of the tub, but Toby pushed her back in and she thrashed as her features turned back into Peter's and he groaned in delirium as his dick popped back out and he transformed back into a man.

"Ughhh what the hell happened?"

Peter was back, but he seemed to have no memory of the last six weeks... and as Toby helped him back to Toby's bedroom and he tucked in his exhausted brother, he wondered what to do next.

Lauren would be mad when she found he had turned Peter back and Peyton was gone. She would probably just make a new bath bomb and recorrupt him. 

"If I destroy all the salts and the bath bombs it might at least slow her down."

He went into the bathroom and filled the tub again, tossing the pink bomb inside. Grabbing a rubber glove he bent over the bath, ready to pull the plug and end this travesty for ever... when he heard a gloating voice behind him.

"You've been a very naughty boy Toby, but I think you'll make an even greater girl. Now it's your time to be the bitch... say hello... Peyton."

He felt Lauren's hand shove him hard and with a cry he fell face first into the pink swirling waters and the delicious sensations of becoming a teenage bitch...


Peyton smirked as her pathetic brother Peter scrubbed at the floor and she lazily pointed to a spot he'd missed.

"You missed a spot you fucking loser. You better get this right or I'll have Justin rip your head off and spit down your neck."

Peter scowled, his bitchy bullying sister had him acting like a slave and there was nothing he could do about it.

Peyton grinned as she walked away admiring her slurry nails and imagining how good they would look later when she wrapped them round Justin's cock.

Life as an Alpha girl was pretty fucking great and she loved her Mommy Lauren so much. She was a spoiled bratty princess and Mommy was even teaching her how to make magic Bath bombs.

Lying on her bed, Peyton groaned in satisfaction as she began to toy her nearly trimmed pussy, manipulating her clit and giggling as she slowly slid a finger inside herself.

With Peter doing all her chores she had nothing else to do but masturbate until Justin got here. She couldn't wait to ride him and then later he would take her out somewhere nice and they could bully some losers together.

Once she had cummed a few times she might even have a bath before she put on her new slutty blue dress ready for her time with Justin.

After all... who didn't enjoy a nice long soak in the bath? Peyton sure did, but then again she was a total bath-bomb bitch.



  1. love this one especially the power swap at the end

    1. A good power swap has always been one or my main turn-ons

  2. There was a moment where I thought both twins were going to be combined into one ultra-bimbo bitch! I loved it totally anyway, it was classic Evie.


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