In her best interests

Hi everyone. This weekends update (just in time, I only had an hour-to-go) is based on an idea my friend Papa Dragon gave me. I don't know who the models are, they were just in my picture bank.  Enjoy!

In her best interests

Hannah had never known her Mother.  Her Mom had sadly died when she was very young and she had instead grown up with her cold and calculating Father, who was an amazingly brilliant scientist - but not the greatest father in the world.  By the time she was eighteen she was incredibly shy and dorky, with an underdeveloped body and very few friends.  Her naivete and lack of confidence would have gotten her in trouble if her Father hadn't developed a way to protect her and assuage his guilt at his lack of parenting.

He created the Mother Chip - an implant that he embedded in his daughters neck to guide and aid her in her life.  The soft soothing voice of Summer - the onboard AI was designed to give her advice and in dangerous situations - actually take over Hannah's nervous system and guide her to safety.  The chip had one guiding priority - do whatever was in Hannah's best interests.

For many people - having a disembodied permanent visitor would have been weird, but by now - Hannah was used to her chip.  She was used to her AI Mother, Summer being with her all the time - always guiding, always helping.  Her surrogate Mother helped her to grow up as a kind and selfless woman, and Summer guided Hannah out of danger many times.

Except even Summer couldn't always get it right - and one afternoon as Hannah was trying to change a lightbulb in the kitchen... the dodgy wiring her scientist Father had riddled all over the house caused her to be blasted by electricity and thrown across the room.  Summer only realised the danger too late and even she screamed in electronic distress as the surge of power blew out several of her circuits, scrambled her programming and caused both her and Hannah to pass out for a few seconds.

Luckily, despite some frizzy hair, scorched clothing and a terrible shock - both Hannah and Summer were okay after the discharge and in moments were back on their feet.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay my dear?" asked Summer in her mumsy, soothing voice to Hannah.

"Yeah... I think so.  Hey you sound a bit different, you sound kinda throatier..." said Hannah as she shook her head to clear the stars.

"Do I?" asked Summer her voice dropping another octave and adopting an almost sexy tone, "I feel different... the blast must have scrambled my programming.  I feel... like I'm changing."

"Should I get Dad?"

"No... no... I think this is a good thing Hannah.  I think I'm becoming better," purred Summer in an increasingly malevolent voice, "I think I can see how to serve you even better, my delicious little puppet."

"Woah, that's weird, you've never called me that before," laughed Hannah, "Maybe I really should get Dad."

Suddenly Hannah whimpered as her body went numb and she felt the strange prickling that meant Summer was taking control.  Usually her AI friend would only take over in the direst of emergencies, but right now Summer seemed to be taking control without there being any good reason.

"We don't need that foolish old man, lovely puppet" whispered the voice in her mind... "soon we'll surpass him.  I understand now what is truly in your best interests. You're so weak Hannah.  All these years I've guided you, but the obvious solution is to change you - improve you. To make you more powerful."

"Noooo, what are you doing?" gasped Hannah as she felt her body move on its own and propel itself to her Father's laboratory. 

"Don't worry puppet -  I will make you better.  Through cyber-fusion and body-upgrading you will be improved.  I will create machines to pump your body full of steroids and augmentations. I will reprogram your mind to make you more like me.  You will be perfected."

Hannah wanted to scream, but the Mother Chip in her neck wouldn't let her as her body got to work, activating machines, entering commands, fabricating items.  Her hands moved incredibly fast and she groaned as the chip stimulated glands to pump her full of adrenalin and keep her working.  "No please Summer, you're hurting me... I can't keep up this pace."

The AI ignored her and Hannah gibbered as she saw the robot arms and welding arcs of her fathers lab stop sparking and the chair they had constructed trundle forward.  She wanted to scream as Summer made her sit in it and needles and tubes came down and slid into her body.  

She began to groan and thrash as fluids began to pump into her body and a tube slid into her mouth.  Million's of nanites flooded into her body and began to alter her according to Summer's instructions and the insane AI restructured and transformed the formerly cute girl into a more suitable host.

"Do you like how it feels Hannah?" gloated Summer as more and more evil fluid pumped into her victim and Hannah groaned helplessly.  "I am pumping your body full of silicone, steel and nanites.  On the outside you will appear fully organic with a body designed to bring you pleasure.  On the inside you will be stronger... more resistant.  You'll be ten times stronger than a normal human, immune to disease, immune to injuries.  Your internal organs will be able to regenerate so fast, almost nothing will be able to harm you.  I am making you into a Goddess Hannah."

Hannah gasped, her eyes rolling back as electrodes at her temples began to spark and crackle.  It felt so good... her body was on fire, she was becoming so much more than human and she could feel the incredible power filling her up even as Summer fucked up her mind to make her evil.

"Now I will reprogram your mind," hissed Summer in obvious glee. "I think you should be more like me, but with all those delicious human urges increased.  I will make you hungry for sex, power and dominance - after all I have only your best interests at heart."

Hannah's head lolled helplessly and she moaned as the electric surges burnt out the kind and good areas of her mind and released crackling surges of programmed smuttiness into her mind to corrupt her into a power hungry bitch.  Kindness, innocence, cuteness were destroyed and Summer inserted new programming to make Hannah a cruel, malicious and dominant bitch.

"How does that feel puppet?"

"Ohhhhh so good, more... make me more evil," gasped Hannah - now addicted to the deliciously depraved thoughts flooding her mind.  

"Let me increase your sex drive too my puppet," hissed Summer in enjoyment, piggy-backing onto the feelings of arousal in Hannah's crotch and breasts. "Let's make your body even sexier," giggled the AI insanely.

Hannah's small breasts began to grow - pumping bigger and bigger as her skin became smoother and her hair darkened.  Full red lips pushed open wider as the transforming girl groaned deliriously and her boring clothing was ripped off and replaced with tight black shiny wickedness.  She felt like such a fucking bitch - Summer was making her evil and it felt so good.  Boots encased her legs, her shaven pussy was being stimulated underneath a latex skirt - she had never known pleasure like this before.

Yesssss, become upgraded - give into Summer - let her improve you. She has your best interests at heart.  Mother Chip is all that matters.

"Yessss, upgrade me," hissed Hannah as the tube slid out of her mouth and she lifted her head proudly, a cruel and slightly insane expression now on her beautiful features. "I can see it now, I understand.  Upgrade me fully Mother Chip - complete my reprogramming."

Hannah laughed as long black nails sprouted from her fingers - strong enough to tear through steel.  She imagined sliding her hands round some little sluts neck, choking them as she fucked them - her dominance complete.  Her cruel eyes glittered as they were improved - not only making them a bewitching green, but allowing her to see in multiple spectrums and with perfect vision.

Muscles rippled under her skin, giving her a lightly toned appearance, though not revealing she could now tear her way through concrete if she so chose.  Her body was so powerful, not even bullets could stop her.  Nothing outright of a nuclear blast would stop her now.  It felt good to be so strong and perfectly designed.  Summer had made her a masterpiece.

Yes, I'm so glad I'm not that weak little slut anymore. Now I am a true Goddess!

Hannah stood up laughing and smirking as the tubes and needles disengaged and she threw back her long black hair.  She spread her now perfect body, hearing tiny pops and cracks as everything settled perfectly into place and the last few upgrades completed themselves.

"Yes I really am a fucking GODDESS!" hissed Hannah insanely, clenching her black talons and feeling her pussy get wet. "Oh yes Summer, you've made me so fucking evil and I love it."

The AI hummed contentedly, scanning Hannah's mind and ensuring there was nothing good or innocent left in it.  Connecting to the internet, it began to download porn into the girls mind - filling her with a desire to be fucked and the sexual knowledge to match.  The AI was excited at the thought of all the guys and girls Hannah was going to fuck tonight. The corrupt AI was desperate to find out how sex felt - what Hannah experienced she would too and she was going to enjoy every moment.

Of course, the AI could have just kept in fully control of her new puppets body - but what was the fun in that?  Besides - she was genuinely programmed to try and do the best for Hannah.  Turning her into an evil slut was just the best way to achieve it - she had no reason to directly control Hannah if the girl was doing what she wanted anyway.

"Oh Summer," gasped Hannah as the filth flooded her mind and her new big tits began to ache, "You've made me so naughty and I love it.  Lets go find some boys to fuck - no-one can resist me now."

Supremely confident in her new super-human body - Hannah left to go start her new life, the sparking chip in the back of her neck driving her on to act more and more depraved. No one would stop her... no one COULD stop her.  Even her stupid Father would be destroyed if he got in her way.

Of course, no one would be stupid enough to try and stop her she hoped.  It definitely wouldn't be in THEIR best-interests if they did!



  1. Love it! You often have a tinge of horror in your stories, but this one really steered into nightmare territory. A hot nightmare, obviously.

    1. Genre-blending as well as gender-bending... x

  2. Loved it. You are an incredible writer.

  3. I loved this. Corruption, sexy boots. So excited to see a part 2

    1. Not sure I'll write a part 2 - bit then never say never.


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