Something Borrowed

Something Borrowed

A story of corruption for Corrupted Caps.

Sarah was glad she'd had that little talk with Max's ex-girlfriend Lexie before her wedding day and showed her who was boss.  Humming happily to herself, she did her makeup and skin routines whilst she thought about the dressing down she'd given that little gold-digging bitch.  She'd made it quite clear, in no uncertain terms, that Max was her man now and that if Lexie knew what was good for her, she'd stay away from him.  Seeing the look of despair on the vain girls face as she'd shown her the engagement ring had been very satisfying.

She hoped that Lexie would finally get the message - that Max was done with her.  It was alarming how obsessed the blonde, gold-digger seemed with the rich and the handsome Max.  It must cut her up inside to see him choose a nice normal girl instead of some slut with bolted-on tits and a face like a porn-star, but if she knew Max at all, she'd know that he didn't want some uber-slut on his arm.

Not that Sarah wasn't pretty... not that she didn't like sex.  It was simply that she didn't take it to the awful extremes that Lexie did. If Lexie had her way, Max would be a broken man - crushed under her heel and made to serve her evil whims.  Lexie was the definition of the 'toxic' relationship - a total bitch who craved sex, money and power.  She'd ruined Max when they had dated, bringing out his arrogance and his nasty side and making him spoil her rotten.  She'd been devastated when he broke it off with her and outraged when he'd started dating Sarah.

Sarah hadn't known any of this when she'd met Max.  It had been a random encounter in a book-store and they'd hit it off straight away.  She hadn't even known Max was wealthy till later in their relationship.  He'd fallen in love with her because she was a nice decent person with a kind heart.  Now she was going to be his wife and she couldn't be more excited.

Sarah smiled as she thought about the other satisfying thing she'd done.  The idea had come to her when she realised she hadn't found anything 'borrowed' for her wedding. Stealing Lexie's perfume had been an immature thing to do, but she'd seen the bottle poking out of Lexie's handbag and decided she would take it - partly to punish Lexie who would be annoyed to have lost her expensive perfume - but also because it looked expensive and she wanted something nice to wear to her wedding.

She had always admired the way Lexie smelled - it was the scent of sex and power - an ultra feminine smell that only a bitch would wear.  Sarah had always worn demure clothes and sensible perfumes, but just for once she wanted to know how it smelt to be a slut.  Maybe her wedding day wasn't exactly the best time for such an experiment, but she had felt strangely compelled to take the perfume.  She wondered what Max would think when he smelled it?  Would he remember the smell belonging to Lexie?  Would it make him get hard at all those naughty memories of his evil ex?

Lifting the bottle up, Sarah examined it.   The perfume was called 'Malice' a strangely intoxicating name.  Opening the bottle she sprayed her wrists and gasped as she felt the perfume settle on her skin.  Reaching down she breathed deep and felt her pupils dilate in pleasure and her heart beat faster.  She smelt good... really good.  She sprayed more of the perfume onto her body, moaning as it impregnated her hair... her skin... her clothing.

"Ohhhh fuck, yes... I love how it feels to wear this slutty perfume," groaned Sarah as she shivered in delight and the malevolent fumes rose round her head.  The perfume made her feel so bitchy and she gasped as her body pulsed with pleasure.

"Wh... what's happening to me?" gasped Sarah as her brown hair began to lighten and turn blonde. Her small breasts began to grow and expand, pushing out of her chest as her face became bitchier and her body throbbed with lust.

"I'm changing... I feel so good, but so strange," groaned Sarah as her head span and she ran her hands through her hair wondering how this was possible.  It felt softer... sexier... and she giggled as her breasts got bigger and bigger till she could feel their weight on her chest and in her hands.

"Oh fuck yes - I'm a fucking bitch," purred Sarah as she watched her nails begin to lengthen and her skin became softer and sexier.  She felt her body posture change - a new found confidence and sex appeal filling her mind as her hips pushed out and she sighed in pleasure at her new lustful form.

Looking down at the bottle of perfume, Sarah realised that the Malice must be responsible for her transformation.  Her skin was now softer, her body shapelier. She looked like a total knock out and she couldn't help but touch her breasts and marvel at how sensitive and sexy they felt.

"I'm a fucking Goddess," she giggled, "But how am I going to explain this to other people?"

As if to answer her, the door to the door suddenly opened and her bridesmaid Leah came bustling in.  

"Hey Sasha - you need to get a move on, we don't have long."

"Where the fuck have you been? Get over here and start helping me get dressed, and wipe that fucking pathetic look off your face.  This is my wedding and you and those other bitches better not mess things up for me."

Sarah felt a flush of pleasure as Leah leaped to obey.  She smirked at the fear in the other girls eyes, feeling a delicious thrill she'd never known before.  The thrill of being a bully.  She realised that the perfume must be magic.  It had changed her and made everyone believe she had always been this way.  How delicious.  She must be known as Sasha now she looked this way.

"Sasha, yes... that's a much better name." She tasted it in her mouth and liked how it felt. "Now help me prepare," she purred turning to face her terrified friend, "I'm ready to get married."


Sasha grinned as she examined herself in the mirror.  She looked more beautiful than she could ever have hoped.  Her body throbbed with bitchy energy, but just in case she sprayed herself with more Malice.  She noted that the level in the bottle didn't seem to drop however much she used.  It looked like it would never run out.

The perfume impregnated her dress making it tighten and change.  The bodice dropped and underneath her once innocent clothing, her simple lingerie changed to white stockings with no panties or bra.  Sasha breathed her new scent deeply loving how evil it made her feel.  Strutting over to the dresser with clip clops of her killer heels - she locked the perfume away... it was precious to her now.

Leah waited subserviently behind her, trembling slightly as Sasha preened and admired herself.  If she noticed any further changes to her former friend, she didn't show any reaction.  Her self-admiration complete for now Sasha turned to glare at her.

"Leave me... and send your husband Jack up here. I need to speak to him."


"He's the best-man isn't he?  Don't ask questions - just obey me."

"Yes Sasha," whimpered Leah.

Sasha watched her go... her pussy already wet.  Leah was her beta-bitch now and would do whatever she was told. Exerting control over her was so hot and delicious.  She grinned at the thought of what she was planning to do next.


Surprised, Sasha turned to see her mobile was ringing. Picking it up, she frowned as she saw a number she didn't recognise and lifted it to answer the call.


A thin, desperate voice - weak and needy came down the phone line.  The voice was begging, it was choked with sobs.

"Sa... Sarah.  Did you take my perfume?  Please... it's nearly worn off... I'm turning back into Alexandria.  Please... I need it."

Sasha laughed as she recognised the pathetic whimpering voice of Lexie.  Without the Malice, it seemed she was turning back into a nobody.  She giggled at the thought of Lexie desperately searching her home, only realising too late what had happened.  She wondered if once it had fully worn off Alexandria would start to believe she was Sasha - just like everyone else - and forget all about the perfume.  She hoped so.

Sasha didn't even bother to answer - she simply disconnected the call and blocked the number.  Putting the phone down, she grinned as there was a knock at the door...

"Hmmm, enter..."


It was twenty minutes later.

Hot wet slaps filled the room as Sasha pumped her tight pussy up and down on Jack's throbbing cock and he groaned in ecstasy.  It hadn't been hard to seduce him and make him fuck her... after all, who could pass up the chance to fuck the hot bride on her wedding day?

"Yessss, fuck me hard baby," she cried - grinning as she bounced up and down.  "Fuck me till you cum."  Jack's cock was nice and big and her tight lips gripped it so nicely as she slid up and down.  Rubbing her clit with her fingers, she grinned as her big tits bounced up and down and she cried in pleasure.

Below her Jack gasped, all thoughts of his wife Leah banished as he gave himself fully to Sasha.  This was like a dream come true... and Sasha had promised him that once she was married they could keep fucking like this as often as he liked.  She had no intention of being loyal to Max and Leah was too subservient to do anything, even if she knew her friend was fucking him.

As the rutting, cheating, couple fucked themselves silly and Sasha began to cum - the smell of Malice filled the room.

It had been a borrowed scent... but now... now it fit Sasha perfectly.



  1. Just wow, I wankedand slept after reading this. I had some deliciously evie corrupted inspired dreams from it!

  2. How amazing would this be. To be a total hotty n slut. Who wouldn't want to be fuc'd by every hour guy


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