

The irony was that it had all been Jack's idea in the first place...

He and Ben had been trying to become famous gamers for months, but no-one wanted to actually watch them.  They were both pretty good - but the market was, by now, far too saturated.  The gaming world was full of wannabee streamers - what were two average looking lads going to do that was any different?

They had almost given up on streaming - when Jack found a weird article online.  It claimed that there was a special gender bending cheat code which could be used to warp reality and turn a boy into a hot girl... and vice-versa of course.  Jack saw the application immediately.  If one of them could turn into a sexy girl, they'd soon start to pick up traction online. Everyone liked a hot gamer girl.

They drew straws to make their decision and Ben lost.  Grumpily he picked up a controller and began to put in the overly elaborate code.  It took nearly ten minutes and two restarts to put it in correctly - but as he began to reach the end, the controller in his hands began to vibrate and pink light began to leak from the buttons and D-Pad.

"Holy shit dude, it's working," gasped Ben as he pushed 'Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.' to finish the cheat.  All at once he was engulfed in pink light and Jack gasped as his vision swam from the blinding energy.  When the light faded and Jack could see once more - he beheld that Ben's bedroom was completely different... and so was Ben.

The former nerd was now a curvaceous woman, dressed in hot pink clothing which was as overtly feminine as her bedroom.  Long sexy hair hung in bouncy bunches from her head and her chest was absolutely massive - with barely contained boobs heaving with each breath.  Her clothing was like something from a gamer boy's wet dreams - skin tight and sexy. Long pink stripy knee-socks rose up over smooth flawless skin, to gave way to skin tight shorts and a barely decent top.  Heavily made up eyes looked at him with amusement as soft pink lips parted with a giggle and the new girl admired herself in the mirror.

"Wow, what a cheat code," she giggled in a sexy voice.  "Maybe I didn't draw the short-straw after-all."

Jack was completely overwhelmed by what he was seeing. He couldn't believe this wet-dream was his former friend. "Ben, how do you feel?"

"Amazing," grinned the girl, "but I'm not Ben anymore.  I guess you can call me Bunny from now on.  Now are you going to spend all night staring at my tits, or are we going to play some games?"

Bunny was an instant hit - and in a matter of days - and after rebranding the channel to be all about her, they were finally picking up views.  Jack felt a little uncomfortable at first letting Bunny take control of their channel - but she laughed it off and assured him that he was just as an important part of what was happening as she was.

Bunny and Ben would switch between lives, using the cheat code - and after a few weeks Jack had become used to the strange shift between his best mate and the girl he was now partnered up with.  Ben/Bunny soon knew the code off by heart and as a result insisted on destroying the copy held by Jack.  Jack was a little uneasy about that too, but Ben said they didn't want it falling into the wrong hands and Jack wasn't worried as he could just download it again.  That was until he realised the website he'd obtained it from had mysteriously been taken down due to a copyright violation.  Now only Ben/Bunny knew the code and Jack realised he was dependent on him/her for their success.

Ben seemed to be enjoying having a second life as a girl.  He didn't seem freaked out by his gender bending experiences, indeed he seemed to be increasingly interested in exploring his dual-sexuality.  He would drag Jack out to nightclubs and bars as Bunny and after a couple of weeks, was soon getting off with men... and sometimes women... on the dance floor.  He would kiss them, passionately and with obvious enjoyment as their hands wandered to his ass and he drove them wild with desire.

But he never went any further than that.

Still it made Jack... jealous, and he realised he had developed feelings for his friend.  Feelings that she seemed to be stoking up with flirty little comments, touches and looks.  It was almost like Bunny knew the effect she was having on him and was teasing him deliberately.  

"How can you kiss guys like that?" he asked in fake disgust one night after she'd been flirting and kissing a particularly hot guy.

"Haha, don't be such a prude.  Since I began changing into a girl, my sexuality has definitely become bi-sexual.  Why... are you jealous?  Do you wish I would kiss you?"  And without any further preamble she pushed him against the wall and slid into him.

Jack felt Bunny's soft pink lips on his, and her tongue in his mouth as her sexy perfume overwhelmed his senses.  She was too much for hum and he needed her bad. He melted into her and his desire for her grew as his cock got hard and her hand touched his crotch.

"Come on baby," she giggled, "there's no need to be jealous.  Tonight I'm all yours."

And sliding down him with a wicked grin, she unzipped his fly and took his cock into her mouth.


Now that Bunny and Jack were dating - things couldn't be better.  Their channel was now in the millions of views and they were pulling enough ad-revenue to finally make some serious money. Or at least Bunny was.  Due to some weird setting up of the account, she'd ended up as the sole beneficiary of all the money.  Not that it mattered - she was his girlfriend and she'd promised she'd transfer the money to his account.  There was some sort of delay though - not that he minded.

Bunny was great to him.  She had taken control of all the finances and the running of the channel... although accidentally locking him completely out when she reset the security.  She'd promised she'd reset his password soon - she was just busy recording now content.

Jack scratched his head as Bunny recorded another stream from the bed.  It was funny - but he hardly ever appeared in the videos anymore.  He did some editing, but Bunny was the one who decided on what they were recording and she had been using him less and less.  It almost made him wish for the old days of him and Ben.  

Hmmmm, Ben... you know - he could swear it was almost two weeks since Bunny had last turned back into Ben. He began to get an uneasy feeling.  

But then Bunny smiled at him from the bed... and he forgot all about it.


Jack was tired.  He'd been up all night editing more videos for Bunny at their old apartment -  whilst she'd been taking a break at their new house.  They'd just moved in and it was an expensive mansion apartment in an exclusive part of town. Other streamers and vloggers lived nearby and she'd been quickly welcomed into their exclusive world - recording collaboration videos with the more successful streamers.

She'd got on particularly well with Bradley101 or Brad as he was just known in real life. He was a young handsome streamer about Bunny's age and the two of them had become almost inseparable.  He lived close by actually and was always going round to film with her.

Jack had felt jealous at first, but Bunny assured him it was just business and he trusted her completely. She always made him feel so safe...

Jack cursed as he got to the door of the mansion and realised he didn't have a key.  Bunny had told him that she needed to get new ones cut, so he had lent her his and she hadn't returned it yet.  Funny - that had been a few days ago.  He knocked on the door - she'd have to let him in.

Jack was surprised when the door opened and a large heavyset man appeared.  He was dressed in black and was instantly recognisable as a security guard - though Jack had never seen him before in his life.

"What do you want?"

"I live here," stammered Jack as the giant man looked on impassively.  "I'm Bunny's boyfriend."  The man shook his head slowly.

"I don't know who you are, but Miss Bunny said she wasn't to be disturbed.  Beat it loser."

Getting angry, Jack tried to brush past the man - but he was swiftly ejected.  Picking himself up from the ground, he decided to retreat when he saw another man coming round the corner with two large dogs on leashes. They looked pretty viscious...

Cursing, Jack grabbed his phone and tried to call Bunny... but to his horror the number was unrecognised.  Had she changed her contract without telling him? 

Convincing himself this was all a mistake he left... he would sort it out in the morning. It was all a mistake... it had to be.


Back at the old apartment, Jack noticed that it was strange but all of Bunny's stuff had already been moved out.  He hadn't noticed it before - so wrapped up in his work he'd been. There was also a sign outside that must have been put up whilst he was working that said SOLD.  He began to panic as he realised something bad was happening.

She wasn't... stabbing him in the back was she? Surely not... he was her boyfriend. Not that anyone knew it.  Bunny had said it was best to keep it secret. She said boys would be more likely to send money if they thought she was single.

It was funny - but he and Bunny had never been seen together in public.  In fact he hadn't seen her in over a week now.  She had kept him busy - working hard. Deliberately keeping him away from the mansion.

He wondered at the time why the guard didn't know who he was, but it kind of made sense.  No one knew he was Bunny's boyfriend. 

Still - there was plenty of online footage from the old days of them together. He should have used that - shown the guard. 

Deciding to reassure himself by going to their channel - well, her channel -  he opened the scroll bar to look, but to his horror, every video of them together had been removed.  It was like he never existed. 

Googling Bunny's name, Jack felt his heart began to race as he began to find pictures of her online and read the news articles that went with it. Bunny had asked him not to look her up online as she was embarrassed. Now as he began to see articles showing her net value was nearly five times bigger than she had told him, a sick desperation took hold of him.

Then he found a terrible headline from a week ago:

"Millionaire Streamer, BunnyBounce announces she is dating Bradley101 - what we may see next from this new super-couple."  

Jack felt sick as he saw pictures of Bunny with Brad, out in public - dating - partying - kissing.  

Then he found the leaked sex tape...

Bunny had told him during their own love making, she wasn't ready for full penetrative sex.  They'd fooled around and she'd sucked his dick many times - but he'd never been inside her.  Yet here she was from a leaked sex tape - rammed full of Bradley101's big, fat cock. 

Jack felt hot tears began to leak down his face as he watched the clip of his former love, rammed full of big hard cock - moaning like a slut as she took it deep in obvious ecstasy.  It sure didn't look like her first time either and there was no sign of his former friend in those wicked eyes. The manipulative scheming bitch was finally revealed for what she was...

And as he began to realise how much Bunny had used him - how she had betrayed and cheated on him - he felt his pathetic hand slip down to his cock and begin to stroke.  Now he was just another simp like all the others, he may as well beat off to his lost Goddess. He still craved her even though he knew she had discarded him.

He knew already it was hopeless.  Bunny was rich and powerful now.  He was just another lonely loser with no way to prove they had ever been together.  Even now, knowing how evil and manipulative she was just made him hard.  

As he began to cum, he couldn't stop thinking of one thing and one thing alone.

If only he could somehow remember that damn cheat code!

The End


  1. Would be amazing to see him find the code and exact revenge

  2. Another amazing story. Definitely worth the wait


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