

Annabella nervously examined herself in the mirror as her best-friend Shannon mixed up the gunk she would shortly be putting into her hair.  Her usual reflection stared back at her.  Tall, awkward and dorky - with glasses and straight brown hair, Annabella didn't really want to change how she looked, but Shannon wasn't giving her much choice.  Underneath it all Annabella was already quite attractive, but the way she held herself and the way she dressed sometimes made it hard to see that.  She didn't really want to get a 'make-over' but Shannon was pushing her into it.

It was all just a question of confidence.  Annabella had none.  She was a nervous wreck and for the past six months had been getting worse as the bullies at school realised what a push-over she was.  Madison - her chief bully - had been making her life particularly difficult and despite her friends trying to protect her, there were always times when Annabella was on her own and needed to be able to stand up for herself.

That's when Shannon had suggested they steal some of her Mom's Magic Hair-dye and give Annabella a makeover.  Shannon's Mum was a witch who ran an exclusive salon, her coloured hair-dyes affected the wearers personality and could help them feel more confident, more sexy... whatever they wanted.

They had settled on 'Confident-crimson' a red-hair colour that would make Annabella more self-possessed and less anxious.  The bottles were all numbered and Shannon had grabbed 96 from the shelf and snuck it back to her friends house.  Now all she had to do was put it in Annabella's hair.

"Remember this is magic dye - so it becomes permanent until you put another colour in," she grinned slipping on a pair of gloves.  "Soon you'll be a beautiful confident red-head, ready to stand up to Madison."

"I... I'm not sure about this," muttered Annabella anxiously as her friend began to carefully administer the hair dye and she felt it begin to sink into her scalp.  

"Stop being such a scaredy-cat - nothing can go wrong," laughed Shannon as she sectioned her friends hair and combed through the dye.  "My Mom might be mad if she founds out I used her hair-dye without permission, but otherwise it will be fine.  It shouldn't take long to develop... I can't wait to see you as a red-head."

Shannon finished applying the dye and carefully cleaned everything up whilst Annabella waited in the chair.  Minutes ticked by and Annabella felt her hair tingling and her scalp itching.  She tapped her fingers impatiently on the arm-rest and let out an uncharacteristic sigh.  What was taking so long?

Annabella suddenly realised she no longer felt nervous or anxious about anything.  Instead she felt... confident and assertive.  The dye must have taken effect.  For the first time in her life she wasn't worried about anything and it was a wonderful feeling - the absence of guilt or worry.  She'd have to thank Shannon for this wonderful gift... she felt amazing.

Hearing her friend come through the door and squeak in shock, she turned to look at her curiously.  Shannon was standing in the doorway, her eyes wide in horror and her hands to her mouth.  She had dropped the mirror she was bringing with her onto the carpet - so Annabella couldn't see what was wrong.

"What is it?  What's the matter?" she snapped.

"Your hair.  Oh fuck... I must have gotten the wrong bottle.  It's gone BLONDE!"

Standing up, Annabella reached down and picked up the mirror.  Holding it up she drew in a sharp intake of breath as she saw what she now looked like.

Her hair was now bright blonde - even blonder than that bitch Madison's. It was as rich as silk and as breath-taking as gold.  It was the hair of a spoiled, rich, goddess.  

She liked it.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry - look we'll find the right bottle and try again," stammered Shannon assuming her friend was upset.

"No - don't bother," smiled Annabella as she stroked her new hair and smiled lovingly.  "I like it and I feel amazing. So much more confident and powerful.  But tell me - which colour is this?"

"I must have grabbed bottle 69 instead of bottle 96.  Let me see..." she began to consult her notes whilst Annabella admired herself in the mirror.

The girls posture was now better, her stance confident and self assured.  Her face had taken on a wicked look, and she reached up to toss away her glasses - noting that the hair dye appeared to have improved her eye-sight too.  Yes... this was MUCH better.

"Oh shit, this can't be right.  I've dyed your hair Bully-Blonde.  It's designed to make the wearer confident but mean.  It will make you into a spoiled and nasty bitch.  We have to change the colour right away."

"Ohhhhh I don't think so," smirked Annabella as she walked up to her friend - seemingly friendly, but with a menacing air to her.  Shannon had never noticed how tall Annabella was before.  Annabella may have been a nerd, but she was fit and well built with well toned muscles.  The hair-dye appeared to have brought those features out and not only was she now strikingly beautiful, it was obvious that she could easily physically dominate the other girl.

"I like how this hair-dye makes me feel.  I think I'll keep this look for a while - after all you DID want me to stand up for myself didn't you?"  She advanced forward slowly, forcing Shannon to back away till she bumped up against the wall and Annabella loomed over her.

"Annabella - please stop - you're scaring me..." whimpered Shannon as the other girl looked down at her with a cruel smile.

"Annabella? I hate that fucking name," grinned the blonde girl. "From now on you will call me Bella."


"Did you get my homework done Shannon?  Cheerleader try-outs are tomorrow and I need to work on my flexibility," purred Bella as she effortlessly stretched her perfect young body in front of her harassed looking friend.

"Yes Bella," squeaked Shannon obediently.

"Make sure I get a higher mark than you this time - otherwise the teacher will get suspicious that they're copies," muttered Bella.  "In fact - it would probably be safer if I get an A+ and you get a B. Change your answers to get them wrong."

"But... but..." gasped Shannon in shock - not believing that her friend would force her to do badly on her work, just for her own selfish benefit - but then stopping as she saw the dangerous look in Bella's eye.

She just nodded obediently.

Bella smiled, pleased with her friends subservience. "Good. Tomorrow you can take some flowers to Madison in the hospital.  We don't want anyone getting suspicious that it was me who pushed her down the stairs at school.  Buy them and put my name on them - get the biggest bunch you can afford."

There wasn't even a suggestion or offer that Bella would contribute to the cost.  There was also not even the slightest glimmer of guilt or pity in the blonde girls sexy eyes.

Madison had never seen who had pushed her down the stairs, Bella had been too quick for that, and with Shannon as her alibi had claimed she was in another part of the school.  Shannon still had horrific flash-backs to the shrieks as Madison hit each step and the crack as her leg bone shattered.  Bella had just stood with a smile on her face... breathing heavily... almost aroused by what she had done as Madison screamed in pain - lucky not to have cracked her head open on the step.

Shannon had often wondered if Bella had realised that she could have killed Madison.  Maybe she just didn't care.  She was so different to the kind and shy girl that Shannon used to know. Annabella would never have done something so evil and so dangerous - even if Madison was a bully she didn't deserve it.

Seeing what a psychopath her friend had become, Shannon now lived in fear.  She knew that Bella would step-on anyone who got in her way and that so long as her hair was bully-blonde, she would increasingly become more and more of a bully.  But she didn't dare fight back as she was terrified of what Bella might do.

"Once I become a member of the cheerleading squad - now that Madison has left a convenient vacancy - I'll finally be in the popular clique. I'll be able to be friends with Chloe, Ashley, Lucy and Paige.  They're already being nice to me - I think they like me."

"I thought you hated those bitches, they were almost as mean to you as Madison was."

"Haha, they were mean to that loser Annabella and I don't blame them.  She was a total fucking loser who deserved to be bullied.  Now shut up and finish my homework, now I've warmed up, I need to concentrate on my cheerleading poses..."


Shannon cried out as Bella pushed her hard into the lockers and they crashed with the impact of her body.  She wriggled, but the other girl pinned her up - her strength too much for Shannon to compete with.

"No - Bella, please... don't hurt me!"

"Shut up you dumb little bitch," sneered Bella as she leaned close.  "I knew I couldn't trust you.  Ever since I got busy with the cheerleading squad you've been sneaking around... so I broke into your locker to see what you're up to and guess what I found?  Bottle number 21 - Submissive Mousy-Brown.  You were planning to try and dye my beautiful blonde hair back to brown and turn me back into that weak, little, nerd Annabella weren't you?"

"No... no!  I swear it's not what I was going to do.  I was going to help you... I was going to use the bottle on any girls in school that tried to stand up to you.  Madison's leg is nearly healed and she'll be back soon.  I know you want to keep your position as Head Cheerleader, so I thought that..."

"BULLSHIT," spat Bella - "but in your desperate attempt to stop me beating the shit out of you - perhaps you just hit on a genius idea.  The submissive brown colour would be fun to play with.  But we aren't going to put it on Madison - that stupid bitch has already lost all her power and when she returns she'll fit in with all the other girls and become one of my betas.  No... we're going to use it on you."

Shannon's eyes widened in fear.  "No... what?  Please... I..."

Bella grinned as she leaned in close, "Soon you'll be a submissive little slut who aches to serve her Mistress.  You're going to make such a nice pet - and once I have you fully under my control - I can get you to steal more hair dye for me.  There are so many other colours and effects to play with."

Pushing Shannon into the showers, Bella unscrewed the bottle and advanced with a grin on her face...


Shannon gazed with worshipful eyes upon Bella's perfect body and thought again about how lucky she was to serve such a Goddess.  She wasn't the only one.  Six girls with identical mousy-brown hair knelt obediently around their Queen in a circle. Shannon had never felt happier being her Mistresses slave... not that she thought of herself as Shannon anymore, Bella had given each of them a new name to match their function.

Shannon was known as 'Homework' these days as it was her job to make sure Bella never had to lift a finger to complete her assignments or do any work at home.  Sitting next to her was "Cleaner" then there was "Driver" and so on.

Each girl knew her place and knew what she had to do to serve her Goddess.  Shannon had helped pin each one down so Bella could rub in the hair-dye to turn them into her obedient servants.  Watching the resistance drain out of their eyes had been kind of hot.

In the corner sat an older woman with the same mousy-brown hair as the girls mixing up hair-dye.  Shannon no longer thought of her as 'Mother' and she felt no guilt about the night she had slipped into her own mothers bedroom and pinned her down so that Bella could dye her hair like all the rest and enslave the only person that might have known how to stop her.

Mother was actually teaching Bella all her magic now and Bella was planning to take over the salon and open it to a wider clientele base.  Once every girl and woman in town started going to Bella's Salon - they would all become hers one way or another. 

Bella smiled as she surveyed her servants and flicked out her perfect bully-blonde hair with an accustomed gesture.

"Blondes really do have more fun," she laughed evilly. 



  1. Follow up of adding more colors to herself to make her better

  2. Evie, this one's amazing! I absolutely loved it. It's amazing how erotic this story is even without a single sexual act. You really are the Queen of bitchy corruption.


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