Lunch Broke

Lunch Broke 

(For Mara Mischief)


"Listen carefully students - I will not repeat this twice..."

Principal Jefferies was clearly not a happy man.  That much was evident from both the tone of his voice and the way he leant menacingly forward over his podium.  He was a large, powerfully built man and his squat black frame made him look like some sort of menacing bird of prey or pre-historic predator as he glared at his assembled students and dared them through sheer force of will to defy him.

"For reasons that escape my understanding, the local authorities have given permission for a 'Twin Peaks' bikini-barista to open next to our school.  It is only a few hundred yards from the school gates and is STRICTLY OFF LIMITS to every boy.  The reputation of our school - one of the most prestigious boys schools in the country must be maintained.  I will NOT have my students trying to sneak out to go oogle some scantily clad strumpets at lunchtimes... do I make myself clear?"

The boys all mumbled, "Yes Sir," in unison, much to the Principal's satisfaction - but in his row at the back of the hall Jules' snickered.  Twin Peaks might as well have just paid the Principal for the free advertising... now everyone would want to go.


It wasn't a question of whether boys from the upper year groups would go to Twin Peaks to get coffee and see hot girls - just  more a question of when.  With over two hundred horny 17 and 18 year old boys - the adult coffee chain had played a genius move by going next to an all boys school.  

Whichever girls worked there were going to be absolutely raking it in.  The boys of St Lauderdale were all from wealthy families and would only be too happy to tip the girls and lavish them with cash - not to mention the other punters who would come from all around to see a girl in a tight revealing outfit serving coffee and milkshakes.

Not that Jules was going to get any action.  For the last year any money he did have, he had lost as protection money - paying off his bully Otis or spaffing it on things he couldn't afford.  The truth was he was broke - completely out of cash, so there would be no bikini barista for him!

Catching up with his friend Alex, Jules punched him playfully on the arm and they fell into step together.  

"I already managed to sneak a look at the Twin Peaks place - it looks so hot," whispered Alex excitedly. "I saw one of the girls go in - she was an absolute stunner. There were adverts for more girls up in the window - they need extra help at lunchtimes as they are predicting a rush."

"They'll get one - Jefferies will never stop half the school going over there to spend their money at lunchtime."

"Haha, it's a shame they aren't hiring guys," joked Alex, "You could make a killing working there at lunch times."

Jules slowed down, then stopped - a strange light in his eyes.  He turned to look at his friend and a smile broke over his features.  "Alex - you're a genius.  Come with me to the library!"


The library was quiet today and Jules had no problem finding the book they needed.  It was a very old edition of "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" and pawing excitedly through it, Jules turned to the back pages where somebody had scribbled a load of weird notes and calculations.

"Nobody ever reads these old classic novels - but I got bored one day and started looking through a couple.  I lost interest in the novel itself when I found these notes in the back of this book.  They claim you can make an actual Elixir like one in the novel - but it turns you into a girl and with the right dosage the timings can be strictly controlled. I've been wanting to try it out for ages - but now I also have a good reason.  If this stuff works - I can get a job at lunchtimes working at Twin Peaks and be back in time for afternoon lessons with no-one the wiser."

Alex blinked in shock, events moving a little too fast for him to properly comprehend.  "What the hell are you talking about. This stuff can't be real... it's a joke right?"

"Well," grinned Jules, "We'll only know if we try it out!"

They made their way to the chemistry labs and Alex watched the door whilst Jules got to work making the Elixir.  It took a bit of trial and error - but the instructions in the book were surprisingly clear and simple to follow and within a short amount of time they'd succeeded in creating several vials of a clear pink liquid with a sweet delicious smell.

"One drop of this will make me a girl for about an hour," grinned Jules. "Providing it works of course.  I'm going to email the coffee shop and ask for a job interview tomorrow - then I'll transform just before lunch-time."

"What about clothes and makeup and stuff? And what if it doesn't work?"

"If it doesn't work, then I just won't turn up," laughed Jules as he began to type an email.  "They'll be pretty mad at 'Julia' but it's not like they'll be able to hassle me.  In terms of clothing - one of the boys snuck a girl in here a few months ago and she left her panties and a tiny top behind when she had to sneak out unexpectedly.  He's hiding them under his bed - the pervert jerks off to them sometimes and I caught him.  It would hardly cover me up - but then again I am going for an interview at a Bikini place."

Jules mused as he clicked send.  "Makeup could be trickier, but I'm sure there's some in a box in the drama department.  I better start watching some Youtube videos on how to do my makeup I guess - it might be a bit OTT at first, but then again I am trying to look like a slut."

The bell began to ring for the start of afternoon lessons.

"We'll leave lessons a few minutes early with some excuse about a club, then I can transform and get to my interview before the rush hits," grinned Jules.  "This is going to be fun."


TUESDAY - The next day

Jules looked nervously in at the pink vial in front of him.  Despite his earlier bravado - he was now a little nervous - but that wasn't going to stop him from going ahead - especially in front of his friend Alex.  Opening his mouth he dropped a single pink drop onto his tongue from a pipette and waited.

At first nothing seemed to happen... then a pleasant tingling started in his fingers and toes... rapidly spreading throughout his body.   Jules' scrawny frame throbbed with energy and he flexed his fingers and groaned as a surge of hormones began to pump and pound round his body.  Bones shifted and flesh smoothed as he groaned and twisted - pushing his ass and chest out and flexing like a dancer.

"Ooooh I can feel it changing me and it feels SO GOOD!" he gasped through clenched teeth - his eyes rolled up as an orgasmic feeling of bliss pulsed through him.  "Fuck yes, this is amazing!"

Soft pants and girly moans filled the air as Jules' voice rose higher in pitch and his body began to take on a feminine appearance. Small, but perfectly pert breasts with big pink nipples swelled up on his chest as his dick and balls slithered up between his legs and a tight wet slit opened up instead.   Jules' male body muscle smoothed away, but left him slender and toned - his physique now that of a cheerleader or pole dancer.  His short, regulation hair began to lengthen into soft wavy locks - which rapidly accelerated into a cascade of dark, shiny hair.  His features were changing, becoming unrecognisable from his own, but completely unforgettable.  It was a beautiful face, so pretty with big dark eyes, soft pouting lips and a slightly mischievous expression.

The new girl giggled as her body tightened up further and she grabbed her ass, which was almost perfectly round.  Alex felt his dick get hard as the vision of loveliness in front of him ran hands over her smooth flesh and for a moment he forgot this was his friend.

"Ahhhh, that's better. The Elixir works better than I could even dream.  Hey - are you even listening to me?"

Alex pulled himself back to the present as he stopped imagining kissing those perfect wet lips and listening to that soft, sexy voice whispering 'fuck me' in his ear and concentrated instead on helping.  He passed 'Julia' the bag of clothes and makeup they'd acquired and he turned his back to let her get dressed and do her makeup hesitantly.  

When he turned back - the sexy smirking slut who looked back at him in her zebra pattern panties and tiny black and white top - looked every inch the teasing bikini barista the place would be hoping to recruit.

"I look good don't I?  Well - I better get out of here before a teacher notices there's a girl on the premises.  Wish me look in my interview. I'll see you this afternoon."

Alex watched his friend go - realising she didn't even have any shoes on.  This plan was crazy, and yet there was something... compelling about Julia that made him think she would always get what she wanted.


Sitting in class nervously, Alex looked at his watch and wondered what had gone wrong.  Jules was five minutes late and... 

A red faced Jules entered the room just as the teacher finally began to give out the instructions.  Mr Hamilton gave a disapproving look at the out-of-breath boy, but decided not to make an issue out of it.  Sliding in next to his friend, Jules grinned.  "That was amazing - I LOVED being Julia.  I got the job and I start tomorrow.  They've even given me the outfits I need to wear. Took me a bit longer to get my makeup off than I imagined, plus the Elixir only just wore off.  I'll need to get the timings perfect.  From tomorrow, I won't be broke anymore..."


WEDNESDAY - The following day 

"Can I get you extra cream with that?"

Making sure all the boys got a really good look at her perfect round butt, Julia giggled and bent over to flash them all her ass.  Her tiny g-string barely covered her decency as she wiggled slightly and sprayed foam into the coffee mug.  She heard coins tinkling into the tip jar behind her.

The boys all loved her - but ironically it was making the coffee that was proving the hardest - she was learning her barista skills on the job (having lied to her interviewer yesterday about her experience) but the flirting and teasing seemed to come naturally to her.

Julia had been nervous at first when boys from school began to come in - but when she realised they had no idea who she was and she got over the novelty of seeing them in a different context, it was fine. It actually felt good to see boys she knew drooling over her and giving her what she wanted.  Manipulating men was easy and she could see why hot girls liked to lord it over certain boys.

She grinned as Alex came in and blushed.  Even he was shy around her now - despite knowing that really she was his friend Jules.

Service was hotting up and wiping her brow Julia got on with it.  She was earning good tips already and her plan was working perfectly.  Things were going to work out just fine.


Jules' stifled a yawn as he gazed bored out of the window.  The adrenalin rush from lunch had worn off and now he was stuck in class listening to Mr Hamilton drone on again.  He grinned as he thought about the big wad of money in his bag - not bad for a first day.

His skin itched and he thought about how much he was looking forward to becoming Julia again.  Her body felt so good and he was so alive when he was her.  Teasing all the boys had been fun... especially Alex.  He felt his cock get hard as he thought about Julia and what a hot bitch she was.  It was so intoxicating knowing that he was her and hearing his classmates talk about the sexy slut that had served them all coffee.

He would have to ask if extra shift work was available - maybe even after school.


THURSDAY - A week later

Expertly flicking the switches and dials on the coffee machine, Julia hummed to herself as she made two coffees at once and also poured out a smoothie from the blender.  She'd found she was an incredibly fast learner - and after doing a few shifts with the other girls, she'd been able to upskill till no one would ever suspect she hadn't worked in a coffee shop all her life.  She was also a much better multi-tasker than Jules.

Coffee making wasn't the only thing she'd learned.  Her makeup was better now - her eyeliner and mascara perfectly defined and on-point.  Her cheeks were contoured and there was a pleasant perfume scent rising from her body.  Sexy nails decorated the ends of her fingers (she was having to use removable falsies for when she turned back) and her clothing was her own choice of fishnets and a colourful halter-neck that left a lot of her perfect body on show.

Julia hi-fived her colleague Chantelle as they worked around each other and her blonde friend answered the phone.  Julia had found she got on really well with the other girls and was starting to prefer their company to the awkward and boring boys she had to spend time with as Jules. It was awkward because she kept getting asked out on nights out and to talk about her life - so far she'd managed a raft of excuses and half-truths... but it was getting tough.

The whole thing was getting frustrating actually.  Having to stop at lunchtime and go back to school was a major drag and it was also pissing her off that she'd had to spend a large chunk of her money on buying outfits, makeup and other girly items to help develop her female persona.  

Glancing at the clock, she felt the familiar itch of the Elixir wearing off... it was nearly time to stop.

"Shit," pouted Chantelle as she turned to Julia. "Amy just called in sick... is there anyway you can stay and cover her shift?"

Julia froze... indecision on her face.  She wanted to stay - she wanted to help her new friend out, but she would miss school if she did.

"Hang on a moment babe," she smiled, "I'll just check my diary."

Going to her handbag Julia took out the tiny bottle of Elixir she kept with her at all times and squeezed three more drops onto her tongue.  She shivered in delight as she felt her body accept the liquid and her transformation back into Jules halt for another three hours.

"Sure babe... I can do it."


WEDNESDAY - The following week

Alex couldn't believe he was having to buy a coffee just to talk to his friend - but Jules was otherwise almost impossible to speak to these days.  He hardly seemed to be attending school anymore, but Alex didn't understand how he was getting away with it.  No one was doing anything - it was like the school was hiding the fact that Jules was never there and helping him truant.

What had once just been a lunch-time job had now become an obsession, with Jules working before and after school - sometimes late into the evenings.  He would lie to his parents about being involved in clubs and activities, but actually was being Julia and living her life instead.

Jules now had so much money he barely knew what to do with it.  Most of it was getting spent on buying things for Julia and most disturbingly, Alex had seen Jules searching the dark-web for fake I.D documents that would allow him to create a false, but convincing life for Julia.

Julia was meant to be a temporary creation - but Jules seemed to be giving her more and more control.  How far was his friend going to fall under her spell before he realised she was dangerous?

"Welcome to Twin Peaks, what can I get you?" beamed Julia at him, no evidence of any recognition in her pretty eyes as she grinned her million dollar smile at him and he felt the same uncontrollable lust that every other man who came into the shop felt for this perfect young Goddess.

"Jules cut it out, I need to talk to you."

"I'm sorry - I don't know who that is," grinned Julia, "Is that some friend of yours?  Maybe he'll talk to you later - or maybe not.  Whatever the case, please leave unless you're planning to buy."

Alex snarled, "I'll talk to you later then - but we have to talk. It's either that or I'm going to the Principal."


Julia watched Alex go with a flash of irritation.  She knew exactly what the little dweeb wanted to say to her.  He was going to whinge about her spending so much time as Julia - to warn Jules about her growing influence and dominance over his life.  What he didn't get was that Jules wasn't in control anymore.  She was.

"Stupid boy," whispered Julia to herself as she watched him head back to school with a malicious grin on her face.  "He has no idea just how much I love being Julia.  He has no idea just what I'm willing to do..."

"Talk to the Principal hey... not a bad idea.  The little loser has no idea just what I know about our Principal"


FRIDAY - The next day

Principal Jeffries' moaned as Julia's soft pink lips slid up and down on his cock and her hot little head bobbed up and down expertly.  She was massaging his balls with one hand as she slid his cock deeper and deeper down her throat and he groaned in ecstasy

He'd been secretly coming to Twin Peaks for the last few weeks.  At first it had been to check none of the boys were coming here (of course they were), but then he had started to come because of Julia.  She made him feel things that his drab and boring wife hadn't for years.  His attraction to her had been instant and in a matter of days, she'd had him jumping to her tune.

They'd begun meeting in secret and then the blowjobs and the sex had started.

Julia didn't seem to want anything in return... well except for him protecting one of his students who she claimed was a friend of hers - Jules Jones.  It had been easy to do and he'd made it clear that Jules could miss as much time as he needed from school.

"Mmmmh, I have one other favour to ask you baby," groaned Julia as she pulled her head off his dick and looked up at him.  "I need you to expel a pupil.  Alex Brown.  He has to go."

"Of course Julia, anything for you baby..."



Smirking to herself, Julia tossed the newspaper with the headline "Local Boy vanishes without trace - still no clue as to his disappearance" into the bin and turned back to her work.  That story didn't interest her anymore - but she had enjoyed reading about the arrest and public disgrace of a local Principal who had been caught having an extra-martial affair with an eighteen year old girl. Luckily as she'd leaked the story to the press, they'd agreed to keep her name out of it.

Taking a swig of her own personal smoothie - a suspiciously pink concoction that tasted of Elixir, Julia grinned in satisfaction as the boys began to filter into her shop and she heard the tip jar begin to fill up.  

She just loved her job... or as she liked to think of it now - the start of a perfect career.



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