Daily Reset

 Daily Reset

Max was thoroughly pissed off.  If he'd known that the body-copy button on the magic remote his friend Dan owned could only be used once every 24 hours, he would never have pressed it to become a perfect physical copy of Dan's sexy ex-girlfriend Lisa.

Lisa was super-hot, but she was also super intense and Dan had broken it off with her when he realised he couldn't keep up with her crazy sex drive and constant need for attention.  She spent most of her time these days trying to get back together with Dan and had pulled some pretty crazy stunts - which had given Max an idea.

Dan had foolishly told Max about the remote and Max knew where to find it.  He decided to play a prank on his friend. 

The remote had many functions, but for the body copy function you just needed an item of clothing, and when Max remembered Lisa had left some clothes at Dan's he knew just what to do.  He would make himself a copy of Lisa and wind up Dan - who would assume this was another 'crazy Lisa' moment.  Max had only meant to become her for about 30 minutes, but soon found he couldn't turn back and then Dan had explained about the 24 hour thing.

"Sorry dude, you're stuck as Lisa till tomorrow when the daily reset kicks in.  It's your own fault for using the remote without asking me."

Max couldn't believe it.  Now he was stuck with Lisa's tits and feminine body and he had never felt quite so self-conscious.  Her long hair was constantly in his face and he could barely walk in her shoes.  Her body kept getting horny and her hormones were making him feel moody.  Totally unused to being female, he was finding the whole situation increasingly stressful.  Worse of all, he was supposed to be on a date tonight - and knowing he was missing out on that was making him so angry he almost couldn't breathe,

"Stupid fucking body!" he screamed as he tripped over again and nearly injured himself.  "How the hell do girls walk in these shoes?"

"DANIEL!" he screamed, his friend wincing as he came out of his room dressed only in a towel. "There has to be something you can do.  I hate this - I can't stand another moment in this body. Please you must have a way to reverse the transformation?"

Emerging from his room, Daniel shook his head as his friend begged and pleaded with him.  "I'm really sorry dude - but there really is no way to turn back until tomorrow."

Pushing the remote into Daniel's hands, Max got onto his knees.  "Please pleeeease.  Try something, anything. There has to be a way out of this!"

Daniel sighed as he examined the remote.  "I haven't even figured out all the controls yet. I suppose... I suppose I could try using the memory copy function.  It would give you all of Lisa's personality, memories and impulses for 24 hours alongside her body.  That way you'd pass the time more happily and then turn back. You'd forget who you really are temporarily, but I guess it would make you happier for the time being so I'll switch it on."

"Wha... no... wait," gasped Max - but it was too late as his friend stabbed the button and a beam of light enveloped his head.

Max gasped as an electric tingle ran through him and his mind seemed to stretch beyond it's normal routine boundaries.  His balance and posture shifted as he suddenly wondered why he was holding himself so awkwardly and he felt his hands go to his hips in his usual stance.  HIS hips?  Maxine couldn't figure out why she had just thought of herself as male - but her mind had already made the jump to female as she shivered and felt her thoughts and memories realign deliciously. What the fuck was wrong with her today?  She'd always been a girl.  Maxine could feel her head filling up with memories of school, an early life... her old memories being pushed aside like they were trash. Maxine liked how it felt.

Maxine?  Who the fuck was Maxine?  She was Lisa Johnson, the hottest bitch in town.  She had no idea how she'd got here but as her usual thoughts and memories filled her head she noticed that she was in her ex-boyfriends house and he was holding some sort of weird remote.  God - she'd do anything to make him hers again... he was the best fuck she'd ever had.

Something tickled the back of her mind... a thought that the remote was somehow important.  She grinned as a strange memory she didn't recognise intruded on her consciousness and she suddenly knew what the remote did.  Lunging forward before Dan could react, she snatched it out of his hands and looked down at the buttons with a grin.  Two of them were greyed out, but there were plenty more - one of which said 'Mind Control'.

"Hey, Max... give that back!" shouted Dan as his friend took a step back with an uncharacteristic evil grin.

"I'm Lisa, baby. Who the fuck is Max?  That dweeb you sometimes hang out with?  Well you won't have much time to see him once you're my loyal boyfriend once again. "

"Wait Max... Lisa!  Don't do anything stupid.  You're only a copy of Lisa - Max used the remote to become you. Really you're him and in 24 hours you can turn back to normal, but until then you need to give me the remote."

"So the stupid dweeb turned himself into me?" laughed Lisa. "And there are two versions of me?"

"Yes so as you see we have to..."


The beam of light shot into Dan's eyes and his arms went limp as he brain shut off and he became completely receptive to Lisa's will.

"Listen carefully Dan.  From now on you will be my totally devoted, loyal and obedient boyfriend. Whatever I want - you will give it to me and your sex drive will increase to match my own.  You're going to fuck me good whenever I want it.  Also you will completely forget that I'm the new copy of Lisa and believe I am the original copy. Tomorrow, when the remote resets, you will help me find the other version of me and turn her into a copy of Max. There's only enough room for one Lisa Johnson in this town and it's going to be me. Now wake up and fuck your girlfriend - remember, whatever I tell you to do - you will do it."

Lisa grinned as Daniel came back to life and without a word began to tear her clothes off.  As he urgently began to fuck her body and give her the hard pounding she craved - she began to cum on his cock at the thought of all the other commands she could give people once her beautiful magic remote reset tomorrow.

She was looking forward to taking life a day at a time from now on...



  1. She could have tried to explore more about female body, may be masturbated, or use some sex toy or vibrators for women


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