

Her hands trembling with excitement - Natasha carefully lowered her pipette into her newly created solution and then added a drop of it into the main test-tube, where it mingled with the chemicals already there to turn a deadly shade of nightshade purple.  Wiping away the perspiration caused by her intense concentration, Natasha felt dizzy and fatigued, but she was determined to continue until her work was complete.

"Excellent my dear, we are nearly ready," purred a deliciously sexy voice and Natasha felt the same thrill of excitement she always got when she heard her future-self speak.  

Hands on her hips,  The Goddess eyed up her apprentice, pleased that the great work was nearing completion.  Her approval made Natasha feel proud.  She couldn't believe that soon she would go from a scrawny nerd into an all powerful blonde Goddess, but the evidence was right in front of her.

"Wouldn't this process be quicker if you did it instead of me Goddess?" she asked humbly.

"Of course - but it MUST be you who creates the Catalyst.  We are pushing the limits of paradox by me even being here.  Once the serum is finished it will accelerate your physical and mental capabilities - transforming you into me.  Until that time, you must do all the work and bring me into being."

Natasha nodded.  The Goddess had explained all of this when she first appeared in a flash of light in front of her a week ago.  Although it was a paradox, the Goddess told the story of how she had once been Natasha and one day her future self had appeared and helped her create a serum.  Once taken, she had become a living Goddess with powers of mental control, virtual immortality and super strength.  Once empowered, The Goddess had taken control of the entire world - then used her superior intellect to bring about an age of progress and impossible leaps of technology.

Now ruling the world as an all powerful being - she had perfected the secrets of time-travel, allowing her to come back here to put her own ascension into motion.  She had easily corrupted Natasha into helping her.  The thought of becoming a living Goddess with the power to indulge every whim and pleasure was too much to bear.  Natasha had already cummed too many times just thinking about what a bitch she was going to be when the time came and how much fun she would have.

She'd start by teaching her bully Sapphire a lesson... yes it would be so much fun watching the dumb bitch grovel at her feet.  Sapphire  was already blonde and attractive, but soon Natasha would be even sexier than her.  She'd take Sapphire 's boyfriend and make him her slave.  She always knew once the serum freed her from the petty constraints of morality and made her an uber-bitch, she'd be able to come up with even more devious punishments for those who had crossed her.

"We only require one more thing," grinned the Goddess as she looked Natasha in the eye.  "The DNA of a girl you know, it forms the basis of the serum. Her name is Sapphire ."

"What? I was just thinking about that bitch - it's like you read my mind."

"Well we are the same person remember?  I know what a bully she was to you, I know you ache for revenge. Now we are going to get it. Now listen carefully..."


Sapphire squirmed and squealed, but the bonds holding her to the chair were too tight.  She had been trussed like a pig to a wooden chair in the centre of the room, her mouth gagged with cloth.  Natasha laughed in delight.  She couldn't believe she'd done it. She'd kidnapped her bully at knife-point and tied her up.  The look on Sapphire 's face had been priceless when she'd pulled out the knife.  It was a pity she'd had to slash the other girls arm to prove she was serious.  Blood still dripped down Sapphire 's wrist - not a serious amount - but still enough that it must hurt.  

"You're probably thinking I've gone mad - that I won't get away with this... but once I ascend to become a Goddess, none of what I've done will matter.  I could kill you and no one will care once I become all-powerful," sneered Natasha. "Witness my future self and know fear."

Sapphire's eyes went wide as the Goddess suddenly entered the room carrying a syringe.  She drank in the perfection of the blonde bitch and seeing Natasha's future perfection began to weep and sob.  She knew she was doomed.

"Shhh girl. We simply need a little bit of your blood.  Natasha, inject her with this sedative.  We don't want any mistakes... this will keep her under control."

Grabbing the sedative, Natasha walked over and cruelly pushed the needle into Sapphire's arm.  The Goddess smiled, a wicked and happy smile of satisfaction as Natasha pumped all the sedative into her victim and then reached out for the empty syringe to take the blood.

"Oh... you won't be needing this," laughed the Goddess dropping it to the floor and grinding it under foot.  "Your role is complete Natasha."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Laughing, the Goddess stretched to her full height and looking down at Natasha sneered at her like she was an insect.  "You're so stupid you dumb little bitch.  Didn't you ever think to ask me my full name.  I am Goddess Sapphire."

Suddenly Natasha heard a moan of sexual pleasure behind her.  In the chair Sapphire was gasping in delirium, her body changing and filling with power.  The serum that Goddess had just tricked Natasha into injecting into her was coursing through her veins, turning the already sexy bully even more powerful.  Her already dominant body and DNA was being accelerated, perfected... a Goddess was being born.

"NO! NOOOOO!" screamed Natasha as she suddenly realised she had been tricked.

"I've been so sick of pretending to be you," growled the Goddess.  "I had to ensure you created the serum and gave it to my former self, I needed to make sure everything happened just as I remembered it.  I knew you'd do anything to become me - it was so easy to fool you... and now Sapphire is going to get everything you ever wanted."

Touching a device on her wrist - The Goddess purred in satisfaction as a portal to another time opened up and she stepped through.  Her work here was done - her former self could handle the situation now.

Natasha whirled round as she heard ropes snapping and wood splintering.  With a wicked laugh, Sapphire was rising up - her body now identical to the Goddess... sexy and perfect in every way.  Wicked nails glinted on her fingers as she massaged her larger breasts and tossed out her perfect blonde hair. Her intelligence was now swollen to obscene levels and with an impossibly fast movement she darted forward and lifted Natasha by the neck as if she weighed nothing.

"Ohhhhh YES!  I feel so powerful. I am a FUCKING GODDESS NOW!  Hahaha, you dumb bitch - you just helped me become all-powerful and I LOVE IT! Now I think I'll test out my mind-control powers by burning out your brain and making you my loyal slave forever."

As a fire erupted in her head and she screamed in agony, Natasha's last coherent thought was how paradoxical this had all turned out to be...



  1. Omg that's an amazing. I kinda want sapphire to take control of me. Make me like her.

  2. I loved this one - I couldn't quite figure out where the twist was coming from and you wrong-footed me with Sapphire's capture. Great work!


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