

Jessica snivelled helplessly as her boyfriend Matthew tightened his grip on her hair and his sharp new nails dug painfully into her scalp.  She yelped as he laughed cruelly and yanked her head back to look into his triumphantly sexy face.  Soft pink lips curved into a wicked smile as he tossed back his perfect black hair and she gazed up at the doll-like face of her beautiful and dominant bully Violet.

"Trick or treat loser?" snickered the wicked young slut, no sign of the boy she had once been remaining. He even smelt like Violet now, of perfume and perfection. 'Violet', lent down and smirked nastily as she yanked Jessica's head up higher so it was almost level with hers.

"Do you think I'll win best costume at the party?  I think so - although maybe I'll let you win instead.  After all, you're going to look great going as my fuck-toy slave."

Jessica whimpered as Violet began to rip her clothes from her body and she felt her new collar snick round her neck.

"That's right slut, you belong to me now... and this costume is going to let everyone know exactly what I've made you..."

How had this happened? she thought as her head was brought down to worship her new Mistresses foot and she began to kiss it, the rest of her new costume ready to be put on for the party...

Where did we go wrong?


It had all started a few hours ago. Completely devoid of any inspiration of what to wear at the Halloween party tonight Jessica and her boyfriend Matthew had started to spit-ball ideas in the hopes they struck on something clever.  The theme of the party was 'The scariest thing you can think of.'  There was a prize for the best costume idea and Jessica was determined to at least give it a go.

"That bitch Violet is probably the scariest thing I can think of," she laughed as she thought about her hated bully. "She terrifies me completely."

"Hey... that's not actually a bad idea," grinned Matthew.  "You could go dressed as Violet and not only would it win the prize, but it would embarrass that horrible bitch that people thought of her that way."

"No way am I going dressed like her," laughed Jessica.  "Not only will she regard it as a personal insult, I don't want to look like such a horrible, stuck-up, self-centred person.  She'll beat the shit out of me if I dare to mock her like that."

DING DONG.  Any further discussion on the topic was suddenly interrupted as the door went and Matthew went to answer it.

Whilst he was gone Jessica mused over the costume ideas, but the thought of going as Violet became more and more attractive.  Maybe she could get away with it.  Dashing upstairs she managed to piece together an outfit and makeup palette she thought would give her a fair likeness of the bully and even found a black wig from an old costume that would do.

Walking into her bedroom, she laid all the items on the bed and shivered.  It was actually a bit kinky and taboo to imagine becoming a hot, bitchy, bully.  Jessica had always been kind of jealous of Violet, now she could pretend to BE her.  It actually turned her on a little.

"Well that was weird," Matthew commented as he suddenly entered the room.  "Some dumb kid gave me this and ran away when I refused to give him any candy."

He held out a small piece of card with a stylised pumpkin drawn on it. The word TRICKED was written on it. On the back was written, Tricked: become your costume.  "I have no idea what it means either, I suppose the kid was trying to scare me somehow, but I have no idea how."

Sighing he picked up the black wig from the bed, "I still need to find a costume actually, at least you're sorted - this Violet costume is pretty fucking cool.  This wig is ace it looks just like her hair."  Without another word he put it onto his head and adjusted it with a slight rustle. 

The black wig looked amazing on Matthew's head. It really did look just like Violet's hair and he even flicked it back with the same gesture she used, making Jessica giggle. 

"Feels kinda good actually," he grinned.  "Mmmmh, I always admired Violet's sexy hair.  I wonder what it would feel like to put more of her costume on?"

"Hey!  This is my costume," objected Jessica as her boyfriend picked up the slutty pink collar and tiny black bra she had picked out and to her shock began to put them on.

"You can have them back when I'm done," he smirked. "I wanna be Violet for a bit.  I wanna be the scariest, nastiest bitch this town has ever known and have everyone - you included, jumping to obey my every whim."

"No!" objected Jessica, but Matthew just ignored her and turned to face the mirror as he finished attaching the bra and began to pull on a pair of blue leggings and a slutty white skirt.

Jessica couldn't see what Matthew was doing anymore, not now his back was turned.  His chest seemed smaller somehow, the black string of the bra now visible against the smooth white skin of his back.  Had he shrunk somehow?  Violet's sexy black hair fell down his back in a cascade.  It looked really realistic.  His stance changed - suddenly more feminine. She began to tremble... something horrible was happening.

"Ohhhh fuck yes, I'm so fucking hot," giggled Matthew... his voice rising strangely and a familiar bitchy twang entering it.  "Yessss, make me into a fucking bitch."

Matthew had a makeup kit in his hand and he was now using it like a natural.  With his back turned, Jessica couldn't see exactly what he was doing - but his hands deftly made use of the brushes and she backed away in fear as she saw that her boyfriend had shrunk even further in height and now appeared to have a perfectly round ass.

"No... NO!" she whimpered suddenly realising what was happening.  Her eyes fell to the discarded 'TRICK' card on the floor.  She read the writing again:  Trick - become your costume.

With a triumphant giggle, Matthew turned from the mirror and Jessica shrieked as she saw the face of her bully looking right at her.

"Mmmmh, and now I AM Violet and it feels so fucking GOOD! Haha, just one last touch to make."

Reaching down the new Violet slid her feet into a pair of wicked high-heels and towering over Jessica she advanced forwards with a hand cocked on her hip.

Matthew was gone.  The makeup and clothing had transformed him utterly.  Violet's breasts hung supported on his chest... Violet's pussy glistened between his creamy thighs.  Long wicked nails extended from his fingers and Violet's shining white teeth beamed from his smile as he stepped forward to push Jessica back against her wall.

"Matthew, please stop - we have to try and reverse this..."

"Who the fuck is Matthew?" smiled the bully as her hand shot out and grasped Jessica by the throat, "I'm Violet... and I always have been. Of course, I remember that loser was tricked into becoming me - but he's gone now and we're going to have so much fun together Jessica."

Reaching down Violet picked up the trick card and handed it over to Jessica - forcing it into her hands.

"And now bitch... now it's your turn to become your costume too..."

Violet's hands snaked into her hair and she began to force her head up... the story had come full-circle.


And so it was hours later and they were finally at the party.  Jessica was wearing the clothing that Violet had insisted she put on.  She looked like a slut, and thanks to the magic of the trick card... she now was.

"Please fuck me," Jessica moaned - desperate for all the boys to ram their cocks into her tight body. Since Violet had made her wear this outfit, she had a desperate craving to be used like a whore and no amount of cock seemed to satisfy her anymore.

"I need more... fuck me full of cum, use me like your bitch. I NEED IT!"

Violet laughed as she grabbed her new fuck-toy's hair and commanded the next three boys to step forward.  "Use all her holes boys. Take turns."

The bully laughed, her own pussy wet at her cruelty and her complete domination of Jessica as she watched the formerly good girl, encourage the boys on and eagerly opened herself wide to get fucked hard.

As Jessica was pounded and Violet played with herself, both women had only one remaining question on their minds.

Were the changes permanent - or was this just a temporary Halloween treat?

Only time, would tell.



  1. This is so great and hot! Love the semi-concealed transformation too.


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