Sleeper Agent

As Alex stared at the three bodies before him - he wretched and wondered if he was losing his mind? The three muggers had jumped him and Jack unexpectedly as they made a short cut through an alleyway. Their leader had pulled a knife on them and then it had all been a bit of a blur as his friend suddenly leapt forward. Now the dead bodies of three men lay on the street before them and Alex felt physically sick. Jack looked white as a sheet and in total shock, blood splattering his clothes as he looked at his hands in horror. Jack was short, weak and skinny. He was a physical coward and under any normal circumstances would have frozen in fright and given the muggers whatever they wanted. But when they had come at them with the knife, something weird had happened. Suddenly Jack's body had moved in an unfamiliar way - adopting a combat stance. His reactions had accelerated and with deadly skill and efficiency he had disarmed his attacker and slashed his throat. A series of spins, kicks...