Sleeper Agent

As Alex stared at the three bodies before him - he wretched and wondered if he was losing his mind? The three muggers had jumped him and Jack unexpectedly as they made a short cut through an alleyway. Their leader had pulled a knife on them and then it had all been a bit of a blur as his friend suddenly leapt forward. Now the dead bodies of three men lay on the street before them and Alex felt physically sick. Jack looked white as a sheet and in total shock, blood splattering his clothes as he looked at his hands in horror.

Jack was short, weak and skinny. He was a physical coward and under any normal circumstances would have frozen in fright and given the muggers whatever they wanted. But when they had come at them with the knife, something weird had happened.

Suddenly Jack's body had moved in an unfamiliar way - adopting a combat stance. His reactions had accelerated and with deadly skill and efficiency he had disarmed his attacker and slashed his throat. A series of spins, kicks and punches had pushed the other two back until Jack was able to break the neck of one with a head twist and crush the others wind pipe with a savage elbow blow. Now all three men lay dead and Jack looked shocked and horrified at what he'd done.

"Alex... what have I done? How did I?" He turned and threw up against the wall, shaking in shock and groaning in horror at the carnage he'd caused.

"Jack. How did you do that? I... I don't understand what is happening?"

Jack sobbed. "Maybe it has something to do with these weird blackouts I've been having. I've been feeling not myself for months now ever since that black trunk appeared in my attic. One day it was just... there. I don't know why I should suddenly think of it right now."

"We need to contact the police," gibbered Alex.

"Wait! Help me look at the trunk first. Something tells me it's important we find out what is inside. Then we can call the police. I promise."

Alex wasn't sure... but allowed himself to be convinced and leaving the scene of the carnage behind they ran home to Jack's.

Still wearing his bloodstained clothing - Jack helped Alex into the attic and walking over to the large black trunk in the corner knelt down at the lock.

There was a combination padlock and for a moment he stared at it in despair, realising we would never get it open now.  Then suddenly his eyes widened and he began to put a code in.

"Hey, how do you know the code?" asked Alex.

"I... I don't know," whispered Jack. "It just popped into my head."

The trunk snapped open and they both looked inside. It was neatly compartmentalised and full of advanced looking equipment, weapons and clothes.

A silenced handgun, a sniper rifle, daggers and knives and a tight black armored black bodysuit... clearly designed to fit a woman's body all lay inside.

Jack's trembling hand reached out to a compartment containing numerous small vials of some strange pink liquid. Before Alex could stop him he had drunk one and he dropped the vial with a cry.

"Jack... why did you do that? Are you insane?"

"I... I don't know Alex. I felt this compulsion to drink it. I... I... ohhhh I feel... I feel so strange."

Jack suddenly threw his head back and with a crack every bone in his body seemed to pop and shift. He moaned and flexed his fingers... the nails lengthening slightly as his skin became softer and smoother - his habitual acne clearing up instantly.

His short hair began to lengthen and grow, turning silky black as muscle tone spread over his body... his hips popping out to give him a fit and athletic looking physique. 

Alex goggled as his friends chest swelled up with two rounded breasts and his torn and ill shaped clothing fell from his body as he stepped out of it and... as the transformation slowed and his new pinker lips curved into a knowing smile... he began to clamber into the tight black bodysuit with a satisfied sigh.

The black material hugged every contour of his new body perfectly and zipping herself up, the new woman turned with an elegant motion and slid her hand on her hip to regard Alex with amusement.  Her dark eyes glittered and she considered him as if she would consider an insect.

"J... Jack?"

"Jack is gone you idiot," grinned the woman in a sensual voice. "I am Agent Elsa."

"I... I don't understand," gibbered Alex as she advanced on him.

"Poor stupid boy," she purred. "Your friend was my cover. Who would ever suspect such a weak little dweeb could actually be the world's greatest assassin? Unfortunately when threatened by those idiotic muggers my muscle memory and skills became temporarily accessible to Jack and he did make rather a mess."

She was so close to Alex now he could smell her perfumed scent and he whimpered as she stroked his chin with a sexy finger. "I'm a sleeper assassin darling. I lurk in the subconscious of my host until its time for a mission and then pre-programmed mental commands makes my host come to the trunk to turn into me. The poor darlings are clueless they are me until they take Elixir. It's a rather wonderful drug that gives them my body... stronger, faster, sexier than they could ever hope to be. They remember nothing of course. The prefect cover."

"Are... are you going to kill me?"

"Normally... I would. I can't risk anyone exposing my cover after all. But silly Jack has already done that by killing in public. The police will undoubtedly trace the killings to him. Well... they probably won't due to their ineptitude, but I can't take any chances. Luckily, you were an innocent bystander and will provide perfect cover as my new identity."

Alex gawped as Elsa walked over to her trunk and pulled out a device that looked like a metallic headband.

"You see the Elixir gives my hosts my body... but this gives them my mind. I'm about to transfer my consciousness into your head and lurk in your subconscious. You're going to enjoy being me."

Alex whimpered as Elsa approached and he felt the cold metal of the headband come down over his brow..."


Yawning tiredly Alex rubbed his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like shit - but then, surely you would when your best friend had just died in an alleyway attacked by three muggers. Somehow Jack had managed to kill them all before succumbing to his wounds. It was funny - Alex hadn't been there - but sometimes he could almost imagine he had been and see visual flashes of what it must have looked like in that desperate clash.

His eyes slid over the large black trunk in the corner of his room. He frowned... then shrugged. Whenever he tried to think about the trunk, his mind slid away from it - a voice telling him it wasn't important. He couldn't even remember or explain where it had come from.

His phone suddenly beeped and he saw he had a weird message. It had the name ELSA and then a string of numbers and letters after it that made no sense to him.

Ahhhh yes, our first mission together Alex. Time to give me control.

Alex moaned as a wonderful feeling of evil power and dominance filled him. Knowledge of a thousand ways to kill filled him and a psychopaths dark heart opened in his chest as his lips twisted into a wicked smirk and he walked towards the trunk.

As Elsa drank her Elixir and felt her body transform, she was already imagining how she would perform this assassination and as her pussy formed between her legs, the twisted bitch was already wet. It felt so good to strap her perfect body into the black body armour and feel the satisfying click of a clip in her handgun. 

"Mmmmh good boy Alex. You're a very willing host. We're going to have so much fun together. Now let's go to work..."



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