Remote Rewrite

Remote Rewrite Part 1 - Finders Keepers Cindy laughed when she found the weird remote control in an old cardboard box in the attic. Someone had gone to a lot of time and effort to add new buttons and wires to it - sellotaping extra batteries and bits of random electronics onto the housing. They had even changed out the original buttons and put new ones on that said strange things like, "Body swap" and "Memory transfer" "What's that you found?" asked her boyfriend Jack as he walked into her room and saw her playing with the remote. "This? Oh just some weird remote I found hidden in an old cardboard box. I knew there was lots of old wires and junk in here and I needed some stuff for my science project." Jack frowned, "Is that the same science project the teacher paired you up with Kenna for? Did you speak to him about changing partners?" Cindy's face wrinkled at the name of her bully. She'd tried to explain to Mr Brown t...