Personality Over-Hyde (For Jenny)

Personality Over-Hyde (For Jenny)

Blake always loved it when she emerged from Beatrix's sub-conscious and took control.  She could feel the other girl trying to fight her, but Beatrix was too weak and she had taken the Elixir directly again.  Pink liquid gurgled in her tummy, adrenalin and estrogen pumping through her veins as the dramatic transformation that turned shy and mousy little Beatrix, into a blonde teenage bitch occurred.

Her hair lengthened and turned brighter, whipping out into a sexy pony tail as Blake stretched her body and felt her bones pop as her hips cracked out wider.  Unlike sexless little Beatrix - Blake had the body of a pornstar, with big, full natural tits and curves that any man would die for.  She stood taller, with a natural arrogance and confidence that Beatrix could only dream of.  Sexy blue eyes looked coldly out from a perfect face, with soft pinks lips and skin to die for.  She moaned, touching herself and enjoying the transformation as she became hotter and hotter.  Mmmmmh, it always felt soooo good to transform.

"Ahhhhhh, that's better." she purred as the transformation completed itself. 

Blake admired herself in the mirror and then frowned in irritation as she inspected her surroundings.  It was hot and sunny now, but it had been winter when she'd last been in control.  "How long has it been this time?" she mused to herself as she noted it had been several months since her last transformation.

Beatrix nearly always broke in the end and took more Elixir... but alarmingly, her periods of self-control were growing in length.  Blake felt a cold shiver as she realised that the day might come with Beatrix succeeded in banishing her forever.   

"Dumb little bitch," snarled Blake. "Why wouldn't you want to be me ALL the time?"  

It wasn't fair.  Blake knew that there had been many other Hyde's throughout history who had successfully overcome and replaced their original identity.  Beatrix though appeared to be winning the fight.  If only she had a weaker personality to contend with.  Beatrix was too strong willed - it was a miracle she'd even taken the Elixir in the first place.

"Hmmmmmm?" mused Blake as she sat at Beatrix's computer and loaded up the scientific data she'd been working on. In the time she'd been away it had been compiling and she was pleased to see it had borne fruit. "Perhaps there is a way to get what I want after all."

She began to laugh and then when with a feral grin, she began to write an email.


Reading through the anonymous email again - Jacob rubbed his eyes tiredly and tried to make sense of it all.  The person writing to him seemed to know him intimately, but what they were writing was actually insane. 

They had sent him schematics for a device that they claimed would allow him to jump temporarily into the body of another person and control them. They had suggested that he might wish to use it to take control of the girl he had a huge crush on Beatrix.

He read the email again.

"Dear Jacob,

You don't know me - but I have been watching you for some time.  I know that you are in love with Beatrix and would do anything to be with her. Unfortunately for you, she barely knows of your existence.  Perhaps you would stand a chance if you knew more about her and her life and that is where I can help.  I would like to see your love flower and to do that here are plans for a device that will allow you to enter Beatrix's body and take control.   It is easily constructed from household items and I am sure you have the skill to do it.  Please use the device to find out more about her life and then perhaps you and she will finally become the couple you have always longed to be."

Jacob pursed his lips.  He didn't really have anything to lose.  If the device worked as promised, he would be getting closer to Beatrix than he had ever dreamed possible. The chance to become her for a while was too tempting.

His hands shaking, he printed off the instructions and began to search for components.


Beatrix groaned as she opened her eyes and found herself coming back to consciousness in her bedroom.  The room stank of sex and there were dried cum stains on the sheets. Slutty clothing lay littered everywhere and she grimaced in distaste at the orgy her alter-ego Blake had obviously initiated. "Damn it, I lost control.  I managed for so long this time."

Beatrix was determined that she would overcome her Elixir addiction and eventually rid herself of Blake.  Her alter-ego frightened her.  Blake was too manipulative, too cruel and too selfish to be allowed to remain. For the sake of her friends and family, the bitch had to go.

Spotting a box on the desk, Beatrix shivered as she saw it was packed full of pink vials.  No doubt Blake had left the Elixir out hoping to tempt her.  Right now she was too weak to go near it, but with an effort of self control, she turned her back to it and staggered over to the window.

Outside on the street below, she suddenly saw an odd sight.  The strange boy from school who she often caught staring at her - Jacob -  was looking up at her window with some strange metal device in his hand.  As she watched he pointed it towards her and before she could react, the world suddenly went dark.


Picking himself up with a groan, Jacob looked down and his heart stopped as he realised the device had actually worked.  "Oh my GOD! I'm her! This thing actually works!"

Walking over to the mirror, Jacob excitedly stroked his long brown hair and turned his skinny body from side-to-side admiring his new girly profile.  Looking round the room, he shivered in excitement. He'd never been in a girls bedroom before.

Sliding up Beatrix's top and feeling slightly uncomfortable, he prodded her small breasts.  They felt soft and small on his chest and he enjoyed how they felt. His hand went to his crotch and he bit his lip and shivered as he felt Beatrix's pussy and for the first time in his life, enjoyed the sensation of not having a dick down there.  Rubbing his pussy, he groaned and felt the first stirrings of pleasurable arousal.

Suddenly embarrassed and trying to stop - he resolved instead to take a look round and collect some information.   He browsed through Beatrix's clothes and underwear drawer. Her tastes were pretty conservative.  He looked with interest at her bookshelves and tried to work out what the books on them told him about her hobbies and interests.  This was the reason he had used the device in the first place.

Walking over to Beatrix's desk, he picked up one of vials of pink liquid.  "Hey what is this stuff?"  Unstopping it, he sniffed deeply and a delicious smell filled his nostrils.  The scent of the Elixir triggered an immediate reaction in his borrowed body... a craving and a desire to drink the vial so strong, that he had never felt anything so powerful before.

His nipples hard and his body throbbing with arousal, he drank the entire vial.

"Oh God... what the hell was that stuff?" groaned Jacob suddenly feeling super hot and fidgety.  Pulses of pleasure throbbed through him and his new hair itched.  "What the fuck is happening?"

Doubling over and clutching his tummy, Jacob groaned as his insides squirmed and he gasped as Beatrix's flat ass inflated and swelled out.  His new boobs ached and the bra containing them twanged open, as with a delicious feeling of expansion they swelled and pushed out of his chest.  "Mmmmmh, feels soooooo good," groaned Jacob as streaks of blonde shot through his hair and his skin became softer and sexier.

"Ohhh yessss, I'm such a fucking bitch," he moaned rubbing his big new tits and tighter pussy as he began to cum. "YES I LOVE IT!"

"UNNNNNN MMMMMMMHHHH" moaned Blake as she orgasmed and squirted - hot juices blasting from her pussy as Jacob's mind receded and she took control.  Shaking out her soft blonde hair and flexing her sexy pink nails she purred with satisfaction as she licked a stray drop of Elixir from her perfect pink lips and walked to the window.

Outside on the grass, Jacob's body lay propped up against a tree.  It looked like he was sleeping, but Blake knew better.  She knew exactly where his mind was right now.

Closing her eyes, she reached inside herself and she could feel Jacob's thoughts and memories now supressed beneath her own.  Deeper still, she could feel Beatrix - herself supressed by Jacob.  

Blake knew she had taken a great risk.  There had been no guarantee that when he took the Elixir, Jacob inside Beatrix's body would transform into her... but it had worked perfectly.  Smirking she walked over to the mirror and examined herself. "Aren't I beautiful Jacob?  That stupid bitch Beatrix is always trying to fight me, but you're SO much weaker.  And now your mind is lying just beneath mine... I can begin the second part of my plan." 

Walking over to the desk, Blake reached below it and removed a large pair of headphones.  Sitting down, she slid the headphones on and plugged them into the computer.  Clicking a few buttons she prepared the special sound files she needed and then lying back relaxed as the headphones blasted white noise into her ears.  She sighed, relaxing deeper and deeper into a hypnotic state and finding the buried subconscious of Jacob just below the surface...

This was going to be so much fun...

Hours later...

Opening his eyes groggily, Jacob groaned and rubbed his head.  What the hell had happened?  The last thing he remembered was drinking that weird pink stuff in Beatrix's room, then everything went foggy.   Looking around he saw he was outside, propped up against a tree - the possession device next to him now a steaming pile of junk.

It looked like it had overloaded - in fact, it looked like it had been designed TO overload deliberately, making it useless.  But why?  

A sudden throb of pain in his head made him rub his temples and groan.  He'd not had a migraine for years, but it felt like one was coming on now.  He needed to get home and figure things out.

Picking himself up and leaving the ruin of the possession machine behind, he staggered off to head back home. 


As soon as she awoke, Beatrix knew something had changed.  Groaning she sat up, to find herself naked in her bedroom.  Her clothing was ripped and discarded on the floor, usually a sign of her transformation into Blake, yet strangely she didn't remember taking the Elixir.  "Ugh what happened?"

In fact, the last thing Beatrix remembered was that weird boy pointing some device at her.  Unsteadily, she stood up and looked round her room. The box of Elixir was gone... only one vial remaining on the desk unopened.

Walking over she looked down at it - and that's when she realised what had changed.

Beatrix felt no craving.

There was nothing. No whispering voice in her head, no craving in her mind - no salivation of her mouth.  It was as if her addiction to the Elixir was gone.  

Cautiously she raised the vial to her nose and sniffed.  Usually the sweet aroma of the Elixir was enough to activate an unstoppable craving, a desire to drink and transform she couldn't control.  This time... there was nothing.  It was like Blake was no longer inside her.

"This... this isn't possible," she whispered.  "I have to know where she's gone!"

Frantically she drank the vial, knowing that it would transform her into Blake, but desperate to find answers to this strange emptiness she now had inside her.  The liquid tasted the same as always, but she waited for the transformation in vain.  There was no tingling of her skin and scalp... no swelling of her breasts.  Nothing happened.

"No... this isn't possible. It isn't possible to completely remove an alter-ego from a person. It isn't possible to make the Elixir have no effect."

But evidently... it was...

"Did she do something to that boy Jacob? Oh my GOD! I have to stop him!"


By the time he got home, Jacob's migraine was worse.  He had also developed a strange craving. It felt like hunger... or perhaps sexual arousal.  Taking off his coat to hang it up, he suddenly noticed something large in the outer pockets.  Pulling out a hefty wooden box, he flipped the lid open and looked down in bewilderment at the pink vials inside.

"What the hell?  This is that weird stuff from Beatrix's bedroom.  How did that get in my pocket."

His hand was shaking and his mouth suddenly felt dry.  As he looked at the pink liquid, an urge... a desire... a lust to drink it rose in him.  Putting down the box, Jacob opened a vial.  He groaned, suddenly realising his dick was hard.  "Fuck, why am I suddenly so horny?"

He tried to put the vial back, but instead found himself raising it to his lips and drinking deep.  The pink liquid tasted SO good and he groaned in lust as his skin began to tingle and his bones started to crack.

"Oooooh what's happening, to me?" he gasped in pleasure as his straining dick began to shrink and his masculine body began to soften and flow like melting wax. 

Yes it's working... you're becoming... ME!

The voice seemed familiar somehow.  It was sexy and gloating, and with a start Jacob realised it seemed to be inside his own mind.

Mmmmh, don't fight it Jacob.  You're going to love being me.  

Jacob moaned as Blake's perfect breasts pushed out of his chest.  Her long blonde hair ran down his neck as he became smaller, more perfectly proportioned and certainly more attractive.  Bones popped and cracked, his internal organs rearranging themselves as Blake's perfect body was born anew and with a satisfied sigh she completed her transformation.

Rubbing her shrinking cock, Blake grinned as she felt her fingers slip into the widening slit of her pussy and grabbing her tits she played with herself till she could cum all over Jacob's bed sheets.  Looking down at her wet juices, she giggled at the thought that she was probably the only girl to ever cum in this nerdy losers bed.

"Ohhhh, that feels better," she sighed - not feeling the usual push of resistance she had grown used to supressing.  "Beatrix is gone!"

As if speaking her name should suddenly summon her, there was a frantic hammering at the door.  Grinning, Blake grabbed an oversized shirt and wearing it to protect her modesty she opened the door.  

Beatrix stopped in shock as she saw her own alter-ego looking right back at her with a grin.

"Hello Beatrix," purred Blake as she led the shocked girl inside.  "I hope you don't mind, but you and I are over. I have a new host now and he's going to be much more appreciative of me."

"No! This can't be possible," gasped Beatrix.

"Of course it's possible. I tricked this little nerd into jumping into your body and transforming into me.  I was then able to use hypnotic techniques to entirely remove myself from your subconscious and entwine myself with his. When he returned to his body - he brought me with him. Taking the Elixir caused his body and mind to transform into mine. Now there's nothing of me left in you anymore but isn't that what you wanted anyway?"

"Yes... but what about Jacob? What about his life?"

"Jacob is a weak little simp who craves women like me.  His mind is so easy to corrupt and won't fight back. A few months from now, there won't be a Jacob anymore.  My total victory will only be a matter of time. You could say I gave the little nerd a personality override."

"I can't just let you take over his life, this is all my fault," sobbed Beatrix.

"Oh shut up you whiney bitch.  You could have been me and had all this power, but now Jacob gets it instead. There's no going back now anyway.  Now get out of here. I have things to do and you're cramping my style."


Tramping dejectedly home, Beatrix felt the emptiness growing inside her.  She had thought she wanted to be rid of her evil alter-ego, but now she was - the truth was she felt like part of her was missing.  Her concern for Jacob was only partial.  In truth, part of her wanted to become Blake again.  Why had she ever allowed herself to give up such power?  By alienating her own alter-ego, she would never again get to feel the rush of being a hot blonde bitch. Finally, she had gotten what she wanted and now she was no longer sure if it was after all!

As she passed the tree by her house, she suddenly noticed a smoking pile of machinery and paused.  The device that Jacob had used to possess her was here.  Designed by Blake, it had clearly self-destructed and yet... there was much of it left.

Grabbing the machine, Beatrix grinned.

"Maybe there is a way I will still get to be you after all Blake. After all, we were the same person to some extent and if you can build something like this, maybe I can fix it."

And with renewed purpose in her heart she set off to see.



  1. This is awesome evie and love the ending.. I know what I'd do!


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