Remote Rewrite

Remote Rewrite

Part 1 - Finders Keepers

Cindy laughed when she found the weird remote control in an old cardboard box in the attic. Someone had gone to a lot of time and effort to add new buttons and wires to it - sellotaping extra batteries and bits of random electronics onto the housing.  They had even changed out the original buttons and put new ones on that said strange things like, "Body swap" and "Memory transfer"

"What's that you found?" asked her boyfriend Jack as he walked into her room and saw her playing with the remote.  

"This?  Oh just some weird remote I found hidden in an old cardboard box.  I knew there was lots of old wires and junk in here and I needed some stuff for my science project."

Jack frowned, "Is that the same science project the teacher paired you up with Kenna for?  Did you speak to him about changing partners?"

Cindy's face wrinkled at the name of her bully. She'd tried to explain to Mr Brown that Kenna had been picking on her since she was little and to request someone else to work with, but the teacher had insisted she go through with it.

"Yeah, but he just said it would be a good opportunity to try and get to know her better.  Gah - I hate that bitch - she'll make me do all the work and she won't show any gratitude for it."

"Pity you can't work with someone else," he shrugged.  "Look on the bright side. Maybe she'll go easy on you for a while if you work with her."

"And maybe she'll just be an even bigger bitch to me cos we're stuck together," muttered Cindy still looking at the remote.  She experimentally pressed a button and to her surprise the remote lit up.

"Hey this thing has juice.  Shall we try it out? Imagine if we really could swap bodies.  It would be pretty fascinating I guess." 

Pointing the remote at Jack she pressed the body-swap button and it beeped. She was just messing about and she didn't really expect anything to happen of course.  But suddenly there was a flash of light and in an instant her world went dizzy.  There was a dull rushing in her ears, then a feeling of weightlessness. To her horror she could feel herself being dragged out of her body. For a moment she was moving very fast and being pulled sideways...  then WHAM, the world reoriented itself

"Cindy, what happened?" squeaked a panicked voice and she whirled to see her own body looking down at itself in horror.   "Oh my God, we actually swapped bodies.  The remote actually works!"

Cindy was stunned.  Looking down she saw that she was now in her boyfriends body.  She walked over to the mirror, staggering slightly at the unfamiliar way her hips now seemed to work, and she gazed at herself in astonishment. She ran her now larger hands over her new body, not quite able to believe that this was real and she was now a man.

"Oh my God Jack, this is incredible."  

Jack gulped and prodded his face.  He ran his fingers through Cindy's long black hair and shook his head in denial.  "This has to be a dream or something.  Body-swapping isn't possible."  He looked down at her chest and gulped.  "I... I have your boobs."

"Apparently body-swapping IS possible when you have a magic remote," mused Cindy. "You still have the remote in your hand, you'll need to swap us back."

Jack looked down at her hands then stabbed the controls. There was another moment of dislocation - a sense of disembodiment before the two of them were safely back in their normal bodies.

Cindy felt her skin prickle as she settled back inside herself and she patted her body and grinned.  Her heart pounded with excitement as she looked at her boyfriend who was looking completely bewildered by the experience.

"Oh my God," sighed Jack in relief, "I can't believe that really happened."

"Neither can I," laughed Cindy here eyes shining brightly as she held up the remote. "This device is going to revolutionise our lives. I just need to figure out how!"

Part 2:  Bullied

Cindy was nearly late for school.  She'd spent far too long gloating over the remote but at the last minute her Mom reminded her she was running late and she hurriedly got ready.  She quickly shoved the remote into her bag, deciding it might be useful at school - and ran to the bus stop; only just getting on board in time.  Panting for breath she quickly sat in her seat, hearing the sniggers from her classmates as they looked at her red face.  The temptation to take out the remote and zap some of them was strong, but she restrained herself.  The power of the remote was immense and she'd promised herself she'd use the power responsibly. Using the mind control button to make them all believe they were dogs or something might have been amusing, but it would have drawn unwanted attention.

It was hard to think about school when she had such an amazing secret. Her head was spinning with all the possibilities she could explore with the remote- but her joyous mood was instantly crushed as she found her new lab partner Kenna waiting for her and she remembered that she was partnered up with the bitch.   

Kenna looked amazing as always, though her uniform was hardly regulation.  Nor was her hair, makeup or nails - but unfortunately her Daddy had donated huge amounts to the school - which meant she got away with pretty much whatever she wanted.  Now Kenna was eyeing Cindy like she was a piece of shit on the bottom of one of her high heels.

"OMG - I can't believe that idiot Mr Brown put me with the biggest fucking loser in the class," snorted Kenna as she sat next to Cindy and eyed her with disgust.  "Why a freak like you should get to work with someone like me, I don't know."  Rudely ignoring Cindy, she turned her body 90 degrees so that it was clear she wanted nothing to do to her and promptly got out her phone and began to browse it. 

Cindy stared at the back of Kenna's beautiful blonde head.  The bitch was infuriating.  She was one of those irritating sluts who had it all.  Her Mom and Dad were rich and well connected... she had been born with natural good looks and athletic ability.  Sure, Kenna's grades were average - but she was no bimbo and with her Daddy's connections, she would definitely go to college.

For someone like Cindy who had, had to work hard all her life - sitting next to this pampered blonde princess was as frustrating as hell. It was true that Kenna was beautiful.  Other girls would kill to look like her, and the blonde bully knew it.  It was partly why she acted like such a bitch. Cindy grit her teeth as Kenna waved at Olivia and Madison her two best-friends and made a fake holding-her-nose gesture as if to suggest Cindy smelt bad.  The other girls dutifully giggled as the bully turned back to Cindy and twirling a piece of gum around her finger.

Seeing her friends were watching her, a malicious smile crept over Kenna's face and she winked at her subordinates.  "Hey Cindy, your hair could do with a wash," she laughed as she pushed the gum deep into Cindy's hair so it tangled and caught in the strands of her hair.

"What - you bitch!" screamed Cindy as she tried to pull the gum out and sobbed as she realised it had stuck to her hair.  She'd probably have to cut it out to get it off.  She sobbed harder as the teacher began to walk over.

Leaning over to whisper in her victims ear, Kenna hissed as she whispered, "You say anything and you're fucking dead.  Me and the girls will get you after school." She dug her claw-like acrylics into Cindy's leg as she spoke and looked up with fake concern in her pretty face.

"Mr Brown, my friend is upset about something. I think she needs to leave the class for today. Can Madison sit with me instead?"

Mr Brown sighed as he saw the weeping Cindy. "No Kenna, I told you.  You aren't working with your friends this time.  You and Cindy need to work as a team."

Kenna scowled and rolled her eyes.  "Whatever."

"If you need a moment to go to the bathrrom, you may do so Cindy," said Mr Brown and with a final sob, Cindy turned and fled.  


It was after class and a red-eyed Cindy had finally managed to cut the gum out of her hair with some nail scissors.  Feeling a burning rage inside, she realised she couldn't go through another three weeks of this hell.  She couldn't be partners with Kenna - it would kill her.

She was walking home from school dejectedly when Jack caught up with her.  He sighed as he saw her. 

"What's wrong?  Why didn't you wait for me. Ohhhh is it Kenna again?"

She nodded, a determined angry look in her eye.  "Yep.  Only this time the bitch doesn't know who she is messing with.  Not now we have the magic remote."  She told Jack about the gum and the bullying she'd endured in Science that day.  His jaw grew grim as he listened.

Jack nodded in agreement as she finished her tale.  "What a fucking bitch, we need to use the remote on her to get revenge.  But how?  Mind control her with the remote?"

Cindy thought for a moment.  "I guess the remote can force people to follow instructions - but it doesn't change how they are inside.  For instance you could tell someone to be nice to everyone they met, but inside their head they would still be mean. I want to force her to change. We need a better idea."

Jack's eyes suddenly lit up with inspiration.

"Hmmmmm, the thing that Kenna would hate most in the world is losing her beauty, wealth and status and having to slum it with the rest of us.  How about a body-swap? We could make her switch with me!  She'd hate it!"

"Really?" gasped Cindy suddenly nervous.  "You'd really want to swap with that slut?"

"It would only be for a few days. We swap bodies and set some instructions that means she can't tell anyone she's not really me or get any help.  After being me for a few days till she'll be desperate to switch back.  She'll soon have realised the error of her ways."

Cindy bit her lip uncertainly.  It sounded like a good plan, but there was something about it that made her feel uneasy.  Maybe it was the thought of her loving boyfriend being inside her worst enemy.  It was definitely weird.

"I'll even be able to work with you on the science project," grinned Jack.  "Come on, let's go find Kenna and make this happen."

Part 3:  The swap

Getting Kenna alone was easier than they'd thought.  She was constantly posting on social media and after triangulating her location via the photos and places she'd checked into - Jack worked out she'd been to the Mall with her flunkies and was heading home.  Kenna's house was a little further than everyone else's and sure enough she was walking down the road on her own with a load of shopping bags. 

Stepping out into the street, Jack grinned as he pointed the remote at Kenna.

"Eugh, what the fuck are you losers doing in my street?" sneered Kenna.  "What the fuck is that?  Am I supposed to be scared or something... did your dumb girlfriend Cindy put you up to this bitch-boy?"

Jack ignored the insults and just pressed the buttons.  There was a beeping noise and then both of them shook as the body-swap began.

Cindy watched nervously as both Kenna and Jack's body's suddenly went limp.  They remained standing, but arms and heads dropped forward like they had both been put into a trance. She caught the remote control just in time as it slipped from Jack's open hands and she stood back to watch in fascination.  

The transfer only took an instant, then both bodies jerked like puppets.  Groaning in unison and blinking rapidly, both bodies began to move again.  'Kenna's' was the quickest to recover - or at least Jack had been more prepared for what to expect. 

"Oh my God, it worked," he groaned as he looked down at his new body and saw he was now in a tight white top and short black skirt. "Quick, use the remote on the real Kenna before she works out what is happening."

Cindy whirled and blasted the startled and slightly horrified 'Jack' with the mind control button on the remote before he could react and a blank, empty expression appeared on his face.

"Okay listen up Kenna.  We've body-swapped you and Jack as a punishment and you aren't getting your body back till you learn some manners.  So here are some instructions.  One - you are physically unable to tell anyone what we've done to you, by any means - written, verbal or un-verbal.  Two - from now on you can only refer to yourself as Jack.  Three - you can't hurt, threaten or bully either me or Jack in your body.  Four - You have to do anything me or Jack in your body tells you to do.  Five - you can't touch or use this remote under any circumstances. Six - you can't do anything deliberate to hurt or embarrass Jack's body or reputation at school."

There was a beep as the instructions locked and the hypnosis deactivated.  The dazed look vanished from 'Jack's face and he looked down at himself in absolute horror.

"You... you fucking losers," groaned the new Jack in outrage - his eyes wild and the anguish on his face almost heart-wrenching to see.  "This is disgusting! Give me back my beautiful body."

The new Kenna laughed and shook her pretty blonde head.  "No way - not after the way you've treated Cindy today.  I'm going to stay in here until you've learned your lesson. Now stop being a brat and calm down.

"You freaks!  You'll never get away with this," raged 'Jack' as he fell to his knees in shock.  "This is like totally illegal.  I'm going to fucking sue you both once I get out of here.  My Daddy is going to fucking kill you both."  Jack's voice was several octaves higher as the possessing spirit of Kenna forced it talk in a ditzy way.  It sounded so weird.

"Jack - no one is going to believe that is you if she keeps talking like that.  She's got such a dirty mouth and she talks like a dumb Valley girl.  What are we going to do?"

Jack pursed his new soft lips,  "I suppose people will rumble me too unless I start talking like her, but I don't have the first idea of how to impersonate her.  Hmmm, maybe we can use the memory transfer to swap our styles of speaking?"

Cindy hesitated.  The memory transfer sounded a little dangerous to her.  The button allowed you to swap memories with another person - gaining their knowledge and experience - but the downside was you lost some of your own memories as they went into the other persons head.  Jack could use the remote to change his way of talking to be exactly like Kenna's, but he would lose his ability to talk like himself.

"It's okay, I can change it back before we swap back," he grinned taking the remote from Cindy and pointing it at the real Kenna in his body.  He pushed a button and groaned as his eyes rolled up slightly into his head.  

"Ohhhh fuck, that's like such a total fucking rush..."

Jack's pretty new hand flew up to his sexy mouth at the hot filth coming out, then he giggled and grinned. "OMG - I sound like totally like her!"

"What! I'm sure I do not sound like that," grunted Kenna from her male body as she put her hands on her hips in a super feminine gesture.  "Oh goodness, maybe I do?  Hey, why am I talking exactly like you?"

"Duuuuuh, cos we fucking swapped memories you dumb bitch," laughed Jack.  "And that's not all we're like swapping.  There's no fucking way anyone is like gonna think you're a boy when you're walking around all hips and hand gestures like that."

He stabbed the remote again and Kenna and him both groaned as their memories exchanged.  A life-time of experience of a female body posture was instantly transferred and Jack's uncomfortable posture in his new body faded as his body language became instantly feminine.

"Oooh that's totes better," he giggled strutting backwards and forwards effortlessly in Kenna's wedge heels.  "I feel like soooo much more comfortable in here already."

"No!  Give me back those memories," sobbed Kenna as she looked down at her now masculine body posture and the reality of what was happening struck again.  "Why are you doing this to me you bullies?"

Jack giggled again - the sound grating slightly on Cindy's nerves - and he tossed back his new blonde hair with an effortless gesture.  "Cos you were a total fucking skank who deserved to find out how it feels to be a nobody loser." 

Cindy was shocked at how mean her boyfriend sounded now he was Kenna, but she continued "What she... I mean he, is trying to say is that you're the bully, not us.  You've picked on me since I was little and now you're going to learn some humility.  A few days as Jack should teach you a lesson you'll never forget.  Now you're going to spend a few days as my boyfriend and at the end of it, if you can show us that you've changed - then we'll put you back.  It's not like you have a choice."

"Okay - fine," spat Kenna.  "I'll behave and be a good girl... I mean boy."

"You better bitch," giggled Jack. "Now like lets go look at Kenna's house. Now I'm inside her, we can finally get a look at her fancy mansion home.  I'll just tell her parents you're my friends come for a study session."

The real Kenna pouted, "Do we have to?  I don't want to go home like this."

"That's too bad loser," laughed Jack.  "Come on - it's only over here..."


Part 4: Home sweet home

Cindy's heart was racing as Jack used Kenna's key from her handbag to open the door and let them into the huge mansion she called home.  A beautiful woman appeared in the hallway instantly, eyes partly glued to a tablet as she casually looked up to take in the trio and without preamble launched into conversation. "Kenna I want you to tell me what you think of these dresses, I want to buy a new summer wardrobe. " 

"Mom," gasped the real Kenna in Jack's deep voice as the woman lifted a beautiful eyebrow in confusion to see the gawping boy.

"Excuse me young man, do I know you?"

For a moment Cindy felt panic, the real Kenna was going to blow their cover completely.  Then she remembered the instructions she'd put into Kenna and felt relief as her bully realised her mistake and the prohibition against revealing herself intentionally, kicked in.  "No, I'm a friend of Kenna's.  Sorry Mrs Jones."

Kenna's Mum snorted,  she was clearly as rude and self-absorbed as her daughter.  "Darling, who are these strays you've brought with you.  Where are Madison and Olivia?"

"Oh these are just some people from school, Mr Brown is making me work with them on a science project."

"Oh really," sneered Mrs Jones.  "Do you want me to get your Daddy to speak to the school.  I don't want my daughter being forced to associate with her lessers."

"No it's fine Mommy, we're just going up to my room to study."

If it was a problem that Kenna was bringing a boy to her room, her Mom didn't show it and Jack, Kenna and Cindy made their way upstairs to Kenna's amazing bedroom.  It was huge... with a massive bed and full length wardrobe space.  Expensive clothing and makeup were neatly arranged and there was an entire section of cubby holes for Kenna's sexy shoes.  It was like something a spoiled princess would have for a room.

"Oh wow, this is totally amazing," giggled Jack as he excitedly ran into the room.  "Look at all this fucking stuff, and it's all MINE!"

"Get real. You don't even know what half this stuff is," sneered Kenna folding her arms in a masculine posture.  "You probably don't even know how to use makeup to contour properly!"

"Like maybe I don't right now bitch, - but I totally will in a second," grinned Jack blasting Kenna again with the memory swap button.  "Oooooh yeah, all your memories of how to do makeup, how to dress like you and how to be a spoiled Princess are becoming mine. Mmmmmh, your memories are so fucking tasty Kenna.  Think I'll take all of them."

"NOOOOO!" screamed the real Kenna as she gripped her head and tried to remember who she was.

"Yessss, give me more of your memories bitch. All those years of being a mean, stuck-up bully.  All that experience of how to manipulate people, coerce them and make them fucking crawl to serve you are mine now.  Mmmmh I love it."

Jack's eyes were rolling in his pretty new head and Cindy shivered. It looked almost like he was having an orgasm and every time he took more memories from Kenna, he seemed less and less Jack and more and more like her.  By contrast, the real Kenna seemed subdued and calm... much like Jack normally was. 

Cindy frowned and took a step forward to her boyfriend.  "Don't you think you better stop swapping memories with Kenna.  Surely you have everything you need now?"

"You have no idea how delicious it feels to be Kenna" grinned Jack.  "I wanna suck out all her memories.  The more I become like her... the more I absorb of Kenna, the more I realise how superior and hot it feels to be her.  Mmmmh, it feels great to be the bully. I feel like such a hot fucking bitch. It's sooooo addictive. I want more!"

"Jack I think maybe you went a bit far, maybe we should stop this..."

Cindy reached out to try and take the remote from her boyfriend.  This was getting out of hand and she was starting to feel afraid.

"Oh I don't think so loser," giggled Jack nastily as he pushed a button on the remote and Cindy gasped as her entire body froze.  "I'm just getting started!"

Cindy squealed as she tried to move, but her entire body was frozen rigid.  She watched helplessly as her boyfriend advanced on the original Kenna quaking in his body.

"Yessss! No one can stop me now. I'm going to transfer EVERYTHING!  I'm going to take every remaining memory from your head Kenna. You'll forget you were ever the hot slutty bully and you'll believe you were always Jack. You and I are going to completely swap personalities and it's going to feel so fucking good.  Well for me anyway.  I can't wait to over-write the remaining parts of Jack's pathetic personality with your own.  Then when I'm fully ME again, I can deal with that bitch Cindy.  The remote is mine now and I'm going to have so much fun using it."

Cindy wanted to scream in her head, her boyfriend... her beautiful boyfriend had been completely corrupted by Kenna's evil memories.  She watched as he pressed a button and the remote beeped.


Jack shook in Kenna's hot body, his mouth wide open in a scream of pleasure as his eyes rolled up into his head.  Pink light surrounded him whilst in Jack's body the original Kenna thrashed and moaned as her memories were torn from her mind and everything that had once been her was transferred to Jack. 

As their identities fully exchanged, their sense of self shifted.  The new Kenna moaned as her corruption completed itself and the final remnants of Jack's personality and mind were ripped from her brain.  She was finally complete.  The memory and body transfer were finally complete.

"Mmmmmh, it feels so good to be whole," giggled the bully as she examined herself happily whilst the new Jack steadied himself against the wall.  "God, I can't actually believe that I was once a stupid nerdy boy.  So glad all those memories and thoughts have been deleted from my mind."

Pointing the remote, Kenna laughed as she froze the new Jack and looked at her two victims.

"Well, I think it's like totally time to wipe your memories of this remote and what has happened. Neither of you are gonna remember anything about any of this.  Haha, ohhhh and I have some great ideas for some extra programming to put into your minds.  Here we go!"

There was a blinding flash as Kenna pushed the buttons and both Cindy and Jack groaned as their minds went completely blank.


Part 5 - New lives

Pulling back the sheets to her bed, Cindy blushed and sobbed as she saw she'd wet the bed again. "No, no NO!" she cried unhappily at the mess she'd created.  Why did this keep happening to her?  She'd never had problems like this before, but it was like something had changed recently and now she was a nervous wreck.  It felt like an evil voice was in her mind whispering into her subconscious and making her into a pathetic victim.

Maybe it was Kenna.  Since that bitch had stolen Jack from her she'd really struggled to cope.  She couldn't believe her formerly nerdy boyfriend had become such an asshole seemingly over-night. He'd lost all interest in his former hobbies and started working out down the gym.  Within a couple of months he'd been the most ripped boy at school and had turned into an aggressive, over-confident jerk.  Now he and Kenna were the schools power-couple - he'd dumped Cindy as soon as he possibly could and was dating that bitch instead.  

Meanwhile Kenna seemed more powerful than ever.  It was like she had some sort of increased power over everyone and she was twice as mean and evil as she used to be. She loved to flaunt her sexy body and spoiled life more than ever and anyone who got in her way seemed to have terrible accidents or develop strange nervous ticks, habits or interests.

If Cindy hadn't have known better, she'd have said Kenna had someway to mind control and manipulate people however she saw fit.  But of course that sort of thing was impossible.

Wasn't it?




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