Lust in Translation

 Lust in Translation (For Mara Mischief)

WARNING - Contains scenes of depravity.  This is a work of fiction and none of the scenarios and situations below are real. 

Dear Diary,

My name is Nicola Holder.  I'm 44 years old and I'm a housewife living in Greenwood, Indiana.  I have a son Max, who is a computer nerd and a shy studious daughter Penny,  - who is getting ready to go to University.  My husband, Owen, is a managing director at an accountancy firm - he earns so much money I've never had to work.  Our relationship has been a little strained since we had the kids, but no so different to my friends and we've worked through most of our problems.

I have such a lovely life - a beautiful house, nice friends, loving family... so why... why do I feel so dissatisfied and empty?

Perhaps I'm having a mid-life crisis now my kids are grown up, but I just feel completely empty inside.  I'm struggling to sleep at night and I'm on anti-depressants and going through therapy.  That's why I decided to start keeping this diary to try and get my thoughts down onto paper about the whole thing and reflect. 

My therapist Mindy said she thought it was a good idea and we could talk about what I write here in my sessions. Just reading back my own introduction I'm struck at how horribly boring and average my family and my life sounds.  When I write down my problems I sound like some whiney bitch, when that's not who I wanted to be. I'm a tedious, frumpy, out-of-shape housewife and I'm not proud of myself for what I've become.

I just feel like I've not lived up to my full potential.  Looking at Penny about to head to University reminds me of what I was like at her age.  I was bright, intelligent and full of ambition.  I wanted to be somebody and do something with my life.  Instead I ended up turning exactly into my mother - a frustrated housewife with no expectations on her.  It's not what I wanted when I started out.  Maybe if I hadn't have got pregnant with Penny... maybe if I'd never met Owen and had him sweep me off my feet and take all my agency from me.  Damn it, I have so many regrets in my life it hurts.

Mindy said I needed a project - something to absorb my time and my intellect. Something to make me feel good again. We talked about my interests and abilities in our last session.  Well I told her I liked reading and I majored in Latin.  I always wanted to be a translator - I speak French and Italian too.  That gave her an idea. She's given me some old book that's been passed down through her family and asked if I could translate it for her.  It's a leather bound book entirely written in some form of bastardised Latin.  The Grimoire Corruptio 

Grimoire of Corruption?  How overly dramatic. I'm assuming it's some play or story.  To be fair - the book does look pretty scary and disgusting. It's black and bound in the most curious leather.  It seems silly, but it almost looks like human flesh - though it couldn't be of course. Mindy herself has no idea what it is about, just that it's been passed down through the family for a LONG time and she was hoping I could unlock its secrets, or at the very least it will give me something to do.

Well I guess it can't hurt to try! 


Dear Diary,

It's been a... strange week.  The Grimoire was more compelling than I could ever have imagined. When I first opened its dusty pages and ran my fingers over the curious leather bound cover - a tingle ran through my whole body, almost like an erotic charge.  I felt excitement swell inside me for the first time in what felt like years as I began to translate and the words seared my mind with fire.  It was like the Grimoire wanted to be read and as the hours flew by I learned more and more of its secrets.

My family were upset that I was ignoring them - both my son and daughter came to see what I was doing - but I simply lied and told them I wasn't feeling well so I could spend more time reading the grimoire.  Owen didn't seem to care at all.  He's not been very interested in me recently - he doesn't seem to see me in a sexual way anymore and who can blame him? I wish I was still sexy.

I have to say though that Mindy's idea was working.  I hadn't felt down or depressed all day.  My new fanaticism to understand the Grimoire was taking over. The compulsion to read... to translate... to understand - was like nothing I'd ever experienced before.  It felt like I had a fever and a deep hunger was growing inside me to delve the dark secrets within the book.  A hunger that was filling the emptiness inside me with terrible possibilities. 

As I translated more of the book, it began to become clear that the Grimoire was supposed to be magic. This was no play or work of fiction... it was a book of the darkest most malicious magic.  The book  was full of incantations, spells and rituals and the blackest, darkest secrets imaginable.  The pages spoke of the most depraved and wicked corruption you could imagine - and yet... the more I translated, the more fascinated I became.  The things in the grimoire sounded so wrong and so evil - yet they were also so enticing somehow.

Spells to enslave the wills of others - to corrupt and transform them according to the whims of the user - spells to extend life and to bring physical power and beauty to the one willing to use them.  The only price was the soul - the more one used the grimoire - the more evil one would become, till they were a pure manifestation of vain, selfish, evil.

For some reason I felt aroused as I hungrily read the words. I began to wish that magic was real, that I could truly cast the spells from this book.  After all - who wouldn't want to make themselves more attractive... who wouldn't want to use a few spells and incantations to get what they wanted?

Of course... it's all a lie - there's no such thing as magic.  But even as I write these words, my mind turns back to the book and a terrible temptation to read it again.  And that's not all... 

I have to... I have to be honest with you diary.  I went up to my room this evening and as I lay on my bed I began to think about the disgusting things I'd read in the grimoire.  I began to imagine myself as a powerful witch... my body transformed to have big powerful breasts and a face that men would lust over.  I touched myself as I imagined long slutty nails on my fingers, expensive clothing on my body as I made Owen worship me as a Goddess and those that had always stood in my were crushed beneath my will.

Oh goodness, I came so hard I thought I would pass out.

It's all just some dirty fantasy of course, but the temptation to try the rituals from the book were so strong.  I can't help but think about using the ritual to give myself the body I've always wanted. Then Owen would notice me... then EVERYONE would notice me.  I must stop writing for now, I'm getting too turned on again. I need to stop and calm down. Goodnight my diary.


Dear Diary,

Magic is real!!!

Even as I write these words I can hardly believe it myself.  But it's true.  As I look down at the rounded swell of my new larger breasts and stroke my soft delicious skin, I can hardly believe how powerful and alive I feel - but the Grimoire really has given me what I wanted and the power is making my head spin.

Reading back my last entry, I must confess that after finishing writing my update - I crept back to the Grimoire and found myself enacting the ritual to give myself the body I had always wanted. I don't know what madness possessed me - but my desire to have the body I had always wanted drove me on. I will not burden these pages with a description of the unholy spell I cast - suffice to say that after I had lit the needed candles I spoke the delicious words from the Grimoire and felt my soul ripped from my body as dark magic crackled around me.

Even as part of my soul was consumed by the spell, my hair turned raven black, my skin tanned and my aging frumpy body became curvy and strong again. Bones cracked as I laughed in delight... long nails springing from my hands as my lips curved into a wicked curvy pout and the powerful tits I had always desired swelled from my chest.

I should feel frightened that it worked - that part of my soul was burned up and consumed - but instead I feel glorious and SO alive.

I am a fucking Goddess now.  

The best part is that the spell appears to have bent reality.  No one remembers the old pathetic frumpy me anymore. It's like I have always been a strong, powerful bitch and my wardrobe had changed to suit my new form.  Everything is now perfect.  My depression is gone and my husband is now my devoted lover.  Last night he drove himself into my tight pussy and gave it all to me as he begged me to stay with him always.  The jealous looks of my neighbours and the lustful glances of other men fill me with delight as I realise I finally have everything I always wanted.

Well nearly everything.

It's funny. I swore that I would only use the book once.  The warnings inside are clear - the book is dangerous to use.  However I don't feel fear anymore.  I just feel excitement.  Making myself a beautiful Goddess feels good, but now I know the power is real and magic is a possibility, my mind can't help but turn to the other possibilities the books seemed to offer.  

I thought all I ever wanted was to be loved by Owen again and to have two devoted loving children - but now I start to wonder.  As Owen thrust between my thighs last night - I couldn't help but sneer. He is kind of pathetic - his body average and weak. A woman of my calibre perhaps deserves a more powerful lover.  A lover who can really make her cum.

Having this strong, powerful, dominant body has made me reassess my life and my priorities. The Grimoire has freed my mind and my body - since I cast the spell I fell less constrained by traditional morality.  I feel like I am a fucking Goddess who can do whatever she wants.  The need for more... to immerse myself in the dark magic of the book, is almost overwhelming.

As I flicked through the grimoire today, my fingers brushed the pages describing spells of transformation... spells of corruption. My head was dizzy with possibilities as I began to get wet at the thought of what I could do now.  I'm not ashamed that I masturbated to the thought of making Owen my slave and corrupting my own children.

Perhaps I will use more spells from the book. I have never felt so alive. My days of boredom and mediocrity are gone.  


Dear Diary,

Well it has been an amusing few days since my last entry.  

As I said in my previous comments - I decided I would try more spells from the grimoire.  But as well as trying it on-myself, I was eager to test the magic on other people and experience the delicious thrill of shaping the fates of others.  Part of me was reluctant at first - but as I began to imagine the possibilities I began to get wet and excited at the thought of using my powers.

My son, daughter and husband had ignored me and taken me for granted for years.  Now it was time to have some fun with them.  In truth, I was already bored of Owen.  He was just a pathetic simp now for my new improved form and I had already grown bored of his mindless devotion. 

But there were others in the house who could sate my growing lusts.  My hungry eyes turned to my son and daughter.  Penny was so repressed and boring and Max was such a goody-goody.  But with a little dark magic, each of them could become something truly special.

Looking at Penny I felt my lips curve into a sneer.  She was a demure little thing, free of malice or vanity.  She was everything I had once hoped for her - intelligent, moral and determined.

Wouldn't it be a lot more fun if she was a spoiled, bratty, dumb, cheerleading whore?

After all - who needed brains when you looked good and had a tight pussy for all the boys?

I felt somewhat reluctant as I began the ritual... but as I cast the spell and I felt more of my soul torn from my body - I realised that I was helping my daughter become better than she could ever hope to be alone.  There was no guilt as I heard her moans of pleasure next door as the magic corrupted her and she became Paige - my new bitchy daughter.

Penny was consumed in pink fire as her boring hair turned bright blonde and her body became tighter and hotter.  Her lips curved into a slutty grin as she tossed out her sexy hair and moaned as makeup covered her face and her demure college outfit became a cheerleading outfit.  I watched in delight as her room changed... all her intelligent books destroyed and replaced by cheerleading trophies as she became a bratty little bitch who only cared about sex and manipulating others.

"Ooooh fuck yeah, I feel like sooooo good," she moaned as my magic warped her mind and changed reality so that Penny would be forgotten forever. Only Paige remained now.

Examining my new and improved daughter I was pleased.  But my work wasn't done yet.  I was horny and it was time to find a suitable replacement for Owen.  My mind turned to Max.

Paige and I found him in the living room.  He was playing one of his stupid computer games and I found myself sneering as I looked at his weedy body.  Again - it was time to do him a favour.

"Mom, Sis... what are you doing?" he stammered nervously as we approached. I was already chanting words of black magic as I felt more of my soul consumed and a delicious feeling of freedom and power fill my mind.

"Yes Max... it's time to give us what we need. Your Daddy is weak... it's time to become the man of the house to satisfy your sister and I."

Reaching out, black lightning shot from my hand and I watched in growing arousal as Max was reshaped according to my whims.  He groaned and growled in pleasure as his dorky form was corrupted and powerful muscles spread across his body.  His clothes ripped away as his dick began to swell and grow and with a giggle of delight Paige pounced on him to begin to suck and lick his dick with glee.

"Oh yes!  Mommy - his cock is all our now."

It was wrong... it was disgusting and depraved... but I loved it as I sank on my knees next to my daughter and we began to suck and lick Max's cock.  "Oh Mommy, I can't wait to feel it inside me," moaned Paige and I smiled at what a little whore she was now.  Just like her Mommy.

We began to fuck... taking turns on his big dick as his powerful body pounded our hot tight bodies and we moaned in ecstasy.  This was so much better than Owen... I was a depraved Goddess who could make other people do whatever I wanted. Corrupting my family felt so good - I could finally live out every fantasy I had ever desired.

Perhaps tomorrow I would make Max into a sissy and give his sister a massive cock to fuck him. No depravity was beyond my imagination as the words of the grimoire filled my mind and the endless possibilities of darkness opened up before me.

"YES... I'm SUCH A FUCKING BITCH!" I moaned as I orgasmed on Max's cock and threw back my head with a groan of ecstasy. It felt so good to be completely evil.

Well almost completely evil.

There is still a fragment of my soul remaining. Once I have destroyed that - then I will finally be complete and all the power of the grimoire will be mine.  I have only a few pages to translate - I just need to avoid getting too distracted and horny.

That is hard when you're such an all powerful slut.


Dear Diary,

This will probably be my final entry.  I no longer see the need to record my life within these pages. Looking back at my old entries I am amused at how pathetic I was when I began this journey and now I have no desire to let anyone know my secrets.  I enjoy being a Goddess too much for anyone else to learn of the Grimoire and try to take the power from me.

It's true that I'm now an evil slut with no soul who enjoys breaking every taboo and doing bad things because it gets me off - but then who wouldn't want to be?  Dark magic fills my body and all the grimoires secrets are finally mine to use.  You have no idea how good it feels to be like this. I can do ANYTHING and my depraved new mind keeps me amused and satisfied at all times.  I will never be bored and empty again - a whole universe of corruption awaits me.

As I watch Max and Paige fuck like animals... hot wet slaps filling the air as he pulls her pony tail and rams her with his ten inch cock - I can't help but think I've actually helped my family.  I've freed them from the petty morality and inanity of 'normal life'.  They can indulge their pleasures and whims now just as I can.  I've given them all such gifts.  Paige's tits are nearly as big as mine now and she is so tight, that every thrust gives her orgasmic pleasure beyond your comprehension.

As for me - you may be wondering how I destroyed the final fragment of my soul? It was easy and delicious to do. Betraying Owen and turning him into a useless sissy cuckold helped me rid myself of any remaining morality.  As the multiple men I had chosen to fuck me rammed and railed my perfect body... thick shots of cum erupting from their pistoning cocks - I made Owen drink and lick up every spurt.  The rituals devolved him into a whimpering and pathetic slave, a simp who will obey me till the day he dies.

Now a broken man, he is my most faithful worshipper.  The dark magic has made him nothing.  I even trust him to carry my grimoire for me and protect it.  

And so as I finish this entry, I will decide what to do with this diary. Perhaps I will give it to Mindy as a thank you for setting me on the path to darkness. Or perhaps I will keep it as an amusing keepsake.

Whatever the case - let us hope that no dark magic has seeped into it's pages. There is only room for one evil book and its power belongs to me.

I am the Mistress of the Grimoire Corruptio.  I am Goddess Nicola.  I am the darkness that feeds on the souls of the weak.

And no one will ever stand in my way.



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