Fit Bitch: Stage 1

Fit Bitch: Stage 1 PART 1: Watch Out! "SURPRISE!" Tyler leapt in shock as he entered his apartment and the lights flicked on to reveal all his friends and family waiting for him. Colourful birthday bunting hung from the walls and a cake with twenty candles sat on the coffee table. Grinning happy faces stared back at Tyler's shocked and puzzled expression. Then his girlfriend Holly squeezed his hand and he shook his head wryly at the situation as he realised they were throwing him a surprise birthday party. "You knew about this?" "Of course," she laughed, "I planned it for you. Everyone was desperate to be involved." "Happy birthday doofus," grinned Mark, Tyler's best mate as he ruffled his friends hair. Mark's girlfriend Ashley gave him a peck on the cheek and a hug too. "Happy birthday Tyler." Moving amongst his friends and family, Tyler felt a wave of love and affection for them all. He shared a joke with h...