Fit Bitch: Stage 1

 Fit Bitch: Stage 1

PART 1: Watch Out!


Tyler leapt in shock as he entered his apartment and the lights flicked on to reveal all his friends and family waiting for him. Colourful birthday bunting hung from the walls and a cake with twenty candles sat on the coffee table.  Grinning happy faces stared back at Tyler's shocked and puzzled expression. Then his girlfriend Holly squeezed his hand and he shook his head wryly at the situation as he realised they were throwing him a surprise birthday party.

"You knew about this?"

"Of course," she laughed, "I planned it for you.  Everyone was desperate to be involved."

"Happy birthday doofus," grinned Mark, Tyler's best mate as he ruffled his friends hair.  Mark's girlfriend Ashley gave him a peck on the cheek and a hug too.  "Happy birthday Tyler."

Moving amongst his friends and family, Tyler felt a wave of love and affection for them all.  He shared a joke with his Dad and gave his Mom a massive hug.  His little sister Mandy stuck her tongue out at him and they laughed.  It was brilliant to see everyone gathered together.  Everyone he loved was here.

Tapping a glass Holly grinned as Tyler's friends and family gathered round to listen.

"Thank you for coming everyone.  We're here today to wish an amazing twentieth birthday to Tyler.  His birthday was always going to be a special day - but it's even more special when we consider everything he's achieved in the last year.  Tyler's kindness and selflessness are a shining example to everyone.  I think that's why we all wanted to meet here today and celebrate... so happy birthday Tyler."

The crowd cheered and Holly reached up to kiss him on the cheek.  "I'm so fucking proud of you," she smiled squeezing his hand.

Tyler flushed, getting embarrassed.  His life in the last year had been crazy.  He'd always been interested in trying to help people, so when he developed a mental health app that went viral whilst still in college, he had been pleased at the response.  Pax was a behavioural app that worked to help support people who wanted to make a positive change to their mental health.  It had proven wildly successful and the fact that Tyler had refused to monetise the app had just made it even more successful as people accessed it for free.

With millions of downloads and users now regularly engaged with the app, he'd found himself a little overwhelmed - but even with all of the offers coming in from big tech companies to buy the app from him he'd refused.  Tyler knew that as soon as some money grabbing company took the app, they'd turn it from a helpful mental health app into some way of making money.  One company in particular - Hyde.Inc had been very assertive with their offers.  They were in a similar field - using behavioural technologies to improve fitness outcomes - and they wanted access to his technology to merge it with their own. He didn't like the company - they seemed, unethical.  He'd refused all their offers so far.

Tyler knew he could make a lot of money if he monetised his app and developed it further.  He'd had to take a couple of years out of university to work on it and although he still had a confirmed place, he wasn't sure if he should just drop out and start work in the tech industry.  A lot of companies were willing to invest and support his future, in the hopes he would come work for them. Until then his parents and a few charities were helping to support him whilst he got the app to a stage where he felt he could leave it to focus on his own studies. At the tender age of 20 he had the world in the palm of his hand but was also not yet fully set on his path in life.

And yet he was so self-effacing about it all.  Tyler was a deeply humble and kind person. He wasn't motivated by greed or pride or ego.  He did what he did out of love.  That was why people liked him so much.  With his talents and skills he could have been rich, but he preferred to stay out of the limelight and do his thing.

Holly beamed at him. They'd been sweethearts since they were younger, having attended school together.  She was training to be a nurse and as she worked with people with mental health concerns, she saw first hand the positive impact Pax was having on people.  She couldn't have been prouder of her lovely boyfriend.

"It's nothing really," demurred Tyler as he squeezed her hand back.  "I just knocked up an app that brought together a load of stuff people already knew. It's not like I solved world hunger or something."

She shook her head and laughed, "Tyler - you're so humble it's sometimes annoying. Just for once, enjoy your birthday and the fact that you're helping so many lives.  Go open some presents."

Tyler grinned and walking over to the large table where people had left gifts - did as she had suggested. There were presents from his Mom and Dad, Holly obviously and all his friends - including a stupid one from Mark (as usual).  But as he walked down the table, he saw there was a very expensively wrapped present sitting slightly apart from the rest.

It was wrapped in rose gold paper and neatly tied with a satin bow.  A crisp handwritten label said, "A birthday gift from Hyde.Inc."

Tyler rolled his eyes.  These people really weren't giving up. He supposed it made sense that they would want to bribe, or influence him, by sending gifts.  He unwrapped the box and whistled as he saw it was an incredibly expensive product from the top of their line.  A 'Fit Bitch' smart device.  They were obviously really desperate to get him to sell them Pax. Putting the box to one side, he opened his remaining presents and for the time being, thought no more of it.


"Damn it," cursed Tyler.  "Have you seen my watch?"

It was the next day and Holly was getting ready in the other room to go to work.  It was a common daily ritual that they would both rise in the morning and get ready together. The two of them had moved into a shared apartment a few months ago and it was small and compact, but the rent was at least cheap.  They had discovered that working around each other in the morning almost required them to dance around each other.  Having so many guests at the party yesterday had taxed the living room to its limit. 

Holly had just finished a gym class and was slipping into her nurses uniform, whilst Tyler had just showered and was now hoping to spend a few hours writing an update for Pax.  

Cursing, Tyler rubbed his naked wrist.  He knew it didn't really matter, but he was quite particular about certain things and he liked wearing a watch.  He usually just wore a cheap Casio - but there was now no sign of it and he couldn't find it anywear.

Then he saw the Fit Bitch box on the table.  

Ripping open the packaging, Tyler hesitated.  The watch was fully charged, but it did look quite... feminine. It was rose gold, like the packaging and had a bright pink strap.  He shrugged - he didn't suppose anyone was going to see him wearing it anyway, it was just to have on his wrist whilst he worked.  Besides - he was curious to see how it worked.  He'd heard a lot about these kinds of watch.

Slipping the Fit Bitch onto his wrist, he tightened the strap and turned it on.  The screen booted up and he continued getting ready whilst it connected to his home wifi and performed various other initial set up tasks.  

"Bye babe," shouted Holly from the hallway and he gave her a kiss on the cheek as she went out to work. 

Set up complete.  Calibration complete.  Fit Bitch activated.

Admiring the clarity of the display, Tyler saw that the watch was now monitoring his vital signs. He could flick through various menus and there were options and controls for all sorts of apps and add ons. He'd look at them later.  Right now he needed to finish getting dressed.

He'd laid his pants and clothes out on the bed, and slipping off his towel reached down to pick up his underwear.

Inappropriate clothing.

Pain lanced through Tyler's body.  The hand holding the boxer shorts unclenched as he gasped in agony. His hand felt like it was burning, like his underwear was scalding hot coals to him.  A nausea and revulsion like nothing he had ever known pulsed through him and he was almost sick as he fell to the floor retching.

"What the hell?" he gasped, panting in horror as the pain faded.

He looked down at the Fit Bitch.  There was a message on the screen. "Inappropriate clothing?"

Had the watch made him feel like that?  What the hell?

In a fury he reached down to rip off the watch.

Unauthorised removal.

Tyler screamed.  The pain was a million times worse than before. It was the worst, most horrific feeling he had ever known.  It was suddenly as if the thought of removing, or taking off the Fit Bitch was the worst thing that could ever happen.  Pain burned through his body, his temples pounded. Feelings of nausea and revulsion crawled through his body and he nearly bit off his own tongue as his heart hammered and he convulsed on the floor.

"I won't take it off, please stop!" he screamed.

Compliance rewarded.

The pain was gone.  In an instant it was gone and instead a wave of euphoria and bliss was spreading through Tyler's body.   He suddenly felt relaxed and happy.  He felt euphoric.

The feeling lasted only a moment, then he was back to normal.  Picking himself up, he looked down at the watch on his wrist in horror.  He reached towards his phone.  He needed help, he needed to tell Holly or his Mom or even Mark that he needed help.  Maybe they could remove the watch for him.

Disclosure denied.

This time the pain built gradually, but began to intensify.  As his hand got nearer his phone, as his intent to call for help increased - so did the pain.  He stopped and the pain stopped immediately receding rapidly.  It was like the watch had been showing him what it could do.  He knew that if it wanted to, it could make him feel agony like he had never known.  This time though it had warned him, given him time to alter his behaviour.

"This is insane and unethical," he hissed.  "This is illegal.  This damn thing has enslaved me... or at least it's trying to condition my behaviour somehow.  I have to find a way out of this... and I will!"

Pacing his room, Tyler decided the secret lay in using his computer talents.  He'd find a way to hack the watch and get it to release him.  For now, he'd play along - but as soon as this thing was off his wrist, he was going straight to the police.  Hyde.Inc were finished!

Aware he was still naked, he walked over to his clothes.  Even looking at his boxer shorts gave him a feeling of nausea.  "Fine, I'll have to go commando," he hissed reaching out to take his jeans.

Inappropriate Clothing.

Tyler snatched his hand back.  "What the hell? All my clothing is inappropriate? What the hell am I supposed to wear?"

He began rooting through his wardrobe, but every single item of clothing was flagged inappropriate... until.

"Aha," grinned Tyler as he pulled out a pair of grey sweat pants.

Clothing acceptable.

It was then he realised why.  "Shit, these aren't mine. They must have got mixed in by mistake. They're Holly's - she was looking for these.  Oh my God - it wants me to wear female clothing."

Tyler looked with hatred at the watch.  He could just not wear any clothes he supposed. He picked up the sweat pants to throw them into Holly's room.  The Fit Bitch had other ideas.

Pleasure.  Pleasure throbbed up Tyler's arm as he touched the sweat pants.  They were soft and light grey, high waisted and cut to the female form.  Holding them felt good.  Really good.

Tyler gasped as his dick sprang to attention.  Delicious feelings of pleasure pulsed through his body and without even realising it he began to rub and stroked the pants lovingly.  "Ooooh shit, that feels good. I have to try these on," he gasped struggling to get a leg inside.

Underwear required.

There was no pain this time, but the pleasure began to recede and with a whine Tyler ran into Holly's room.  Pulling open her underwear drawer he saw there were numerous choices. He began to reach for a sensible pair of white cotton briefs, but then as his eyes fell on one of Holly's g-strings, the pleasure suddenly began to intensify.

Now it was even more sexual in nature and his dick throbbed and pulsed. It felt like the best orgasm he'd ever experienced in his life was building and his mind was almost instantly made up.  Grabbing the thong instead of the panties he groaned as he slipped them on.

Slutty clothes bonus activated

Sliding the tracksuit bottoms on, Tyler began to cum.  Only he didn't really.  It felt like he was cumming, but he didn't ejaculate.  And the pleasure didn't abate.  He still had a kernel of horniness inside himself that he couldn't get rid of, an itch that needed to be scratched.  He looked at himself in the mirror.  He supposed he didn't look too bad.  Holly's tracksuit bottoms were gender neutral enough.  Perhaps a little tighter fit and his ass didn't fill them up right.  Now he just needed to find a t-shirt.  Holly had plenty of plain white ones.  Again, they'd fit wrong, but he probably wouldn't look too stupid.

He hoped.


Walking into the apartment, Holly was surprised to find Tyler home.

She'd known he wanted to work on Pax this morning, but thought he had wanted to go out this afternoon.  Instead he was hunched over his computer, his fingers furiously tapping. He looked like a man possessed.  He also looked strange. She didn't remember him owning he light grey tracksuit bottoms or white t-shirt he was wearing.  In fact... it almost looked like...

"Hey are you wearing my clothes?!?" she asked incredulously.

"Huh, wh... oh Holly, you're home," said Tyler looking up tiredly.  He looked haunted and angry and upset about something.

"Wh... what's wrong?  What's going on?" she asked suddenly worried.

Tyler looked like he wanted to say something, then he suddenly grimaced and his face turned green like he wanted to be sick.

"N...nothing.  It doesn't matter."

"But... but seriously Tyler, what the hell is going on?  Why are you wearing my clothes."

"I told you nothing is fucking going on," he suddenly hissed venomously at her.  "I found these clothes in my washing pile, I was distracted and didn't realise they were yours.  It's not my fault you dress like a boy half the time." 

Tyler had said mean things before when upset, but usually he realised pretty quickly and got embarrassed and calmed down.  This time though, Holly was appalled to see he appeared to be enjoying it.  Worse, he actually seemed to get some sort of thrill of pleasure speaking to her that way.  He actually shivered like he was getting off.

"Tyler, have you taken drugs or something?  You're acting like a psyscho."

"Holly I've had a long difficult day - I really can't explain - but this is not a good day for me. Please stop asking me so many questions and ahhhhhhh," Tyler grimaced suddenly like he was in pain.  "I mean, stop asking me so many questions and leave me alone. I have work to do."

"Fine, fuck you," spat Holly as she turned round with tears in her eyes and stormed out of the apartment. "I'll go see my Mom then and stay at hers tonight - I can't believe you're treating me this way. Something is wrong with you!"

Tyler winced as he heard the door slam.

"FUCK YOU," he screamed at the watch on his wrist.  "I can't believe you made me do that!"

The moment Holly had walked in, he had known there would be trouble.  He'd spent all day trying to hack into the watch, but the encryption on the device was incredible.  It was also monitoring his efforts and blocking his best attempts to hack it properly. 

When Holly had started asking questions he had wanted to tell her everything, beg for her help.  The feeling of nausea had put an end to that.  Worse... once he had started being meaner to her, it had begun to reward him.  It was like the Fit Bitch wanted him to be nasty to Holly.

The worst pain had come when he'd used the word please.  That had been bad.  He looked down at the display.

Unacceptable word.

"Please?  I can't say.... ahhhhhhhh!

The word felt like a coal in his mouth.  Even saying it made his body ache in agony.  "Okay... okay... I won't say it FUCK!"

Swear word encouraged.

Pleasure throbbed Tyler and he gasped as he went from pain to pleasure in an instant.  "FUCK, FUCK, OHHHH FUCK!" he screamed, each time the word left his mouth, the pleasure intensifying.  He began to fake cum again.

"Oh fuck," he gasped after he'd finished orgasming.  "What the hell are you trying to do to me?  Make me mean to my girlfriend and swear more?  Where is this going?"

Turning back to his computer screen - he began to tap away. "I have to find a way to stop this fucking thing..."


Tyler groaned.  The Fit Bitch was vibrating on his wrist.  It was waking him up.  He'd fallen asleep at his desk, slumped over his computer... his attempts to hack the system still a failure. Now it was 5.30 AM.  What the fuck?

Exercise needed.  Exercise supplies arriving.

There was a knock at the door and Tyler leapt to his feet in astonishment.  Striding over, he yanked the door open to find the corridor empty, but a large cardboard box in his entryway.  Picking it up he walked into the kitchen and ripped it open.  The box was full of more Hyde.Inc technology, including a load of fitness devices designed for body toning and shaping.  There were also sachets of some protein drink and various other work-out supplies.

"What the fuck?" gasped Tyler, not even noticing that the word 'fuck' was now firmly embedded in his lexicon.

Drink protein.  Begin workout.

Picking up a sachet, Tyler groaned as he read the blurb.  "Female enhanced protein supplements... enhanced with advanced hormones to promote healthy growth to give you a bitchy body."

"Oh my God, they're trying to actually turn me into a girl."

Even as he thought about becoming a girl, the wave of pleasure hit him hard.  It was stronger than before... so strong that he groaned in ecstasy.  

Big tits
Tight body
Mean bitch
Drink hormones
Drink hormones
Drink hormones

Tyler gasped as the fit bitch pulsed and vibrated.  Images of hot feminine clothes, bras, panties, tight tops throbbed through his mind as it manipulated the pleasure centres of his brain and made him lust for female things.

Staggering to the sink, Tyler emptied the sachet of powder into a cup and filled it with water. He groaned as he drank the delicious pink liquid it produced, the fit bitch rewarding him with another false orgasm - the strongest he'd ever experienced.

Crawling into the bedroom he saw that Holly still wasn't home - she must still be at her moms.  He tore open her clothes draw and found her work out leggings.  Pulling them on he began to cum again - groaning as the Fit Bitch rewarded him for abandoning the gender neutral tracksuit bottoms and wearing something tighter and sexier.  His cock was rock hard in the clingy leggings as he began to work out.

Complete 50 squats.

Tyler had never exercised so thoroughly in his life as he began the routine. Dressed in his girlfriends super tight clothes he sweated and groaned as he worked out his ass and the pain and pleasure responses of the fit bitch spurred him on.  His stomach gurgled and his head swam as whatever chemicals and hormones was in the protein pulsed round his body.  He felt like he was going to pass out...

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh FUCK!" he moaned.


Tyler's phone began to ring.  He looked at it in irritation, dropping the razor he was using to shave his body.   He was still aching from the work-out, yet strangely full of energy.  It was 10.30 AM now and the Fit Bitch had made him drink another sachet of the protein mix and go clean himself up in the shower.  Having a smooth, hairless body seemed to please it, so he'd got to work with a razor.

Tyler sighed as he saw it was Holly that was trying to ring him.  

Get rid of her.

He looked down at the message on his Fit Bitch in despair.  The watch clearly wanted him alone and isolated for the time being so it could work on him some more.  He was desperate to ask Holly for help, desperate to beg her for aid - but he knew the Fit Bitch would punish him with pain.

Answering the call, he decided he had no choice but to convince her to stay at her Mom's. But how?

"What do you want?" he asked hesitantly.  He groaned as the watch rewarded him with a pulse of pleasure.

"Tyler.  I... I'm sorry about last night, you were tired and I pushed you too hard. I'm going to come home so we can talk about,"

"Please don't," he said without thinking.

The pain was incredible.  The word 'please' like filth in his mouth.  He had to expunge the pain, he needed the pleasure instead.

"I mean FUCKING don't," he gasped.  The pleasure returned.  Telling Holly to fuck off felt good. It thrilled him in a strange way and made him crave more.  Damn it, the pleasure from the Fit Bitch was so good.  He was starting to get addicted slightly.  His hand began to stroke his cock, almost without realising.

"Tyler, what are you saying?" said Holly in shock.  "Why are you talking to me like this?"

Ejaculation authorised for bitchy responses.

Ejaculation?  It had been days since he'd ejaculated.  The Fit Bitch gave him orgasm after orgasm, but it wouldn't let him cum.  He needed to cum.  Not being able to shoot his load had been frustrating, but now the watch was saying he could cum if he could only rid himself of Holly.

"Listen you dumb bitch," he gasped groaning as his cock got harder and harder and harder.  "I... ahhhh... I don't want to see you.  You've really pissed me off and I need a break from your stupid useless, ohhhh FUCK, idiotic presence... I OHHHH FUCK.... I... just stay away from me!" he screamed, gasping as the pleasure grew and grew.

Pumping his cock like a maniac, Tyler dropped his phone as cum blasted out of his dick and the most powerful orgasm of his life throbbed through his very being.

Ohhhh fuck - why did it feel so good to be evil?


Tyler had no idea what day it was anymore.  He thought it must be several days since he'd spoken to Holly and he hadn't left the flat since then.  She'd never turned up, just sent some messages about how much she hated him and that he needed help.

He thought maybe his Mom and Dad had come round at some point and tried to get in - but he'd double locked the doors and jammed a chair in the way so no one could get in.  He'd shouted at them to fuck off, and carried on masturbating.  The Fit Bitch wanted him all alone.

He didn't need food or drink anymore - just the protein shakes.  He didn't need do anything except jerk off and use the exercise equipment that Hyde.Inc had provided him. 

Funny thing was his dick seemed to be getting smaller.  He would jerk it for hours now... dressed in Holly's clothes watching the Youtube makeup channels and fashion hauls that the Fit Bitch was forcing him to watch.

From time to time, his hands would go down to Holly's makeup and he would try the techniques on himself.  He was getting pretty good at contouring.  A set of false nails sat ready and waiting.  He groaned as the Fit Bitch gave him a thrill of pleasure at the thought of having them on his hands.  Yesssss, long sexy nails would feel good.

He fondled his chest.  It felt good to rub his boobs - the slowly, swelling tits that were pushing out of his chest and expanding with every protein shake he drank. They were small, but growing in mass the more he exercised and the more he drank.

"Ohhhh fuck, I'm becoming such a slut," he moaned. Saying it sent a throb of pleasure through him. He really was starting to enjoy the transformation now.

It was so hard to resist - to stay sane when your every pleasure and pain response was being used against you.  The orgasms the Fit Bitch could give him were so powerful, he'd begun to crave them. They were like nothing else. He NEEDED those orgasms. 

And the watch was refusing to give them to him now unless his escalated his behaviour.  It was no longer enough to just wear girls clothes - he had to wear Holly's sluttiest outfits. He had to force himself to speak in a high pitched voice.  He had to use words like slut, bitch and whore.  Every now and then he'd try to think of a plan to escape the watch - to free himself from this situation - but then the pain would return.

It was easier not to fight - it was easier to surrender.

And worse... part of him was starting to wonder how far it was going to go and wanting more. Part of him was starting to wonder just what sort of girl he was becoming.  At first he'd thought Hyde.Inc wanted to make him some sort of helpless submissive - but even though the watch had him firmly under control for now, it didn't seem to be encouraging submissive behaviour.

Mean behaviour, yes.  Slutty behaviour... yes.  Bitchy behaviour... definitely.

"Fuck, like OMG - what am I becoming?" he whined in the increasingly bratty voice the Fit Bitch seemed to favour. 

Walking over to the mirror, Tyler realised he hadn't looked at himself properly for days.  The figure looking back at him looked feminine.  She had a toned, plump ass - nicely worked out with wide hips. Her breasts were small... cute and perky.  Pulling up the top he was wearing, Tyler rubbed one and groaned at how it felt.

What would it be like to have big tits? Big slutty teen knockers he could use to get people to do what he wanted.

Walking to the counter he saw there were dozens of sachets of the super enhanced hormones.  A sudden wicked idea entered his head.  He knew he shouldn't... he knew it was insane... but as he thought it, the Fit Bitch made him squirm with pleasure.

"I need bigger tits," he groaned, emptying six packets into one beaker.  The protein shake was thick... sludgy... like pink goop.  Gasping like a whore, he sucked it down... groaning as he felt it flowing into his stomach.  He could almost feel his tits inflating as he did so.

Giggling, Tyler slumped next to the mirror and began to rub his tits, groaning as he did so.  

Good girl.  Big tits are good.

"Ohhhh fuck yesssss," he gasped as he rubbed his increasingly tiny dick.

How many packets of protein could he drink in the next few hours?  He needed those boobs.

He was going to get them.


Tyler groaned as he sat up and felt the weight of his new heavy boobs on his chest. He no longer knew what day it was.  It felt like he had been in the flat for years, but he knew it was probably less time than that.  After days of pleasure and pain conditioning, the Fit Bitch on his wrist seemed to have stopped. Brushing his long silky hair out of his eyes he crawled through the discarded wrappers of the protein shakes and into the bathroom.  He had to see what this thing had done to him.

His body ached and the horniness he had been afflicted with was fading for the first time in days.  He still felt sexed up - but no longer consumed by a impossible desire to touch himself and masturbate.  It was like the Fit Bitch no longer wanted him trapped in the flat playing with himself.  It was like he was entering another stage.

"Like, what the fuck has this thing done to me," he groaned as he switched on the lights and gasped as he saw his reflection again.

Tyler was gone.  The girl looking back at him was the most beautiful, bitchy, feminine looking girl he had ever seen.  She had tanned flawless skin, a toned body and a beautiful face. She was a Goddess.

He couldn't help but thrill at how beautiful she was.  Could this really be him?  He made Holly look like a total plain Jane.

Physical calibration 90% complete.
Mental Calibration 40% complete.
Subject ready for Stage 2 - Total Bitchification.

"Oh my Gosh," groaned Tyler as he touched himself like he was a mirage.  "This can't be real, I'm Tyler... I'm a boy... this isn't happening."

Inappropriate name.  Inappropriate gender.

Tyler screamed as the pain returned.  He groaned in agony.

"NO!  No I am Tyler... I'm a boy.  I won't let you do this to me."

The pain intensified.

"NO STOP!  Okay!  I... I'm Skylar now.  I'm a girl... I'm a fucking girl!"

Acceptable identity.

"Oh fuck," gasped Skylar as the pain receded. She felt a sudden strange sensation in her crotch.  Looking down she squeaked in shock as she saw that after days and days of shrinking... her cock was entirely gone.  Whatever chemicals, hormones and DNA viral strains the protein shakes contained had finally completed their work.  Skylar had a pussy now.  She really was a girl.

Initiating stage 2. 

Skylar bit her lip anxiously as she looked down at the ominous words on her Fit Bitch and wondered what they meant.  What was Hyde.Inc's end game?  Why were they doing this to her, and what were they going to try and do next?

She didn't know... but she had a horrible feeling she was about to find out!




  1. I want to trade in my watch for a Fit Bitch please ❤️

  2. Like OMG, I could really use a Fit Bitch watch. Being MTF, as I am, on HRT, decades now actually. I could miss all the ignorance, hate n disrespect, that I've seen n experienced first hand. Miss all the ugly things, I've experienced in my transitioning. Would be so relaxing n refreshing, for sure.

    I so love your stories, as well as that beautiful mind, for which you have.

  3. Holy shit evie this is sizzling hot. I love the slow burn feeling and I just want more

  4. Well top marks immediately go to the pun - it just writes itself from there! Wonderful first part hunny and I especially love the warnings for 'inappropriate clothing'. If only we all had such good instructions for dressing like a hot bitch and you've set up a lovely backstory ripe for corruption too

  5. This was wonderful Evie - I felt bad for Tyler, a total victim, but it was so hot reading how he succumbed to bitch-hood. Can't wait to read more, and hopefully Skylar will get those huge tits she wants too...

  6. Great concept start. I feel like this can go so many ways. Like the watch could have different modes, like gymbo, get ready for dubai, muscle domme and more

  7. I loved it ⭐⭐⭐⭐✌️


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