Things have changed

 Things have changed

"Hello Martin - welcome back to the office. As you can see, things have changed around here since you were last in.  I'm so pleased that the medical procedures you underwent have been successful and that you're fully fighting fit again - but I thought I better invite you along for a re-orientation session so that you understand how the restructuring has worked and your new place in the company.

What has it been?  Six months. I bet you hardly recognise the place.  I've had to make a LOT of changes to get things they way I wanted them.  You see, I'm in charge here now and you can call me Miss Snow.  Your former CEO, Mr Jones just wasn't good enough.  This perfume company was on the verge of collapse and if I hadn't have stepped in to take over, everyone would have been made unemployed.

Of course it helped that Jones basically begged me to take over the company and he sold it to me for a pittance. He signed everything over to me and crawled on all fours like a dog round this office at my command.  He was totally broken by the end - enslaved completely to my will. 

You see I'm not just some clueless entrepreneur in this for the money... I actually used to work in this business and was a high level perfumer.  I was the best at what I did with a real 'nose' for the business if you'll pardon the pun.  I became interested in the way scent and smell interact with the mind and the possibilities began to intrigue me.  I discovered that using certain pheromones... certain chemicals... one could create perfumes with a variety of different special effects.

That would lead to my crowning achievement - Domiessence.  I created a perfume designed to trigger certain responses in women and men.  A perfume that would enhance female sexuality and confidence, but also leave men weak and suggestive.  My experiments were wildly successful - more successful than I could ever have dreamt. When I tried the perfume on it transformed me from a shy and nerdy scientist, into a ravenous ultra-ambitious bitch.  As my confidence and ambition grew I found that men were now helpless to resist my commands.  One whiff of Domiessence and they became weak and submissive - desperate to serve.  

I knew I had to share this wonderful gift with the world.  I needed to make all women like me... strong, dominant... powerful.  If my perfume could be spread far enough - I could create a truly matriarchal society - a better society.  

That's why I needed this company.  I now have millions of bottles of Domiessence ready to ship around the world. Soon women all over this planet will begin to dowse their skin with the essence.  They'll groan as they feel something lustful and dominant waking within them - a need to dominate men, to enslave and command the weak little fools they surround them. Nothing can stop it now... in a matter of weeks the world will be transformed forever.

I say weeks because there is one final thing I don't quite understand and need to research before I go ahead with the launch. You see I've discovered an interesting side-effect to my perfume and I wish to develop and study it further.  In some men... Domiessence seems to awaken a feminine urge within them too and they begin to transform.

Rather than become enslaved like other men - they undergo the same transformation as women do.  Their very body chemistry seems to alter and they swiftly and rapidly become completely feminine - and eventually fully female.  I find this metamorphosis fascinating and wish to understand it better.

As you can see, your former colleagues Bryce and Jason have completed their metamorphosis.  They were the first to change and I failed to fully study the effects as it took me by surprise.  By the time I realised their dicks were shrinking and their breasts were fully grown - it was too late.

Like all converts to a cause Braylin and Jazlyn are particularly loyal.  They despise the men they used to be and have become ultra-feminine in everything they do.  They are my most loyal and dependable employees and their rewards in the new world order will be great.

It was their idea to lure you here to the office.  You see Martin - your place in our plans is simple.  I'm going to test my new super-strength Domiessence on you.  We believe you may be susceptible in the same way your colleagues were.  I want to dowse you in my perfume and watch as you transform from a weak boy into a strong and powerful woman.  I want to see you wear lingerie and lipstick and join our cause as a dominant, assertive, bitch.  I want you on MY team.

Mmmmmh, can you smell that Martin?  That is the scent of femininity.  Let it fill your lungs.  Feel your breasts starting to grow and your useless little dick shrinking away.  Let your hair lengthen and allow your new female persona to take over and possess you.  The new you is going to be such a hot, powerful bitch - you can't resist her.  Yessss, touch your body and feel the changes.  Listen to your bones cracking and your body reorganising itself to be superior.  You have ovaries now and estrogen is pumping through your body. Doesn't it feel so much better to be female?  Let femininity consume you and be the bitch you long to become.  Become... Martina.

Ladies - go help your new sister finish her transformation and find her some better clothes. I will review the footage I've recorded, but it appears my experiment is a wild success.  Now alongside our perfume range, we will need to begin producing a range of men's aftershaves designed to trigger as many transformations as possible.  The patriarchy will be even easier to dominate once more men join our cause and become just like us.  Domiessence is the key to our success, soon women WILL rule the world.

Things have changed forever...  isn't it delicious?"



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