

"How do I look?" asked Sarah's boyfriend Ryan as he finished adjusting the zip of the skin-suit and tugging Kenna's expensive work clothes into place. Sarah didn't want to admit it, but Ryan was beautiful now. He looked and sounded just like Kenna... the suit somehow absorbing his bigger mass and shrinking and squeezing him into her tiny form.  The once six foot man was now a five-foot-eight hottie with a sexy B cup chest.  It was like Ryan had never existed.

Kenna's tight black pencil skirt and white work blouse fit Ryan perfectly and even the scent of his hair and body were identical to hers now he was inside her.  Chanel No.5 rose around him in a cloud and Kenna's perfectly made up face was now welded to his own, her delicious white teeth and sky blue eyes replacing his own.

The ray-gun that had turned Sarah's most hated office rival into a wearable skin-suit now lay on a nearby desk - Ryan's discarded male clothing next to it.  It had only taken a few minutes to complete the replacement, luring Kenna into the store room and zapping her until the bitch deflated and turned into an empty skin.

It had been strange watching Ryan struggle and push inside Kenna. He'd obviously enjoyed the experience... groaning as his body slid into her soft smooth skin and it snapped into place over his own.  He'd groaned as his crotch had merged with Kenna's tight pussy and her breasts had attached onto his chest... inflating slowly as he pulled her face into place and he had become a perfect physical copy of the horny, young slut.

Ryan had assured Sarah that he could remove the skin anytime he chose and then use the ray-gun to re-inflate her body.  She'd be disorientated and confused, her memory of what had happened vague and unclear.  It would be the perfect sabotage - though it still felt... wrong... somehow.

Sarah tried to remind herself that Kenna had brought this upon herself.  The devious bitch had stolen all of Sarah's ideas and gone to their boss with them behind her back.  She'd convinced the boss that they were HER ideas and he'd promoted her immediately. 

Sarah wasn't about to take that lying down.  She'd decided she needed to sabotage Kenna's plan at once.  She'd have her boyfriend take Kenna's place and confess everything to the boss. It was a fool-proof plan.  Foolproof.

"You look just like her baby," she answered.  "Now go into the bosses office and deal with this bitch once and for all for me."


As he waited for Sarah's boss to become available in a comfy office chair in the waiting room, Ryan gasped as Kenna's bitchy voice suddenly entered his head.

"Hey?  Who the fuck are you and why are you inside me?  Ooooh, I can't control my body, how kinky."  

"Go away, you're not supposed to be conscious," he thought back furiously.

"Hey, you're that stupid little bitch's hot boyfriend aren't you?" purred the voice in his mind.  "Don't try to deny it - I can read your thoughts. OMG - I can't believe she convinced you to do this."

"Damn it," muttered Ryan to himself. "The gun has somehow left Kenna's mind switched on."

"You bet I'm switched on - and I can feel you're 'switched on' too.  Getting horny in my body aren't you? I don't blame you it feels good to be a girl doesn't it?"

Ryan squeezed his eyes shut and tried to ignore the voice. He had to admit since he'd put Kenna on he'd been feeling really fucking horny.  His new body felt so nice and he was desperate to touch himself, but knew he shouldn't.

"I have a REALLY high sex drive.  I need to get fucked at least once a day or I'm unsatisfied.  Sometimes, I like to sneak off to the ladies and fuck myself.  There's a vibrator in my handbag. Why don't you go there now and have a little fun?"

Ryan gritted his teeth.  He had a mission to perform here and couldn't afford to get distracted.  Kenna's soft, purring voice was really distracting him though.  She began to whine in a sexual, horny voice... increasing his arousal.

"Mmmmh, you know... it's kind of a turn on being trapped inside my own body able to feel everything, but with you in control.  I like it when a guy takes control when I'm fucking and having you inside me is the ultimate kink. Please go to the toilet and touch yourself.  I wanna feel you cum whilst in control of me.  Don't you want that too baby?"

"I have a mission to complete," panted Ryan.

"Your only mission should be to experience life as me.  You're such a fucking pussy for that bitch Sarah, but stick with me and I'll teach you how it feels to be the confident hot slut for a change.  Don't tell me you aren't curious to touch your new tits... finger your tight pussy.  I can feel how horny you are, how much you want this. Forget your stupid mission - take my body and use it.

Ryan was rubbing his breasts through his blouse, almost unaware of what he was doing.  Snapping back to reality, he cursed and standing made his way to the ladies.  " Fuckkkk, I shouldn't be doing this."

"It feels good to be naughty doesn't it?  Don't worry, no one will catch you.  Find a stall and get comfortable. I can't wait to feel your hands on my body."

Walking into the ladies for the first time ever, Ryan selected a stall and going in locked the door.  Sliding down his skirt and removing his panties, he shivered in pleasure as he looked down at Kenna's shaven slit and moaning used a finger to gently touch his clit.  It felt amazing and spreading his legs wide, Ryan moaned more deeply as he slowly slid a finger inside himself and shivered in delight.

"That's it baby.  Masturbating as a girl feels so good doesn't it?  I do this all the time.  Let my bodies muscle memory guide you.  Let your new body take control."

Lulled by the insistent words, Ryan relaxed and allowed Kenna's sexy body to do what felt right.  Relaxing his control, he smiled as his fingers began to move - sliding inside and out as if they had a life of their own.  

"Doesn't it feel good to be a slut?  Doesn't it feel good to be me?"

"Yesssss," hissed Ryan.

"You know that dumb bitch you call a girlfriend is lying to you by the way Ryan.  I was the one who came up with those new ideas - I was the one with the ambition and vision to convince the boss to try them. She's just jealous of me... of US."

Arching his back, Ryan gasped as his hands went to his tits and squeezed.  Kenna's beautiful face was a mask of ecstasy, the feel of her skin and her body driving him mad with desire he loved how this felt.

"Mmmmmmmh, oooooooh... us?"

"Yes... us.  You're with me now Ryan.  You're INSIDE me... you're BECOMING me."

"N...nnnnno," groaned Ryan as his fingers pumped in faster and faster and his other hand slid into Kenna's handbag to feel the shape of her small vibrator.

"Yessssss.  Don't try to fight this Ryan.  You WANT to become me more than anything you've ever wanted in your life. You want to stop being a dumb, boring, boy and become a hot, successful woman."

The vibrator buzzed to life and Ryan screamed in ecstasy as it pushed against his throbbing clit. 

"I knew the moment you were inside me that I was wearing YOU, not the other way round.  You don't want to be in control Ryan, you want to lose yourself in me and let your lame life go.  You want my memories... my desires... my thoughts to become your own.  You want to forget all about who you once were.  Just let it go... cum like a slut and become me.  You are Kenna now... we are the same."

Drool dripped from Ryan's open mouth as he began to cum and his wet pussy exploded and squirted. Kenna's voice was inside Ryan's mind as she flowed into him - bypassing any resistance as she took back control of her body and absorbed his weak male mind into her own being.

"YES! I'm becoming Kenna... I AM KENNA!"

As Kenna began to cum harder, the skin sealed tight forever and her perfect lips curved into a wicked grin of triumph...

In moments she'd forgotten she'd ever been Ryan in the first place.


Sarah looked at her watch in despair.  It had been nearly two hours since Ryan had set off on his mission and there was still no sign of his return.  Where the hell could he be?

Deciding she better go and see what was keeping him, she crept down the corridor to her bosses office. It was funny, but as she approached she swore she could hear a woman's voice screaming in pleasure and a strange rhythmic thudding slapping sound. Slowly pushing open the door to her bosses office, she peered through the gap.

"YES, YES... your cock feels so good inside me," moaned Kenna as she bounced up and down on the bosses huge dick.  "I told you I was better than your wife."

"Yes, oh fuck yes Kenna - you're better than anyone I've ever met.  Fuck, how are you so tight?"

"Mmmmmmh, let's just say that guys LOVE to be inside me," she giggled laughing at her own private joke.  "I am better than anyone aren't I?  Especially that bitch Sarah. I want you to fire her."

"Yesss, oh fuck yes ANYTHING," grunted the boss as Kenna squeezed her vaginal muscles tight and made him howl in ecstasy.

"Mmmmh good boy."

Tears streaming down her face Sarah staggered away from the door.  No... this couldn't be true.  Ryan wouldn't betray her like this.  She ran to the ladies and sitting inside a stall sobbed.  Why did it stink of pussy in here?

"Fucking bitch," spat Sarah as she fixed her makeup.  "Ryan must have taken her off and used the gun to restore her - that's the only explanation.  There's no way he'd fuck my boss. I'll find him and the gun and take care of this myself."

Leaving the bathroom, she returned to the stockroom where they'd left the gun and gasped as she opened it to find Kenna waiting for her.  She was half naked and cum was dripping down her face, but she also held the skin-suit gun in her hands.

"Hi Sarah... you're fired," laughed Kenna as she blasted Sarah and watched her deflate into a helpless skin.

Using the flesh of her rival to wipe the cum from her face, Kenna neatly folded Sarah up and then walking to an old locked filing cabinet, opened it and dropped the skin suit inside.  Locking it carefully she smirked at the thought of her enemy trapped and helpless.

"You can spend a couple of months in there bitch... I've filed you under L for Loser.  Maybe I'll turn you back... eventually.  Then again, maybe you can stay there forever."

Laughing, Kenna slid the gun into her handbag, put her blouse back on and walked out of the room.

No one would ever see Ryan and Sarah ever again...


The model is Kenna James from


  1. Mmm both chilling and hot at the same time. A wicked tale of betrayal, Evie!

  2. It's so hard to get skinsuit stories right, but you make it seem effortless Evie! This was hot and also cold AF.

  3. this is amazing. Will there be an alternate version of it


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