A last resort

 A last resort

For Sadie

It was baking hot by the time they arrived at the resort and the the sun was at it's zenith.  Most of the residents were taking shade in their air-conditioned bedrooms - a few braver souls lounging by the pool and tanning.  Stepping out of the taxi into the warm air, Melissa Johnson looked around and smiled encouragingly at her two companions.  "Well isn't this lovely?"

Cassandra scowled, sliding a pair of thick heavy black sunglasses on to shield her sensitive eyes from the glare of the sub. Slinking out of the car, she thrust her hands defiantly into her high waisted black jeans and didn't even to offer to help as her Mom and the taxi driver got the luggage out of the boot.

Last to emerge was Danny, her relatively new step-dad.  Well dressed and well built, he moved effortlessly through the hot air and already looked like he was born to the climate.  Cassandra hated how easily he dealt with everything. She really fucking hated his guts and for his part, he deliberately ignored her as he moved to the back of the car to help his wife. 

Melissa sighed - this was going to be harder than she thought.  She just wanted Danny and Cassandra to get along better and stop arguing.  The stress at home was killing her. Her punky, outspoken daughter seemed to have endless problems with her new handsome husband.  Cassandra still hadn't forgiven Melissa for her Dad walking out on them and blamed her.  Now eighteen, she had become increasingly difficult. This was Melissa's last resort to try and fix the problems between them.

A friend of hers had suggested this resort. The resort specialised in providing positive outcomes for families and individuals.  You just had to tell them what you wanted out of the experience and they would provide everything for you.  A pre-programmed Key-Chain would be given to every visitor containing info on drinks, food and activities - and making sure they made the most of their visit.  Melissa had asked that the resort staff work on helping Danny and Cassandra get along.  

Walking into the resort reception, Melissa smiled as a well groomed young woman took them through the checking in process and they were each provided with a key chain.

"Remember - don't lose your chain," smiled the woman, "you'll need it to access all of the resorts facilities."

They went to their respective rooms and unpacked.  Cassandra had her own room down the hallway and Melissa and Danny were obviously sharing.  As she took her clothes out of her suitcase and hung them carefully in the fitted wardrobe, Melissa spoke to her husband.

"Danny - I want you to promise me you'll take this seriously. I really want you and Cassandra to start getting on. Promise me you'll use this as an opportunity to improve your relationships."

Danny sighed but nodded.  "Of course dear - anything for you."

They finished un-packing and went out to the pool to check out the facilities.  There was an outdoor bar, piped music and rows of neat white sun-loungers.

"Look at the fucking state of this place," whinged Cassandra as she joined them moments later.  Melissa winced at her daughters rude t-shirt and the sleeve of tattoos down each arm.  She'd begged Cassandra not to get them, but her daughter had ignored her as usual.

"Look at that dumb bimbo with that guy - he must be double her age. This place sucks, it's full of fucking dumb spoiled bitches and their sugar-daddies. "

Cassandra was pointing towards a buxom young woman who was relaxing in a designer swimsuit next to an older man.  An expensive diamond ring shone on her finger, showing he was her husband - but clearly it wasn't his body she was interested in.

"Jesus, I need a drink. I can drink here? It's legal right?"

"Yes, the legal age is 18 so you're fine," said Melissa through gritted teeth as she watched her daughter go to the bar and use her key-chain.  She returned moments later with some sort of pink cocktail and a scowl on her face.

"Fucking loser would only let me order this - all our purchases are pre-ordered apparently. "  Sipping the cocktail, her eyes widened slightly in pleasure and she grinned. "Wow, I don't know what this is but it tastes amazing. So fruity and... pink.  Think I'll have another one in a bit."

Humming and her mood seemingly improved she went to sit on a table in the shade and sulk.  Meanwhile Michael had made his order and was sipping a blue cocktail of some kind. He too seemed happy with his purchase.

Going to the bar herself, Melissa was surprised to be given a grey and insipid looking cocktail. She'd been hoping for a nice pink one like her daughter.  "Oh no - that's not for you," grinned the waiter. 

Annoyed Melissa went back to her family.  Cassandra had already finished her cocktail and to Melissa's surprise had moved into the sun.  She lay back, her lips slightly parted absorbing the rays on a reclining chair.  Melissa couldn't believe it - Cassandra usually hated the sun and burned easily, but Melissa saw a member of staff had arrived to help.  He was busy rubbing some sort of tanning lotion into Cassandra's pale flesh and obviously Cassandra was enjoying the attention.

"You know Mom, maybe this place isn't so bad?" she grinned as she lay back and soaked up the rays, the member of staff moving respectfully away.  A speaker near Cassandra's head played relaxing music and the family all settled down to enjoy their first afternoon.

"Mmmh, think I'll have another pink cocktail," giggled Cassandra and Melissa was shocked to hear the girlish catch in her usually sullen daughters voice.  Wow - this place really might work out after all!


"Fuck - how the fuck did I tan so quickly?" asked Cassandra as she checked herself out in her bedroom mirror and marvelled at the strange changes from only a few hours ago. 

Cassandra was feeling a bit drunk. She'd had four of the cocktails - two when her Mom wasn't watching, before leaving the pool and heading back to her room. They were just so fucking yummy and drinking them made her feel good.  Maybe it had been a bad idea though. She felt weird - her skin itchy and her flat chest seemed puffy.

Cassandra looked at her usually pale skin.  It was now a golden tawny colour - still pale and whiteish, but deliciously rich and creamy too. It felt softer too.  There was something weird as well - something she couldn't quite...

"Where the fuck are my tattoos?" she gasped as she suddenly looked at her arms and realised her sleeves of tattoos had completely gone.  "No way, NO FUCKING WAY. This isn't possible."

Then again - didn't her arms look better now?

"NO... this isn't possible. I must be hallucinating.  Tattoo's don't just vanish, it isn't possible."

Suddenly she groaned.  She felt dizzy, her head was itching and her skin burned.  Gasping she staggered to the bed, a wave of tiredness overcoming her.  She needed a little nap - yes an afternoon nap.  The radio hissed on as she collapsed into bed - pulses of sound washing over her as she began to fall into dreams.

Yessssss, it wasn't worth worrying about the lost tattoos.  She just needed to relax. Smiling she lay back and let delicious sleep take her.

She'd have a sleep, then a shower. There were lots of pink feminine products provided for her in the shower. Body lotions and shampoos.  She couldn't wait to try all of them...


Melissa sat awkwardly at the dinner table whilst she watched her husband and her daughter pig out.  Both of them had been provided with special meals - which for Cassandra appeared to be some sort of pink milkshake, very reminiscent of the cocktail and huge amounts of salad and fruit in some sort of unique dressing.  Danny was also eating a high protein diet of some kind.

He'd enjoyed his afternoon by the pool.  He looked tanned and relaxed, his body if anything even more sculpted and sexy than usual.  This place was a having a good effect on him.

Both Danny and Cassandra looked different tonight.  Melissa had been shocked to see how tanned they both were, but it was more than that.  Cassandra's hair for example - it seemed a lot lighter than usual. Her skin was definitely softer. She was also carrying herself in a more feminine way and her conversation was almost... flirty.   She kept rubbing at her chest - as if it were uncomfortable, and Melissa could swear her daughter seemed... bustier... than usual.

By contrast, Danny looked handsome as always, yet more intense and rugged somehow. The lotion he too had been given by an attendant had brought out his tan and his physique seemed even more manly than normal.  He had evidently enjoyed the blue cocktails he had been provided with.  He seemed less surly than usual and to Melissa's delight, seemed to be finally showing an interest in getting along with Cassandra.  He complimented her on her tan - they chatted about how nice the resort was.

Melissa did agree, but she was a little irritated that both Danny and Cassandra appeared to be getting special treatment - whilst she was getting nothing.  The resort staff seemed focused on her husband and daughter, it was enough to spark jealousy within her.  Telling herself she was being silly, she forced her jealousy down and got back to work enjoying the dinner and the company of her family.

She watched as Cassandra giggled at something and placed her hand on Danny's arm.  He grinned at her.

Her husband and daughter were finally getting on - this resort truly was fantastic...


Stretching in the morning sun, Cassandra purred like a cat and sighed happily as she slipped out of bed.  "Mmmmh, I feel soooo great today."

It was true.  Cassandra was not normally a morning person - but today she was up bright and early and she had never felt better.  Walking over to the mirror she gazed at herself in amazement, "What the fuck?"

It had been weird enough that her tattoos had vanished without a trace - but now Cassandra could see other changes that had seemingly happened over night.  Her hair was now long and blonde - but those were not the *biggest* changes.

Cassandra had always been flat-chested, much like her Mom.  But that was no longer a problem for her.  Two massive breasts, each firm and perfectly rounded were now attached to her chest.  She hefted them in amazement, unsure what to do or say.  "Holy fuck!  My tits... my hair... what the fuck is happening to me?"

Cassandra knew she should be freaking out - but to be honest - she was kind of entranced by how hot she was.  It wasn't like she'd woken up looking like shit - if anything it was like she'd been improved overnight and was now some sort of busty Goddess.

Picking up the phone she rang reception.  "Hello. Yeah listen, what the fuck is going on?  Your resort is doing something to me. I look like a completely new woman..."

"I'm sorry Miss - do you wish to raise a complaint with the management?"

Complain?  No I like these changes... don't I?

"Well, errr, I mean - not not complain - I mean... no I..."

"Miss - everything that is happening is all part of your special plan.  You have a personal trainer coming to your room in ten minutes to help with your morning work out.  You will find new clothes that fit in the wardrobe, our staff are always on hand to help.  Enjoy your morning."

Cassandra hung up feeling slightly stunned, she felt confused and unsure of what she was doing.  

"I... what the fuck is happening?"

A sudden knock at the door startled her and she opened it to find a super enthusiastic pretty blonde girl on the other side.

"OH my GOSH!  I am SOOOOO pleased to meet you.  You're like so totes pretty!  My name is Bunny and I'm here to be your personal trainer."

"Personal trainer?" stuttered Cassandra.

"Yeah, are you Cassie?"

"Cassie?  No.. I'm... actually Cassie will be fine."

Cassie had always hated the shortened version of her name, but now she couldn't think why. It was actually kind of cute.  There was something *nice* about Bunny.  Cassie felt her own mouth break into a smile... showing perfect white teeth.  

"So are you ready to hit the gym with me babe?"

"I sure am... babe," giggled Cassie feeling herself getting into it.  This was fun.  All her worries and fears about the strange changes she was going to faded away.  "Just let me grab a gym outfit and a towel and let's get started."


Danny glanced over at Melissa who was still asleep in bed and looked down at his dick.  It was definitely bigger... nearly three inches.  Grinning he slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom.  He felt great today, stronger, more manlier.  

He thought back to last night - he'd finally made a break through with Cassandra.  Once she had started being nice to him, he had actually enjoyed talking to her.  It was fun to chat to an eighteen year old girl.  The resort seemed to be full of them - all going out with older men.

He knew it was kind of weird to date a woman nearly half your age, but then again if he was rich and successful, maybe he would too.  I mean - he loved Melissa, but given the chance to have a blonde, busty, goldgigging bimbo on his arm... wouldn't he take the chance?

Just imagine having a bitch like that on your arm... just imagine how good it would feel to fuck her?

His cock twitched and he groaned.  Damn he was horny this morning.  He needed to get his shit together and fast. Maybe a swim at the pool?  Melissa was never a morning person, she probably wouldn't be up for hours. In the meantime he could probably get a good work out going.

Grabbing his towel he headed off.


Cassie giggled as she finished slurping on her pink morning milkshake and she and Bunny towelled off after their workout.  The music Bunny had put on was sooooo fun and Cassie had enjoyed dancing to it and feeling her big new tits bounce up and down.  Plenty of men and some women had been checking her out and it made her feel good to know that she could draw attention now.

Attention is good. Being busty is good.  This is soooo much better than being some flat chested loser.

Cassie giggled again as she adjusted her lip-gloss.  She felt so fucking pretty and she liked it.  Looking in her wardrobe this morning she'd found a whole new set of clothes that fit her sexy body much better and she loved all of them.

She'd chosen a stars and stripes bikini set to really show what an all American girl she was.  It felt good to wear eye-catching clothing like this.  She loved how it made her look.  Now they were relaxing by the pool and the longer she chatted with Bunny, the more empty-headed and pretty Cassie felt. It was like Bunny's way of talking and acting was... contagious.

Cassie found her movements were now more feminine, her voice had a spoiled bratty twang to it.  She felt dumber somehow... but in a good way.  Like, looking pretty and being a cocktease was more important and fun than how she used to be.  Sighing happily, she stretched her perfect new body - wondering if the resort would help her become any hotter?

"OMG that's my step-daddy," giggled Cassie as she nudged Bunny and spotted Danny coming down to the pool to swim.

"Oh gosh girl, he is HOT!" squealed Bunny as she bit her finger and looked at Cassie suggestively.  "Have you fucked him?"

"WHAT?" screeched Cassie. "Eugggh, don't be gross."

"But he's not your real Dad, and look how hot he is.  He would TOTALLY be an amazing fuck.  I bet he has a massive cock, wouldn't you LOVE to steal him from your Mom and get that dick inside of you?"

"Nnnnn... I mean... ummmm maybe, I guess I never thought about it before."

Cassie really hadn't - but she was now... and the thought was making her wet.  She'd always thought she hated Danny, but that was because of the kind of girl she was.  Now she felt different - and now she was having some really naughty thoughts about him.

"Babe, your Mom is paying for all this so you and him can hit things off and get along.  If you fuck him, he'll be totally your sugar Daddy for life. Your Mom never even has to know."

OMG - Bunny is right. I should totally fuck him.

"I... I don't know," groaned Cassie.  

Suddenly she saw Danny was approaching and she felt her pussy get even wetter. Oh fuck! She now wanted this so badly.

"C...Cassandra?  Is that you?" asked Danny in stunned disbelief as he looked at his transformed step-daughter.

"DADDY!" she screeched throwing her arms around him.  "Look how sexy I got! The resort has totally changed me.  I'm like a total hottie now."

Danny couldn't believe what he was seeing.  His difficult, moody, sulky step-daughter had been totally replaced by this vision of blonde loveliness. Her huge tits squished against his body and he felt his new enlarged cock twitch as he breathed her delicious scent.

"Cassandra, this is insane. How can you have changed so quickly?"

"It's Cassie now Daddy," she purred "and you've changed too. You're even more handsome than you used to be."

The two of them gazed into each other's eyes... and something began to click...


Yawning tiredly, Melissa opened her eyes and rolled out of bed.  She felt kinda weak and submissive today - maybe it was all this weak food and drink she was being given today.  A sort of listless apathy, a desire to just accept things had come across her.  She dressed quietly, wondering where Danny and Cassandra were today, then went to breakfast.  Neither of them were there and after drinking another disgusting grey milk shake, she decided she better look for them.

They weren't by the pool either, but when she asked an attendant she indicated she thought she'd seen them heading to the private pool area.  Only guests with the correct key-card access could enter and only a few at a time.

Grabbing her things Melissa headed off to look for her family.


It had only taken a few minutes alone in the private pool for Cassie to turn to him.

 "Daddy, I'm a bad girl now and I want you to fuck me."

"Yes Princess... whatever you say."

All at once she'd been on him... her tongue in his mouth, his hands on her ass and squeezing her big new tits.  He'd been hard almost instantly, her manicured hands sliding into his pants to find his big dick.

Now Danny couldn't believe he had his big new cock rammed deep down his step-daughters mouth - but here they were in the private pool area - totally alone. Their raging hormones and new bodies were ready to fuck and they had barely wasted any time.

"Ohhhh yesss Daddy, I'm your little bimbo Princess now.  Put your big dick in my slutty mouth."

Danny grunted in pleasure as Cassie sucked and slurped like a little whore.  Looking down into her eyes, he grinned happily.  They were the same, but different. She looked sluttier now, Cassie had embraced whatever this change was and she was enjoying the power she had over him.

Gagging and moaning, she sucked and slurped as he pushed the length in and out of her pink mouth. He was so hard now and he could barely stand it as she sucked him so good he thought he might pop right there and then.

"Oh fuck Cassie, I need to fuck you so bad.  Bend over for me baby,"

"Yes Daddy - take me... I'm your naughty slut now.  Why fuck Mommy when you can have my tighter pussy instead."

Mention of Melissa made him feel a twang of guilt, but also desire. It was kind of hot to cheat.  And really this was all Melissa's fault anyway - she was the one who had insisted they all come to this damn resort.

"Like this Daddy?  Like a good little bimbo whore?"

Cassie giggled and wiggled her butt, bent over on all fours. She knew exactly what she was doing to him and she liked it.

"Fuck... you little bitch yes.  Exactly like that."

"OH MY GAWDDDDD!" screamed Cassie as Danny pushed his huge new cock into her tight, tiny pussy and she screamed in ecstasy. She'd never felt anything fill her up so big and she loved how it felt.  "Fuck yes, put it in all the way."

Grunting like a stud, Danny began to fuck Cassie sliding in and out with long slow confident thrusts.  She looked back at him and he groaned, seeing her slutty face moaning in ecstasy nearly sent him over the edge.

"Oh Daddy, I'm such a bad girl... such a fucking little slut. Punish me... TAKE ME!"

Danny grunted and slapping her ass repeatedly, began to hammer her pussy hard with his dick.  She gurgled and squealed as she came twice, her eyes rolling up in her head as she pushed back with her ass and they fucked like animals.

"YES OH FUCK YESSSSS! Put a fucking baby in me Daddy! OH YES!"


Melissa felt like she was having a heart-attack.  Perhaps she was.

She stood, mute and unmoving... the same strange ennui that had overcome her earlier draining any action from her body as she watched her husband fuck her daughter.  She had never seen two human beings fuck in such a raw animalistic way before. They were perfect together, fitting together like parts of a jigsaw and she was only able to stand and watch in admiration.

Danny had never fucked her like that before.

Cassie was screaming and moaning, obviously enjoying every minute of this forbidden taboo sex. She looked like some totally sexy bimbo brat. She looked like the girls she had mocked and derided only yesterday.  Now she was the slutty bimbo who only cared about herself. Melissa watched almost idly as her twisted daughter got everything she wanted.

"Yes Daddy, fuck me full of your cum and put a baby inside me. I'm your little bimbo Princess now and we don't need Mommy anymore. You and I are all that matters! Take me! OH FUCK YES!"

The resort... they had done this. 

Melissa couldn't believe how much Cassie had changed. She had become a blonde Goddess and her Danny was now an Adonis.

The worst bit was - this is what she had asked them to do. She had asked them to ensure her daughter and husband got along.  This really wasn't what she had in mind at the time.

And the resort had been changing her too. She realised she should be furious, angry even - but she felt nothing. Just a cold numbness inside and an acceptance that this was all for the best. 

What had they done to her?  Those grey drinks... they had made her grey and plain. She wasn't even going to fight for her marriage anymore.

She turned and walked away - not getting to see her husband blow his load inside her daughter for the first of many times, as she pulled off her wedding ring and let it fall to the floor with a tinkle...

Her marriage was over and it looked like Danny and Cassie were an item now.  I guess that made this the last family holiday they would ever have together.

It really was the last resort...



  1. Love it! Can I get a pink drink please 🍸❤️

  2. Ooh wonderful. Love a good punk-to-bimbo TF


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